Tuesday, December 13. isrr THE DAILY TAR HEEL Pa ire 3 wjuPbt x HATE TO REMIND YOU CHARLIE BROWN ' BUT YOU'VE GOT OMLV IX MORE SHOPPING OAVS 'TIL CHRISTMAS ' C DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. City in Georgia 6. River to North Sea: Ger. 11. Evade 12. Sheeplike 13. Pneumatic tube 14. French money 15. Ever: poet. 16. Waterproof cloth 17. Scoffed 19. Continent: abfcr. 20. Rebuffs 21. Exchange 23. Soldiers: abbr. 24. Exclama tion of disgust 25. Packing1 box 27. South Sea paradise 28. Part of to be" 29. Fragile 32. To go back 35. Drag 38. Mission 37. Brier 38. Setting 39. More in dependent 40. Searches for 41. An Antarc tica explorer and an English composer DOWN 1. Allots 2. Foreigners ' 3. Swift parts of streams 4. Poem 5. Compass point 6. The earth 7. Namesakes of a Gabor sister 8. Submerge 9. Live oaks 10. Take a pic ture again 14. Interjections 16. Spheres HESSnVE YOUR SEAT II ADVAHQE FOR FAST EXPRESS DUSES o) IT JL n JV . TRAILWAYS tS- mmrzJHIh NEW FASTER SCHEDULES VIA TRAILWAYS AMD DIRECT THRU ROUTES Next trip, cruise serenely along superb new highways in a Trailways bus newly-designed to match. Pamper yourself a little. There's a Trailways ready to go when you are. CHAPEL HILL AY NEW YORK M . 1705 Thru Express via Turnpikes route NORFOLK J 5605 Thru Express frequent departures GREENSBORO 145 10 Convenient trips daily WASHINGTON 8'55 Thru Express via Turnpikes route CHARTERS TOURS PACKAGE EXPRESS union bus terliiiial 311 W. Franklin St. Easiest travel on earth Ol AN.., l.J . t. 18. Seine 21. Season ing 22. "The Poet" 24. Lure 25. Pat 26. Punish by fine 27. Nail 29. Former Czech, president 30. Cantered 31. Pitchers jRAK EriSlOlD AC CERE SjPROV E, ATT Afj craved R U "7?3 O A "E N G PRO GW N V J G E i nr oris ERlT E S "!c ASTgjos F2 AjC A D A Z Jk E 3 D0 L 1AB I L E NE PONGEE 2 OVEN TjR EES jA DOR E JslElRiEUuAMsn 33. Myrtle or oak 34. Class 37. Lever 39..Teammate of QB and HB I 12. li K IS JVVJb 17 & 19 110 LZZZZ----- ?a r MlZZZWZZZZM 'ZZ ZZZZZZWZZZZ i !!! 40 11 I mx 11 1 TO jflQIMilS! 942-3356 r "hapel Hill Is By BILL SMITH UNC News Bureau One of the town's oldest, most cherished myths that Chapel Hill was once on the coast of a Trassic sea has been kicked in the head. The beautiful theory was murdered by a brutal gang of geological facts collected by Dr. Daniel Textoris, a geo logy professor. The pseudo - sea took its name from the Triassic per iod of geological time. Geolo gists estimate the period ended some 180 million years ago. Had it remained unpubli cized except by word of mouth, the myth would have been safe. Unfortunately for true be lievers it got nationwide pub licity in print ,in the form of Frances Gray v Patton's story about Chapel Hill in the Aug ust issue of Holiday maga zine. Mrs. Patton wrote: ". . . Chapel Hill occupies a ridge or small plateau that was once a rocky promontory overhanging an arm of the great Triassic sea. (This shard of lore is precious to devout Chapel Hillians, who like to reflect upon the im memorial distinction of their eminence and think it a shame that the waters were ever al lowed to recede.)" T AIN'T SO Tain't so, says Dr. Textoris. The waters of the Triassic sea could not recede from from Chapel Hill because they were never here in the first place. In a letter to the editors of Holiday, Dr. Textoris said "the presence of coal, silici fied trees, branchiopods, ter restrial fossil vertebrates. . . and lack of any marine fos sils are a few of the proofs of fered." When these multisyllable words are boiled down, they mean the geological activity which went on in Chapel Hill's Triassic basin was caused by fresh water: streams, lakes and rivers, not by a sea. Later, talking about the let ter, Dr. Textoris fleshed his bare-boned facts. "North Carolina was cov ered by a sea," he said, "but is was 300 million years ago, during the Paleozoic era, when much of the ' N o r t h American continent was v also covered." The Triassic period occured much later, a mere 190 mil- Old and Rare Western Books For Christmas Giving The Old Book Corner In The Intimate