Page 2 Thursday, October 14, 1965 Over Mv Dead Bodv! UNC Presidents (Stye Bathj (liar tfcel Opinions of the Daily Tar Heel are expressed in its editorials. Letters and columns, covering a wide range of views, reflect the personal opinions of their authors. ERNIE McCRARY, EDITOR JACK HARRINGTON. BUSINESS MANAGFR Dr. Chase Led UNC In Campus Expansion (DTH Editor Ernie McCrary is in the infirmary. During his absence editorials will be contributed by persons whose views do not necessarily represent those of the Daily Tar Heel.) Of Time And Thomas Wolfe Chapel Hill's Tom Wolfe is not unlike the weather. Everybody talks about him, but nobody does any thing about it. Nearly half a century has elapsed since the gaunt and lonely adolescent first stalked into "Pulpit Hill" and began to absorb the bitter-sweet images that would find their fruition on the pages of "Look Home ward, Angel." Nearly half a century has spun by while scholars and historians and critics and sociologists have probed and dissected and analyzed and eulogized. It has been a half century of prideful self-discovery for the University. It has been a half century of talk. With the exception of the Thomas Wolfe Collection in the library, there is no token on this campus no building, no plaque, no statue that even vaguely hints at the fact that one of the eternal giants of world literature once wrote his themes on toilet paper in a dingy room in Old East. There is no tangible symbol at the University that might serve as an inspiration to undergraduates and a reminder to those who have gone before. We are wondering why. We would like to see a statue an angel perhaps erected in some conspicuous location on campus. Polk Place suggests itself. The stretch of green be tween South Building and the Library is the intellect ual hub of campus and would offer a symmetrical site for a monument of this sort. The inscription would borrow Wolfe's own words. "To Thomas Wolfe who came to this University in 1916. 0 lost, and by the wind grieved, Ghost come back again. ' ' The angel would face westward, towards Ashe ville, towards home. Armistead Maupin, Jr. It Could Be Verse It's one of those little things one of those subtle, lilliputian annoyances that nibble away at our pa tience without ever taking a really big chomp. j But it nibbles all the same. - - " - For three years it has nibbled and we have stood it. We have gritted our teeth at ball games and pep rallies and assemblies and we have stood it. We can stand it no longer. We must, and we shall, bring this abomination out into the open. Hark the sound of Tar Heel voices, Ringing clear and true, Singing Carolina's praises, Shouting N.C.U. That's what it says. Shouting N.C.U. Why, surely you've heard of N.C.U. It's the bright est star above whose radiance shines so clear. It's the priceless gem that receives all our praises. It's the only word that rhymes with "true." To be sure, there is an institution in Durham by the name of N.C.C. Furthermore, the General Asseni bly has recently decided that a similar institution ex ists in Raleigh by the name of N.C.S.U. But, search as we might, we are unable to locate this N.C.U. If only that aspiring Oscar Hammerstein of the dim past had bothered to substitute the word "free" for the word "true," it might have then been possible to replace N.C.U. with U.N.C. But perhaps this is too much to ask of the man who stole his tune from the Cornell alma mater. Armistead Maupin, Jr. The Leftovers It has been well over five months since the Stu dents for a Democratic Society set up shop in Chapel Hill to provide "a meeting place for liberals and rad icals." We don't know a great deal about what this or ganization is doing at Carolina, but we hear they had a grand time last summer. At their national conclave in June, they decided to strike any mention of opposition to Communism from their constitution. The New Leader, the rather stuffy left-wing journ al, did not take the matter lightly. In its opinion the Students had stepped a little too far out of line. On September 27, the League for Industrial De mocracy an organization with strong socialist lean ings and the parent of SDS, decided once and for all to cut off funds from the fledgling group. LID executive secretary Tom Kahn pointed out that the chief reason for cutting off the money was the fact that his organization was on the brink of losing its tax-exempt status. We suspect that the old fogey radi cals of the LID were also growing a trifle nervous about the activities of their junior counterparts. Perhaps it was the decision to scratch criticism of Communism from the constitution that prompted the distrust of the parent organization. Perhaps it was the statement by SDSer Clark Kis singer to the effect that the organization should send men into army camps to urge inductees not to fight in Viet Nam. Then again, it might have been the pictures of Lenin hanging on the walls of the New York SDS office. Armistead Maupin, Jr. Letters To Editor, The Daily Tar Heel: Your cartoon in The Daily Tar Heel of October 9, 1965 has prompted us to voice our opinions on the ever-present debate as to "Who is Snobbing Whom and Why." Being females we, of course, are biased to our side of the argument; however, be ing rational human beings, we attempt to see both sides. So our boys at UNC think that the ma jority of the Coeds are self-centered, snob bish, over-dated, over-rated, pseudo-naive products of mass production. They com plain that the coeds are unfriendly and walk, talk and elevate their noses in a far too superior manner for the quality of their merchandise. As the products of girls' schools, and having been members of the T.G.I.F. (Thank God Tt'sf Ttfdly ! ) Union for two years, we feel qualified to say that there is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde difference in the Carolina Gentleman during the week and on the weekend. Our main argument centers around the fact that a girl is chastized for not smiling or speaking when passed by a member of the opposite