-ox 070 1 mm 1 Peace Corps Applications are available at -Huild.ng for the Peace Corps st to be given from 2 to 5 P-ni. Friday in 101 Hanes Hall. at. v. Fif Meeting tomorrow night. 7 p.m.. upstairs Y-Building. for all students signed up for Thanksgiving flight to New York to discuss transportation to airport. If unable to attend call Joel Simpson. 929-3288. The Smith's Largest Cnllre Xcuspupcr vl- 74, o. 56 CHAPEL HILL NORTH CAROLINA TI ICRS DAY. NOVEMP.ER 18. 15 Founded February 23, 1893. JOFlItt nencftment Fasses senate ncnan Wm ferf mm Aj ged UP Chairman Says Tyndall 'Incompetent9; Demands New Elections Board Head By JOHN GREENBACKER DTH Political Writer University Party Chairman Jim Hubbard yesterday ac cused Alvin Tyndall of "in competence" and demanded Tyndall's replacement as Chairman of the Elections Board. Hubbard called on Student Body President Paul Dickson to replace Tyndall after irreg ularities were discovered in the administration of the fall elections. Dickson said yesterday he had "no intentions" of re placing Tyndall. Hubbard also attacked Tyn dall for not impounding and investigating the Student Par ty expense account for the fall elections held Nov. 9. He said an Elections Board investigation of the SP ac counts was warranted by the alleged SP co-sponsorship of a showing of pornographic films in Morrison Residence Hall Nov. 8. Admission prices of 10 and 25 cents were charged stu- Enter Uglies By Tuesday All residence halls and fra ternities must enter their can didates for Ugliest Man On Campus by midnight Tuesday. An entrance fee of $5 is nec essary to cover the cost of the nine pictures of the candidate which must be submitted. These 5x7 pictures are to be made in the Swain Hall photo lab and charged to the Ugly Man account. Pictures and fees may be submitted to the Ugly Man chairman, Merv Sessoms, 1026 Morrison or Don Cunningham, 228 Craige; Jack Inscoe, 311 Stacy: Greg Fulcher, 3 Petti- grew; Chip Seymore, 406 Man ly. GREETINGS FROM CLASS OF '68 A card like this one has been sent to every dormitory room at Duke by the freshman class of UNC. Seems they have been working on a detailed plan of execution for the Blue Devils. Vietfiram To Circulate Dorms, Greek Houses Representatives of the Thanksgiving Day Committee will canvass all campus resi dences tonight to get the names of persons who have not yet signed the telegram for Viet Nam and want to do so. Booths as Y-Court Lenoir Hall Pine Room and Lnase Cafeteria will be open today and tomorrow. . The committee received a letter from Gov. Dan K. Moore yesterday morning in which he Lid "This Thanksgiving sea son is a particularly appropri ate time to show our apprecia ble the United States serv icemen in Viet Nam. "Tarn heartened by the mes- North Carolina in Chapel 11.11. dents who attended the illegal showing, which occurred the same night UP freshman class candidates in the elections were supposed to address in terested Morrison students. "The whole matter of the way in which the Student Party carried out its cam paign is in question," Hub bard said. "Equally as important," he said, "is the astonishing in competence of the Chairman of the Elections Board, a per son who has caused so much confusion and made so many blundering in the past two weeks that there are a score of reasons for protesting the entire election. "Mr. Tyndall refuses to im pound the expense accounts which are now in question," Hubbard said, "and is unable to have a majority of the Elections Board come togeth er to rule on disputes arising from errors made during the elections. "He made no attempt to se cure responsible poll tenders, lost ballots which could have proved decisive in one elec tion, threw away all registra tion of those who voted, and even called a re-election which he did not have the power to call," Hubbard said. "Tyndall is by far the worst example I have ever seen of a chairman of a Student Gov ernment committee," he said.. "This entire display of 'abil ity' by Mr. Alvin Tyndall has gone too far." Dickson Speaks "I have the utmorst confi dence in Mr. Tyndall," Dick son said yesterday. "He is an individual of integrity and ability. "He has served on the Elec tions Board for three consecu tive years and was highly rec ommended for this position by Bill Aycock and Bill Schmidt," Dickson said. "Both Mr. Aycock and Mr. The idea for the telegram was originated by D w i g h t Buntz, Jeff Davis, Rusty Tay lnr Wrisht Dovle. Madeline Gray, Bob Powell, David Kiel Eric Van Loon, Bill Purdy Marv King. Phil Kirstein and Kathv Cauble. The group, representing a cross section or organizations and political thought on cam pus, drew up tfte louowing message to be sent to the American forces in Viet Nam in care of Gen. Westmoreland: "This Thanksgiving Day of 1965, we the students of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill express our gratitude to the American servicemen in South Viet Nam for their sacrifice and service to our country." Schmidt