THE DAILY TAR HEEL Saturday. April 30, 1966 Page 4 Sino-Soviet Said Not Permanent WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. officials said yesterday there is a possibility that the So viet Union will make a come back in Communist China af ter the death of aging M a o Tze-Tung and thus heal the rift in the Communist world. Expert "China - watchers' told editors and broadcasters attending a State Department national foreign policy confer ence that it would be foolish to think that the split between Peikng and Moscow is per manent. It was ointcd out that since the fall of Soviet Premier Ni kita Khrushchev in October, 1964, the quarrel between the two Communist giants has been due more to what the Chinese leaders have been saying than what the Russians have been doing to perpetutate the split. How much the present Chi nese Communist attitude is the GEORGE WEIN presents The Newport Festivals The Newport Jazz Festival July 1, 2, 3, 4, 1966 Four evening concerts; Friday. Saturday. concerts: Saturday. Sunday. Monday, featuring: oouni oasie. nuuy oran. Dave BrubecH. John Coltrane. Miles Davis. Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald. Bud Freeman. Stan Getz. Dizzy Gillespie, woooy Merman. nerDie iwdnn. Thelonious Monk, Jimmy Smith. Joe Williams, and many others. Evenings: $3 50. 4 50, 5.50 Afternoons: S3. 00 The Newport Opera Festival July 12. 13. 14. 15, 16, 1966 Presenting the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York. Major stars. Chorus, and Orchestra in tour operas afternoons of musical workshops, panels, and lectures. Tuesday. LA BOHEME Wednesday. CARMEN Thursday, (rain date) Friday. LUCIA Dl LAMMERMOOR Saturday, AIDA (Sunday, rain date) Evenings: S3. 50. 5.50. 7.50 Afternoons: $2.00 The Newport Folk Festival July 21, 22, 23, 24,1966 Four evening concerts: Thursday, Friday, Workshops; Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Featuring: Theo Bikel. Oscar Brand. Brownie McGee and Sonny Terry. Judy Collins. Bob Dylan. Jack Elliott. Mimi Carolyn Hester, Bessie Jones. Phil Ochs, The Pennywhistlers, Jean Ritchie, Grant Rogers. Buffy Sainte-Marie. Howling Wolf, and others. Evenings: $3.50. 4.50. 5.50 All Day Workshops: $2.00 SPECIAL DISCOUNT: deduct 20 from concerts if purchased by mail before May For information, write Newport Jazz, Opera, or Folk Festival. For tickets specify dates and Festival. Make checks plan to attend. For accommodations, write the Newport Rhode Island 02B40. If you're age 12 through 21. you can fly fare on American Airlines, creator of Providence, R. I. To become eligible, just send $3.00 with the coupon below and receive your Youth Plan ID, plus a free copy of AA's Go Go American with $50 worth of discount coupons. American Airlines Youth Plan 633 Third Avenue New York, N. Y. 10017 NAME ADDRESS CITY COLOR OF HAIR inLTnnrzi I k "tows," - tmuk.fX 1 :1 Anythinq goes when ycu wear "IT'S CRICKET"7'1 Exceptional Men's Toiletries. Try it and see. (Girls, give it and After-shave, A oz., S3.50. Cologne, 4 oz., S4.50 vo:.;:r:e in arug stores and ccs:r.e:ir do-ar:-- - Dispute work of the 72-year-old dicta tor Mao and how much is due to a collective decision of the Chinese leadership is not known here. However, there are problems along the borders of the two countries which the Chinese Communists have kept alive by repeating accusations that the Soviet Union has been fo menting revolts in Sinkiang province. Mao has not been seen in public since last November leading to speculation that he may again be ill. There have been reports that his eyesight is failing and other specula tion that he has been danger ously ill. Such reports have been periodic for the past de cade. In the opinion of knowledge able officials here, Mao would be succeeded by Liu Shao Chi, the present chief of state of the Chinese People's Republic. Sunday. Monday. Three afternoon in concert performance ana nve Saturday. Sunday. Three All-Day and Dick Farina. Flatt and Scruaas. the list price of tickets for all 15th. payable to the specific festival you Chamber of Commerce. Newport, to the Newport Festivals for half the American Youth : Plan, via BIRTH DATE STATE ZIP COLOR OF EYES SIGNATURE Ano:her fine predict cf Ji K-nyse rn-nO (AP)-Immovable object: a 9-ft. statue of the 5teLS