Wednesday. Wuf 1Q THE DAILY TAR HEEL Vase 1 Steele Tells His Exp, triences 5 !- UNC W If 9 A - maim issocuauod fT rr m 7?H 4 :ht A H rr.r, fT 6nn The Movement Is By BLACKWELL BROGDEN of Th Dolly Tor Hl aj ; ' "When I left San Francisco "S ffP of S6 to come IjiNC as a writer-in- residence Haight-Ashbury was .th: . L best integrated neighborhood in America with people who worked hard to get JJemselves out of the ghetto, pere was one hippie bookstore." "I went back in July. There were twenty to thirty psychedelic shops p e d d 1 i n g -posters, books, beads, and .; sandals. It looked like a back ' lot at MGM where four ' 'movies Western, Indian, Mod ,and East Indian, were being made." Max Steele, head of creative -'writing department, gave his , .;impressions of San Francisco's Ilaight-Ashbury district and , the so-called "hippie" :; movement in a recent DTH interview. Steele explained that the real movement was gone. The sincere people had left for "Mendocino 100 miles up the coast, or Mexico, reverting to , farm communes and a rural way of life. "My main imoression was Television Viewing Today VUNO CI IANNEL 4 8:55 News '9:00. US History 9:30 Phys Science 10:00 World History 10:30 Mathematics 11:00 Antiques . 11:30 Arnold Toy nbee 12:00 Aspect 12:30 Mid-Day News 12:45 Art Studio 1:00 French Chef 1:30 Museum 2:00 Science-Nature '2:30 TEA 3:00 Modern Teachers 3:30 Modern Teachers 4:00 Electronics 5:00 What's New 5:30 , Aspect 6:00 News At Six 6:15 . Art Studio 6:30 History 7:00 Farmer Education 7:30WhatsKew,..V,: 8:00. Creative Person .'. 8:30 , Written Word 9:00 Dollar's Worth 10:00 Dialogue 11:00 Sign Off DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Folds over ' 5. Most evil 10. Jacket 11. Miss Loos 12. Stringed instrument 13. At no time 14. Facet :,;;16. JJefore 17. Guido's lowest note : 18. Cognate ,21. For fear that 24. American author ' 25. Character. lstic 27. Light up again ' 31. Resin 33. Horse ' 34. Mollusk . 38. Half an em , 39. Skill ' 40. Related again 43. Deep red ruby spinel 46. Tapestry 47. Giraffe-like animal 48. Brick baking oven 49. Examina tions 50. Hastened DOWN 1. Three pronged fish spear 2. On top of 3. Fisher man's rod 4. Light meal 5. Pale . 6. Single unit 7. Ganges or Styx 8. Cubic meter 9. Found the net weight of 12. Leap over 15. Tilt 19. Connec tive 20. Suppose 17 IS 1 45 41 - 14 UK At, PO t WW IT iX II. Al ALL KICjH I, Y I MM I ww Jirlf NPR FEEL ER CAN BLW SErl ! IN FUTURE; nd DiiT Minor. London TM one of misery. 400 kids a week were coming into the district. They were leaving at the same rate. There is no free food, the sex was not what they had been led to expect, and as Mark Twain put it, 'the coldest winter I ever spent was one summer in San Francisco.' They were not properly clothed. "Doctors voluntarily set up a free clinic. Three epidemics of penirmonia hepatitis, and veneral disease had spread through" the group. Approxi mately 4OC0 in S.F. were me thedrine addicts." Steele , feels sorry for the -Negroes who live in the district. They are now surrounded by what is in essence a drug c u 1 1 u re composed of people who are playing at being po o r, "begging in 50-dollar suede pants, cashmere sweaters, and a 20-dolIar string of beads." "The real object of the movement is a white middle class rebellion. The white middle class bores me. I have lived with Bohemian cultures of the very rich or very poor. They rebelled in style. The hippies are a group o f conformists rebelling they cannot rebel individually." WRAL- CHANNEL 5 3: :30 Flintstone Funhouse (C) 4:00 Early Show: SUNSET AT DAWN; Sally Parr Philip Shawn Dailing for Dollars Dateline, Reeve with Sports Dateline, News, Local & Regional Dateline ABC News C) Viewpoint with Jesse Helms Dateline, Atlantic Weather Deiath Valley Days (C) Custer C) 5:45 6:00 6:20 6:50 6:55 7:00 7:30 8 :30 Second Hundred Years C) 0 0 Wednesday Night Movie: WIVES AND ; LOVERS Janet Leigh, Van John son Dateline,' News, Sports 11:00 & Weather 11:30 Starlight Theatre: THE EGYPTIAN 22. Conti nent: abbr. 23. Money, drawer 28. Cymbal 28. Pelican state: abbr. 29. Em erald MP A NC IETS J T ERIE ATS 6 CIQfR sum .Ml mm A S Olj EJL EMAjRlE Isle 30. Serves , 32. Heart 34. Wooden shoe 35. Railbird 38. Ballistic missile Yesterday's Answer 37. Summits 41. Journey 42. Voided escutcheon, 44. Likely 45. Little girl 2b 2? 