1 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Sunday. March 8. 1970 2 ir.r: t: IT? TrU 1171 Jfet ll W WW 9 if r! 7f 79 if - ? tun. .Ji:- - ! A- ', ' ' J JL W ki W t i ! a! ( I I Jib' K I y4s 500 Jf (7 f."iw :t n ft M n v fc? Sf . r . , . " - i I f I si LYJL ? - I MOSCOW (UPI)-The Soviet press warned Saturday that U.S. air raids in Laos "are feeding the flames of war in Southeast Asia." There was no Moscow response to President Nixon's plea for Russian help in scaling down the fighting. Nor.:;?mTE!)F(m9 ACADIT.IYm'AODS HIKMJ IS Now.. Showing! Ill" ,ti U'iM 'l ll i i l n.my mj.jii imnm - .-v lift. SHOWS:, 12:35-2:43-4:58 7:16-9:34 Telephone 489-2327 cao ft 1 1 t CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 -Devoured 4-Exists 6-Melts 11-lndividua! 13Revolutionaries " 15-Symbol for tellurium 16-Cotton fabric 18-Man's nickname 19 Symbol for tantalum 21-Desert dweller 22Path 24-Courageous person . 26-large birds 28-Southwestern Indian 29 Place for combat 31-Man's name 33 Saint (abbr.) 34-Certain 36-Send forth 38 Liquid measure (abbr.) 40ldentical 42-Wear away 45-Female sheep 47-Man's name 49- Lamb's pen name 50- Yugoslav leader 52-Rockfish 54- French article 55- Printer's measure 56- Rues 59-Preposition 61 Feast 63-Boarder 65- Dinner course 66- Symbol for thulium 67- Poem DOWN 1-Likely 2Seesaw 3- Teufonic deity 4- Greek letter 5- Trap 6- Roman magistrate 7- Chicken 8- Son of Adam 9- Pronoun 10-lnclines 12-Compass point 14-Rain and hail 17-Girl's nickname 20-War god 23-Symbol for gold 24Exclamation 25-Burden 27lndefinite number 30 Sea in Asia 32-Father 35 Came forth 37-Fee 38- 39- 41 43 - 44 - 48 - Oniigodomigodomigod farmed. An article in the weekly newspaper of the Soviet Journalists Union, Life Abroad, derided Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird for reportedly saying that UJS. air operations in Laos were necessary because of Laos' FAR DP! FAR CUT! FAR HOEE! Jams3 Bond 0O7' ki : i i uiii Mil United Artists y 1:10-3:42-6:14-8:46 Answer to Saturday's Puzzle SO Man's name Twists together -Without end Followed food 51 -Spoken 53-Tiny particle 57- Guido's high note 58- Conjunction program Babytonian deity 60-Native metal 46-Latin conjunction 62-A state (abbr.) lndolent 64-A state (abbr.) AT' Z I . 1 JAl s, i (.1 '4 H CM iT: IME Tf Jt!oT 1ClAA M O CjElUO TU AfflT fc T PlEISt cTeTjEIRa1.m TtA eIaTJCIA r:AlT mErakgqA jmnz TfiAl RE S i 1 LfAW seTarmr'eJntgIa S TR I WG? T ElAjSffip "IaInIqIpeT jsiROolPle 9 2 3 I iM6 I7 I8 I9 l' &f TT i? j u 13 i17" 8 I 24 25 26 , 27 28 . 2? 30 3i 32 33 J5" 51 H JEW- 54 ZM 61 !ST '63 t f rrf asxtt time! VOU WSNTON A J . . . . J- S s D77 Staff Photo by Steve Adams M proximity to North and South Vietnam. It said Laird "thus wants the crime directed against peace and security to' justify others." 'Facts show that Washington's present course in Southeast Asia as well as in the Far East and the Pacific is aimed at extending U.S. expansion in key locations of this wide region," the Moscow newspaper said. It charged that the United States was "seeking to strangle the patriotic forces in Laos" and said American poligy "keeps a whole army of Pentagon and CIA advisers there in violation of the Geneva agreements." "Since there is no end in sight to the Vietnam War, American military . men may turn the entire Southeast Asia region, into an area of aggression," - the newspaper LBJResting In Hospital SAN ANTONIT, Tex. (UPI) Former President Lyndon B. Johnson, who received the most encouraging reptot about his heart since he entered the hospital six days ago, watched television coverage of the total solar eclipse. Johnson watched the eclipse from his bed in Brooke General Hospital. His wife was with him. The daily medical bulletin said Johnson had spent his second restful night in a row. He has not had any severe pain in two days. "We are quite satisfied with the president's overall progress and with the results of observation and treatment he has had to this point," said Lt. Col. Robert L. North, chief heart specialist at Brooke, an Army hospital. m I mil! mm wmmm Arranged by Ferdinand Rolen Galleries, Eaitimor e. Md. isnwki at tup eufl I i w I jr t ii tmm w NlC)CNAiVE STILL TO BE at IM By A tz m a&o ii Carolina in the springtime: blue sky, warm breezes, people sitting out under the Polk Place or going to play tennis . . -Every living