Pc2 Four THE DAILY TAR HEEL Sun da v, Decs UseTIicBTH Classifieds J? fl f o 7 no ff7 JF , ' " ii mi mi , . f fis; j : -:r By RUSTY CARTER DTH Asst. Sports Ed w t ; v. - i 4 Super-Scott Soars for Two DTHStaVphot '" D entii O B X FllS-llll Alone ineffective A small town dentist recently told 1200 of his colleagues from across the country that toothbrushing by in SHOP HERE! RECONDITIONED FURNITURE. Reupholstered sofa beds, couches from $13.50. Chairs from $14.50. New innerspring mattresses, $27.25. Dinettes, beds, etc. Goodwill Store, 1121 W. Main, Durham, across from East Du!;c Campus. ATTENTION FRATER NITIES: Used mixers-slicers -work tables-baking pans, etc. One new fan. Two new drawer file cabinets. Call 929-3107 after 6:30 pm. 1969 Corvette coupe, white with saddle interior, showroom condition. 7 months old, 15,000 miles. Air conditioned, 350 cubic inches, 4 speed; power steering and brakes; positraction, tilt-wheel; AM-FM radio. $6100 new, ... v v T JL A X WU IV. r 11 8 29-7100 before 5:00 7iw-5738 after 6:00. KJJ VJ Li -4 u;u.- 4 6 f J , V '- :::-S:x:;:::;::i;:)5:; or I ML H I I Hll Hi) Ride wanted to New York City, Wed., Dec. 17 after 12 noon. Will share expenses and driving. Please call John, 963-6174. fe n AMERICAN INmJ!0NAUc;,"53 SHOWS: 1-3-5-7-9 942-3eet Church organist-Choir director yf for January 1. Call Hillsborough 732-3668 after 6 p.m. Mien- WAITRESSES. Experienced only. Good salary. Excellent tips. S ?s Mrs. Corbin. Honey's, i 1 SUMMER IN EUROPE! $199. NY-London-NY. June 10-September 2. STUDENT EUROPEAN FLIGHTS. Call Bett Sanders between 4&7 pm. 933-5271. Will deliver car to San Francisco or nearby. Leaving Chapel Hill Dec. 19. Safe Driver. W.S. Berryhiil, Rt. 4, 912-1759. THE THURSDAY EVENING PEACE AND FREEDOM SOCIETY will present E.E. Cu minings morality play oA.;ta CLAUS at 8 Sunday at the Foundation. pm. WTestley Quiet place thru Feb. 1. eight miles furnished. to live. Available 2 bedroom trailer out. Completely Call Martv at 66-1370 davtime: 96Slof)2fi evenings and weekends. mm TOPES Es Have a date with your best girl? Have an important appointment? Have a blemish-a scar, a birthmark, dark circles, dark lines, or even a bruise? Then you need Mr. RIGHT Blemish Cover-Up. Mr. RIGHT covers any blemish com pietely. And it blends in with your skin shade whether sun-tanner! nr f3;r skinned. Mr. RIGHT is a man's product you don't have to fuss with. No mess and easy to use. So invisible, no one will ever know you've used it. (They'll just know you look great.) No wonder prize fighters use Mr. RIGHT to cover their scars, and actors use it to look as good on the street as they do on the screen. Mr. RIGHT could be the most important product you ever bought. Yet it costs only S4.75-and goes a long way. Df-T-'1 to yourself. Risk nothing. Mr. RIGHT is guaranteed to work for you or your money back. Even if you don't have a blemish now don't wast. Keep a package of Mr. RIGHT Blemish Cover-Up handy. Then you'll never have to worry about those impor tant times when you want to look your oest. itself is ineffective preventing tooth decay. Delivering the main address at the University's 15th annual Dental Seminar last Wednesday, Dr. Robert F. Barkley of McComb, Illinois, said, "even if most people brushed their teeth between bites they would keep right on having dental disease." ' Dr. Barkley stressed the fact toothbrushing helps prevent decay only if used in conjunction with a strict program of other cleaning and disease control procedures. To clean teeth and keep them clean, Dr. Barkley uses a fine, strong thread, two-ended toothpicks that fit on a special handle and a fine-bristled brush whose bristles penetrate into the tiny crevases between the teeth and "wiggle" food out. In addition, Dr. Barkley often places his patients