U.II.C. Library Serials Dspt, Eox 870 Chil Hill. n.c. Fair And Cold Fair and cold today with highs in the upper 40s. Partly cloudy and somewhat warmer Monday. BUPlri Meeting There will be a Di-Phi meeting Monday night in the Di-clumber of New West. Thrf Topic will be "Resolved: The Art of Public Debate Is Dead." srf f v v .1 76 Years of Editorial Freedom Volume 75, Number 109 CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1963 Founded February 23, 1893 IDei 9 l V .1 Ml? i 3 r mm L 27.& Ranks On Ik Racist AUMudes Top By WAYNE HURDER o Th Daily Tar Heel Sta ATLANTA 'The number one problem in this nation isn't air pollution or water pollution, it's moral pollution,'' comedian-a ctivist Dick Gregory said here Friday at the NSA conference on educa tional reform. "The U. S. is the most morally polluted nation in the world," he added.. "America is also the number one racist nation in the world, even more so than South Africa," he said, because "South Africa doesn't guarantee equal justice in its constitution." "What really the 35 year old scares me," candidate for President said, "is that if the problems of the U.S. ever ex isted in another nation we could solve them, we could be honest. Somehow we cannot be honest with ourselves." Gregory explained what he would do if he were elected president. ."First thing I would do," he said, "is paint the White House black; "The second thing I'd would be to bring all the soldiers home from Vietnam and send LBJ over there with a barbecue gun." Iljr Dail.M ear rrl World News BRIEFS By United Press International Thant Asks U.S. To Stop Bombing UNITED NATIONS Secretary General Thant put the burden of any Vietnam peace talks on Washington Saturday and said he was convinced that "the indispensible first step" must be a stop to the bombing of North and "other sets of war'' against it. He said he was sure peace talks would then follow within days. Thant thus echoed previous Hanoi conditions in a report to the .world body on his recent peace mission to New Delhi Moscow London, Paris and Washington. The statement also reflected his previously stated belief that the bombings must first stop before there can be meaningful peace talks. But he saw some hope. ' "In my view," he said, "the indispensable first step of ending all bombing and other facts of war against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam North Vietnam should be taken and could be taken without too great a military risk. "If such a step is to be taken, I am more than ever con vinced that meaningful talks will take place much earlier than is generally supposed, even perhaps within a matter of a few days." Reds Launch Rockets At Da Nang SAIGON Communist forces launched a rocket attack Satur-, day night against the big U.S. Marine and Air Force base com plex at Dan Nang on the northern coast of South Vietnam. Reports from Da Nag said eight to 10 rounds or rockets hit the sprawling American base area. There was no immediate report of damages or casualties in the attack when followed a similar rocket assaular early Satur day on Saigon's Tan Son Nhut air and military complex. Four Americans were killed, 41 wounded and a number of planes damaged in that assault. Northwest of Dan Nang, huge U.S. B52 Stratofortresses hit out . in at least seven saturation bombing raids against North Viet namese gunners who had blasted the beleaguered U.S. Marine base at Khe Sanh Friday with their heaviest concentrated-barrage of the war 1,307 rounds of artillery, rockets and mortars. The Americans also threw 353 tactical fighter-bomber sorties against the Communist around Khe Sanh in one of the war's greatest concentrations of air. Will Run If Nominated9 -Rocky DETROIT Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said Saturday he would "accept" the Republican presidential nomination if the GOP tries to draft him at hits convention next summer. But the New York Governor, in Michigan on a money raising mission for Michigan Gov. George M. Romeny's presidential can didacy, stressed he is still solidly in the Romney camp. And he added, "I don't believe there is such a thing as a draft." He also said he did not believe Romney would lose his bid for the nominaton. Rockefeller talked money to 200 luncheon guests at a closed . hotel room meeting Saturday at the invitation of financier Max Fisher, Romeny's finance chairman. At a news conference after the meeting, Rockefeller ' spoke glowingly of Romeny, calling him the "proven winning can didate." He predicted Romney 's showing in the New Hampshier primary March 12 would "surprise a great many people." Powell Plans Black Power Meeting NASSAU Rap Brown will be among the missing when former Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr. calls his black power conference to order Sunday at his Bimini Island retreat Brown,' found guilty in Richmond,, Va., Friday of violating terms of his freedom under federal bond, was taken to Louisiana where he faces to other federal charges in New Orleans It ap peared certain he would not be able to attend the Bimini con ference. .,Pfowf "Ported has invited Brown, who is chairman of the militant Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; Moham- 5 VfJmer. heavyweight boxing champion; Floyd McKissick, director of the Congress of Racial Equality CORE and Stokley Carmichael, former head of SNCC ' Singer Earth Kitt and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., con- "vS Pr0SpCtive "Every morning I'd call him. up and tell him 'Hey man, don't worry we're working on those peace feelers." Gregory said America uses a double standard of violence, one sign that the nation is sick, he said. "Everybody seems to be afriad of black violence, but not of white violence, that's what makes us sick." " 'Crime in the streest' is America's way of saying 'nig ger'," he told the NSA delegates. ' Americans tell the president to get rid of violence in the -street but no mention is ever made of getting rid of the crime syndicate, he said. "You know," he said, "if Negroes took over the crime syndicate tonight the crime syndicate would be eliminated by next week." Another sign of the sickness in the country, according to Gregory, is the underpayment of policemen. "We have to restore dignity to the cop" before we can solve ths problem of crime in the street, he said. "Every cop in a large city should get at least $10,000 a year. Then he'll think twice before taking a five dollar bribe." ...... Gregory, who was shot while working to prevent the riot in Watts three years ago, described riots as analagous to a cigarette machine that doesn't give cigarettes - when the money is deposited. A person that , continually puts money in the machine and dcesn't get anything out of it begins to kick it, he said. So when Negroes put something into the society con tinually and don't get anything back they strike back. 1 He called H. Rap Brown a person who "dared to become' as bitter as Patrick Henry.' "The next time Rap Brown ; tells Negroes to get a gun, look' in your history book and you'll : see that's not an original state ment," he said. "Man," he said, "Stokely Carmichael and Rap Brown are 'Uncle Tommin' compared to what the Declaration of Independence says to do" in a situation like the Negro is in. Gregory defined a free man "as a man without fears," and added that "if you're afraid of me living in your neighborhood or eating with me, you're my SldVt. punishing misbehavior." Johnson argued that since "education is essential tor anyone to get along in a technological society like that of the U.S. attendance at a university must be considered a right" He pointed to the Supreme Court decision of Brown vs. Topka Board of Education as the precedent for saying education is a person's right. "Courts are now applying constitutional procedures in .guaranteeing student's right," Johnson said. However, he added, "Courts have been reluctant to in terfere with colleges control of campus discipline." Johnson enumerated seven rights that students are now being guaranteed in dealings with the university. ' The right to be notified that the university is con sidering disciplinary action. The right to a tribunal. Right to defense. Right to face accuser. The first theory is invalid, he .. Protection from search without a warrant. - Right to appeal. Johnson said a study of 72 state universities done in 1965 showed that 55 mads no formal charges before disciplining a student, 35 provided a student no defense; counsel, 44 had no codes of offenses, and 16 had no provisions for a hearing before taking disciplinary ac tidn. v x He said universities did have the; right to force certain rules on j the student in order to create an atmosphere suitable for j students, but they could force this "only to a reasonable extent" in the form of nots. By WAYNE HURDER of The Daily Tar Heel Staff ATLANTA "The most ex ploratory and most demanding " voices in our society are students," Federal district judge Frank Johnson from Montgomery, Ala., said at the NSA conference here." "In trie American tradition students are demanding and seeking the truth," he said Fri day night in a talk on student legal rights within the university. "Truth is good and the path to truth lies through Ireedom," he added. ' ' t "The most common theories for justifying a university's control over the student are gradually being proved