Fridav, May 20. 1966 Pi. iff I THE DAILY TAR HEEL More St it h Errs Editor. The Daily Tar Heel: It's too bad the members of the Daily Tar Heel staff can not find better copy to fill the space in these last few issues than slanderous, libelous let ters about former friends and Journalism School classmates. At least Pat Stith, former DTII Managing Editor has certainly indicated this in his Wednesday, May 18, 1966. let ter to the editor. In it he proceeded to thumb through the Yack and pick out a number of seniors to attack just because they "claimed" to work on the Daily Tar Heel. The only trouble is, he did not bother to follow the ethics of journalism and investigate his facts. Instead, he printed them hastily without finding out if they were really true. Perhaps he is right about some of these so called "pre- When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with l!oDozTM NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mental sluggishness. NoDoz' helps restore your natural mental vitality... helps quicken physical reactions. You be come more naturally alert to people and conditions around you. Yet NoDOZ is as safe as coffee. Anytime . .when you can't afford dull, shftrben your wits with NODOZ. SAFE AS COFFEE r HELD OVER! ,f VS N ARTS PRODUCT'! Nb D'rsents SIMONE SIGNORET - YVES MONTAND TIIS CAP Co-Starring CATHERINE ALLEGRET Short. "Days of Dylan Thomas" 1, 3. 5, 7. and 9 p.m. Starting Wednesday May 25 EXAM WEEK SPECIAL Now you can see a once- j in-a-lifetime Broadway j : show at your own j : movie theatre. ,m WIUDWKJ.y lUXI l.HU. J)JU,I...II,)IIII)II V ;v. rLft J EES km us M TANNER -MIlUCENr MARTIN Of km "w vi: j usi aasa I5JH1 TECHNICOLOR FROM WARNER BROS i 16 BIG MUSICAL NUMBERS! Plus this year's Academy-Award Winning Short, "THE CHICKEN" 1. 3. 5. 7 & 9 P.M. RIALT0, Durham Letters To tenders." I have my doubts. I know of few people who would claim to have worked on this newpaper had they not really spent hours of thank less effort contributing to it. For Mr. Stith's information, three years of my Carolina col lege years have been spent working and contributing to the DTH. I guess he just did not bother to read the names of the people on the payroll, study the paper in its entirety, notice the names in the mast head, or see me frequent the office with stories from the News Bureau and other sourc es which I had written. As for my contribution this year I don't suppose Mr. Stith remembers any of the stories that came from the News Bureau with my byline on them, the stories about the motorcycle incidents on cam pus, for instance, on which the DTII so conveniently broke the state release date on, or the stories they so neatly removed my byline from in order to make them appear to be writ ten by permanent DTH staff ers. I'm sorry associate editor Barry Jacobs has such a poor memory too. I've only talked with on numerous occasions about stories and business with which he was directly concern ed during my visits to the DTH office. I would suggest Mr. Stith check his facts thoroughly the next time he tries to decide who knows me and who doesn't. Most of the people he mentioned who do not, happen to be very close friends of mine or I at least consider them so. Perhaps in the future Mr. Stith will think before he writes rather than being so hasty in publicizing information about which he really knows noth ing. Mary Ellison Strother Chem Fires Editor: With reference to your edi torial of May 18 and for the benefit of an informed general public, there are forty fire ex tinguishers in Venable Hall of the dry powder type, design ed particularly for chemical NOW PLAYING THE GREATEST STORY OF THE WEST EVER FILMED! ALAN JEAN VAN LADD -ARTHUR 'HEFLIN -GEORGE STEVENS oouc mm or SHANE TECHNICOLOR"' fSSgJ Shows at 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:05 9:15 tin ill EVERYBODY LOVES A GOOD FOR THE BEST TRY EASTGATE RESTAURANT A PRE-EXAM SPECIAL SERVED WITH A PITCHER of BEER! Cheese and Tomato Sauce! SMALL only SI .50 LARGE only S2.Q0 EASTGATE RESTAURANT Editor fires. These are sealed pres sure canister fire extinguish ers that contain pressure indi cators. In addition to these forty, there are six powder ex tinguishers that have proper pressure guage attachments. All of these fire extinguishers can be checked at a glance and are checked daily by our jani tors. While these forty-six fire extinguishers alone would be sufficient for this laboratory, we have in addition twenty -eight of the carbon dioxide type extinguishers throughout the building. These are checked by weight on the average of once a month by our janitors. The