Attention Counselors onenat,on maa " Iter Secretary Needed Any coed interested ia ser ving as secretary for t he Publications Board should come to the Board office on the second floor of Graham Memorial for an interview either this afternoon or to morrow afternoon between 2 and 4. The secretary is paid. CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1966 Founded February 23, 1893 ""' IM" Hi am. Mi UN Section I ab Checks Knife In E vans By ERNEST II. ROBL DTH News Editor Chapel Hill Police were waiting Monday for a labora tory analysis of stains on a cheap butcher knife found by a student, hoping they would provide a new lead in the still unsolved fatal shabbing of a 21-year-old coed one year ago. On July 30, 1965, Suellen Evans who had been attend ing the second summer ses sion at the University was walking through the Coker Arboretum. About half way through the botanical garden, someone plunged a "sharp bladed instrument" into her heart. Neither the killer nor the murder weapon were found in an intense search that fol lowed the daylight stabbing. Outlook Bleak Until last week police had all but given up hope of ever solving the murder. It was then that a student home for the summer found a knife under the spare tire of his car. The knife, about half of its 10-inch blade appearing to be stained with blood, turned up in Bethesda, Md., and was immediately forwarded to Chapel Hill. The student, whom police declined to identify, said that his car had been parked near the Lambda Chi Alpha fra ternity house on Franklin Street on the day of the mur der one year ago. He said that he had not had occasion to take out the spare tire since that time. The State Bureau of Inves tigation Crime Lab in Raleigh began examining the knife Monday morning, attempting to determine if the stains on the knife were human blood and if this blood matched the type of the murdered coed. Hair on v Knife According to Chapel Hill Police Chief W. D. Blake, the knife also had some hair ad hering to it, which the lab will attempt to match with the coed's. Should both tests give posi tive results, the SBI will at tempt to get fingerprints from the suspected weapon. Blake said that "under ideal condi 1 y :i?:Vfi i L - A UTOVERSITY ON James residence hall pushes latest of the "Chapel rar!i with Morrison in size. "3j i L Murder tions" latent fingerprints could be detected even after a period of more than one year. The discovery of the sus pected knife is only the latest that town police and SBI ag ents have investigated. , Blake said that police have been working on the assump tion that the motive for the murder was rape. The attack took place about 12:30 p.m. on a hot. clear day. Before an ambulance could arrive at the scene. Miss Evans collapsed and died. "He tried to rape me ' I believe I'm going to faint." were the only words she could mutter before collapsing in the arms of two coeds and two nuns who had rushed to the scene in response to 'screams. No Witnesses There had been no witness est to the stabbing, though one of tho?e arriving on the scene seconds later reported seeing "a dark arm" disappear be hind some bushes. "She put up quite a fight and probably pulled some of the hair we found out of the attacker's head," Blake re ported. Lab reports indicated that the hair found at the scene was Negroid. The arboretum path which had been raked only an hour before showed signs of a fierce struggle and gave po lice the impression of one large and distinct footprint. A foot-by-foot search of the arboretum by about 200 stu dent volunteers working un der the suprevision of police failed to yield any trace of the murder weapon or other clues. Chapel Hill police continued to work on the case, ques tioning suspects, tracing leads, but always running into dead ends. - 100 Questioned Some 100 persons were ques tioned in connection with the case, and Chapel Hill Police have put more than 900 hours of overtime into the case. Blake says the case "will not be closed until it's solved." If tests eliminate the knife, the police will continue look ing for other leads. , - lit Mi ft V if 'l '! If i s in evidence as Hinton itself upward on South Campus. ltsei , eventaally j photo By Ernest Robl I I t' ' gZZZ M. V" I - - - '" , f I ( ".. V Chancellor Sitterson Dedication For New By STEVE BENNETT DTH Staff Writer J. Carlyle Sitterson, in his first address to entering stu dents since he became chan cellor last spring, said Sat- urday night, "Dedication and perseverance without unusu- laice tne advantages to aevei al academic ability are far op outside the classroom, more important to- you, the - lab, and library, in addition university and society than is to your academic develop unusual academic ability ment." without dedication and per- Also speaking to the fresh severance." men was the Dean of Stu- Speaking before a crowd dent Affairs C. O. Cathey who of 3,000 freshmen men and said, "The University is dy- women and orientation coun- namic and always on the move selors in Carmichael Audi- offering you a new type of torium, Sitterson departed freedom that will instill re- from a prepared text and sponsibility in you." themes of freedom and re- He told them that while they sponsibHity for entering stu- are students here they must dents. ask themselves why they are "In the academic world you here and what they are going will be required to study cer tain things, but. even in this area you will have more free dom than you have ever had before," Sitterson