invalid by the courts," Johnson said. "Thesa are the idea of the university acting in the place of the parent and the idea that when students enter - an in stitution he sign a contract to obey the rules and regulations; , of the institution," he ex-: plained. it I UJt. 1 v? r - ' X r 1 1 I V '. - i f D TH StaS Phoo by fJ KX ilcGOWAJt Fun Children don't have a monopoly on having fun, but you'd have a hard time convincing this lad of it. He's firm in his belief that the walls along Franklin Street have but one purpose: to be walked on, like a sort of broad tight rope. And then there are the trees, too . . . said, because over 90 percent of college students are over 18 and therefore beyond the age oi needing parental care. The second one is wrong, according to Johnson, "because students aren't at the bargaining age when they enter the university and so really can't enter into con tracts." However, he said,' "not all courts have accepted this yet. Some recent court decisions have held that attendance at a university is a privilege and. not a right, and so the university can get its own stan dards of behavior and for nfficiaffT Officials .FaQir in By RICK GRAY ' of The Daily Tar Heel Staff The Attorney General and the chairmen of ' Men's and Women's Honor Councils firm ly support the. results of the Attitudinal Survey on the Honor System. . . Bill Miller of the Men's Honor Council ys "very en- 00 h lit Goniributiojjts s couraged about the possibility of reforming the honor system." "I agree," he continued, . "substantially to the positions taken by a majority of the students." Gene Moncrief of the Women's Honor Council said, "I haven't seen all the results, but I am pleased with what I have seen. I was especially pleased with the turnout" Randy Myer, Men's Attorney General, was equally en- , thusiastic about the vote of the 'student body. Only the first two sections of the survey have been: tabluated. The rest of the survey will be tabulated Thurs day night. Of the 2,000 voting, 1,109 voted to limit the campus code to Chapel Hill and times when the student was officially representing the University, 162 wanted it limited ex clusively to Chapel Hill and 663 wanted the code to apply only the campus. Fifteen hundred students were , in .favor of a .code, of academic aiscipnne Dasea on Bv FRANK BALLARD . of The Daily Tar Heel Staff A two-day collection and in formation drive sponsored by the Sima Nu fraternity and Alpha Delta Phi sorority in connection with the Orange County Heart Fund Drive net- , ted over $400 . in con tributions. " :" - Over 50 brothers, sisters and pledges of the two social organizations operated six Heart Fund tables . Thursday and Friday afternoon, reported Noel Dunivant, former, presi dent of ; Sigma Nu and joint director of the project. Karen Gibbon, president of the buildup to that climax." Today eitizen volunteers throughout the country will collect door-to-door for the Heart Fund and Heart Associa tion. February has been pro claimed : , National Heart Association Month . by Presi dent Johnson. - "We received a lot of con gratulations and thanks from the Chairman of the Heart Fund Drive, Skip Etheridge, and from the Orange County Heart Association President, George Coxhead, who is also the chairman of the Sigma Nu trustees." " "The tables? were all under the A.D. Pi's, coordinated their the heading oi general public efforts in the project "The money will be turned over to the Orange County Heart Fund," Dunivant said. "Sunday is Heart Sunday across the nation and this is education programs, we pass-' ed out literature and explained how the factors of smoking, high blood pressure and eating fatty foods increase the chance of a heart attack." One man and a coed operated each table in one-hour shifts for five hours each day. Three tables were located on campus and three more on Franklin Street. Dunivant was "very, very pleased" with the public's response. "We were especially pleased that the . students seemed quite concerned about heart disease and the drive." "This is the first year the Sigma Nu's and A.D. Pi's have done this, and we hope to make it an annual project." UNC students have worked in several other aspects of the Orange County drive, including" balloon sales, coffee sales and sidewalk collections. "Orange County is one of the largest contributors in gross receipts for the drive in the state," Dunivant added. As a student I strongly student responsibility and stu dent enforcement. Only 236 were for a proctor system, and 252 favored some other system. Taylor Elected Scott Governor "James is on the track, and I only hope that Scott College can do what James is doing," according to Ben