sex. It has become evident that should the girl in question be a "knock out," upon smiling she sets herself up for an instant "snow job." On the other hand, should she be slightly less than Miss Cam pus Queen, she is the immediate recipient of innumerable crude remarks and other low-blows to the ego. So, what is a girl to do? She either walks around exposing herself to the ele ments, or dons her mask of stone for pro tection. Another fact which has received too lit tle attention is that the Carolina Co-ed has not been the one to acclaim her superiority. She did not build her pedestal nor did she ascend it on her own. Nevertheless, she now stands there in the minds of her male counterparts, forced to weather the storm which accompanies such a position. This campus is a two-way street upon which we both must walk. Therefore, we believe that a few changes need to be made. Would it be so difficult for both parties to give a little, and accept each other for what they are? Jane S. Caulkins Donna M. Jones Susan M. Starer Nurses Dorm Donna J. Worley 223 Winston Dorm. Editor, The Daily Tar Heel: By now it is history. Those four little Carolina freshmen nurses do not, have not, and will not exist. Their imaginary com plaints to you, however, were not neces sarily all deceitful lies. I have received numerous phone calls from the Nurses Dorm in the last week complaining of my "harshness" toward the lovelies in my for mer letter of October the eighth. I tried to convince them that I was not really sore at them for that low flying broom which bent my car antenna (though it was costly to replace). Realizing that Halloween is ap proaching, I have not been unduly annoyed by the consistent buzzing of the water tower and our dormitory, but I would truly ap preciate it if the nurses would either get their brooms "T" stickered, or park them in a larger broom closet rather than in our visitors parking area. I have offered to send each of the unfortunate freshmen nurses a small token of admiration just to show that there are no hard feelings. As for the Carolina Coeds who have sup ported my views, especially the Texas oriented women of Winston, I feel that per haps they are more representative of the student body. Surely, neither the nurses nor the girls of Whitehead, who come out only on Ground Hog Day, can complain of be ing unduly undated. The only consolation The Editor The Daily Tar Heel welcomes letters to the editor on any subject, particularly on matters of local or University inter est. Letters mast be typed, double spaced and must include the name and address of the author or authors. Names will not be omitted in publication. Let ters should be kept as brief as possible. The DTH reserves the right to edit for length or libel. may be that since everything is bigger in my home state of Texas, perhaps some where we have bigger dogs. Sophocles McSweeney 254 Morrison Raincoat Division Nurses Defend, Texan Charges Editor, The Daily Tar Heel: Carolina students may be classified in any number of ways according to school or major, dorm, home town, dining hall preference (haven't you ever noticed that the warp and woof of Pine Room People is different from that of Lenoir Hall People?) There are many possibilities, but only one classification system neatly and simply di vides the Carolina Zoo into two personality species. Leopards and tigers are distin guished by the cut of their coats, and Car olina divides into the Navy Blue Raincoats and the Tan Raincoats. Anyone not imme diately recognizable on a rainy day as a NBR or a TR is simply a leopard without his spots or a tiger without his stripes. As a result of a staggering amount of re search involving extensive interviewing, compilation and tabulation, the author's en cyclopedic knowledge is ample for telling the two species apart on the sunniest of days. The following are but a few of the findings: Navy Blue Raincoats never write their parents but sometimes go home on week ends; Tannies write once a week but avoid home, preferring to ask for money through the mails. NBR Boys played in the Sex Bowl, and TR Girls played in the Sex Bowl. Tan People are neurotic about stepping on cracks in the sidewalk; Navy Blue Peo ple are un-neurotic about stepping on Tan People. NBR's think Mad Magazine is sophisti cated adult trash; Tannies think it's trash for little kids. Ten people signed up for an average of 5.73 matches on their Operation Match ques tionnaires; Navies averaged 13.99. Tan Raincoats once read a filthy book for its literary merit. If your raincoat coesn't match you, ei ther you were on LSD when you bought it, or your mother bought it for you. To right such a serious error, you must find some one of the opposite species and same size to exchange with, or begin reading your horoscope every day. The stars are never wrong. Ellen Robinson 124 Winston A N D Y C A P P (This is another article in a series on Presidents of the University.) By OTELIA CONNOR The University has been fortunate in that it has always found the right man to head the University in its chronic states of crises. The only period in its history in which it seems not to have been confront ed with a life and death situation was in the relatively quiet period between 1835-1861, during Governor Swain's administration. President Chase was the man of the hour in the decade of the twenties after World War I, when greatly increased at tendance at high school made it impera tive for the colleges to take care of the ever-swelling numbers who wished to enter. "President Venable's background and training was in the field of science. The University he projected reflected in every aspect his devotion to the scientific method and sound scholarship. He was a superb teacher, scientist and organizer." "President Edward Kidder Graham was a humanist. Literature and philosophy were basic in his training. He saw his task as that of having the University develop, in student and citizen, the ideals of service, civic - mindedness, and inner spiritual re sources. The