Winston ChurchUl, which vandals recent j j tned to ne 011 o,,tmnhi1p now stands lmmnir topple with a rope tiea 10 - able-it is hoped on us peui. - - hnlinw bronze legs with concrete. nOIJOW OrvilLc leg The statue was erected ai me 3i.a.u by the people Churchill repreaemcu . ment. He was present at the unveiling For some reason, police null it over witn tne car uui - o-f ... pedestal. Now it is almost impossible to move, police said, hopefully. iakxutx (AP)-Volcano's asencv Antara reported Friday in last Monday's eruption 01 Java and many more persons are A mass evacuation of the densely popuiaieu nw 01 aoout 500 000 Javans is unaer way, nmaia wUU; with Blitar, a city of 28,000 and the trading center for the area, remained cut off. Civil defense officials in Jakarta awauca wona rrom a three-man team they sent in. MOSCOW (AP) Soviet protest: An estimated 5,000 persons, led by university students, defied Soviet officials in Armenia and demonstrated last Sunday on the anniversary of a Turkish massacre of Armenians, according to reports reaching Moscow from Yerevan, the Armenian capital. The demonstration followed public condemnation by Ar. menian Communist party officials of a larger, more unruly demonstration last year on the 50th anniversary. Soviet officials have tried to prevent such outbreaks against Turkey since Soviet foreign policy now stresses friendship with Turkey. Armenia borders Turkey and Iran. Armenians still remember the deaths between 1894 and 1922 of hundreds of thousands of Armenian Christians at the hands of Turkish Moslems. April 24, 1915. BERLIN (AP) Soviet engine from a Russian fighter plane that lake earlier this month was lifted by a British military salvage crew. A British spokesman said experts before it is turned over to Crews have been sifting the three weeks since the crash on April 6. Their operations have been under constant surveillance of Russian military personnel. The crash, which killed the a new all-weather Russian Fighter not seen previously by the Western allies. Most of the wreckage was after the crash and handed over to the Russians. A second engine is still being sought, however. . Sukarno '. " For Anti - JAKARTA (AP) Presi dent Sukarno publicly upbraid ed Foreign Minister Adam md out!) cf department stores. hr Daily Ear rrl World News BRIEFS Bv The Associated Press ' en hve ..,,7- irJ r.rppn ripar T AnrW -' . manv vpars in Pari saw, vu.u u I0 toll rises: The Indonesian news that at least 50 persons died asi still unaccounted for. The mam massacre occurred found: A battered jet engine crashed into a West Berlin Friday from the lake bottom the engine will be studied by Soviet authorities. mud of Lake Stoessen for plane's two man crew, involved brought to the surface a week Upbraids Minister -;t ,' , -i .,.--..-.. . t,-'...-,y K '. f .f ..... Communist Blast Malik yesterday for encourag ing student agitation against leftist elements in the govern ment. Malik tried to pass the out bursts off by implying that he had been misquoted. The flare up occurred during a confer ence involving newsmen, Su karno, Malik and Economic Affairs Minister Sultan Ham engku Buwono. The students claim that the Supreme Advisory Council, just reshuffled by Sukarno, contained too many pro - Com munist members. To a group of students de monstrating against the coun cil Thursday, Malik said, "I am always with you. Continue your actions until our aims are achieved." When Sukarno demanded to know whether he had made the statement, Malik did not respond directly but said all the newsmen had not been pre sent when he spoke to the stud ents. He implied that he had Why should a traditional Shantung print have a loop label? To keep the small end neatly in place. No other tie fabric CQn match the handsome texture and design depth of a I silk cu Can . 