specifications on these extin guishers call for inspection ev ery six months. In the "quick tour" of Ven able Hall mentioned in your editorial, you noted a Novem ber of 1963 date as the last date that appears on the in spection tags. I should point out that November 15 of 1963 was the last date on which our fire extinguishers were checked by an outside group. It was then that the Chemis try Department decided that the outside inspection of our fire extinguishers was not ade quate, and since that time we have assumed the responsibili ty of inspection according to the above mentioned sched ules. This in-house standing in spection program has not re quired the use of inspection tags. Due to the variety of flam mable materials used in a chemistry program, it is in evitable that there will be some fires. We may average from two to ten small lab fires per month, but in the last twenty seven years we have called the Fire Department only once, and that was because of the freakish nature of that partic ular fire. W. F. Little Chairman NURSES DORM HONORED The Nurses Dorm received the Carolina Woman's Council trophy for the most active wo man's dorm for the 1965-66 year, yesterday. Dorms were judged on the basis of activi ties, projects and functions dur ing the year. Dorm President Carole Norman accepted the trophy on behalf of the Nurses' dorm. ; S 11 JOBS AVAILABLE Manpower Inc. the world's largest temporary help organiza tion has summer openings for thousands of college men. You'll be doing healthy and interesting general labor work at good pay. Call or visit the Manpower office in your home city. We're listed in the white pages of the tele phone directory. MANPOWER OVER 400 OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD UMME Honors Program Expands Upward The Faculty Committee on Honors decided last week to in torduce a new program of in dependent study for next year into the Honors Program and the university community in general. The program will be called Junior Honors Indepen dent Study, Honors 37 and 38. The program is more than an expanded Honors program, Dr. David Lapkin, head of the Honors Committee, points out. "We hope it will be the beginning of a more general program of independent study for the junior year and that it will become an integral part of the University's program. It will be included in the cate logue. Now a program of in dependent study will be avail able to all gifted students." The program is designed for academically gifted students who would do independent' study with some inter-disciplinary focus. It would be under taken under the direction of a faculty member the student would choose to work with, and would carry three semes-, ter hours credit. Basically, according to Dr. Lapkin, most of the students for the program will be drawn from those that have success fully completed the Sophomore ; Honors program. Students .' should probably have a 3.5 average, but Dr. Lapkin stresses that this is not an in flexible rule. ., t , j There are three basic steps to be taken to get into the "pro-,1 gram. The interested student should first go to . a facr' T3fe DEATH-DEFYING K7. IP"-'"! mm t I ' : REFRISE ALBUM -6203 Pi IF : 1 1 1 1 1 INI Id '-""a member under whose direc tion he wishes to pursue his study. The faculty member should write a letter to the Faculty Council on Honors in dicting his willingness to work with the student. Next the student should se cure from faculty members he has done written work for, a brief statement to the effect that they feel the student is capable of doing independent work. Finally, if the student is approved tentatively on the basis of these statements and the advisor report, he will work up a detailed perspectus of his intentions. If this is ap proved he will be accepted in to the program. -Kills (Continued from Page 1) trap (significance) to his vic tim. This trap was merely a ruse a stuffed glove (hand) the trap (booby) which many coeds encounter and fall vic tim to. "The hunter was shot after his assistant (a flunky) had come over to discuss how ri diculous the hunter appeared. A 'bizzare' killing foiled." All prizes are German lug ers (Wee-Gee water gun style) which may be picked up at the Graham Memorial informa tion desk after noon today. The DTH feels that an hon orable mention ust go to Kelly Hunter for killing Shar on Harmon. Early yesterday morning Miss Harmon was awakened by her alarm clock. The hall phone rang a few minutes later and her room mate was called out. "A blond entered," Miss Harmon said. "A stranger. I felt no hate only pity. She entered walked up to my bedside. I looked