are former Elections Board chairmen," he said. Hubbard Attacks Hodges Hubbard also attacked Stu dent Party Chairman Frank Hodges for his suggestion that both campus political parties meet to determine a fair cam paign practices code. "I am shocked at the child like manner in which he at tempts to escape a situation in which he is caught from both ends," Hubbard said. "Hodges reminds me of a child who has just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and wants to keep the cookie," he said. Hubbard said it was his understanding that Hodges would resign as SP chairman Sunday. "I would be glad to discuss with the new SP chairman possibilities for legislation which will describe precise penalties for violations of "gentlemanlike conduct" in our campaigning." Treasurer Of Student Body Supports Social Fee Hike By FRED THOMAS " DTH News Editor "The residence college has become so important and in tegral a part of the Univer sity now that to insure its im mediate financial stability this referendum must pass." Student Body Treasurer Tom White made this state ment yesterday concerning the residence hall social fee referendum to be held Mon hy. If the issue gets the sup port of students living in res idence halls, an increase of $3.20 will be included on next semester's room rent bills. "Student Government couldn't begin to consider an out-lay of around $20,000 a year for each of these resi dence colleges," White said. The resolution establishing the referendum was intro duced to the Men's Residence Council last week by MRC President Sonny Pepper and was unanimously approved by that body. The plan calls for $2 to go to each residence college, $1 to each residence hall and $.20 to go to intramural man agers. Under the present system, each residence hall gets $1.50 rom each man's room rent or social functions. There is no allotment tor social tunas for residence colleges. Pepper pointed out that while Student Legislature re cently appropriated money to the three existing residence colleges, Student Government will not and should not be expected to continue bearing this huge financial burden." "Therefore," Pepper said, "the residence college system depends for its existence upon the increase in social fees without this money the college system cannot survive." Pub Board The Publications Board will meet today at 3 p.m. in the Grail Room to interview per sons interested in applying for the Dosition of assistant busi- ness manager of The Daily Tar Hugh Blackwell, Pub Board Chairman, said the person se lected by the board will as sume duties as assistant busi ness manager of the DTH im mediately and will take over as business manager next year. In the past the assistant bus iness manager has not auto matically moved into the busi ness manager position. Blackwell said the Publica tions Board is adopting the new policy to prevent a person from coming into the business manager's job without having . ; ! t ; I ns r 1 Pl P r n i n n 1 1 ; Mm fiii Hi 1 1 I Ii - -jVtf:--: f ; " -- t ... ' J - - " ". i:-" ' . " - . ", r: ' ' ' . - r. 7 -V'V : , 1 ' 1 . - . . - ,! I A PERSONAL VICTORY: Yesterday's amendment of the speaker ban is considered a vote of confidence for Gov. Dan K. Moore. In calling for the special session to deal with the measure and recommending amendment, the governor had put his influence with legislators to the test and had emerged the winner. . The MRC has pointed out several areas of use for the additional social funds by res idence colleges: Expanded social pro gram concerts, dances and large scale mixers with wom en's halls. Construction or improve ment of college social rooms. Academic programs such as college quiz files, tutorial services, improvement and maintenance of study areas and speaker and lecture pro grams. College projects to pro vide services and a variety of programs for the college res idents. College newspapers. Inviting women's halls to become associated with the colleges as sister associations. Chaplains for each col lege. Expand intramural ac tivities to include intra-college competition between the .indi vidual halls. The MRC cited these uses for the additional money by individual residence halls: Make it possible for the halls to eventually buy color television sets. Improve and maintain social rooms and lounges. Furnish means by which the halls can fully participate in campus activities and con tests. Provide money for social functions such as mixers. Each residence hall has at least one intramural manag er who is paid a salary the eqivalent of his room rent Thirty cents of each mans room rent presently goes into the intramural manager's fund. ! Pepper noted that this fund has become inadequate since! additional managers have, been hired for the newly con-j To Interview had ample opportunity to ac quaint himself with his duties. Any interested students should come for interviews. i Jl0rrail Here Tonight State Senator Robert Morgan of Harnett County will address