7 . . j ti mpfrulous craftsmanship of these Shantung, part,cu!arly when hand-prm.ed. The cu tow f Renbo tes extends even to the authentic loop , tab ,el on reta;ers Qf through, and it stays always centered and lying tlat. At Knowie y write Resilio, Empire State Bui Iding, New York City, N.Y. P.S. All Resilio ties have loop labels. Lodge Leaves Viet Nam For Washington R SAIGON (AP) - Amhacco. dor Henry Cabot Lode start ed home yesterday for a Wash ington review of Viet Nam pro- uicius luai odigon authorities fear may be complicated while he is enroute by labor - in spired May Day rioting. , In0-r n.ow enaing near ly 2o0,000 American service men with the arrival of 4,000 fresh combat troops to round out the 25th infantry division, most activity reported Friday was in the air. A count of Communist food and other supplies seized by the U. S. 1st infantry division this week near the Cambodian frontier soared to 1,100 tons. But guerrilla units were keep ing clear of this and five other major American ground oper ations. A U. S. Marine patrol repor ted the sole contact. A spok esman said it stirred up a Viet Cong detachment 17 miles south of Da Nang and, with artillery help, killed 12. The capital's leading labor unions, which have marshaled up to 40,000 demonstrators in Saigon streets at times in the past, called for a giant march on the socialist labor day Sun day. Some unionists were re ported preparing banners de manding an end to the war. Mahor Van Van Cua charg ed that the unions are Com munist - infiltrated and may "stage an attempt to seize po wer." Cua told newsmen, how ever, "We are ready for any eventuality." Squads of white clad riot police and a regiment of Vietnamese paratroopers were on the alert. Nevertheless, there was a calm atmosphere in Lodge's flight arrangements. Though it was not disclosed whether he hoped to see Pope Paul VI, he planned one stop in Rome. He expects to visit several days in Boston, his home area, on the way to Washington, where he is due for consultations May 7 or 8. "It will be a general, impor tant review and perhaps some . new policy decisions," news men were told. "But this is no crisis trip." Sitting in for Lodge at the fortress - like U. S. embassy will be William Porter, the de- not been cdrrectly quoted. The quarrel pointed to con tinued tensions between Su karno and the new ruling group in which Malik has a key post with strong army support. Meanwhile, a further change in direction by the new rul ers away from the policies pur sured by Sukarno was indicat ed by the reactions of top leaders to Britain's decision to grant $2.8 million in aid. Although Sukarno declined to say more than "I don't care if it's from Britain or heav en," Buwono called it a good omen. It's a good gesture," the economic affairs minister said. "Indonesia is thankful for it. It could lead to other things." Lt. Gen. Suharto, the lea der of the ruling group, said simply that Indonesia was thankful for the gesture. Asked whether the aid might contribute towards ending In donesia's undeclared war with Malaysia, Suharto nodded. puty chief of mission. The 4,000 men beefing up the 2oth division to full strength complete a 25 Der cent increase m American forces in Viet Nam since the start of the year. Temporarily based at Saigon's Tan Son Xhut airport, they make up the main body of the division's 1st brigade. The commander is Col. Wil liam B. Sandlin Jr. 44, of Marathon, Fla. While evading American for ces, guerrillas pursued their re cent tactics of striking at scat tered Vietnamese government outposts and hamlets. A government spokesman said they staged a grenade at tack on an outpost 18 miles south of Saigon, mortared a Hau Nghai province village west of this city and wounded 16 civilians in a mortar at tack on a Vietnamese head quarters near Ba Tri, 60 mil es south of saigon. Viet Cong mines wrecked a small passenger bus and a mil itary truck in the Mekong Del ta. Three Vietnamese women were killed and seven persons were wounded in the bus. The spokesman said there were an undetermined number of cas ualties in the truck. Trucks and cargo junks were high priority targets in 64 missions of U. S. Air Force ana xavy sqadrons over North Viet Nam Thursday. Navy fliers announced they destroyed 58 junks in attacks along the Tonkin Gulf coast between Vihn and Haiphong. Air Force pilots said they de stroyed 30 trucks and two an tiaircraft sites around Dong Hoi, 40 miles north of the bor der. In the south, enemy sam pans and storage dumps were the targets of 310 sorties combat flights by single plan es. Two destroyers of the U. S 7th fleet shelled suspeted Communist shore emplace ments and B52 jet bombers from Guam saturated an area 60 miles south of Da Nang