Page Four THE DAILY TAR HEEL Friday. November 7, 1969 Chase Undefeated Slate "i 1 m n rm if"" II WW JL ver LriBioiecii vMi (LiiiJb n By RUSTY CARTER DTH Asst. Sports Editor The past two Saturdays have been called "key" days for North Carolina's football squad, but tomorrow is somewhat different. The meeting with Virginia Military Institute could possibly break the season, yet it could never make the season. Little conquering glory will be found in a victory over the winless Keydets, but a loss to the year-long losers would be quite a set back for the moving Heels. A Carolina win is expected this Saturday, not just predicted. Despite the weakness of the VMI Club, UNC certainly wants to take the homecoming encounter that will even their season's record at 4-4, the best win column in five years. A win would also give the Heels a three game streak entering the final two matches against Atlantic Coast Conference rivals. The Keydets will be heavily outmanned when they face the Heels, but at one time this season they might have been a match. They've had all the rough breaks a team can have and now entering their eighth game their manpower is sorely depleted. Eighteen players vanished for the Keydet squad even before the season opened. The two top ball carriers, both starting safeties, the most promising quarterback in four years, the fullback, the leading blocker, punter and the place kicker were out for a variety of reasons. Former UNC football player Vito Ragazzo, who coached Heels To 'Howl 9 : By ART CHANSKY - - DTH Sports Editor The Daily Tar Heel, in conjunction with the Department of Athletics, is sponsoring Carolina's first annual "Beat Dook" extravaganza on Friday, November 21. Temporarily known as the Medical School Surprises MBA By MIKE LEAFE DTH Sports Writer The Med School Trogdolytes pulled off probably what is the biggest upset of the year. They defeated MBA Green II 19-18. MBA ran to an 18-6 lead early in the first half, but Med School narrowed the gap with a late first half TD and PAT by Federal. That PAT was the decisive point as both teams moved up and down the field in the second half, but Med School got the only tally, a decisive TD by Harrell. The Independents eased to a 13-6 decision over MBA I to advance to the finals with Med. School Monday night. Cooper and Fassins scored TD's for the Independents, and Leighton converted a PAT. Angel scored the lane TD for MBA I. Pi Kappa Alpha White advanced in the playoffs by beating the Phi Gam White Owls 26-6 on a 26 pt. second half. KA White edged the Beta Bobblers 13-12 in playoff action. KA scored two TD's, each by Rockwell and Henninger, in the first half and converted 1 PAT while Beta got one TD from Battle in the first half fo a 13-6 KA lead. KA kept Beta from tying the game in the second half by topping the extra pt. attempt. Chi Psi advanced a white team as well as a blue team in playoff action. Chi Psi White thrashed Chi Phi White I 27-0. TD's for Chi Psi were 1 each by McNary, Alexander, Holmes, and Smith. Phi Delta Blue and Chi Psi Blue advanced to the finals in Frat blue football playoffs with very easy wins. Phi Delt Blue Hasted Beta Blue 39-6. Beta's only scoring thrust was a first half TD by Walsh. Phi Delt scored 6 TD's, JL here under Jim Hickey, will bring the remains of his forces to Kenan this weekend but his highest hope is "to make a game of it. "We were really optimistic before all the losses," Regazzo said, "but it's been tough since then. I just wish we could go down there (Chapel Hill) and give them a run for their money." UNC Bill Dooley remains cautious as always and warned his squad this week that "on a given day any team can rise to the occasion and beat another." He admits that his team should be favored to defeat the Keydets, but says that the Heels cannot afford to have a big letdown. Tom Sowers, who Ragazzo calls a "rtlue Chipper," is one of the guys lost early in the season, but he is healthy again. The hard running halfback led the conference in rushing with 792 yards last year. Sowers will be the major ground threat for the Tar Heels defenders. Murphy Sprinkle who as a sophomore passed for 1163 yards last year will call the signals Saturday. He, too, is one of the eighteen Keydets who missed earlier parts of the season. Sprinkle throws well but, the overall VMI attack has not brought victory. The primary target of Sprinkle's passing will be senior wingback Colby Trammell and sophomore Tommy Leemon. The trio has been the major threat of the offensive attack and Coach Ragazzo will depend on the ariel game to penetrate UNC's defense. Senior co-captain Tom Cambell will direct the defensive signals for the