Serials Dopt, Box 870 Chap-l Hill,- n.c. 2751 r Invitation Sales Today and tomorrow arc the last days for the sale of graduate invitations. Sales are in Y Court from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volume 75, Number 110 76 Years of Editorial Freedom Leadership Students All students listed in the Tar Heel as participants or alternates for the Leadership Development program are re quested to attend a meeting at 4 p.m. ia 183 Gardner today. CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1963 Founded February 23, 1893 V TTTTTi O JLLUALJ write O H T To ... ... By TODD COHEN of The Dally Tar Heel Staff The Women's Residence Council last night unanimously voted to reword some of the regulations, concerning visiting in men's residences, because "you can't legislate rules tell ing women what to do off campus," according to Sharon Rose, chairman of WRC. The vote came at a joint meeting of the WRC and eight women members of UNC's board of trustees. The trustees arrived yester day for a two day visit of Chapel Hill. Miss Rose says that the purpose of the change was to eliminate wording which required judging personal in tegrity, responsibility, and morality. It is also the consensus of WRC that "rules aren't to act as deterrents; they are guidelines for girls to follow." The old rules, it is felt, act as deterrents. WRC will hold another meet ing tonight to continue vote on the rules. Recommendations will be made to the administra tion and any change will be effective only upon administra tion approval. It was voted to extend visit ing hours in men's social and pie in bedrooms." professional fraternities for "Instead, the logical unaer closing portion." Assistant Dean of Women Heather Ness believes that the change is "not legislating in the sense of encouragmg peo- women not hours to 3 a.m. It was also voted to delete the regulation which forbids women students to visit men in bedrooms which are rented in Chapel Hill residences. This was the change which prompted the most debate from the council members and trustees. According to Miss Rose, "growth, development, and re sponsibility are the backbone of WRC's philosophy. " "We want to take a more positive approach to the rules in order to make them more flexible and practical," she says. The trustees agreed with the ideal behind the change, but were concerned with public re action to it) They hope "the press will not blow this thing out of pro- realm of enforcement of specific rules is on our own campus. But off campus, it's very dif ficulty to legislate," she believes. The third change would pro hibit men from visitnig women in their dormitory or sorority rooms. ; According to one council member, this rule was pre viously "only understood." Before the meeting last , night, the trustees, WRC mem bers, and administration of ficials met for dinner. w omen 9s Counselor I . f Interviews To ay By MARSHA MUS ARD of The Daily Tar Heel Staff Interviews for all girls who are interested in the new women's freshman counselor program are to be held today in the lobbies of the coed dormitories from 3 to 5:30 p.m. For the first time this pro- xamch eeks Post Runs For Student Body President By TODD COHEN of The Dally Tar Heel Staff Bruce Strauch, editorial car-, toonist for the Daily Tar Heel, today announced his in dependent candidacy for Presi dent of the Student Body. Strauch, a junior, Political Science major, and resident of Burlington, N.C, is running on the "Attitudinal Change" ticket. Strauch said today in a policy statement, "What we need is a complete change in the system of student govern ment." He proposes that ideas and votes on SL bills come directly from the students. He explains that an efficient system of polling students on legislation can be set up using residence college legislators as middle men for the SL legislators. According to a new Elections Law now awaiting v- SL ap proval, an independent must submit a petition three weeks .before the election containing 250 signatures in order to have his name placed on the official ballot. Strauch has not yet sub mitted hisr petition, but says that he will in the required time. The election is set for March 26. i Strauch sees increase in the importance of the individual as lfr Daily aar tti World News BRIEFS By United Press International his highest goal, but says that the organization of the student government must be improved first, since "we still have to work within the system." "The problem with the stu . dent government is that it is no longer interested in the ideas of the student body," he says. "Candidates make promises, but once they are in. office, they completely forget them. And all the candidates are almost identical in their plat forms," he explains. Strauch feels that, "It is time someone is elected that has a fresh look at politics, that isn't stifled with rules and party politics." He believes that the residence college is the best way of improving the situation gram, better known as the "Big Sister" plan, is being put into effect by the WRC, the CWC and the Orientation Com mission. In the fell the freshman counselors will serve as orien tation counselors. Throughout the year they will continue to serve as big sisters to the T freshman girls. The ultimate goal of this pro gram is to provide a one-to-one, counselor-freshman ra tion. . Julie Jones, women s coordinator for orientation, feels that the ideal situation would be at least 400 girls in- ; volved in this program. "It would be a good chance for the girls who are here now to serve Carolina." The activities of the counselors is still in , the plan ning stages. However, it is cer- -. . . i. i i. , tarn tnac discussions wvweo the counselor and the "little sister" will be a part of the program. The original idea of the Big Sister Plan came from Candy Hodges, freshman Groidinator, and Kim Mort of CWC. As the plan was discussed in detail, the Orientation Com mission began to include it in their program. The main purpose of this program was stated as helping "the freshman coed adjust to Carolina life." Since room reservations need to be in by March 1, all DTH