Harry Bryan Was ls o n Opinions of The Daily Tar Heel are expresst d on its editorial page. AH unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor and the stiff. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Wednesday, February 17, 1971 Tom Gooding. Editor Nyle's ett to UNG am The Invisible University -, of North Carolina basketball team will meet Devil May .Care, an imposing group of cagers, in Carmichael Auditorium tonight at 7:30 p.m. The game had been cancelled Monday when University officials informed IUNC organizer Nyle Frank that all further activities by the unusual group would be banned from University facilities. Fortunately, IUNC was able to side-step the restrictions by appointing a bona fide student, Barrett Joyner, as chief executive. Frank will remain "Supreme Ruler of the I'i visible Universe," of course. We are completely aware of the complex legal .restrictions binding University a a- istrators, yet recurring incident involving IUNC and the administration are denying students' creative talents. Certainly, Frank's ideas are ffPersonally speaking I That really Ve had a rough day Monday. One of us went to the infirmary with an earache. One spent the day in bed fighting a losing battle with some unknown virus. And I went to Health-Education 33., J .... -. ' . .. - Health-Education 33 is the course on human sexuality being taught by Dr. Takey Crist, assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the UNC School of Medicine. Dr. Crist has lectured all across the state in an effort to increase ; scientific awareness concerning human sexuality. In a recent article for the Alumni Review Dr. Crist said he feels students are in "a sexual wilderness." Last summer he worked on a sex information booklet "dedicated to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and venereal disease." He is primarily interested in removing the harmful and inaccurate feelings about sex resulting from ignorance. Unfortunately, for me, the Monday night class had as a highlight a movie of two babies being born. The movie was tactfully handled and in no way could be considered, offensive. However, it was an extremely graphic picture of the events in the operating room. The movie was supposed to be in color, however, I could distinguish only two colors red and white. The movie started off harmlessly ' enough. The lady in the bed was doing fine and the pre-operation preparations were tolerable. But then it happened, Lana Starnes UNG Sex education you might say has become a household word on campus this year, but what about its acceptance on other campuses across the state? In visiting several campuses the past few months I have come to realize that the University of North Carolina is fast becoming the pace setter in this area. Many students, I'm sure, are beginning to say they are bored with the topic of sex education. But this could be true only in so far as we have been very fortunate in being exposed to much of it this year. Discussion on human sexuality began about three years ago in small dormitory and sorority discussion groups. From there we went to the establishment of the Health Education Clinic and reforms in the policies of the Student Infirmary. udl somewhat different from those of the average individual. But the concept of liberal education is strongly based on introduction to new ideas and philosophies. Frank has rendered superb service in this respect. Where else can a student be introduced to Jewish food, comic book trivia, candlemaking, pinball playing, basic auto mechanics and a host of other hard-to-get educational topics? There are probably more than a few individuals in South Building who view Frank as kook or freak. Perhaps they should listen to him: "I've always tried to channel discontent with present educational institutions into constructive, rather than destructive activities." People with this attitude are an asset to the University community. Administrators should think twice before they discourage Nyle Frank. happens? contractions started and this human form began to protrude from inside the woman. I mustered a great deal of intestinal fortitude and watched as the child was forced around the skin and bone. When the entire baby finally emerged in a move that could only be called a slither I almost lost my intestinal fortitude. And when the afterbirth arrived on the scene I took the great dive for the floor. However, since Dr. Crist had explicitly requested that no one leave the room, I began studying the paintings on the wall and the texture of the ceiling. The second birth escaped my sight entirely. While most people were slightly shocked I must confess my reaction was more of morbid disbelief and extreme nausea. Most of the males in the room fared badly compared to their female counterparts. It was at this point that I became firmly convinced that if it were up to the males in the audience to replenish the species the human race would be in for a quick extinction. However, much to my disbelief, I lived through the event and gained a great deal of understanding of childbirth. If the general reaction was anywhere close to the one I had, many students will take an entirely more serious viewpoint concerning trie question of childbirth. But at least everyone in the audience should have gained a great deal of respect for the mothers of the world. Tom Gooding .lea dies; Nortlk CaroMma am V This year we participated in a week long sex symposium and saw the publication of the ECOS booklet "Elephants and Butterflies." But the fact remains that on many campuses the movement for sex education courses, information on contraceptives and abortion and the like are just getting underway. Members of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital and the Carolina Population Center traveled to East Carolina University last week to participate in the Eleventh Annual Family Life Conference. Along with Dr. Mary S. Caldrone, director of the Sex Information and Education Council of Oil It is a widely known fact in and around Chapel Hill that Mayor Howard Lee will be running for re-election this spring. When posed with the question, Lee does no hedging. He will definitely be a candidate. According to Lee, two years have not been enough time to do aU the things he wanted to accomplish when, in May of 1969, he became the only black to be elected mayor of a predominantly white southern town since reconstruction. Among Lee stated plans for this year were: the construction of hundreds of low cost housing units. a neighborhood redevelopment program with more than half a million dollars to be spent on improving housing, street lights, city streets and recreation facilites. an organized