Keydets. The big middle guard was switched from tackle this "Heel Howl" (for Jack of, a better title), the show is scheduled for 4 p.m. in Kenan Statium, following the traditional Dook float parade. Charles Ingram, chairman of the parade committee for Pi Kappa Alpha, has announced that the float route will be slightly altered and will finish in the Rams Head Parking lot 2 by Roessler, and 1 each by Henderson, Bad ham, Foy, Bryant, and 3 PAT's by Bryant. Chi Psi Blue thumped Sig Ep Blue 38-0. Chi Psi pushed over 6 TD's, 2 by Arial, and 1 each by Gowan, Fenebresque, Heller, and Bode. Sig Ep could not mount a scoring drive against a stingy Chi Psi defense. Pi Kappa Phi White fought back from a 10-6 first half defecit to Phi Kap Sig MR to cop an 18-10 victory. Phi Kappa Sig scored all its pts. in the first half. Four teams, Ehringhaus A Blue, the Ehringhaus C Cannibals, the Ehringhaus B Beavers, and the Morrison D Fifths advanced to the Residence Hall semifinals. Ehringhaus A Blue blasted the Granville E Vikings 40-0. Cochran and Dean scored two TD's each, and Blalock and Ratchford 1 TD each, and Prindle 4 PAT's. The Ehringhaus B Beavers scored an 18-0 quarter-final playoff victory over the Mangum Mugs. This was a good defensive game as the Ehringhaus B defense scored 6 pts. on 3 safeties. Ehringhaus B also scored two TD's. J. ; ': t season after the costly losses in the lineup. The Tar Heels, who are looking better every week, if expectations are in order should have little trouble with the recovering Keydets. Dooley continues to say the Heels must not have a let down if they want to prepare for the final two ACC contests. And Carolina's rolling forces should follow orders. For By RICK BREWER Special to DTH Saulis Zemaitis is carrying the football less and enjoying it more these days as he and his North Carolina teammates head into the final weeks of the 1969 season. Zemaitis, a 5-10, 190-pound senior from Hamilton, Ont., was the starting tailback on the 1968 team. Last spring, however, he was shifted to fullback. In the Tar Heel offense, the tailback is the man who carries the ball and the fullback is the man who blocks for him. The ball-carrier, of course, gets the applause of the crowd; the blocker only gets a slap on the back from a coach. It would have been easy for Zemaitis, a senior, to sulk after being switched. Instead, "Sollie" has taken the move in stride and has been an important cog in Carolina's bruising rushing attack. "I never considered the switch as a downgrading of my ability at all," says Zemaitis. "We just did not ; have an experienced fullback last spring and the coaches thought I could do the job." ' In Dook at 4 p.m. - . ;nv Included in the hour-long Kenan show will be informal fraternity-sorority-residence college skits, crowning of the D tike S w e e t h eart , announcement of float and skit winners and a pep rally featuring Coach Dooley and the Tar Heels. Following the program of events, a huge Devils bonfire and fire works display will be ignited in the Rams Head lot. The building of the bonfire will begin on Wednesday, and all students are invited to contribute any old furniture or scraps they would like to see go up in smoke. The informal skits may be song parodies, satires, or television and movie take-offs With Chopol Hill's r.lost fVlodorn nnnn.te vann rif.nEu v "LEAN QUEEN" A tantalizing combination of luscious Hawaiin baked Ham, mellow Swiss Cheese, sliced tomato, crisp lettuce, special sauce oh Grilled Grecian Bread Honey's Famous Hot Fudge Cake . . . . . . .50 Coco, or Coffee ' . . . . . . . ... .15 I Try Honey's New Home-Style Lunches. I Everything from chicken 'n dumptin to 9;4 country style steak. fixes. 929-1145 Hwy. 54 ILIIN 1L VJiliJiTiOiL FTICIANI Paul MOORE SSicST"1 Prescription Fi!!l lenti DwpUotd - Sungletm Contort Lnt AccoriM Visir Our Beautiful Location in ; ...... ji g J 1 " .,-.-.;-;..- .P.,.-,.-. - S jf. - ' I f ! ' I ' I :f. " r I ' ' ''! ' - ' f i '. .0- ; REGAZZO CAMPBELL Gets Little Glory Off ensive And were the coaches ever right! Aided by the blocking of Zemaitis and the UNC offensive line, the Tar Heel backs have netted 1493 yards in seven games. Sollie, himself, has 201 of those. In fact, head offensive coach Bobby Collins says, "If there has been any one factor which has contributed the most to our ground success, it has been the blocking of Zemaitis. "Our rushing game is no better than our fullback. He's the lead blocker on most of our plays." Carolina's top two rushers, Don McCauley and Bill Sigler, have cited Zemaitis' blocking as one of the big reasons for their success this year. Sollie, on the other hand, is quick to hand out accolades