thing awakens in the spring, including the males of Carolina. It's been a whole winter-of rain and sleet and mud and wet feet and terrible headcolds and suddenly, the worid is slightly livable again. Also suddenly, you realize that J some of those misshapen 1 objects all bundled up in long I coats and scarves and sweaters, j etc. all winter long, are not I misshappen once such articles are shed. Quite the opposite. There are certains kinds of people walking around out there that strongly resemble that pinup hanging on your wall and in a few cases, you don't even have to use your hnagination too much. And so the scene is set. Here ,0(EW Pravda, the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist party, gave' prominent display Saturday to Washington reports citing criticism of U.S. moves in Laos by Sens. George McGovern, D-S.D., and J. Williams Fulbright, D-Ark. The Soviet Union has special diplomatic responsibility and authority in Laos ' in its capacity as co-chairman, with Britain, of the 1962 Geneva Conference which sought to establish Laos as a neutral state. In his policy statement on Laos released Friday President Nixon said he had asked both British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin to open diplomatic channels aimed at ending the war in Laos. rm is - v: ,"r 5 j r . : i . 1 Univ. of N. Carolind Wesley Foundation 214 Pittsboro St. Tuesday, March 10 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 0F&STTINAKIN! OUT CF MM r. r . V- r v"'-'" y- YVfil-, -Vr.f -- ' ' - ..v. ...i j I j iqf - j I I . Ii (9 ) .'5 j you are studying and every tiroe you look up there is some lovely young maiden in a dress that's cut awfully high or awfully low or wonderfully both. And every class you attend finds some, female sitting at the next desk, and the more you look at her the more you find yourself flunking exams and forgetting to do homework and being more miserable than you were back in the winter. Multiply these feelings by about 900 times and you have the boys dormitories on north campus, not to mention one seething hunk of frustration. And so it came to pass that one week ago tommorrow is the first anniversary of the Cobb Massacre of the spring of 70! I remember it so clearly, it might have happened last week. People have different explanations for whatever touched it off. Some say it was the pressure of spring fever. Others, however, swear it was the result of months of psychological warfare on the part of the "Carolina Pantry -Man" and his suggestive advertisements in a local radical publication. In any case, it started on a Monday night just after summer. Somewhere in the confines of upper or lower quad, someone uttered a sigh of longing. And someone else added a murmur of odisgust. And the murmur turned to muttering, and the muttering turned to grumbling, and the grumbling developed into a subdued roar. Far away, Kitty Carmichael stirred restlessly. She might have done considerably more if she had seen 900 desperate males heading in the general direction of the nearest girls' dorm. Officer McQuaver snoozed peacefully in his chair outside the Cobb sitting room. For 15 v I a if .-t, 'Dracula' The Haymakers will present a special Monday night performance of "Dracula" at the Playmakers Theatre. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale at Graham Memorial and Ledbetter Pickard. FRATERNITY ALUMNI RELATIONS FIRM SEEKS MAN WHO NEEDS AT LEAST $25,000 ADDITIONAL INCOME National organization working exclusively with the frater nity world seeks man to operate local office here. Must enjoy working with people and be willing to accept com prehensive training. This is a franchise program and can be handled on a part-time basis evenings-from your home until full potential is reached. A minimum of $5,000 cash is re quired with financing available. If you want a secure in come, call or write me for complete details. Harry 0. Richards, President, Fraternity Alumni Service DIVISION CF THE CARSCH COMPANY 611 Scuth Boulevard Evanston, ill. 60202 TeL 312869-8330 nzm.aiixxii STILL HEKH7TWI5 LETTER CAnB years, he had sat in that chair every night to protect the girls of Carolina from all sorts of terrible things. And he had done his job well. As a matter of fact, he sort of enjoyed intimidating the freshmen uho brough his date in 45 seconds after closing