2 2 41 42 4S 45 SO NO. I NEVER HAVE UKEP HCQ, AMP I DOUBT VERV MUCH IF I EVER WILL LIKE 7. ... -Ti f tw lrKi OWN PlH AN CHIPS lourv: .Over' San Francisco, he said, is a flexible town. The barbershops are now hairdressers where it cost five dollars to have your hair styled. And you must make an appointment. On Sundays traffic practically stops as tourists are bumper-to-bumper coming into the district. Quoting Herb Cain, a columnist, he stated, "Haight Ashbury is the only place to see a middle-age tourist from Nebraska watching teenage tourists from Minnesota." Steele found many white businessmen who were weekend hippies and even a breed of white-collar hippies in full sympathy with th e movement but caught up in economic necessity and forced to work. He claims he was taken as one several times. Sometimes it even becomes difficult just to talk to a flower child. He will probably turn out to be an undercover narcotics agent, an anthropologist, or a psychologist investigating the hippie. It is ironical that Haight Ashbury, once a part of the Golden Gate Park and settled by squatters during the Gold Rush, was being invaded by people living 45 to a single apartment. Steele, a part-time real estate man and landlord, predicts that land prices which have dropped will eventually rise and that the district, in its notoriety will become a very fashionable residential area. The movement is changing though. "The hard-core psychopaths, the Hells Angels types, are moving in. Formerly when the police picked up a hippie he had uo money no identification noth ing. Those arrested now are carrying knives and guns. Some got into my best apartment and painted LOVE' over all the walls. It cost 200 dollars to clean. What used to be love covers up a lot of hate." "Overall I think that there will be a good effect. People are more tolerant now. In some ways I am glad I'm not twenty years old. I might be right with them although the Carolina students did look1 clean and good when I got back." This is a cup. It is in a tree. No one knows who put it there. But it certainly is a novel way to dispose of those Y Court cups that seem to run dry about half way to GM. Complete with top, no less. kr Uf n nmi i i -Z9 t Kit x Max Steele, head of UNCs creative writing department ... was a realtor in Haight-Ashbury WEDNESDAY The Stray Greeks will meet at Sherne Huffs house tonight at 6 p.m. The address is 219 Glenhill Lane. Contact Ruth Kutzke at 929-3884 if you can go- All premedical and predental students are invited to attend a premed--predent orientation program with Dentistry at 7 p.m in 104 : Howell Hall. .. The Wesley Foundation symposium meets at 4 p.m. today. Prof. Ruel Tyson of the UNC Reli gioii Department is this week's special guest. ; ' '" Mr. Daniel Brown of the U.S. State Department's Bureau, of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs will lead a discussion on the recent Arab - Israeli crisis at the 4 International Student Forum tonight from eight to' nine. All interested students are invited. The UNC Chess Club will-meet tonight from seven to 11. irfM Graham Memorial. I CAM TELL VOUPON'T v LIKE ME... POOR LITTLE bEVIL" BARMAID DOKrT- i Ik. i n ms-r k. i fv ft aA Campus Calendar: Collegiate Civitan will hold a meeting in the Grail Room at Graham Memorial at 6:30. The Student Advisory " Committee will meet at 4:30 in Roland Parker II. Atten-- dance is imperative. The Young Democrats Club ; ) will sponsor a d i n ne'r meeting at 6:00 upstairs in ' - Lenoir Hall. Howard Fuller will be a special guest. The public is invited. J . ' ' Experimental College onimittee.. meets tonight at 8 p.m. in Grail .Room,. - FOUND Found pair of men's gloves near Carr Dorm call 967-2227 after 6.'