on special diets to keep them from getting cavities. In his speech, Dr. Barkley attacked the way many dentists tell their patients to brush their teeth and then concern themselves only with drilling, filling and pulling. "Decay doesn't make people lose teeth," Dr. Markley commented. "Dentists make people lose teeth." He said dentists find many ingenious devices to hold false teeth in place but added, "nothing is so ingenious to hold teeth in place as the roots." Using his keen wit and sharp tongue to get his belief in preventive dentistry across the audience, Dr. Bareley added, "we tell people to do something that doesn't work, and then we tell them to do it after every meal." Today, 22 million Americans are without teeth, and Dr. Barkley commented that number will increase to 50 million by the year 2000. Dr. Barkley spends much of his time travelling and speaking to audiences across the country about his new concept in preventive dentistry, and he is the author of the controversial publication, "Toothbrushing The Hoax of of American Dentistry." James Bawden, Dean of the UNC Dental School, Saturday said Dr. Barkley has a very good approach to taking care of his patients. "More dentists are working toward the prevention of disease now," Bawdin commented, "but Dr. Barkley is still a year or two ahead of the others." or A barrage of hot-handed shooting during the final minutes of play enabled Carolina's freshman basketballers to come from behind and clip the Indians of -William and Mary CoPee 76-68 last nizht. What began as quite a drab affair in Greensboro's Colist?um ended in tension for Co2ch Bill Guthridge and his Tar Babies. And nearly resulted in then second defeat in two straight outings. The Blue and White freshmen found themselves down by 10 points with 13 minutes remaining in the contest and little life showing in their attack. But when it was getting a little late to think of winning unless something happened fast, scholarship hoopsters George Karl and Bob Johnston provided the winning spark. l- Two buckets each and one a 3-pointer for Johnston narrowed the margin to 51-49 in only three minutes. Just prior to leaving the game on fouls Karl swiped a William and Mary pass and fed John Austin to cut the edge to 1 point at 6:26. The Tar Babies finally overcame the edge on Ronnie Moff Ill's basket at 5:40 to mate the mark 56-55 UNC. With team leader Karl on the bench Julian Dempsy ar.d Moff.it along with Johnston margin. The Ike Is did not recover by half time and trailed 31 -2S when the pruse came. the manned the attack winnlns finish. to a Carolina opened the gap to 5 points at 1:55 forcirg the Indians to foul in desperation. But UNC proved accurate from the charity line as well. The Tar Babies hit on 5 of 6 after 1:20 to close the doors on the W&M attempt. Austin led the scoring for the Tar Babies with 15 points followed by Johnston with 13. Karl, not playing at his usual speed, had 11 as did Moffitt. But Dempsey's 6, Stafford's 8 and Norris Crigler's 3 were crucial in the rally. The freshmen had earlier in the first half built up a 5 point lead, but Guthridge, apparently displeased with the quint's performance, substituted a new lineup at 8:25 William and Mary then climbed to a 24-22 Let It Bleed "You can't always get what you want. But if you try some time You just might find You get what you need. " Mick Jagger, Keith Richard Leading marksman for game was WkM's Davis who hit for 31. He was trailed by Moore w;ih 17 and Strong with The close win over the Indians was the fourth victory for G uthridge's youngsters against only one loss. The Tar Babies have crushed East Carolina, Laurinburg Institute and Davidson while losing only to Duke. Christmas Concert The Carolina Choir wui present their annual Christmas Concert 