University had its greatest de velopment in the field of ideas and spirit under E. K. Graham." President Chase had a different back ground. Born in Groveland, Mass., 1883, graduated at Dartmouth, 1904; M.A. at Dartmouth, 1907-08; Ph.D. Clark University 1910; trained in the fields of theoretical and social psychology; he came to the Univer sity as a professor of Psychology in the Department of Education, 1910. When Pres ident Venable resigned the presidency in 1914, Dr. Chase became one of President Edward Kidder Graham's chief assistants until Graham's death, October, 1918. Upon the death of Dean Stacy, January, 1919, Chase became Dean of the Faculty. In April, 1920, in the presence of a "not able gathering, Harry Woodburn Chase, tested as versatile scholar, teacher, and ad ministrator, assumed the duties of the pres idency of the University to lead it through what proved to be one of the most distinc tive and thrilling decades of its life." The physical expansion of the campus under Chase in the twenties, the develop ment of the South Campus and the off campus expansion to the east and south east have been reviewed previously , Among the academic accomplishments under Chase were the development of a scientific Department of Sociology around which could be built a School of Public Wel fare, an agency which would train county officers, enabling the University to render distinctive contributions to the development of the human wealth of North Carolina; the training in the graduate school of the ex perts in all fields essential to the upbuild ing of North Carolina and the South; the establishment of an institute for research in the field of the social sciences to study the social aspects of the life of the State and region; the building up of a great library and the training of librarians to supply ex pert service to schools, colleges and pub lic libraries of the South. He developed courses in psychology, and introduced in the curriculum the clinical viewpoint and applied psychology. To train experts for the South's rebuild ing, President Chase established the de- David Rothman Koob Egdelwonk, Boy Thief An Ann Landers fan is pretty mad be cause she isn't "getting much help from the outside" while "trying to raise our son to be an honest, law-abiding citizen." She wrote the syndicated columnist that her son had swiped an ash tray from a hotel room and the only reaction of the manager after being informed of the theft was: "Your boy doesn't owe us anything. We want people to take our ash trays. It is good advertising." The youngster probably wasn't a bit sur prised. Earlier, he had argued in front of his mother that he was only carrying off a "souvenir." Ann Landers said she herself has been told "people are expected to walk off with items bearing the name of the establish ment." Koob Egdelwonk, a good friend of mine, saw the Landers column and decided to see if he also could collect a few "souvenirs," "What happened?" I asked him. "Well," Koob said, "first I visited a local gas station and said I wanted my tank filled up. "Then I drove off without paying for the gasoline. s - J HARRY W. CHASE partments of music, psychology, sociology, and journalism, the schools of commerce and public welfare, engineering, and li brary science, re-direction of the Graduate School, establishment of the Institute of Government, the development of the South ern Historical Collection, and the organiza tion of the University of North Carolina Press, all of which were essential in effect ing the transition of the University from the status of a college to that of a well rounded university. It was admitted to the Association of American Universities in 1922, an organization of universities in the United States and Canada which had ob tained notable distinction in the fields of graduate study and research. UNC became the 25th university to be admitted. President Chase transferred the Law School, which was a coaching school for bar examinations when he took office, into a real professional law school in the mod ern sense. President Chase was not satisfied to have ; a good local or provincial school. His in sistance . upon the attainment and mainte nance of National standards was in sharp contrast to the administrators of other Southern institutions. The position of the University in the ed ucation development of the state, the South, and the nation were greatly enhanced un der President Chase's administration, and under his leadership it became "one of the notable universities of the nation." The crowning glory of Chase's adminis tration was his loyalty to principles cf aca demic freedom and the right to teach and investigate, as demonstrated in his fight against the Pool Bill, and any outside inter ference in the effective adherence to these principles. Thus the University came to full stature and maturity under his superb lead ership. In 1930, President Chase was called to the presidency of the Universl.y of Illinois. From there he went to the presidency of the University of New York. "The next day, I stopped by the station to see the people's reaction, and you know what they said?" "What?" "I hey asked if I could go to Nevada to check out their gasoline. They said they ad mired my acceleration, and when I ex pressed shock over their unusual attitude, they assured me it was perfectly normal. The service station attendant explained his company 'admires drivers with tigers in their tanks, 'they're good advertising." "Where'd you go alter that?" "Next," he said, "I dropped in a drug store and walked off without paying for some hair tonic." "And?" "It was another case of jungle beasts. The clerk snickered and said I shouldn't strive for dignity and honesty. 'We go for tigers not lions,' she declared. "After shoplifting at several other places and each time getting praised, I decided to call it a day. "But when I got home, I found that all my possessions were lying on the sidewalk, fceems my landlady had evicted me for not paying the rent." that's v rtv 1 I oppoKTUNrry ,7 W B 0