. Girl's gold watch found Sunday in phone booth at Glen Lennox. Call Charlie , Farris in 319 Stacy. e Slide rule in Mitchell Hall. Claim at GM Information desk. - ! ) rwmstwaicn in i r o n i of BingT?am.r Wed. Nov. Owner please call or write v and identify: Westbrook, 506 ; ;. Buchanam Blvd., Durham. . Phone (eves.) 292-9089. Y LOST, ' Hart Shaffer& Marx charcoal over coat. Reward. Call 942-.,,5422...,-. J Gold men's watch; 25 jewels by Gruen, Sentamental value. Reward offered. Call 5 933-4193, 601 Morrison. Bracelet with pearls and black o n y x s , on Nof. 15, somewhere near library. Of great personal value Re ward. Call929-609o.- " Brown wallet in town last Sat. - night. Reward. Contact Jay ; Hawkins, 745 James, 933-4768. Nikon F 35mm camera and box of negatives of great personal value. Reward for any information leading to return. Call 968-3087 evenings. . One pair of black-rimmed glasses. Please contact Eric Fast, 1019 Morrison, 933- , 3256. Red wallet belonging to Ann Boatwright Humphrey J-6, Camelot Apartments, Estes" Drive, Chapel Hill. Lost in Wilson library stacks 10th Among the rrcu. raries of the world, the 3ritisn Museum remains in the first rank with more than six million printed volumes and 60,000 manuscripts. 2 Need Money for Christmas? In the Old Book Corner of the Intimate, we're always eager to buy anything . except old texts and old Bibles. We'll buy newsstand paper backs, Dollar Book Club novels, any bock that was live enough to interest you and sometimes well pay right fat prices. Check .your .shelves .and .see hew many becks ysu find that you'll never read again. .You might just be surprised at how much cf the old folding green is sleeping away, just when you need it The Intimate Bookshop . , 119 East Franklin Street Open ETeaisrs To By STEVE PRICE of Th Dzil-j Tur Red SlzS Two years ag an organization was stated on the UNC campus to promote India America relations. Tday that club has blossomed ir.ta one of the most exciting organizations at Carolina. It's name? The India Association. "We are "just trying to eliminate the pre-conceived notions of India," says Association president K. K. Kumaroo. "It is surprising how little people here know about India. "Many think of our country as a place", where snake charmers sit before cobras and cows walk through city streets. I have never seen a snake charmer and only one city with cows in its streets." There are about 50 students in the Indian Association this year, Kumaroo said. If faculty and yives are counted t h e membership swells to over 75- A constitution has been incorporated, allowing any student to join. Membership Tries Lost And Found level on Nov. 2 between 1 and 4 p.m. "Pair of brown glasses in front of Winston on sidewalk Friday night. Reward offered. Call Majorie Smith at 208 Winston, 933-9171. One green wallet containing valuable and irreplaceable identification and informa tion. Reward offered. Call 968-9145. Brown pocketbook wi t h . valuable papers, Tuesday in : Bingham. Please contact Linda Stein, 938-9087. Man's gold wedding band. Call . Edward F e i n e r , 942-1643, after 6 p.m. Men's black secretarial wallet. Call T. J. Youre 933-4627. ' Reward. ; Black enamel gold bracelet in the vicinity of Kenan . Stadium on Oct. 28. Call Atlanta, Ga., 237-9504 collect at night. Reward and eternal - graditude. Brown wallet; Call Georgie Campen. 