said. He told them their "first responsibility is to meet the academic demands of the Un iversity and then to live up to the expectations of their parents." Sitterson pointed out that last year's freshman class had only five per cent that were academically ineligible to return at the end of the year compared with 14 per cent that were not eligible in the class that entered in 1962. "I challenge you to surpass the academic record set last year by the freshman class by reducing the percentage of ineligible students to less than the present low of five per cent," Sitterson said. Blazer Fittings Start Today Fittings for the traditional UNC Blazer are scheduled to day at Chase Cafeteria and tomorrow in Graham Me morial. This year there is a new addition to the family of blaz ers which is available through the Society of Janus. It is a tropical blazer a light-weight blazer in navy. Blazers are made by the Robert Rollins Co. and fea- ture the Carolina crest inlaid uaUy announced until the be on the pocket. An extra pock- ginning of the spring semes- et is provided for after col- ter. lege wear. Tomorrow night's concert by The blazer is 100 per cent the Serendipity Singers is free virgin wool and the fabric to Carolina students. All that is pre-shrunk, except tropi- is necessary to be admitted cals. The lining is of rayon is to show up at Carmichael twill. Si7;es are "proportioned for the 8 p.m. beginning, to fit" in shorts, mediums For the Serendipity Sing and longs. . ers, it will be the third ap A $5 deposit is required pearance on the. Carolina with each blazer ordered. campus. They were here for Any student may be fitted, the 1964 Jubilee and returned regardless of whether he for a Memorial Hall show in mailed a deposit to the blaz- April, 1965. er committee in the summer However, this is not exact or not. Chairman is Dwight lY the same group which ap- Thomas Jr. A dresses Freshmen DTH Photo By Ernest Robl Students Sitterson said that the atti tude of today's freshman de termines what he derives from his association with the Uni versity. He said, "You will make . a grave mistake if you do not to do with their lives. "If you are here only to get credentials to aid in secur ing a job in later years, you are going to miss out . on much of the valuable educa tion that is offered here," Cathey aid. "There are almost 3,000 of you more than the entire stu dent body of the University when I entered, Catbsy said. "Here yo will come into con tact withstudents of every class, race, color . and creed and will combine with them to become part of a great heterogenous student . body. The Serendipity Singers with two good-looking babes and seve not-so-handsome gen tlemenwill get this year's Graham Memorial Concert series off to a big start to morrow night in Carmichael Auditorium. The performances is the first of 13 which Graham Me morial has r already contract ed, and GM Director How ard Henry says negotiations are in progress for several additional shows. In addition, there is the Spring Weekend Extravagan- za called Jubilee. Set this year for April 23, 29 and 30. it will feature concerts and parties for the entire cam pus. Performers are not us- peared earlier. They still sing JJlieFollmeiit Meaclie As Academic A record number of students, new administrators and new faculty will begin the academic year Thurs day, Sept. 15, at the University of North Carolina. Freshmen and transfer students arrived on cam pus Friday, Sept. 9, for a week-long orientation pro gram. A total of 13,250 students are enrolled for fall semester classes. Beginning his first academic year in the top ad ministrative post on campus will be Chancellor J. Carlyle Sitterson,a native of Kinston. Dr. Sitterson was named to the post in May, succeeding Dr. Paul F. Sharp. Also assuming new administrative roles will be the recently named provost, Dr. D. Hugh Holman, ''Freshman' 'Class Smarter With Greater Capabilities By STEVE BENNETT DTH Staff Writer .. lhlS years freshman Class of approximately 2,300 stud- ents is tfie most intelligent class ever to enter the Univer, sity according to Director of Admissions Charles Bernard. The average College Board score is 1160, which is 23 points nigner than the average score ui Wat years irc&uman ciass. The secondary school record of the new freshmen is also better, Jthan last year's record of 52 per cent from the top fourth of the graduating class es and 90 per cent from the top half. . No freshmen were admitted this year with a predicted grade average of below 1.6 The average is determined through a compiling of the high school or prep school record and the College Board score with more emphasis placed on the record. The 15 per cent of the fresh men that were admitted from out of state come mostly from Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, and Virginia. Bernard said, "Our Depart ment of Admissions processed more than 8,500 applications for admission this year and accepted 3,825 students to fill the 2,300 vacanices in the fresh man class." The ratio of the number of women to men in the fresh man class has increased this year due to the raising of the number of freshman women from 336 to 500 and lowering the number of freshman men Opens New Season With and play, but the singers and players have changed. GM already has scheduled 12 other groups to follow the On Oct. 1, The Four Trops will perform in Carmichael. Then, the scene of the action will move to Memorial Hall for a Nov. 10 performance of