u . " r -enal3 flept Eox 870 'The Victors' ' Tonight's free flick is "The Victors." This Carl Foremna directed epic stars, among others, George Hamilton and Elke Sommer. The moral is that war has no victors, only survivors. Mm 1 Mm Girtoon DT1I cartoonist today makes an attempt to bridge the gap recently created between him self and some of his readers. See his offering, page two . The South's Largest College Newspaper Vol. 74, No. 34 CHAPEL HILL NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1965 Founded February 23, 1893. flail Past Klan Chaplain Tells Of Threat Against His Life WASHINGTON (AP) A for mer Ku Klux Klan chaplain told Congressmen yesterday he got a thinly disguised threat against his life after he quit the Klan and appeared on a national television pro gram. Earlier another Klansman, Joseph G. DuBois, of Golds boro, resigned from the Klan while he sat in the witness chair before the House Com mittee on Un-American Activi ties. He said he places God and country above Klan vows. The two dramatic scenes brought the committee's Klan hearings to life after three days of listening to monoton ous refusals to answer ques tions by top Klan leaders, in cluding Imperial Wizard Rob ert M. Shelton. The chaplain, the Rev. Roy Woodle, a onetime bricklayer from Lexington, N. C, gave his testimony in staccato fas hion, using the colorful rural turns of speech with which he used to exhort Klan rallies in North Carolina. The most dramatic moment came when he was asked if he was threatened with bodily harm after he quit the Klan five weeks ago. "I don't know if it is bodily harm," Woodle said. "But he said he had the authority to do away with me." Nervous laughter swept the room, in which chairman Edwin E. Wil lis, D-La., joined. Then the minister was ask ed who did the threatening. He CCUN Plans Big Weekend A talent show and a display of items from foreign coun tries will highlight tomorrow's UN Day celebration. The program, sponsored by the Carolina Council on the United Nations, honors the 10th anniversary of the founding of the UN and kicks off United Nations Week, which runs through Thursday. The program will last from 3 to 5 p.m. Tables with the displays will be set up on the GM porch. The talent show, presenting talent from both the United States and foreign countries, will be held inside It will begin about 3:30 and last about an hour. Susan Cantor, chairman of the CCUN subcommittee on UN Day, points out that the program will also present an opportunity for discussion be tween Americans and foreign students. "We hope foreign students will wear their native costumes," she said. Refreshments will be served. mitm'S THE WORD ' t H V J i - r A if s: w rj I - j. -y - I """'Xn.,. - -"" ' I ,u ..... , I 1 and only time will tell. Watch for further developments. said it was Boyd Hamby and turning to the audience added, "He's the fella sitting back there with the mustache." "No Comment" Hamby, a tall, dark man with a black mustache, told a reporter "I have no com ment." He was then called to the stand and declined to answer all questions about whether he knew Woodle, had telephoned him or had any thing to do with the burning of a cross on the clergyman's lawn the night after the preacher appeared on a CBS television program about the Klan. Hamby was identified by committee investigators as the "Grand Nighthawk" of the North Carolina realm of the Klan. They said it was his job to handle cross-burnings and "other things" for the Klan. Willis, speaking to Hamby, said the minister "made that statement with you in the room . . . now is the time for you to deny that statement." If Hamby di ddeny it, Wil lis went on, there would be a clear contradiction and "I wouldn't hesitate to send the record to the Department of Justice for appropriate action for perjury." But Hamby refused, citing Constitutional guarantees against possible self-incrimination. Woodle, 41, told of speaking at Klan rallies as a Grand Kludd, or chaplain, for 10 months. But lately, he said, certain Klansmen began circulating stories that he was an agent of the Federal government and that the government had Daid for his house and car. "They said I was planted in the outfit to tear it up. and I never spoke to a government Wilkins Found Innocent In Civil Rights Murder HAYNEVILLE, Ala. (AP) A young Ku Klux Klansman was acquitted yesterday of the slaying of a white civil rights worker. The jury re ported after deliberating one hour and 45 minutes. v The Klansman, Collie Le roy Wilkins, Jr., 21-year-old Fairfield, Ala., auto mechan ic, left the courtroom without commenting on the verdict. He smiled broadly and puffed rapidly on a cigarette. Outside the courtroom he climbed into a late-model au tomobile and drove away aft er half a dozen of his friends, most of them husky men, Patricia Rnmley has a secret man until I came before this committee today," the witness said. (Continued on Page 3) 'Bad' Signatures Found On Petition Eighteen names attached to ; the recall petition are "ques ! tionable," according to Alvin i Tyndall, chairman of the elec- tions board. He added, however, that he ! has checked only through the C's, so that many more names Honor Council Gives Acquittal A student accused of lying to a campus policeman was found