J the Young Democratic Club of UNC in Roland Parker Lounge at Graham Memorial 7:30 to night. Morgan was present at the special session of the Slate legislature which resolved Uk- j Speaker Ban controversy. i He was an active participant I in the Senate debate on this is- i sue- -DTH Photo By Ernest Robl. s true ted men s residence halls. Last year when a deficit first arose the individual halls appropriated money from their social funds to meet the deficit. "The paid intramural man agers program has proved to be an overwhelming success in that residence hall partici pation in intramurals has im proved significantly since the program was initiated," Pep per said. "For the program to con tinue to operate successfully it is necessary to provide the money for the managers fund." Voting places will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon day in all men's residence halls according to Pepper. Halt Bombing By NANCY RALEY The U. S. should halt its bombings on North Viet Nam for "two months" in order to allow a "spirit of relaxation" to promote negotiations, Dr. Sanford Gottlieb said Monday night. His speech in Carroll H a 11 was sponsored by the Ameri cans for Democratic Action. Dr. Gottlieb, political action director of the National Com mittee for a Sane Nuclear Pol icy (SANE), also told the group that U. S. campuses are the only forums of free discussion on Viet Nam at the moment and so students must "sing out" their opinions. Dr. Gottlieb urged his audi ence to keep the dialogue and bedate open on the issue of Viet Nam by reading all of the pertinent literature now avail able, forming conclusions about this reading and demon strating these conclusion by writing letters to Congressmen, organizing marches and dem onstrations, and even burning draft cards if necessary. In this way, Gottlieb said, we make it easier for Johnson to "muster the political cour age" to "unlock the door" to negotiations. SANE is a citizens organiza tion working for worldwide, controlled disarmament and a strengthened United Nations. Dr. Gottlieb, a Dartmouth graduate, served as adviser to the interdenominational group of clergy men who visited South Viet Nam in the summer of lii5 on a fact-finding mission sHnsorei by tlK Fellowship of lietiiiuili.it ion a ln way in and hoin Viet Nam. In- mt-t in Paris and Al girls Willi olllil.ils ot North Vit l Nam an.l the South li t nanu-M' Nation.. I I . ilxi.it ion I'lont Gov. Moore Lauds Change In Controversial Gag Law By ANDY MYERS DTH Staff Writer A law which was "dividing the state when unity is need ed," in Gov. Dan Moore's words, was amended yesterday after more than two years and four months of bitter contro versy. The North Carolina General Assembly yesterday completed action on drastic changes in the gag law. The House ap proved the amendment recom mended by the Speaker Ban Study Commission Tuesday and the Senate followed suit only after repeated attempts to amend the bill. On the third day of a special session of the legislature, the Senate had remaining only a final vote on the change. At 11:13 a.m. the vote, 36-13, about 24 hours after the House had voted. Tuesday's vote in the House, 75-39, met bitter opposition but was passed with little debate. Thus, the special session ap proved the recommendations of the Speaker Ban Study Com mission with only one change. Both Houses of the General Assembly approved the dele tion of the phrase "or other governing authority," to p u t the power directly into the hands of the boards of trustees of state supported colleges and universities. Changes in the law make it possible for Communists or pleaders of The Fifth Amend ment in loyalty cases to speak on state supported cam puses only infrequently- and for educational purposes. Final action in the Senate came only after Sen. Tom White of Lenoir and Sen. Rob ert Morgan of Harnett fought repeatedly to amend the House-passed measure. Debate raged for an hour and a half while Morgan and White, two senior members of the upper house and heads of powerful Senate and joint com mittees, attempted to insert a section requiring monthly re ports of speakers made by col lege presidents. The special session, which convened Monday noon, was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. yester day, but long before that many members had left for their homes. President of the Consolidated In his talk, Gottlieb empha sized the importance of nego tiation as a means of attrain ing a peaceful settlement of the Vietnamese war. In citing why negotiation at this point is expedient, he pointed out that of the 14 million popula tion of South Viet Nam, more N. C. State Withdraws From NSA North Carolina State Univer sity Student Legislature last week voted to disaffiliate with the National Student Assoia- tion. Affilitation with NSA has been an issue in legislature at State for the last three years, NSC Student Government Vice president Jim Ferguson said Monday. "NSA's programs are more or less oriented to a liberal arts campus. Being a technical campus, we couldn't take ad vantage of enough of their pro grams to make it worthwhile," he said. Celia Parsons, past treasur er of the North Carolina-Virginia Region of NSA, was the I only speaker during the legis- lative discussion. ' She spoke in lax or ot dis- affiliation. Ferguson said the NCS legis lature xoted last spring to de- ; lete the appropriation for ' a delegate to attend the na tional couxention lioni their budget. 