Taylor, newly elected Governor of Soctt College. Taylor, along with seven other officers, was elected this week in Scott elections. The other officers are Nick Didow, Social Lt. Governor, Ken Pitts, Academic L t . Governor, Walt H a n nen , Treasurer, Charles Robinson, Secretary, John Dickson, Teague President, Tom Hef fner, Parker President, and Luther Cochrane, Avery President. agree with tne campus code vote," he said. "I also feel that the codes should only be in ef fect during the academic year, not during holidays." Myer also pointed out a need to differientiate between what is covered by the honor code and what is covered by the campus code. The positions the three were . agreeing with were: the limiting of the campus code to Chapel Hill and times when students are officially representing the University; the maintaining of a code of academic discipline based on student responsibility and student enforcement; and. the definition of the honor code in terms of lying stealing and cheating of academic off enses would be covered by the campus code. Some 2,000 students participated in tho survey while the other two issues held the same day received only 1,800 votes. 'ErMeEdUrs Were GemMer Breed Rv I.OUISE JENNINGS ofJ.he Daily Tar Heel Staff "Editors of The Daily Tar Heel know more about hap penings on campus than South Building," Charles Kuralt, CBS Correspondent and former editor of the Tar Heel, said in a panel discussion Saturday. , The discussion which was on WUNC Television included three other former Tar Heel editors, Lenoir Chambers, Editor of the Virginia Piolot, Sylvan Meyer, Editor of a ..- ----- f . DTH Staff Photo by GENS WANG Former Editors Discuss DTTPs Past And Present Lenoir Chambers. Sylvan Meyer, Charles Kuralt, Hugh Stevens paper in Gains ville, Ga., and Hugh Stevens, a law student here. Kuralt said that he felt that editors are often critical because they have the best in terest of the institution in mind. "Editors generally have a love and respect for the in stitution. Many other students go through and never even think about it," Kuralt con tinued. Recalling the days when he was editor, Kuralt said that the staff in a sense experiences a fellowship closer than any social fraternity. "It is a friendship," he ad ded, "based on common blood and sweat." During the nights of working late, to get the paper out, Kuralt remembered "won dering how long a letter to the editor you'd have to write yourself to fill up ihe holes in , the paper." The days when Thorns Wolfe was editor was a favorite topic of the panel. Wolfe's editorials were "namby pamby" and advised such t h i n g s - as attending church on Sunday, Kuralt pointed out. They were quite a contrast from Wolfe's dynamic fiction, he added. When Wolfe was editor, he was a member of all of the organizations on campus and wrote the paper himself, Stevens said. All of the former editors agreed that the Tar Heel had undergone many changes. "Editors in earlier years were a gentler group,'' Chambers recalled. "There were less controversies and student involvement," he ad ded. . "Life today is more straight forward," Stevens indicated. Editors can be more out spoken than in the past, he ad ded. The press has grown con siderably larger, they agreed. World news used to be delivered by phone, and only fifteen minutes were allowed a day to since it was long distance, Meyer remem bered. - International news today is delivered through the UPI wire service to which the Tar Hs el subscribes. The former editors recalled several problems such as an encounter with the FBI follow ing the publication of a cartoon during the McCarthy era. One of the biggest problems, the panel agreed, was how to handle the consequences of the Duke games. In 1342, Meyer recalled, the Tar Heel ran a full page build-up the day before the game. The day afterwards there was a small annnouncement in one corner which began with the heading, "There is a rumor circulating that Duke won. . ." The panel generally favored the election of the Editor by the students. It usually works out that a capable member of the staff is elected, Stevens in dicated. He added that under the system the editor is better able to represent the sludsnts if he has had an opportunity to cam paign and meet tham. "The present way is right," he said. "Othsrwise the editor becomes a little god with too much power," he added. A former Business Manager, Frances Bradshaw, who later, became Dean of Students recalled that when he was on the staff he helped to create an Editorial Board in which the faculty became a minority. He also troducing a union. remembered in-publisher's

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