Page 8 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Friday, .May i), 1969 Bells The Springtime Fun Tonic! 1 A -" -4 1 i 45th Year Coming Up Hoover Won 't Quit FBI WASHINGTON (UPI)-In a rare reply to persistent rumors, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, 74, said Thursday he had no intention of retiring and looked forward to many more years in the fight to overcome a America ir!p" rf liurloccnocc in On Saturday, Hoover marks his 45th year as the first and only director of the FBI. He has become almost an institution in Washington, with a reputation of integrity, law and order that defies critics who would like to see him go. An FBI spokesman said, "the entire FBI is delighted with Mr. Ho over's announcement that he has no intention of retiring." Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., said, "there are others in the country who could bring Thee is no such tning as Uis ' . ' BUS C3 LRfOLBER -JEAN SORB. Tif SWEET badr of d EbORAh featti .i raw t fm WUWfl IMS. SmN UTS W new ideas and initiatives" to the bureau. But, he added, "I'm not calling for his resignation. He's served the country well in the past." Hoover responded in a statement to written questions submitted by United Press International. He has not met with reporters since 1960 and has refused even to answer written questions since 1964. "The past several years," he said, "have witnessed an alarming increase in crime in all areas of the country, coupled with the mounting acts of violence by the New Left and other extremists. "Indeed, the vicious attacks on law enforcement by these elements have posed a crisis for our society. But I have the utmost confidence that the cause of law and order will prevail." Noting his coming anniversary on the job, Hoover said: "I view the future with optimism. I firmly believe that we will meet the challenge ahead. And I look forward to many years of sharing in the efforts of law enforcement to make this a safer society." A spokesman said Hoover considers his 45th anniversary to be "just another working day." But it being Saturday, chances were that the FBI director would spend the afternoon at a race track, one of his favorite pastimes. In 1964, former President Lyndon B. Johnson said "the nrf MM fMWTrir SHOWS 13579 in fashions GtfcY H00SS BOullom, O 9:30 The Men's Corner Adorn Milton's in a galaxy of different ideas for the hot days ahead. Join the Cool ones in our sharp expanded selections, including white jeans, yellow beach bells, crepe bells in lots of colors, white and orange beach bells, solid thin hopsacks in navy, dark brown, suntan. Over 1000 pairs of the best looking fun britches afloat from $8.00 4M nation cannot afford to lose you" and signed an executive order waiving indefinitely in Hoover's case the mandatory retirement age of 70 for federal employees. President Nixon asked Hoover to stay on the job shortly before he took office. A stocky, ruddy-faced six-footer, Hoover has served under eight presidents, starting with Calvin Coolidge. President Examines VC Offer KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI)-President Nison examined the Viet Cong's peace proposal for free Vietnam elections Thursday to determine whether it constitutes a propaganda play or a genuine desire for a political settlement. The President reserved immediate comment on the proposal, which provides for setting up a provisional coalition government in South Vietnam to supervise the elections. White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said cables from Paris outlining the 10 point peace program put forward by the National Liberation Front (NLF), had been under study by Nixon and his chief foreign policy adviser, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger. More sessions on the matter are scheduled. Previously the Viet Cong had demanded that any settlement be "in accordance with the program of the NFL," an ambiguous phrase generally taken to mean under conditions set forth by the Communists. The United States is on record of favoring, the proposition that South Vietnam work out its own political destiny without coercion, and the government of Nguyon Van Thieu has expressed a willingness to deal with members of the Viet Cong who renounce the use of force. The United States is discussing with South Vietnam the possibility of limited unilaterial withdrawal, of American troops from; the Vietnam War, diplomatic sources said Thursday. These sources said the administration is understood to forsee the possibility of bringing home about 50,000 troops, staring in the second half of 1969 and spaced over a period of time. There are currently 542,000 U.S. servicemen in the war zone. Y? LJL O 3rd flffiifli mm 'if jV hundreds of other ITEMS ON SALE -fr Speakers From. . . .;. . . 5Qc Ualues to $109 ffcr . . . . 1.C9 fr Televisions from ..... $5X0 Be Amazed By Components from Another Era ft All Pre-Recorded Tape 20 Off Extra Special Soviet Generals Possibly Victims Of Air Disaster LONDON (UPI)-Ten Soviet generals, who died within the last, three weeks, may have been killed in an air crash or rocket test explosion, diplomatic reports said Thursday. The generals were mostly in their fifties, with a few in their early sixties. Several held posts in air defense and missile commands. The death of the tenth Russian general was announced Thursday in Red Star, newspaper of the soviet armed forces. The army newspaper said that in at least two cases generals died "in tragic circumstances while performing their duties." None of the death announcements has given details, nor were any available elsewhere. Diplomatic reports reaching here said some generals may have died naturally, since "after all even generals die some time, especially when they get older." But the reference in some instances to "tragic circumstances while performing their suggested a major either an air crash likely an explosion duties" accident, or more during a rocket test, diplomatic informants said. Red Star Thursday announced the death of Lt. General Yevgeny I Smornov, 51, deputy chief of the central department of the Ministry of Defense. The Soviet military newspaper said he died "after a short but grave illness." The string of death notices began in Red Star just over two weeks ago when the paper reported the death "in tragic circumstances" of Gen. Marikyan Popov, former chief of the infantry general staff. Next came the death announcement of Gen. Valentin Penkovsky, former commander-in-chief of the Far Eastern area and a deputy foreign minister. Last week Red Star announced the death of Gen. Anatoly Kadmotsev, who "died tragically while performing his duties." He was 49 and commander of the aviation section of Russia's air defenses. Red Star then reported the "sudden death" of Lt. Gen. Alexander Dmitriyev, 58, who headed the political section in the Caucasus military area. On Wednesday the death of Maj. Gen. Igor Antonov, 59, was announced. Safety, is Ccfcrt! IXATHKX MOCCASIN 4rte soft Moccmm cMfrt. Ts-4r Mftty! Mm 'i ami wwbm's 272-1200 I 6REENSIORO-S TWIN THEATRE BaH9roaad Waadevar LAST WEEK 1:30, 3:10, 4:50, 6:30, 8:10, 9:45 LAST WEEK 215, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30 THE RED CARPET'S CASUAL HOUR No. 3 Today 4:00-7:00 Jl?GE.En-9c GLASS-15c Sandwiches too! Rare Roast Beef, Rib Eye Steak, Pastrami, Salami, Carpetburgers, Cheeseburgers Sat THE INVADERS Are Coming? The hud mmm FASHIOfi FLAOE-OP! &7 r f w fit L v T7 We have lust rtctived ntw thiptntnts ef mtrchandise from our award winning designers. 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