not guilty by the Men's Honor Council Thursday night. The student had taken a tele phone from his old dormitory room to his apartment, where he had the telephone company install it. He had previously paid all service charges to the company and said he hoped that by moving it himself, he would be able to speed up the connection. A campus officer questioned the student about his action and specifically asked about the ownership of the telephone unit itself. The boy claimed it was his, referring to his present pos session and not to ownership. The officer understood him to mean ownership. The council felt the charge arose from a misunderstanding between the two concerning terms, and that the boy had no intent to lie. leaned across the hood blocked the windshield and the side windows to keep pho tographers from getting Wil kins' picture. His parents also were in the car. His father, wiry, grey haired Collie Wilkins, Sr., held a hat in front of face to keep from being photo graphed. The courtroom crowd ap plauded noisly when the jury's verdict, acquitting the young crew-cut Klansman of the first degree murder charge in the killing of Mrs. Viola Liuz zo, 39, of Detroit last March 25, was read by the circuit clerk, Mrs. Kelly Coleman. Atty. Gen. Richmond Flow ers, who prosecuted Wilkins, said two other Klan members, also indicted for the Liuzzo slaying, will be tried despite the acquittal of the first de The Klansmen still awaiting trial are Eugene Thomas, 42, a Bessemer, Ala., steel com pany employe, and William Orville Eaton, 41, a retired steel worker also of Besse mer. Thomas and Eaton were both in the courtroom. Eaton erinned with obvious relief and slapped the defense attor ney's young son on the back as they walked out of the courtroom. Flowers told newsmen "We prosecuted the best we could. The case was defended ably. We have no alternative but to abide by the decision of the jury." Wilkins wore a black suit, dark tie and white shirt. At times his joy at the acquittal hroke the smile on his face into a wide grin. His attorney, former Bir mingham Mayor Arthur J Hanes, told newsmen he was "very grateful to you for your coverage of the trial. The attorney told the news men that he had said from the outset that "I would have no part in having any organiza tion or group or ideology on trial, that I insisted that Wil kins be tried as an individual on the merits of the case "We had a fair judge and a good jury. I think that from the evidence, not only was the verdict justifiable but the evi dence demanded this verdict in any courtroom in this coun try, in New York or Boston or Philadelphia or Kansas City." may be questioned. Tyndall said yesterday only two names so far have been found to be fake, but at least 18 of them will have to be dou ble checked. However, he add ed that this does not mean these names will be disquali fied. He is using the official en rollment list to check the pe tition. As of 4 p.m. yesterday his staff had checked through the C's, he said. Tyndall refused to predict when the petition would be pre sented to Paul Dickson, student body president, but said Dick son will decide whether the petition is "in order." There is a question of inter pretation whether any more names would be accepted for the recall petition. The student constitution does not say when no more names can be accept ed. Tyndall said he is in possses sion of the "entire" petition. He indicated that no more names would be accepted, but added that a constitutional committee might have to rule if more names are submitted. The petition demands a re call election for the office of president of the student body president. Tyndall said 1,896 names are on the petition and 1,863 are needed. It Took Strong Hands To Hold Back Mavericks It took Dean of Men William Long and Campus Security Chief Arthur Beaumont to "hold back" Maverick House residents from storming Mor rison residence college to re trieve their Victory Gong, ac cording to Craige Residence Hall President Ed McManan. M c M a h a n said yesterday there was "almost a total war between the two houses" be cause of the gong incident. He made the following state ment to the DTH: "I would like it know that Maverick House was not em barrassed as was alleged by the residents of Morrison in yesterday's DTH. We knew the gong was stolen only as an act of immaturity and envy. "Upon the request of Dean Long and Chief Beaumont, we sought no direct retaliatory action. We tried to discuss ma turely the situation with Morrison's administration but found little cooperation from all echelons. Campus Affairs Committees Set The Campus Affairs Com mittee has been divided into four sub-committees to handle its work for the rest of the year. The four committee mem bers who have been appointed to sub - committee chairman ships are George Teague, Steve Hildenbrand, John Neely and Edward Hockfield. Members of sub - committee A are: Garnett Smith, Z a c k Winston, Elaine Pur die, Susan Warren, Johnny Turner, Nita Wilkinson, Tony Gore, Ginney Waden, Joe Ely and David Simerly. Sub - committee B includes: Jane Dodson, Charlie Hinton, Charlie Mercer, Pete Hele bash, Brian Ray, Bill Davis, Sam Seldon, Bill Bullock, Carl Johnson and Tom Cannon. Sub - committee C includes: Ray Snipes Sol