for the fine individual efforts of the two tailbacks. It was Zemaitis and guard Ed Chalupka who threw the" key blocks on Lewis Jolley's 40-yard touchdown run against Virginia last week. That score broke open a defensive battle and gave the Tar Heels a lead they never relinquished. On the play, a reverse, Zemaitis cut down one; defensive end and Chalupka hit" Friday Premier i directed towards a free spectrum of subjects ranging l from the Dook game to any?' phase of University life. ? Winners of the skit competition will receive handsome trophies from the Carolina. Athletic Department. Entries should be submitted to -the Daily Tar Heel Sports: Department by Friday, November 14 and will not be accepted later than Tuesday, November 18. Any combination of fraternity-soro-; rity-residence college may perform. f An elaborate sound system Z will be available for proper narration and musical aceompanyment. Skits should run anywhere from five to fifteen minutes in length. A HONEY OF A PLACE TO EAT u rwir 8PGGIAI G? THE D2EEI (Belle of the South) . ALL FOR ONLY Vegetables like mother East across from Glen Lennox Shopping Center Ji.-IL. I- University Square JUJimes the other. Zemaitis then ran on downfield and hit two Cavalier defenders at the goal line, enabling Jolley to score. Last spring, however, Sollie's future at Carolina was in doubt. Near the end of the spring drills Zemaitis suffered a knee injury and had to undergo surgery. Still he was awarded, the Chuck Erickson Award as the top hustler in the practices. "I spent the summer in Chapel Hill going through a weight-lifting program to strengthen the leg," recalls Zemaitis. "I was concerned about getting it in shape for the fall. Since practice started, I haven't thought about it. You Can't-worry about things like a recurring injury and play this game." After the current season is over and before his next one begins, though, Sollie hopes to relax a little: spend more time than he has with his wife of 11 months, maybe do a little fishing, and train the huge Doberman Pinscher he recently bought. What does he wTant to train him to do? "Kill linebackers." The Duke Sweetheart will be chosen from a court lot candidates and will receive complimentary tickets to Saturday's game in Durham. Announcement of the float winners in the fraternity-sorority and residence college divisions will also be made by Ingram. Float winners will receive the traditional trophies for excellence. So prepare to close the books and break out the flasks a day earlier, for the first of many future "Heel Howls" is coming your way. Submit skit entries in plenty of tinio and watch the Daily Tar Heal for further "Howl" announcements. Curb Sorvlco y .70 97$ At the Curb Only I North ww?m M.u-tyd Ufa tes. tH$ 123 W.Franklin St. ic r OS lit By DONOVAN ALBRIGHT DTH Sports Writer The Carolina Tar Babies aim for the fulfillment of a perfect 5-0 season record when they encounter the freshman team from William & Mary today in Kenan Stadium. Gametime is set for 1:30. Coach Moyer Smith, in his first season as Baby head coach, expressed pleasure over three different aspects of his team's big win over highly touted Duke last week. "Our players have developed a lot of pride in themselves," he noted. "This was obvious from the way we went after Duke in the fourth quarter. Duke moved the ball down to our five yard line with the score 18-7. We might have been in trouble if they had scored, but we held and came right back and got a touchdown ourselves to put the game out of reach. We thought this showed character on our part.' Should the Tar Babies take this closing victory today, it would be a duplication of the record of this year's seniors who were undefeated in 1966. Once again, as in the Duke game, the Babies will be playing without the services of speedster Les Whitehorne. Coach Smith and Whitehorne both cited the reason for his absence in the line up as being personal. Billy Hite has taken over as the leading rusher with 385 yards and a 4.2 average. Ike Oglesby has gained 207 yards for a 4.1 average and quarterback Mike Mansfield has 134 yards to his credit. Mansfield has completed 29 passes out of 64 attempts for 452 yards and 4 touchdowns and his prime receivers thus far have been Bo Kennedy, Hite, and Earl Bethea. Kennedy has eight receptions for 148 yards; Hite, even for 71 yards; and Bethea, five for 149 yards. Hite is the leading scorer with 32 points and Oglesby follows him with 24. As a team, ' Carolina has outscored - its four opponents by a. 128-35 margin. , Coach Smith has been satisfied with his defensive luxurious-,, m TODAY ONLY THE MIRiSCH CORPORATION Presents 'm mmm JL Seat wuuiai tt& BAnA it- l. 4 tfl SJS - -fi-vt f i t t h e a T R e Shows: 12:45-2:50 4:50-6:55-9 SATURDAY ONLY tam1J Fell . 