Bookshop f ESE PM1KI"3 While doing business with our Loan Dept. We pay the tab. DURHAM'S OLDEST PAWNBROKERS FIVE PGIIJT8 LonrjGO.m 119 W. MAIN, AT 5 POINTS ENTRANCE ON CITY PARKING LOT i "5 Finer Diamonds come from WELDON'S JEWELERS Ask About Our Special Student Terms WELDON'S JEWELERS 327 W. Main Durham Students' Jewelers 27 Years Sorry lion years ago. Portions of Eastern N. C. were flooded again during the Cretaceous period, about 70 million years later. This in undation did not reach Chapel Hill. Triassic basins span the length of North America's east coast, and simtfar struc tures are found in the west ern U. S. , Dr. Textoris said. The N. C. basin was caused . by a fault or a slippage in the earth's crust. It caused a 15 mile-wide area just west of the fault to sink about 10,000 feet. The sinkage was gradual, Dr. Textoris pointed out. It took place over many mil lions, of years, and geological forces such as eosion were at work filling the basin at the dame time it was being formed. Water action in all the basins was caused by fresh water. "Also, geologists have found lake limestones and brancho pods (fossilized animals which only lived in fresh water) in the Chapel Hill Triassic Ba- sin. FRESH WATER Dr. Textoris explained that the petrified trees and coal he mentioned in his letter are the work of fresh water. cyVi . f j3Vi f-T1 1 To Disappoint You, But... Not On Triagsic Sea "The trees probably fell in tc rivers or were torn from the place where they stood by floods," he said. "When they finally sank or ran aground the rivers covered them with sediment and through the years they silici fied, or became petrified." Coal deplsits, one of which bw ABOUT UC XJ-I VE WHAT ARE HOUR J. I PLANS FOR &OlN THE KINGS OlFFERENT-WE'LL ARMS FOR A A vrO TO OUR CHANGWLO? F5-yiUAL: -CHALKIESAS W3 THEY'VE GOT A NEW BARMAID AN1 SHE'S I k QUITE A NICE KI& O 196. The Hall Syndic Ate. Inc. and Daily Mirror, London XM ( AMERICAN AIRLINES cordially invito you to attend its Jet Age Career Exposition t . December 28-29, J966 L " " Starlight Roof Waldorf-Astoria Park Avenue and 49th Street, New York City - - v.-.-.-. . . HOURS: WED. 10 AM - 8 PM. THUR. 9 AM 5 PM R.S.V.P. Name. Address. City Degree. School, I would schools: An Equal Bx!B4iiHi mmm ft 5 its?"' fitjXi t rtjT was laid down in the Sanford area during the Triassic per iod, are products only of fresh water swamps, he pointed out. Finally, vertebrate land fos sils have been found in the ba sins, while marine fossils have not. Dr. Textoris felt the mis taken belief that Triassic ba PLANS? I HADN'T EVEN TH0U6HT ABOUT IT... B 7EARb YOU 'EAR& WHAT I SAI& C7 ctTI J I ix YES, I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND American Airlines JET AGE CAREER EXPOSITION II I Prefer To Attend Wd. Q Thurs. n Morning Q Afternoon Evening (Wed. only) Q .State. .Major. .Graduation Year. like to confer with representatives from the following graduate I AM INTERESTCD IN AA's - MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Complete & Return to American Airlines, Manager of Executive Recruitment, 633 Third Ave., New Opportunity Employer A Plans for u- sins were covered by seas probably got its start from an incorrectly identified fossil. The fossil was unearthed in one of the New England ba sins and was first identified as a bone from a marine fish. This led geologists to believe all the basins along the east ern coast had been covered BUT I SUPPOSE I'LL SLEEP A LiTTLE THIS MORNING-THEN. THIS AFTERNOON . I'LL TAKE A pHORT NAP. ANP LATER ON I'LL TRY TO 6CT SOME MORE SLEEP... 1tERMEAN yer GOIN T CONDEMN THE LASS BEFORE GtVIN feR A M1T7-: 1 -? ruAwrr'? .Zip Codt Inc. York, N. Y. 10017 Progress Company ' t-tf'- .'.W ; .ifjT.rrt- o;-ry-:- - vvv: Coast by a salt sea. Later the fessil was identi fied correctly as a bone of a dinosaur which could only live on land. By that time, however, the myth of the Triassic sea had become firmly entrenched. Mrs. Patton's article will bear witness to that. "TH05E ARE 6000 PLANS NO, MATE - BEFORE GIVIN1 you one- i v 4 u rT7T 1 1 x 1 VrruM v 1 I iv VI