D Cham bum f am wofjk. Wi F y 5 ... i I t r L- - ) - - Student Body President Ken Day . . . Calls Self "Institutional Radical" Student Body President Ken Day calls himself "an institutionalized radical." A radical, he says, "because I dream of a University fundamentally different from the one we live in." "I'm institutionalized," he explains, "because I believe we can build upon existing mechanisms to develop a Student Government and a University governance to work for the achievement of our goals." The goal, as he sees it, "is a University that places a greater premium on total development of the individual as well as intellectual development His ideal university is one in which students are full members of the academic community, it is a university "in which each individual has placed upon himself the responsibility of deciding his educational goals and a university which provides optimum opportunity and option in fulfilling those goals." Day met Friday with about two dozen student government leaders to discuss, what he calls an "Experimental Student Government which hopes will be able to bring about the radical changes students want Religion Courses Attract Large Amount Of Students UNC students are keeping the Religion department constantly busy with increasing demands for courses. Enrollment totals for religion courses reached an all-time high of 1,257 during the past spring semester. The yearly total was 2,178. The department approaches the study of religion from the standpoint of both the humanities and the social sciences. The student is able to study religion along with literature, art, science, politics, philosophy and similar subjects as a major factor in the life of man. Program of study leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees are being proposed for the Department, which is headed by Prof. Samuel S. Hill Jr. Students in graduate school can choose religion as a minor field of study. To date, students have elected to minor in religion while engaged Jin an M.A. or Ph.D. programs in such diverse fields as English, education, philosophy, sociology, dramatic art, and library science. Students initially pursue their interest in this field with a consideration of Biblical literature, of the role of religion in American culture, or of comparative religion. More advanced courses in the Religion Department are available to those who wish to proceed further with their interest in a particular aspect of the study of religion. Students desiring to major in religion utilize the more advanced courses to undertake a program which will place emphases upon Biblical studies or upon the role of religion in . v V V v. SWING IM I U U J o o TO THE BEST BUYS IN CHAPEL HILL IN Everything from Socks and Hose to Sweaters and Dresses. 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Student Government will then print a catalogue, muchlike the Experimental College Catalogue, listing the various opportunities for involvement open to students. The catalogue would then be distributed campus wide. human culture. Historically, the Department's central role has been the liberal education of undergraduate students, in line with its conviction that the academic study of religion is one of the major ways in which students gain understanding of the life of men and societies. Students may inquire into the ways in which the spirit of man has expressed itself and grapple with the great human questions themselves. One of the principal purposes of a religion minor is to furnish future teachers of sociology, education, philosophy, and the like, with a context of study that will enable them to see the place of their field of einterest from the perspective of a Judaic Christian view of man, history and society. The project is designed to make Student Government more responsive to student' needs and to allow more students the opportunity to become involved in some kind of activity. The project would also provide a valid educational experience, according to Day, by making students identify their needs and work for those needs on their own, without waiting for Student Government administrators to do something. Through the interests groups students would be able to put pressure on the Administration or Student Government leaders to do whatever the group thinks needs to be done. Day told the Student Government leaders Friday that the mechanism offers great potential for mobilizing students more behind issues such as the drive for a visiting agreement for men's dorms. Th new project holds "the seeds' of a fundamentally different Student Government than; that which we've been operating with for the past few years," Day explains. While freshmen in the past have been somewhat wary of getting involved in a deeply rooted system of student government, they now " have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor in the redevelopment of Student Government," according to Day. The five main issues which willjrobably arise on campus this year, according to Day, are a self-limiting hours agreement, a visiting agreement, the drug policy, the campus code, and, "overriding them all," more active participation by students in the process of education. The self-limiting hours proposal that the Women's Residence Council presented to the Administration last year calls for unlimited hours for seniors and coeds over 21 who have parental permission. The visiting agreement, which Day endorses, calls for women to be allowed to be entertained by men in their residence college rooms on certain occasions. The drug policy, which permits a Student-Faculty-Administration Board to try students who are accused of using or possessing drugs, expires the first day of classes. Student Legislature must either re-approve the current policy or negotiate a new one with the Administration. The campus code issue will probably come over whether the code should be limited to a certain geographical area and whether violations of it should be more concretely defined. Under more active participation in process of education, Day includes the right of students to design their own courses, to undertake independent study, to improve the Pass-Fail system, and more options for student in deciding his curriculum of study. Day early this fall, will appoint five assistants to keep him advised as to what is happening in five main areas of campus life. These are residential college life, judicial affairs, educational affairs, fraternity and sorority matters, graduate student affairs. He will also appoint someone to keep in touch with the quasi-autonomous organizations within Student Government and someone to handle the flow of information to campus and the state. rui LnJ Eastgate Shopping Center Chapel Hill i nr ff f"' for your 1; X 1 1 APARTMENT, j jljL andyoufll save! ! g t Wall Paint iff r House Paint WALL PAINT Decorator Colors HOUSE PAINT (White only) Dupont Lucite RAYON PILE 9 x 12 Choice of Solid Colors 6x9 $19.95 $12.95 gal $4.87 gal. $5.87 v.: .1 : v n the largest selections in this area. variety of SCENICS and PORTRAITS A size to fit any requirement. Pictures from huge to tiny, covering a wide spectrum of subject matter and mood. See our picture window at front of the store and giant additional selection inside. .,.,.,., a ; v 11 ll": mWt 4 , ' x, a ... . ' FULL LINE OF PLASTICS O Wastebaskets O Cannisrer Sets O Buckets O Breadboxes O Dishpans O Baskets Beautiful Decorator LAMPS WALL and TABLE MODELS Large selection and very reasonably priced. 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