1 Mnrn l it -.n v .1.- CU I 4.4 I iO 1 Njr,J Imsk Cm s lj (.3 1 Most WScM team's effort this season and expressed special praise for the end play of Bill Chapman and Robert Waiters. As a unit the defenders have yielded 350 yards rushing and 526 yards passing while the Tar Baby offensive attack has racked up over 1550 yards total offense. Close to 1100 of these yards have been by rushing. The defensive secondary has picked off a total of 11 passes Homecoming Sale Sll L IE Men's Belts Suede Belts Men's Shirts Men's Pants Women's Slacks . . Women's Blouses . Women's Sweaters Peter Fonda Easy Rider Posters 24" x 36" 1 kvwk eeT!3U4irT1 15-501 BY-PASS EASTGATE BmcLA Golf clubs: Wilson staff woods and irons in MacGregor Golf bag. Excellent condition. Call 933-2567. Honda 50; only 700 miles, immaculate condition; very cheap transportation. Helmet included. , $185 or best offer. . Call 968-845. 1965 Mustang convertible; only 60,000 miles; dependable car; gets 20 milesgallon; 3-in-floor; 260 engine; baby blue pleasure! Call 968-8845. RECONDITIONED FURNITURE. Reupholstered sofa beds, coucHes from 49.50, Chairs from $14.50. K bw innerspring mattresses, $27.25. Dinettes, beds, etc. Goodwill Store.1121 W. Main, Durham, across from East Duke Campus. Brand new Kenwood TK44 AMFM Stereo Multiplex Receiver with matched S102U speaker system, 110220 volt 5060 cycles. List $239.00, for $155.00; Akai-M8 Stereo tape, 3-head crossfield in perfect condition. Original list: over $350.00, for $140.00 with mikes, other accessories and 2 prerecorded tapes; Argus Slide projector with 60-slide cassette, $30.00. Call 942-2693 after 6:00 p.m. and all day wreekend. 19b0 Volvo. Good shape. Recent engine . overhaul. Must sell due to plummeting grades and rising house bills. Fun. machine. $300 or best offer. Call 968-9027. Brand new black vinyl hardtop for 1968 and 1969 Corvette convertibles- Perfect for winter months. Improves appearance of Corvette unbelievably. Call 929-4593 mornings. 1967 Dueati Street-Scrambler, 2 50 cc, includes extra sprockets, excellent condition, S375 or best offer. Call 929-6801 after 5. Garrard turntable, base and cartridge, Knight Speakers. All for $70. Call 929-6801 or 942-1538 after 5. M O N O G R A M I N G - 7 e monogram anything in wearing apparel. Tle Sharyn Lynn Shoppe, 122 East Franklin St. ,942-2516. from opposing quarterbacks and Doug Yeager is the leader with 4 steals for 103 yards. Steve Garrett and Mike Lemmons have added 5 more between them. All things considered, the William & Man- Freshmen should provide a most pleasing dessert to close an extremely successful season of feasts for the 1969 edition of Carolina Freshman Football. Were 4.95 5.95 .5.95 7.95 6.95 2.98 10.95 Now 2.95 3.95 4.95 6.50 4.95 2.50 7.95 3.00 WAITRESSES. Experienced only. Good salary. Excellent! tips. See Mrs. 'Corbin. Honey's Chapel Hill. Wanting to sub-lease Town and Campus apartment. Furnished, utilities, carpeted, all extras. $150.00 monthly. Contact Ann Davis. 688-9532. Durham. Needed for male grad student-1 bedroom furnished apartment trailer in Chapel Hill vicinity. Wanted November 15-December 1-on. Call 489-5875. (Approx $100 utilities). Young male working in psychological research wants roommate to share two bedroom apartment four blocks from UNC. Call Larry Koontz. 929-2541 after 5:30 and weekends. Bookkeeper, experienced own boss, full or part-time, 5 day week, familiar with NCR posting machine or equivalent, ideal working conditions-Mr. Milton Juian, Milton's Clothing Cupboard, 163 E. Franklin. 968-4408. It's still not too late to get a pair. Blue Carolina Bikini briefs delivered at only $1.50 each. Call the Pantyman for details. 929-7434. Lonely male student desires attractive, intelligent, mature female to study with, date. Call 929-3297 after 5. Looking for 2 bedroom apartment located in new housing complex. Willing to take over lease and move in next semester. If interested call: 933-3321 after 9 or 933-3140. 5th Dimension Concert. I very much need two (2) tickets. Ill gladly pay $11 for pair & 111 pick them up from you. Please call 929-4791. Feast Friday night. 7 pjn. Sumptuous 15 course banquet at Hare Krishna Temple. Traditional Indian chants and instruments. 409 W. Rosemary St-?29:1062. Donation 81.00. Rent my custom strobe light Can run all nile at any flash per -second you desire. See or call -Doug Riley. 14 Old West SSlFIEDSr wwtwwwi i wiiwi wm wmtmurn wiwr a wt-jwwniiinwpftmi iwmiwi'wiwfflwriii,''' '"WjKffl'ijyiMiaw" "8 V -.i.ti .; !

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