where enemy troop concentra tions have been reported. In another field, a group o! South Vietnamese intellectuals charged that the nation's cul tural life is in a state "of de- sperate stagnation" and called on the government to take ap propriate measures. In a signed statement ad dressed to the chief of state, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, 26 writers, poets and artists said: "While governments have changed, the country's intell ectual life has degenerated . . submerging the noble tradi tions of our people." They said part of this sit uation is due to "lack of de mocracy and censorship which prevents intellectuals from ex pressing the truth for the edi fication of the country and ed ucation of its citizens." Weather Forecast Saturday partly cloudy to cloudy and somewhat warmer with chance of widely scattered afternoon thundershowers. Highs around 70 in the moun tains, mostly in the 70s elsewhere. Sunday partly cloudy and warm with scattered showers or thun dershowers, mainly in the west portion of the state. eview The government is desper ately trying to avoid noting in the tense period bef 3re pro mised eeneral election; within three to five months Cua said reliable reports "conclusively indicate that se veral armed trade union cad res are on a whispering cam paign with accompanying threats to press workers into an attempt to sei2e power. Cua told the union leaders ina ne noids them p ersonal- ly responsible for ill acts resulting in injuries to people proper- or damage to private ty." Manpower Inc. th world's largest temporary help organiza tion has summer oDenihgs for col lege men. You"ll be doing healthy and interesting general labor work at good pay. Call or visit the Manpower office! in your home city. Were listed in the white pages of the telephone directory. MANPOWER OVER 400 OFFICES THFOUGHOlf t the world 1. What kind of hat are ou wearing today r Forest ranger. 3. Wouldn't you be letter using some of the thing ff you ve learned in schoo You mean like T Theory and Fun ie amentals of Bookbinding? 5. Have von considered insurance? Do they need fort rangers? For career opportunities at wnte to rat ne t acolurd. a anpower The Equitable Life Asjsu ranee Horn- Otfit.-: Ave-, of the A mrric-a. An Eqi, LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB? Still Bustvrs The North Carolina Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, re-, port that a record 124 moon shine stills were raided m April This Lncluded 53,614 gal-. Ions of mash and 3.106 gallons; of moonshine whisky. BEAUTIFUL HOME t u j" T" sale. Located on two acres ot land, 8 rooms, 4 baths, 3 bed rooms, over 100 yrs. old. for appointment to see, contact J. M. Durham Real Estate Agen cy, 713 Kivett St., Burlington. N. C. near Plaid Mill. NEED EXTRA CAbli: ir you have coins to sell, it will pay you to see J. P. KiggsDee at the Chapel Hill Ice Co. y 3268. GARRAD TYPE A, MARK 11 Auto. Turntable with Shure M3D Cartridge, less base. Like new - never used! $75 call II. B. Phillips, 942-1471. FOR SALE: RED '62 Volks wagen convertible. Must sell immediately. Will take any reasonable offer. Contact Pete Ainsile 968-9176. I AKC German Shepard puppies 1 male and 2 females 10 weeks old puppy shots also female Siamese Kitten. Call 929-2311. Evenings and weekends. NROTC GRADUATES: FOR Sale: 5 summer dress khaki fine gabardine uniforms, $15 ea.; 2 dress blue serge uni forms, $20; 1 navy gabardine overcoat, $15. All size 38, in excellent condition. Call 489 2166, 1401 Fairview St., Dur ham, N. C. FOR SALE, 1966 SUZUKI Trail 80, New Condition, just 400 miles, only $275. Call now 1 966-5205 for further informa tion. 2. What happened to the pith helmet? Deep down, I've . always dreamed of.. Ix ing a ranger. 4. I mean something you're qualified for like math. . I in looking for a job where I can find drama and excitement-to say nothing of a detent standard of living. 6. At Equitable, thev have a whole range of joos that offer challenge. Actuarial science and marketing. Systems and operations research. Securities analysis and insurance operations. I could always spend my vacations in the woods. " - DTH j Equitable, s-e vour PI... u- , ' m mincer, or Development Division. Society of the UnitPd Mat rw York. . V lltfilu r. .. .