Tuesday, January 14, THE DAILY TAR HEEL 4. . To Be Called 'Soul City' r : -'- - te-A LI'S f -. y : " 1 ""' , V1 , - ' .. ' ill iKirttjKCiB.i ., act City Planned For Basketball Games Sure Ar (DTH Photo by Tom Schnabel) Interesting . . . Especially With Fingernails For Snacks WASHINGTON UPI) -Plans for a new black-built, black-owned town in rural Warren County, N.C. as an alternative to life in big city ghettoes were announced Monday by Negro leader Floyd B. McKissick. McKissick formally announced proposed creation of the town, to be called Soul City, at a joint news conference with agriculture secretary- Orville L Freeman. Freeman promised "complete support" from his department in planning and developing the town. The blueprint - calls for building Soul City to a population of about 18,000 in gradual steps over a 10-year period, McKissick said. He said the new town's planners also hoped to train others who might sponsor similar projects in other impoverished areas. McKissick, former head of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), said the planned town would be developed by his New York firm, Floyd B. McKissick Enterprises Inc. McKissick said the firm recently took an option on an in Warren sales price 1,810 acre tract County based on j oi nearly 5o00,000. He said the next step would be a request for a federal planning grant to develop detailed plans. Other federal aid will be sought later, McKissick added, noting that a recent law authorizes federal guarantees of community bonds for new cities. Freeman said the agriculture department would furnish aid including technical TV In C o advice on land use, housing credit for individuals, and loans and grants for water, sewer and recreation facilities. McKissick added that plans have also been discussed with spokesmen for the Nixon hist S. Vietnamese Budd Discuss Prisoners Will DayClarifi esAm endments By STEVEN ENFIELD DTH Staff Writer Student Body President Ken Day clarified Monday the recently implemented Constitutional amendments which were approved in December's Honor and Campus Code referendum. Day's remarks came in response to various questions students have been asking since the amendments were approved Dec. 17. Day explained that the definition of the Honor Code under Amendment two on the referendum ballot would be subject to the following sets of circumstances: "Lying, cheating, stealing DR. WILLIAM E. BEEL OPTOMETRIST Announces... . Change of Address from 151 E. Rosemary to 201 E. Rosemary (CORNER OF HENDERSON) Vision Analysis Glasses Supplied -" "Contact Lenses r u ' involving academic processes" (e.g.x it would be at the Court's discretion to interpret theft of a textbook under this section); The same offenses involving "academic personnel acting in an official capacity" (e.g., lying to a housemother falsifying a car registration form, lying to the attorney general in the process of an investigation of a case). "The purpose of this (second) amendment,",. Day added, "is 0 to,, identify thos activities, .apd processes -Em6s"t centraL. to'.,,,. University P!L,. ; , -.'woo , Concerning ; v,the.: Canpus Code amendments, )ay reiteraterlr: -that- the basic change, except for the geographical limitation of the code to j Chapel Hill and Jt$ environs, was one of definition: He commented that the new interpretation provided a "functional definition of conduct rather than a vague ideal such as ladyhood or gentlemanhood." As a result of the omission of the former concepts, such cases as theft from downtown merchants would not seem to apply to the code. .: r. ' ' - By EVIE STEVENSON DTH Staff Writer f "Saigon's Political Prisoners, A Forgotten Issue?' will be the topic for a lecture Wednesday by Vo Van Ai, Secretary General of the Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Association, and Masako Yamanouchi, a Japanese worker with war refugees in Vietnam. The lecture will be held in Gerrard Hall at 7:30 p.m. Van Ai will place emphasis in his lecture on the political and social situation in South Vietnam during the current "negotiation" period and on the political future of Vietnam as a whole. Miss Yamanouchi will speak out of direct knowledge of the people's own experience in the midst of the war. " Travelling on the tour with her husband, is Phuong Anh Vo Van Ai. Since 1965, she has participated with the Overseas Vie I n a me se B u d d hist Association in demonstrations f 6r Peace in Vietnam in various European countries. Mrs. Van Ai is