Klioze, Rob ert Little, Mike League, Rob ert Read, Steve Hodc Francis Kelly, Marion Redd and John Harrison. Sub - committee D includes: Kenneth Day, Sarah Mendel son, Bob Enten. Lloyd Simon Chip Brethren, Amanda Dav- ey, Sarah Nash, Mike Zimmer man, George Tennflle and Suz- ie Warren. islature 1 iin u DANNY TALBOTT will direct the Tar Heel offense against Wake Forest in Winston-Salem today. The junior quarterback has been an effective passer, runner, and place kicker for UNC this season. See page four for details on the game. ROLL The student legislators pas radio bill Thursday night Dwight Allen (SP) EUen Allen (UP) Hugh Blackwell (SP) Jim Brame (SP) KathyCauble (UP) Clark Crampton (UP) Miriam Dorsey (SP) Gail Feik (SP) Sandy Hobgood (SP) Those in favor of the Roger Davis (IND) Henry Skinner (IND) John Strickland (UP) Bill Scott (UP) Janice Newton (SP) Teddy O'Toole (UP) Bert O'Neil (SP) Bill Pnrdy (UP) bill The members absent at Anne Belcher (SP) JliMBsb,(UP Carole Southerland (UP) The six members absent Cliff Baggert (UP) Hugh Hallsill (SP) Sharon Rose (SP) A Long By ED FREAKLEY DTH Staff Writer HILLSBOROUGH The past two weeks had been long and trying on Frank Joseph Rinaldi. But the four minutes that elapsed between 10:41 Thursday night when the jury came back into the court room and 10:45 when the foreman stood and, looking straight into Rinaldi's eyes, said, "We find the defendant not guilty," will be the longest time of his life. For the past 14 months Ri naldi had lived behind bars, wearing the brand of "wife killer." Now he is free from his living hell and able to walk the streets as any other man. The jury left the court room at 2:05 p.m. for the next 8 hours and 36 minutes they re viewed the evidence. Four Choices In his charge Judge Foun tain told them they had four choices to make: first degree murder, death; first degree murder, mercy, which would mean life imprisonment; sec ond degree murder; or acquit tal. In his final argument before the jury Thursday morning So licitor Thomas Cooper asked the jury to find Rinaldi guilty of first degree murder with a sentence of mercy or second degree murder. Following the acquittal Cooper said "I am Votes .Radio CALL who voted were: - - , against the cam- Don Johnson (SP) Steve Jolly (SP) Bryan McCoy (SP) Don McPhaul (UP) Jom Robinson (UP) Dave Rowe (UP) Alexa Smith (SP) Leon Soloman (UP) Charlie Morgan (SP) were: Jim Little (SP) Bill Long (SP) Frank Longest (SP) Steve Hockfield (SP) George Ingram (UP) Tony Ibins (SP) Susan Barber; (UP) Elaine Carbson (SP) the time of the vote were: . c,. Louisa Wilson (UP) from the session were: Joe Chandler (SP) Don Wilson (SP) De Halen Cleaver (AP) Four Minutes For disappointed in the jury ver dict, but I never quarrel with a verdict. Chapel Hill Police Chief Wil liam Blake said yesterday he did not know whether the case would be reopened or not. During the long wait for the jury to return with its verdict Rinaldi talked with friends and occasionally smiled. But there were moments when he would sit silently with a blank look on his face. Rinaldi's Reaction After the verdict the filled courtroom turned into chaos. Rinaldi turned to his father saying, "It's over Pa. It's over." His brother Paul em braced the defendant and then slumped in a chair crying. Rinaldi, tears in his eyes, embraced each of his attor neys Gordon Battle, Barry Winston and Victory Bryant and then he turned to many of his supporters who had been in the courtroom since the be ginning. He then pushed his way to a telephone where he called his mother and said two words, "Not Guilty!" Going Home Rinaldi said he is going to go home to W7aterbury, Conn., but plans to return to Chapel HilL "I am grateful to the people of Orange County for recognizing Ag By JOHN GREEB ACKER DTH Political Writer Campus radio suffered a serious setback Thursday night when Student Legislature voted 19-16 against a bill pro posing establishment of a cam pus radio board of directors. The defeat was the first vote taken on a campus radio pro posal by SL, and it defied the results of a campus-wide ref erendum held on the issue Oc tober 5. Students voted 3,301 to 1.099 in favor of the radio's estab lishment in the referendum. The key organizational bill, one of two pieces of legisla tion designed to set up a non commercial carrier current radio system on campus, was defeated by a bi - partisan vote of the body. Campus radio's final chance for passage will come when the radio system's $35,000 ap propriation bill clears the fi nance committee and is sent to the floor of the legislature. Hope for reconsideration and passage of the organizational bill was generated by pro-radio forces who are relying on support from a majority of the 15 legislators absent from Thursday's session. Campus carrier current ra dio is a means of transmitting a low power AM radio signal through existing power lines of a building, thus allowing the occupants to hear program ming on their AM radios from within a five mile radius of more than 50 feet from the building. Music and news of campus interest would be broadcast within a five mile radium of Chapel Hill by a five - watt FM educational station oper ated by students. Transformers in each Uni versity residence hall would convert the FM signal