Sta3 PKo by U1KE ttcG&WAN Sharon Rose conducts meeting of Women's Residence Council . and the wcaen trustees could listen in TT TTT0 Ml .Mew TED olieae of the individual, but says that girls who are accepted will be . t 11 . . now tne residence college system exists only on paper and the. University ad ministration and student government seem perfectly content that it should remain mis way." ' Strauch claims that the residence colleges are hurt by the fraternity system which "drains a lot of leadership." But he feels that this should not be a stumbling block. "We must change the mental attitude around here towards the social life and attempt to eliminate this feeling of in feriority towards the fraternities," he says. - "The fraternities are here to stay and so we must change what we can. The problem rests with the student govern ment," he feels Concerning his campaign, -Strauch says that he has made n statpmpnf tn thp nrpsc pvpto Wl Aivf mhmaI J Am 1 Li 1 a .. v uapami anu ou-pouna snaKe eye" Domos on the enemy day this year in the form of his positions during the two your and 45 minute battle. cartoons. "They all know what I feel, what I like and what I don't like," he says. Specifically, Strauch says he is against "rules which keep women second-class citizens of the University, and the present condition of student services run by the University." Strauch adds that he will continue as DTH cartoonist for the duration of the campaign, but will not use the position for Marines Mauled In Khe Sarih SAIGON A force of about 200 North Vietnamese ambushed and badly mauled a patrol of U.S. Marines outside beseiged Khe Sanh in a battle so fierce the Leathernecks could not recover their dead, military sources reported Monday. The Communists snapped the trap on the patrol of about 35 Marines about 800 yards from the wire perimeter of the base in extreme northwestern South Vietnam Sunday. The sources said less than half of the Marines made it back to the base. The Marine patrol was probing Communist defenses outside Khe Sanh when they were caught in a hail of automatic weaDons fire. U.S. F8 Crusader and A4 Skyhawk fighter-bombers dropped U.S. Intensifies Bombing Raids SAIGON J.S. military officials said Monday American bom bing raids on North Vietnam will be intensified in the next two months because of Hanoi's rejection of peace feelers. They said targets will include objectives previously on the "off - limits" list. notified by this time. They will receive top priority on any room they want in the dorms with freshman women. These dorms are: Spencer, Granville, Nurses Dorm, East Cobb, West Cobb, Joyner, and Conner. Miss Jones urges all girls who are interested to come to the interviews. "It's not going to work unless we get the best participation . possible." she said. Bv TERRY, GINGRAS of The Daily Tar Heel Staff The University trustees ap proved temporary rules con cerning speakers in a meeting on Monday v -j - "According to University President William Friday, the measures deal "only with the appearance of a speaker not as to whether or not he'll be in vited." "These are the policies we've followed here for some period of time," said Friday. 'We submitted policies we've followed to the trustees. We removed those items the court declared unconstitutionaL" Friday said the trustees had approved' these procedural steps in 1966 and that he had only carried forward those measures dealing withe man ner of a speaker's ap pearance. The policies have been ap proved subject to further study by the Executive Committee of the Trustees which will meet on March 8. "In the interval these policies will be the basis for' the University's handling of speakers," said Fridav. vThe trustees adopted six temporary rules essentially the- same regulations adopted under the speaker ban. The regulations say that the chancellor "m a y 'Tequire. a forum be. presided over by a senior faculty member, that all forums shall be public, that all sides of controversial issues shall be considered, that the right to question and challenge regulations proposed by Friday policy we, in our collective judgment, thought was best." The proposals met sharp debate led by Sen. Tom White, a supporter of the speaker ban, who asked the trustees to give the matter further study . "Let us proceed calmly," said White. "Precipitous action at this time could further damage the University.". . The Trustees approved the views shall be assured and that 4T pending a further report by the executive committee. Sitterson said this action was essentially support of both sug gested courses of action. President Friday's statement said he did not think it was possible to formulate regula tions to prohibit the ap pearance of speakers deemed highly unpopular or con troversial. Sen. White said the students who had brought suit to have the speaker ban law declared unconstitutional had followed "the advices of their own. heart" to the detriment of the University. "If there is anyone at the University who had the pover or duty to discipline those peo ple, no such power has been exercised and no such duty performed." DTH News Analysis Dietz, Krichhau Face Of f Toiii ght B auks Godfrey Decision Mold s FRIDAY only recognized student groups may invite speakers. J. Carlyle, Sitterson, thought the executive com mittee would approve the measures as they were presented by President Fri day. "We think the measures we recommended were very good Legislative floor leader George ones, they guarantee free forum Krichbaum. By RICK GRAY ' of The Daily Tar Heel Staff The Student Party con vention will convene tonight for what observers predict will be the most dramatic contest for a presidential nomination that UNC has ever seen. Approximaely 900 eligible voters will begin crowding into Memorial Hall just before 7:30 p.m. to witness a rematch between Student Body Presi dent Jed Dietz and SP The sources said the acceleration t)f bombings would be a ma jor reprisal for the Communist's refusal to recognize the halting campaigning. ui imuj qiuunu nanui ana naipnong in laie iJecember and early January as a U.S. peace feeler. The