prepared to speak on the xgie of women and of students in the struggle for freedom and peace in Vietnam. Van Ai, as editor of the Buddhist Association's English, French, and Vietnamese language organ. Tin Tuong, has for five years served as focal point and distributor for the best available information on the repressive activities of the South Vietnamese government and on the situation of the vast numbers of political prisoners in that government's jails. Van Ai is the overseas representative of the "militant" Buddhist resistance movement. This is the movement which was instrumental in bringing about the fall of Diem in 1963, which waged the widespread "Buddhist revolt" in the northern region in 1966,"and which today is regarded as the key to a new political grouping in the South. Miss Yamanouchi, who received her secondary education in Tokyo, was graduated from Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania in 1966. She has American Committee School of Service. This school sends student volunteers to operate relief and refugee centers in Central Vietnam and in the Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Van Ai and Miss Yamanouchi will arrive in Chapel Hill on Tuesday, Jan. 14. Wednesday, they will address a religion and a political science class. There will be a reception following the Wednesday night discussion at the Wesley Foundation at 9 p.m. The Community Church will host the speakers at a coffee at 10:30 a.m. Both functions are open to the public. The national tour, sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, was brought to UNC through the efforts of Dr. Edwin Brown of the Classics Department. The UNC visit is sponsored by the Friends Meeting House, Community Church and the UNC YM-YWCA. "cordal white Countv. worked with the Friends Service and - the Buddhist Youth for Social Vlasits :; ;h ill sb$k o ug h-a charge against, George Vlasit of ' obstrucfcirlg traffic was d i s m i s s e d Monday and remanded to a lower court. J The charge stemmed from a Southern Student Organizing Committee street party , held in Chapel 'If ill oh election night of Ja't-year f;; f ::.- f! "Vlasits was arrested several Shifted days later and was charged With obstructing vtrafficA and With assaulting a police, (officer. Hf!was convicted 'jirii Chapel Will Recorders' Court? and fwas sentenced to three ancUone month sentences on the charges. rfiVJasits ?nappealed?t-ij the convictions; such r an appeal calls for a retrial , . Tn district ' ' court adrr.iniIration, "and they have promised us continuing support." The Ntro leader id Soul City would be aimed primarily at offering new urban opport unities for black people, but would be open to all races. "We do not intend to adopt the white man's racism." McKisiack said. The developer told newsmen four major industries have already expressed interest in locating plants in the proposed new town, and said he expected a relationship" with officials of Warren The 1960 census showed the county with a population of 19,000 including 12,703 non-whites, he said. McKissick said new towns such as the one planned are needed to help end mass migration of unskilled poor people to city slums. McKissick said prime emphasis would be put on careful development planning. His firm is being helped by the Rouse Co., developers of an existing new town at Columbia, Md., and other help is expected from experts at universities including MIT, Harvard, Columbia and the University of North Carolina, McKissick said. One of the new industries which might locate in the planned .town would furnish about 1,000 jobs. , 1 Hillsborough here:.o ii h-v.l "A jury was impanelled: and evidence was heard" frorri prosecution - and ; defense witnesses . Monday ; afternoon on the assault; charge., The trial was recessed until this morning at 9:30 a.m. Wesley Foundation 214 Pittsboro St. January 15, 1969 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. IIP K'lifclfli E3 A Little b,jaf rgai d5 BoqIc S ! I Groai" J W' '- - r.oij -L'A : -ISO-' 3P i0 :' :': I 3787. THE OLD MASTERS. By C. Lorgim-lapouge. 131' Plates in Color & 65 Drawings in Two Tones. Magnificent panorama of priceless paintings and drawings from the 6th to the 18th centuries: Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque. Sumptuously printed in Italy. 9 x 13. Pub. at $12.50. . Only $7.95 3470 CARE AND REPAIR OF ANTIQUES. By Thomas H. Urms bee IMus with 40 photos. 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