Page 8 Thursday, July 25, 1968 m is MILTON'S SUMMER STRANGLES! f? Ear ttt I'" '"' ...i ill nil 1, rff.iwi rillHwiniMllfT i - ,k Now Featuring -PLATE LUNCHES -SUNDAY DINNERS Lunch 12:00-2:00 Nitely 4:30-9:30 U.S. CHOICE STEAKS IN ADDITION TO OUR WORLD FAMOUS LASAGNE 157 E. ROSEMARY STREET BEHIND POST OFFICE SERVED BY CAROLINA STUDENTS 3 The HUB'S SNOWBALL SPECTACULAR GIVE-AWAY SAVINGS UP TO 12 OFF Come See Come Save The HUB of Chapel Hill Chapel Hill's Leading Clothiers 103 East Franklin FIRST PARAPHERNALIA SALE ENDS SATURDAY! Need room for new fall arrivals Paraphernalia at Milton's m titan s GUfltljmg Qlupbaarin DOWNTOWN CHAPEL HILL This is the time of year when Milton's throws good business practices to the winds, forgets overhead and concentrates on extra business with extra markdowns In the light of fall price increases these reductions are greater than ever! Our biggest doorbreaker is repeated for all you wonderful people who love to stock-pile impossible buys on our M2a half sleeve Eagle shirts regularly to $8.50, at below cost $2.99. Another eye-opener is a group of dacronwool blazers and plaid jackets cut from $65.00 to a Frogstrangler of $39.99. Last call to buys on fall suits $135.00 to $77.00 and vested $150.00 to $88.00. Group dacronwool suits cut from $75.00 to $39.99; others cut from $85.00 to $70.00;. $95.00 to $80.00 and $110.00 to $90.00. Fortrelcotton summer sport coats in plaids and small checks for the hot weather ahead cut from $45.00 to only $29.99. Group imported handwoven Shetland sport coats cut from $95.00 to a very manageable $55.00. Our shoes are going fast at very fabulous prices Johnston & Murphy, Nettleton, Bass Monograms,- regularly to $45.00, over 500 pairs strangled to $22.00. Last call to sweater buys group imported shetlands and lambswools cut from $20.00 to $8.00 and $25.00 to $12.00. All Hang Ten and Jam swim suits, regularly to $8.95 at below cost $2.99. Entire stock swim suits and bermuda shorts, regularly to $12.95, all at tempting $6.99. 379 knit shirts, turtle necks and mock turtles, regularly to $7.95, only $4.99. Pants in dacroncotton cut from $14.95 to $11.99 and dacronwools cut from $16.95 to $13.99; $19.95 to $16.99 and $22.95 to $19.99. So come to Milton's now and help strangle the frog! m now S98S 1 ;sffiSfS4&3 VISIT CHAPEL HILL'S FINEST DAY AMD NIGHT SPOT HJ n O DANCING O CARDS O GREAT FOOD T O COLD BEER Specials on all beer, plus EXTRAS WINE O PIZZA ROCKS COME ON .P!rM Live Music This Week: Friday 'Thursday Grief 1404 E. Franklin Street Saturday: "The Shamrocks" Wednesday: "The Sceptres" OPEN 12 -12 Take Outs Too 929-3768 I e