'i lieie xas no one on cam pus interested enough to seixe a t e'idinalor or to attend Lie coiix cut ions." Ferguson said. University William Firday said yesterday, "the University is grateful for the action taken bv the legislature." Sen. Morgan renewed at tempts in the final moments of the session to get changes made in the bill. He and Sen. White argued that it was the "will of the people" that pres idents of the universities should submit monthly reports to the trustees of who visiting speakers are, where they live and whom they represent. This amendment was de feated after heated debate by 27-21, the same vote by which it went down after the first reading Tuesday. Morgan's original proposal was that a list be submitted to both the trustees and the governor, but was later changed when no support was found. Sen. White then attempted two more amendments to the house-approved bill, but they were shouted down. Sen. Cam eron Weeks of Edgecombe said it was an attempt "to hang the jury up." Morgan replied, however, that he has "never stooped yet to the tactics of trying to kill a bill with an amendment." In attempts to discredit op ponents of the original speaker ban law, Morgan read Tuesday excerpts from an article by UNC News Bureau Director Pete Ivey in "Alumni Report," published in September. Ivey's article, called "scur rilous" by Morgan, was an at tempt to get together "all the . . falsehoods . and misrepresenta tions, innuendoes and distor tions" made against the Uni versity, according to Ivey. "I wrote the entire thing and l m proud of it," Ivey said. "I sat down and tried to think of each charge made against the University and wrote them down one by one, answering the charges." Morgan charged that Ivey tried to show that the speaker ban law was passed, not be cause of Communist influ ences, but because of "racism" and that other factors "were the real reason the ga law was passed." Ivey countered that he could document every fact in his ar ticle, "every one of them." He added: "I'm very proud to have Gottlieb than one million will be refu gees by the end of this year. He said that whether the U. S. is right or wrong, the kind of power that it uses kills many innocent people because the U. S. is "used to conduct ing big wars." LOl'IS ARMSTRONG brings his famous trumpet to the Carolina campus Saturday niht. SaUhmo will perform in Carmkhael utlitorium at . sponsored by Graham Memorial. Tickets for sludYnt are SI. been attacked by Morgan, the main proponent of the Speaker Ban Law. However, 1 was sur prised that it came." He denied that the article was "scurrilous," but said "it was political." "I want to let the public know that there are two sides to this question." He said he felt the necessity to set the record straight in informing the people of North Carolina that charges of Communist in fluence at Chapel Hill are un true. North Carolina legislators commented yesterday that the question on regulating speak ers at state-supported univer sities may still be unsettled. Sen. Morgan warned "there will be further trouble" if the trustees do not heed "the will of the people for them to gov ern speakers." He said he had objected to a third reading of the bill Tuesday because "we figured more debate would have swung some votes to our side." Gov. Moore conducted a tele phone campaign early yes terday morning to assure pas sage of the amendment in the Senate. "I don't think we had the votes at any time," Morgan, who is president pro tern of the Senate, said, especially after I learned of the governor's calls. Sen. White, head of the pow erful Joint Appropriations Committee, said "as far as I was concerned I was not for giving up on such an impor tant issue." . . Secretary of S t a t e Thad Eure, supposed to be the au thor of the speaker ban law, had no comment for the press. UP Holds Interviews The University Party w i 1 1 hold interviews for students interested in positions on UP committees today, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m. in 206 Davie Hall. Original assignments to UP committees were lost in a burglary of UP headquarters earlier this month. Any committee members who remember their original assignments to committees are asked to call UP headquarters and have their assignments re recorded. A'ame Omitted There's more than met the eye to the list of candi dates in the "Beat D o o k Queen" competition. The name of Louise Clark, spon sored by Chi Omega, was not included V) Tuesday' DTH. v1 s 1 i.