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, in Hill Music Hall. The UNC Brass ensemble will play preliminary music beginning at 7:30 p.m. f ft T"J f f . J . ! ! tj is i s i i 5 Featuring; Basketball Shoes V High or Low Top Onlv ! ? Sports Proven Fcr Consistent Dependability Centsf COST PLUS lOfoon BEER, Wines, a CIiampcqno We honor American Erpress. AH Interbank, Bank of America and Mobilfas Charge Cards. nnr en lltLy)lllGAS O. FCQl 2 M'!es North of Firehouse on Airport Road Phone 929-5056 WM Send for Mr. RIGHT Blemish Cover-Up right new. Enclosed is my S4.75 (ir cashv check or , , . money order-no stamps) Please send Mr. RIGHT Blemish Cover-Up to me. with the understanding that, if I am not completely satisfied. 1 may return it m 10 days for a full refund r v. For That Extra Spocisi Gift This Christmas Give Orlrjinal l7orks of i inn minn n m mi i rn m sr? , Vl J It! I ! ! U I THE irJTIWATEZ G" One bedroom apartment in Northampton Plaza. Furnished, including dishwasher. Ideal lac: lion, close to campus. oi---- per month ut i lit i;; Inquire Northampton plaza j -Xjif J t , including at 520 or call , LAWRENCE PALMPR Penthouse. 530 Fifth Avanuo m New York. N.Y. 10C35 W NAME rs Please Print ADDRESS. ' CITY STATE 2!p a u Co to the Bahamas? Go to Panama City or O.K., here's something new: snow skiing. Dynamite. Now, the purpose of this hype is to get you to talk your folks into financing a little getaway to the mountains. Read on. Being from the South, when you think of skiing, ycu naturally think of water skiing. Forget it. This is snow skiing. The best. Ah, but you say that that means Vermont or Colorado or some other foreign place like that? Nope. We mean Beech Mountain, N.C. Yeah, North Carolina. Beech has the highest slopes east of the Rockies, and that includes Vermont. And Beech has ten different slopes, from beginner to advanced, with lifts to service each one. There are cozy places where you can get some good chow and something to drink, or maybe just sit around and get warm. Beech also has a lot of singie people all over the mountain, a!i winter long. If you are male, that means that there are a significant Laoderdate? Or- worse yet-go nowhere? number of females with whom you can become acquainted, and viw. veibd, ii you can aig u. it you don't know how to ski, we'll teach you. jt you aon t nave any equipment, we'll rent it to you, cheap if you do have your own equipment, what are you waiting for? So here's the pitch: Beech Mountain features a gift certificate whi-h entities you to two days of skiing. The package includes your lift fees and complete equipment rental. All for under thirty dollars (A lot less if you have your own skis and stuff.) You'll also get a jacket patch and a button which bears the catchy, ad game phrase 'One Good Beechkcnmer Deserves Another." Wear it proudly and all that j.ve. Even when you figure up your own food, lodging and transportation, it's still cheaper than the Bahamas. Now cut th coupon out, write your name on it, etc., and mail it to us WeT snoor tnrougn with some brochures and stuff that will ex-la what's happening. H in Bahamas? P.C.? Lauderdale? Tell those scenes to kiss off This winter, go to Beech Mountain and ski. End of ad. nainnnnnnnnnnnnnnni3CEinnnDnnnooccnnaaaiinnnnnnnnnnnanDnnan O.K., send me all those brochures and things so ! can ponder this skiing business in my heart of hearts. NAME. Se-oneJ Ffoor The Intimate Oookshop Chaps! Hill i a o a E3 a ADDRESS. CITY v ! - I S STATE ZIP. r,iaurjTAirj BEECH MOUNTAIN DEPT. "E", P. O. BOX 277BANNER ELK, U. C. 206D4TELEPHO?:e 7040G141 (This offer good anytime during the season except the weaker c! of December 27-23, 1959 -.I! O o rn fe o 'O u n La nnnnoaoooDnooQnnnnoinc2oooGEnononanD03oiJooiinonGnnonn- r-.r', ik fe Ai t-4 -