929-2353, Reward. - 8tn History 41 notebook.' Left in 312 Saunders on back row. Call Steve Moore, 219 McCauley St. 942-1373. Reward. Silver Zodiaz watch. Reward. Call 942-6839. Men's reading glasses in brown . case, gray frames." Reward. Call Bob Wacks, 9689110. Irish Setter dog on UNC campus. Has white chest and answers to the name of Alexander. If found call 957- 1104. Reward. Gold signet ring with initials AES. Reward. Call Al Smith, also has three Norelco Microgfoove 'float! ng heads', ; to shave you 3 5 close r. So dose, we dare to match shaves with a blade. But comfortable too; because the Norelco rotary blades shave without a nick or a jf S S t r-"C "',W Vy ' b- y " -7 y S - - 777 . JB ti c V dacs are only $2 a year. Mar.y members are from India. Kumaroo. a graduate student in biochemistry, is from Kerala, in the southern part of the country. Highlights of last year's Association activities included "India Night a dinner with Indian faod and exhibits. About 400 attended. Last May the group also held the India Bazaar. selling Indian art and artifacts. The Association made $2,000 profit on the Bazaar and sent the money to poor families in India. This year the largest project is an Experimental College course, which is attended by about 45 students. "We leave the course up to the students," Kumaroo points out. "Our discussions are informal and may include talks on Indian mysticism, philosophy, social history and religion.' The course is called "India and its Culture," and meets at 8 p.m. each Tuesday night in the Episcopal Chhurch. Another feature of the 804 Morrison, 933-4022. Navy blue raincoat, taken from DTH office a little over a week ago with initials LAB. Contact Alline Bagley in Nurses Dorm. Accutron watch with broken strap . Call 93 3-402 4 Reward. ' Kodak 154 Instamatic camera and or film. Call 942-5817 evening. White trench coat with 3 by 5 file cards in pocket, in Grail Room. . Reward. Call Roy Miller at 929-2821. Dark grey Botany 500 overcoat. Extravagant reward offered. Call 489-9200 of 682-4923 collect in Durham. 0f $500 OR $5000 AT FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK MEMBER F.O.I.C. i (0 The Norelco Tripleheaden The closest, fastestmost comfortable shaver on wheels. On campus. On-off switch. pinch while the floating heads swing over the hills and valleys of your face. And there's a pop up trimmer to give you an edge On your sideburns. Now there's a Rechargeable Tfipleheader Speedshaver : 45CT too. It works with or with out a cord. And delivers twice . y y" , V- r x ' The close, inc., 132 Id Ideas Associate t .-3 year. is presentation of I: u.i I. ...., "VTe r'an y brini; one movie ta campus verv month. Xumarca said. ta offer a better introduction to Indian Indian music is another main ir-V-cst of the A-vsxriatiotL Last year thev produced a weekly rad.o procram en station WTNC featureing 45 minutes of Indian muIc. Response was so enthusiastic," Kumaroo says, "we are continuing it again this year." The program may be heard each Thursday night on WUNC at 10:15 p.m. Kumaroo isn't certain if the Association will stage another India Bazaar. "It takes hundreds of manhours of work," he says, "but we would like to have another one in the spring." Tentative plans da call for another "India Night," possibly to be held in Early December. "It will be similar to last year's program." savs the president, "and hopefully as popular." WTVD CI IANNEL 11 12:00 Love of Life 12:25 CBS News 12:30 Search Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As World Turns 2:00 Love Is Many Splendor ed Thing 2:30 House Partv 3:C0 Another World 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Secret Storm 4:30 Bev. Hillbillies 5:00 Perry Mason 6:00 News beat Fred Black man 6:30 CBS Evening News 7:00 Daniel Boone 8:00 The Virginian 9:30 Green Acres 10:00 Dean Martin 11:C0 Channel 11 Late News Fred Ross 11:30 Tonight Show THE NEW YOUK LIFE Agsnt on your c&mpus U good man to know. Write . . . Phone . . . Visit L. CCTZZAD, CL.U. ZZH E&st Frcsia (Orer Dcirj Bar) Pa, tJ NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COJ2ANT as many shaves per charge as any other rechargeahfe. Two great Tripleheaders with more features than any other shavers on the market. .' si .... t fc i V V fast, comfortable electric sh tan vad Street. New Yofi,.N. Y. mmm! - - i iii ii i -1 (-7 3in

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