the Robert Joffre Ballet. Next, back in Carmichael, The Four Seasons present a concert on Nov. 18. Following that show, the schedule now calls for three Memorial Hall concerts. They are Fiesta Mexicana on Nov. 28, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, N.' Indian Music, on Nov. 30 and the Paris Chamber Or chestra on Feb. 1. On Feb. 9, the Dukes of Dixieland play in Carmichael. The National Ballet is set for Feb. 18 in Memorial. Fred Waring is scheduled for Feb. 27, but where he will per form is to be decided later. The final two performances before Jubilee are both an Memorial. They are Beverly Wolff on March 8 and Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra on April 13. The date for a show by The Uncalled For Three is still being negotiated. Other performances will be announced as contracts are completed. from 1969 to 1800. The limit for transfer stud- ents this year was set at 500 wiHi mnst nt them hpina inn- ior transfers. Only a few so- phomore transfers were admit- ted and many of them are en- tering the four - year course in the School of Pharmacy. The increase in the number of freshman - women has brought about the administra- tion decision to aUow under- graduate women - to" .room in Granville Hall this year. Dean Vbf Women- Katherine . Carmichael said that this year marks the first time in the history of the University that undergraduajte women 1 -11 . X- ti nave ueen aiiowea to uve in privately - owned housing off campus. "The owners and operators Frosh Ai iong By STEVE BENNETT DTH Staff Writer Campus parking regulations for this year outlaw the use of motor scooters for fresh- mx um:f r nnrlrincr to the "SSSAIS SSs and outtaw back-up Coih P.-loS parsing in uugie ui spaces. . .mon .w .rfSeSTtoeSte are not allowed 10 operate any motor vehicle m or around Chapel Hill, the re strictions on parking for up- N r, a, i ' ( I ' - , I l ! J ' ', 1 - 1 ( - ( (k j Year Mem along with the assistant to the chancellor, Dr. Clai borne S. Jones. A chemist, and a Kansas pediatrician, will also step into administrative posts this fall. Dr. John Charles Morrow, a specialist in physical chemistry, will take over a "dual deanship" as Dean of the Gen eral College and Dean of the College of Arts and Sci ences. Dr. C. Arden Miller, former dean of the Medi cal School at the University of Kansas, will become Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences. There will be from 75 to 100 new faculty members this fall the largest number of recruits in the history of UNC. With the aid of Kenan funds, including the recent five million dollar bequest from the William of Granville Hall have been most co - operative with us in fulfilling every request pos- sihlp that wp havo maHp f them," Dean Carmichael said, The owners of the residence hall are employing advisors for the girls that have been appro- ved by the office of the dean of women. The women are be- ing grouped on different floors according to their class and will De subject to the same rules as all the other coeds, No one other than fully - en- rolled students are permitted. to live there. Every year for the past six years the caliber of the stud- ents in the freshman class has i nj-kivtl. tVr4- (Via huuiuvcu w mc uvuij, uat u, University compares with the ratings oi me tup avuuuis the country. J- . - e At i. i'm 'Cycles ules ew . per-classmen has remained the same. Sophomores, ran- ana "-c a -stt"c . u i Students who h Students who live more than ZO-nUIlUie wanting uiawuitc from the campus may obtain 20-minute walking distance last year, they will not be able to park in all student nUn parking spaces. Bob Kepner, assistant to the dean of men, said, "This . . . . f year cars may not back into See PARKING Page 2 Serendipity The Serendipity Singers R C7 Kenan Charitable Trust Fund, the University will seek ad ditional outstanding faculty members during the year. Last fall, UNC opened its doors to women students for four years of undergraduate study for the first time. This policy has led to some in crease in coed enrollment. Around 3,000 women, includ ing those enrolled in gradu ate and professional pro grams, are expected this fall. There will be a noticeable rise in graduate and profes- sional enrollments this fall. For exaimole. there will be a record number of 500 law stu- dents. ' A record number of 216 Morehead Scholars will be studying on campus this year, including 72 new freshmen scholars. In addition, for the first time, there wil be nine Morehead Fellows three . each - in graduate school, in law and In medicine, A new program in mathe- matical statistics for under- graduates will be instituted AI P-H fTIl TTI li-..' ims nm. me umvcisujr a MBA (Masters in Business Administration) program has been expanded into a two year course of study, with 50 students scheduled to enter the program this fall. Three faculty members will begin their first full year as deans in the University. They are Dr. Carl Wilson Ander son, School of Social Work; Dr. Norfton Lewis Beach, School of Education; and Dr. James w. Bawden, School of rntictrv Approximately a dozen de- partments in the University will have new chairmen, sev- win nave new tuauuicu, acr- era! of whom will be return- ing from leaves of absences for the past year. ThrPP maior construction projects are scheduled for completion next year These i-i,, QifnrntinTi nnH addi- include alterations and addi- See RECORDS Page 8 Singers

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