hours, or slyly peering out from under his cap brim as couples, seeing him apparently asleep, kissed one last time just inside the door. But this night was unlike aiy other Officer McQuaver had ever known. For approaching Cobb at this very moment was the afore raentioned group comprised of upper and lower quad. What awakened him? Was it tke trembling ground, shaken by 900 pair of shoes? Or was it the hoarse scream of 900 voices interwined in sincere requests for femine articles of apparel, referred to in some circles as "foundations" but by this particular group as ... P-A-N-T-I-E-S!!! McQuaver didn't know what to do. Ft. Bragg was a good two hours away, so calling in troops was out of the question. What about the campus police? Beaumont was popular, but this mob wasn't looking for personalities. There was only one-alternative left bajaeadeU if ha uld buy time, perhaps the mob could be dispersed. The Alamo has not seen such fierceness. Cobb responded in the true fashion of belles of the south, throwing pants and even toilet paper. Some of the other girls dorms were not so cooperative, replacing the shower of lace vyith bucketfuls of water. But rebellions are shortlived. Sooner or later ammunition is exhausted and local authority returns in this case three town peace officers arrived and took on the 900 with clubs in hand.-With the odds one to 330, the denizens of the dorms fled ',, Si?.-' , ' . .J : ' - ' " f IT LOOS KIK'D OF V OFFICIAL. I I i - '4 i ' ,,.'.: t - - .'. t r l FrIO' '. i t " .4 I. 5 V . ' t k I - fc, ! i tv 1 fl t if i OTH Sizfl Photo by MAe McGo an Would you believe bare-midrift Chicken Little Was Right: Solar Eclipse By BOB CHAPMAN DTH News Editor "Get your candles before the end of the world," shouted a few kids on Franklin Street. It wasn't the end of the world, but the sky had become very dark in what should have been the brightest part of the day. The event was the March 7 eclipse. "Chicken Little was right," a few students yelled. In another part of campus a few long-haired students were clustered under a newspaper to escape some mysterious harmful rays. Clinging to his mother tightly, one child was heard saying, "But Mommy, I don't want to have an eclipse! " ,ti Girls ' and' boys were lying1 down in the arb to get a good view of the spectacle while groups gathered around the Union, holding two sheets of cardboard, one with a pinhole, to see the once-in-a-life time phenomenon. The cashier in the Union's snackbar even closed shop for five minutes so he would not miss the event. Weathermen at the Raleigh-Durham Airport reported the temperature dropped five degrees during the eclipse, held for a while, and then rose again after the sun reappeared. Eslewhere, the eclipse caused more reactions. Animals in the Norfolk zoo were frightened. Some huddled In the corner of their cages, while others made their discontentment evident and loud. In Wallace nearly 500 people, including 250 scouts, camped out to see the eclipse. Just as big an event was a showing of the world's largest hog. At Virginia Beach, thousands who turned out to see the spectacle let out a big cheer when totality occurred. r i Luxurious, , :aiolma NOW PLAYING 2-3:35-5:25-7:05-9 A LTSIC. TIAGtC SONS Of THE BOAS! AN HISTORIC MOYIEf MMOC COMMIT m PETER DENNIS FONDA I HOPPER JACK NICHOLSON COCOA- Reused bt COLUMBU PCTUfiS 11 THIS IS TO INFORM W THAT VOU KA'.c B.S KEflAC A5 HAPpA6L" ' w -t fTT TP 1 i n estricted S. I 1 1 iVVl 1 f . SL your r.iEfju Week Of MAR. 9 11:30 A.M..2.-30 P.M. Open 7 Days A Vcck LUNCHEON SPECIALS Monday - Friday MONDAY Country Style Steak 2 Veg., Soup, Salad. Roils "TUESDAY y4 BBQ Chicken 2 Veg., Soup, Salad, Rolls WEDNESDAY - Chopped SI rioih WMushroom Sauce 2 Veg.. Soup, Salad, Rolls j THURSDAY Roast Veal WDRESSING 2 Veg., Soup, Salad, Rolls FRIDAY Filet of Flounder 2 Veg:. Soup. Sal.. Rolls Or Hot Pastrami on Rye NIGHT SPECIAL' 7:30-9:00 MONDAY Eye Round Steak 2 Veg.. Salad. Bread $1.45 TUESDAY Spaghetti Salad, Bread All You Can Eat $1.40 WEDNESDAY Vi B-B-Q Chicken 2 Veg., Salad. Bread $1.45 THURSDAY Pizza Special Plain or Pepperor.i Vi PRICE 104 W. franklin St. CLIP ME OUT Be Sure And Vhlt THE BACCHAE Entrance: Behind Zoom Off Columbia St. HOURS: 3:00-11 :30 P.M. Mcnday-Scturday Hoppy Hour Erery Day 3:C3-6:C0 P.M. (BAD CL' Fi.?J i f FOS.HI.M. - j 40T'V 3 HE "" -.rB snrfS t. r--iL