up question ingly. The answer was a bomb gently dropped on my stomach. I was dead. Plot: early morning daze, removal of roomrmt-', end death. One. Two. Three." Lir; rlt:s were held for Miss Kaimon y VrCiy at 6 p.m. in Harry's 'Tor iha mourned dcilh cf a pacifist." SAi:rY I3C3C3 SOKUBDHNIkVr Soft as a puppy. yet rugged as an old hound dog. Salty Dog. the original all-cotton Scrubdenim by Canton". . . today's most exciting fabric with the "lived-in" look. Ask for Sa'ty Dog jeans, bell bottoms. CPO and ponderosa shirts, shorts. and other casual wear by leading fashion makers at your favorite store. SANFORIZED" Hope Drive Has Deadline Moved Off By DAVID ROTHMAX DTH Staff Writer ProJectCHopeStl11 Cnt"bUte t0 1 Jmf,S?mk'y-director of the fin , rulS1Rg Pri r S v2S T hospital announc- ha been extended to May 24. 1S J5 d0ne "at the re fund J SeVeral of the dorm fund raising chairmen w h o have been pressed for time as a resu of exams he said. Brantley, who predicts that aroUnd $300" will be raised he,s "nable to release in dividual dorm collection fig ures since the fund-raising con test is still going on. But he said Spencer. Parker and Morrison are presently the leaders in the dorm division, with the Phi Mu sorority lead ing the fraternity - sorority division. Money can be turned in to the basement of Smith dormi tory any time day or night, Brantley said. Explaining why Project Hope was born even though there are government foreign aid pro grams with similar purposes, Brantley quoted this state ment: "Foreign aid originating from the American government is received with a certain amount of distrust and resent ment as a supposed extension of American imperialism through the dollar . . . "The granting of foreign aid through a neutral body has been suggested to offset the distrust and resentment behind our granting of foreign aid. "This policy has led to the founding of such bodies as the Alliance for Progress and Proj ect Hope." Project Hope was started in the 1950s as part of President Eisenhower's People to Peo ple aid program. Besides curing persons in un derdeveloped countries, Proj ect Hope instructs native doc tors in modern medical tech niques. DIAMONDS A Wide Selection Individual Terms T. L. KEMP Jewelry 135 East Franklin 942-1331 I I V -.-.-.":-;-.v."."-'X" ...v.v. . Campus Summer AG Staff Anvone interested in being ... yt !- on the Attorney wt'"J staff for either or both sum mer sessions please come to th Council Room of GM this afternoon from 2 to 5. Fall Sorority Rush Anv eirl who wants to go through sorority rush next fall must sicn ud in the Dean 01 Women's Office before exams start. Room Rent Due Koom rent for women stu- d?nts is due by July 1. Fail ure to pay the balance due means a student's university room reservation will be can cellcd.The balance is refund abb unitl July 1. Room rent for men is also able until July 1. STEAK HOUSE & OYSTER BAR SUPPER CLUB ATMOSPHERE. Music for Dining and Dancing Banquets & Receptions NO COVER CHARGE Take 15-501 Durham By-Pass. Turn Right at Hillsboro Rd. Continue East 2 Blocks TEL. 286-1138 DURHAM, N. C. i. UNC BEER MUGS SCARFS ANIM XLS PENNANTS - - RED NIGHT SHIRTS Hickory Farms presents an EM1-TIL1E SPECIAL! Do hunger pangs gnaw beneath the Butterflies in your tummy at 3:00 A.M.? Does your bod crave sustenance while the midnight oil burns? Then get yourself supplies for the siege . . a Hickory Farms' Em - PAG! Featuring One whole parti-loaf of Rye Broad i2 pound tangy, Smoked Beef Stick One jar sweet-hoi Mustard One package Rumelles One whole 'Lil Srnokey Cheese ALL FOR ONLY $2.98 Tim FULL Snack-Meals! PAC does not require refrigeration. Phone an order early for most convenient pickups! CALL 929-1398 UTENSILS INCLUDED! Additional items by request. G r mm I f i iff r I it A I r m - vi is Easigalo Shopping Cantor Briefs Extim Flicks -Captain Video and hU vid:o rangers" will hit t he silvrr screen of Carroll Hall Friday and Saturday night of exams at 7 and 9:30. No ad mission charge. , On Friday night episodes l- -will be shown. Saturday night brings 9-15. A large crowd, seeking to let off steam, is ex pected. Captain Video starred on television in th? 1950's. These episodes come from the mo tion picture version of the "Video" series. At Rutgers last year, the "Captain Video" showings drew an overflow crowd each time they were shown. The GM Films Committee is the sponsor of tha flicks. Five years ago Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip a private audience with Pope John at tne vaucan. ri SO PROUD I JUST PICKED OUT A UNIQUE I GIFT FOR MY GIRL m. FRIEND il 1 1 I - mr mm OF OHIO X