acceleration, including bombing of perviously untouched targets, will serve also as a major retaliation for the Communist Lunar New Year offensive launched during the Tet cease fire the sources said. ' N. Vietnamese Seize Laotian Towns VIENTIANE, Laos Advancing North Vietnamese troops seized eight villages and threatened three cities in Laos Sunday, a defense ministry spokesmen said Monday. An alarmed Thailand rushed more troops to its north to battle Communist at tacks near its border with Laos. A high level source said Souvanna Phouma, premier of Laos' neutralist regime, was "intensely angry" at the Soviet Union because he felt the sweeping Communist offensive in Laos was a betrayal of Russia's promise that Communists would not attack government-held cities. N ""' '4 V Strauch announces candidacy By WAYNE HURDER of The Dally Tar Heel Staff The Board of Directors of the Wesley Foundation voted Sunday definitely not to rehire Banks Godfrey as the associate director for next year. v The Board last December had asked Godfrey to resign effective June 1 but decided to reconsider their action as the result of a congregational meeting on Feb. 11. The vote of the Board was "decisive" according to Acting Director H. Langill Watson who declined to reveal the Board's exact vote. Sixteen members of the 22 member board voted. All five of the student members 'were present and voted, he said. . The Wesley Foundation has no immediate plans to hire another associate director, Watson said. - However, he said, "there will be a concerted effort to see that the kind of ministry that Banks offered will be continued." "This was one of the fears of the students who thought Banks was integral to the b ministry,'- Watson said. Wesley Foundation Director Robert L. Johnson had asked the Board in December to re quest that Godfrey turn in his resignation because of dif ficulty the two had in working together. A special meeting of the con gregation, which is composed mostly of students, was called, according Watson, because at a meeting of the Personnel Committee "someone said students felt they hadn't had a - voice in the changes that were taking place." About 80 persons came to the meeting to ask questions and express their feelings that Godfrey should be retained. The congregation passed a resolution saying they believed "the staff should be continued as presently constituted." The resolution stated that, although in the past there were difficulties between Johnson and Godfrey, the congregation ; felt that a reconciliation should be attempted. They cited statements from both persons that they would be willing to attempt a recon ciliation as evidence that it should be tried. Johnson is away on leave now at Harvard Business School on a Danforth Foun dation Fellowship. He will return in June." Godfrey says he has no im mediate plans for next year, but may stay in Chapel Hill. and open discussion," said Sit terson. "We felt they were very good and I think the ex ecutive committee' will ap prove them." Sitterson said the four chancellors of the University and the University President had met to decide "What Dietz defeated Krichbaum last year by a scant seven votes to take the party's nomination for vice-prsiaent. Both candidates are saying that the vote will be close again this year but that that they are "encouraged" by their own independently taken-surveys. Open Luncheon Today or Women Trustees The last scheduled activity of the women members of the Board of Trustees, according to Heather Ness of the Office of the Dean of Women, is the most important part of their visit. There will be an open Dutch luncheon from one to 2:30 this afternoon in the main cafeteria of Lenoir Hall. All coeds are invited to attend the luncheon and discuss the problems of the Carolina Coed with the trustees. The luncheon is the final phase of a plan, initiated by tiie Women's Residence Coun cil, to acquaint the women members of the board with the life of the female student at UNC. "The luncheon will follow a The duel is shaping up to be a North Campus vs. South Campus confrontation, with Dietz holding a strong lead in the high rise dorms. Krich baum's strength is taken most ly from' upper and lower quads. The party organization is in support of Krichbaum. The names of persons who were formerly listed on the University Party rolls are now on the list of those eligible to cast votes in tonights contest. It is felt that these UP members are planning to vote in favor of Krichbaum because UP sentiment is that" Dietz would be more difficult to defeat in the campus - wide vote. While the cauldron is boiling in the race for the presidential nod, only one candidate has emerged for the vice presiden tial nod. - Lacy Reaves, chairman of the finance com mittee of Student legislature. is the only person that is being mentioned in the open. Dietz and Krichbaum have both been campaigning for the nomination since before the beginning of the spring semester, and both have, in the past few weeks, recruited par ty members in efforts to gain meeting with Student Body power in tonight's convention. President Robert M. Travis, a coffee hour with Mrs. J. Carlyle Sitterson, breakfast at Granville Towers and a morn ing of auditing classes. Monday, after arriving on campus in the late afternoon, the trustees had dinner at Chase Cafeteria. They at tended the WRC meeting and witnessed a mock trial by the Women's Honor Court. Prior to attending dorm meetings in the various residence halls where they spent the night, the trustees met with the presidents and housemothers of the sororities. There was some question raised Monday as to why a number of names were left off cf the membership lists which govern the right to vote tonight. Estimates range from 50 names omitted to as many as 300 names omitted. No one was able to determine Monday whether those left off the rolls were Dietz or Krichbaum sup porters. There is no expectation of the appearance of a third can diate for the nomination, leav ing the race to be a repeat of last year's vice presidential nominating convention close. .

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