to AM and send it through the power lines. Radio's Critics Critics of campus radio at tacked its expense and the lack of AM programming for off -campus. .areas such as so rority and fraternity houses. "A thousand" referendums couldn't change my vote on this issue," Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sandy Hobgood (SP) told the body be fore voting against the bill. "We may well spend $35,000 the first year to establish and operate campus radio," Hog good said. "Thereafter we would spend $11,000 for more each year to operate it. "I say we could put $35,000 into the Fine Arts Festival and make people all over the coun try know where Carolina is," he said. Hobgood said the value of in stantaneous news flashes to the the truth when they hear it," Rinaldi said. His brother tried to say the press was biased in reporting the trial but Rinaldi stopped him. Frank Rinaldi was convict ed last Nov. 18 for the murder of his wife Lucille in their Chapel Hill apartment Christ mas Eve day 1963. He was serving a sentence of life im prisonment until the North Carolina Supreme Court order ed a new trial this summer af ter finding that certain evi dence introduced by the state in the first trial was incompe tent and that Judge Raymond Mallard erred in admitting it. His second trial began Mon day, Oct. 11, before a special session of the Orange County Criminal Court presided over by Judge George M. Fountain. The first three days of the trial were spent selecting the jury. Because of the great amount of publicity many pros pective jurors had formed opinions and said they felt they could not render a fair decis ion. Special Venire A special venire had to be called to select the jury of eight men and four women. Two alternates were also se lected because the trial was eoins to last for a lonser than usual period. Four members of the jury were Negroes, two aims .Board. student body was cot as great as radio supporters claim, and told the legislature the campus was not 'hurting" for music. "The referendum is not bind ing on Student Legislature," he said. "We do iot have to fol low the desires of 3,301 stu dents at UNC." Hobgood said any but "the most reactionary forces" would approve the October 5 referendum as it was worded. "If we approve this legisla tion," he said, "I think it can be truthfully said that, 'Never was so much spent by so few for so little. " University Party Floor Lead er George Ingram criticized Hobgood's reasoning and ask ed, "Why don't we abolish the Yack and the Daily Tar Heel and put the money into a big speaker program? "That would help make Car olina well known nationally, too," he said. "We should be less concern ed with what kind of image we have in the nation than we are with what sort of student this University produces," In gram said. Kathy Cauble (UP) opposed the bill and told the body cam pus radio was a failure at East Carolina College, which she attended before coming to UNC. "I do not feel personally mandated by my constituents or by the student body to vote for this legislation," she said. "Eight thousand students were so apathetic that they did not even go to the polls," Miss Cauble said in reference to the referendum. "I don't feel the approval of one fourth of the student body permits an expenditure of this size." She called upon SL to spend the money for "more pressing needs." "Less than 5,000 people'vote? in the spring election for pres ident of the student body," In gram told her. "Do you think that vote should have been dis regarded?" "I don't think I should an swer that question at this time," Miss Cauble answered. The roll call vote on the b.ll came after numerous correc tions had been made on its eight pages of provisions and the body had concluded all ar gumentation on its wording. Dickson Speaks Oat In a statement issued yester day, Student Body President Paul Dickson announced he was "greatly disturbed" by the defeat of the radio bill. "While I feel that those who voted against the proposal did so with the best motives in mind," Dickson said, "I be- Continued on Page 3) Rinaldi men and two women. And then it began. The state opened its case on Thursday morning. The prosecution built around the fact that Rinaldi, a former UNC graduate instruc tor, had a $20,000 double in demnity policy on his wife. A Negro waiter, Alfred Fou shee, testified that 36-year-old Rinaldi had tried to hire him at least "a dozen times" to kill his wife. A Chapel Hill police officer told the court that Rinaldi said to him on the night of his ar rest, "How can you stand to sit next to me after what Tve done?" This evidence was not introduced at the first trial Defense Evidence Early this week the defense presented its evidence. They showed that the time of death occurred between 10 a.m. and noon and then a string of wit nesses went to the stand and told of seeing Rinaldi and John Sipp, a Chape! HiH insurance agent, in Durham and at East gate Shopping Center between 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on the day of the murder. Also introduced was a letter written by Mrs. Rinaldi on the morning of the murder. She told of how happy she and her husband were and said, This Christmas is all we hoped it would be."

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