program to prevent drug abuse in the community. the development of a 40-acre recreation area in the Lake Forest section. -a bus line to cover Carrboro, Chapel Hill and the University campus. Though most of Lee's programs are now underway, none have been completed. Housing for many Chapel Hill families has been opened, but plans for around 1,000 more units is still pending in Washington. Neighborhood redevelopment has been moving steadily but is by no means complete. Roads have been improved, and the recreation program is progressing under a $100,000 grant from the Open Space Program. However, there is still much more to be done. And the bus system is expected to begin operation in Carrboro, Chapel Hill and the University community by the first of March. But, as Lee has said, there is still a long way to go. Tilings have not been as easy for Lee since he assumed the office. In an interview with The Daily Tar Heel this fall, he spoke of some of the problems he encountered during the first few months of his administration. "First," he said, "it took people a while to realize that I was really the mayor. Second, I was aggressive and many people really didn't understand that. Third, both the black and white communities were not really sure that I could do the job." However, it didn't take long for Lee to dispel most of the public's doubts. And in the past two years he has done WWY CAN'T You RESPONSIBLE ADULTS 7 w S m m x m mm -w m.-- 5 ?". 1 At I I ' , I 1 ' .A ' - GS VvHY po You treat us uke RESPONSIBLE ADULTS? VV . rN the United States, they discussed human sexuality and abortion. There were two days of scheduled lectures and discussions. Dr. Jaroslav F. Hulka of the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology of N.C. Memorial Hospital lectured on contraceptive efficiency and sterilization. The Rev. Carl Culberson, a Chapel Hill minister; Arthur H. Jones' a consultant in the Carolina Population Center; and Dr. Donald E. Widmann, assistant professor of the UNC Dept. of Psychiatry, discussed abortion (law, emotions, morality). Dr. Takey Crist, assistant professor in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Dr. Calderone spent one entire day discussing human sexuality, contraceptives and abortion. TrO' I 1 1 much more than to see the physical improvements in Chapel Hill begun, which was a formidable task in itself. Lee's election has had a great psychological effect on both blacks and whites throughout the state. "Many more blacks are beginning to believe in themselves," Lee has said. "They're beginning to believe they really do have a place in the system." Letters to the editor TH should be independent To The Editor: Finding myself in sympathy with you in your fiscal plight and having read the last three editions of your newspaper, I have formed several opinions, the gist of which I offer below. On Monday, Evans Witt quoted the charge of "financial censorship" which you leveled at the University administration. This phrase implies that insofar as the administration controls the disbursement of funds to The Daily Tar Heel it poses a threat to your right to publish, according to the dictates of your journalistic judgment, when you will and what you want. However, none of the articles which you published in the last three issues made any mention of how The Daily Tar Heel might become a publication independent of public subsidy. This in itself surprises me. You don't want to risk being censored (hardly a likelihood-previous editors have been far more outspoken than yourself), but yet you do not hesitate to demand a subsidy. I recall that not too long ago The Daily Tar Heel became quite vocal in recommmending that The Yackety Yack become an economically self-sufficient organ. The Daily Tar Heel operates as the news medium of the microcosm of the University. But for its public subsidy ($33,340 allocated by the Student Government in fiscal year 1970) your newspaper runs in the red. At the hearings on the yearbook appropriations, one of the main points put forth to squelch its subsidy was that sufficient copies have never been published for all of the students, all of whom paid for it neverthless. Yet neither TREAT US LIKE Dr. Calderone, who is said to be the leading expert in the United States on sex education, is the author of several books and numerous contributions to professional journals and popular magazines on family planning and sex education. Her books include "Release from Sexual Tensions," "Abortion in the United States" and "Manual of Contraceptive Practice." Each lecture and discussion was extremely well attended, more so than the Family Life Committee members had contemplated. Standing room was scarce the entire day with students, faculty and interested adults in attendance. The audience was free to ask any and all questions. As an outsider, I could V 7- y? 7t&&jjg&ep 3 n iiCLDii no The Democratic establishment in North Carolina has recognized this fact, and because of it named Lee vice chairman for minority affairs in the State Democratic Party earlier this year. And Lee has also shown the white blue-collar worker that a black mayor is not a man to be mistrusted. He has shown them that a black man can be fair and will not necessarily discriminate against does The Da;Jy Tax Heel publish sufficient newspapers for each student to have one every day, although each student contributes to the maintenance of the newspaper. However, it seems to me, that if the newspaper prints 6,250 copies of 24 daily editions per month and can sell these at $.02 apiece, either through subscrirons or at self-service newstands, it would be earning the S3 ,000 which, according to your Business Manager Robert Wilson (DTH 2971), it needs, in addition to monthly advertising revenues of $9,000, in order to function. If The Daily Tar Heel cannot claim an honest circulation of at least 6,000 perhaps the content lack sufficient appeal. Maybe economic independence would provide the impetus to editorial and reportorial improvement which in "the real world" is stimulated by competition for greater circulation and the consequent higher advertising rates. The operating budget for the newspaper, as published in the Student Government Budget for this fiscal year, is $104,490. Of this sum, one third ($33,340) comes from the student body, including $4,647.50 from the Graduate Student Association, $3,095 comes from subscriptions, and the remainder comes from advertising revenues. The Daily Tar Heel pays its editor $800 and its Business Manager $900. Indubitably the money is well-earned. But, the Subscription Manager is paid $500. However, only $3,095 of the gross income for the newspaper is received from the sale of subscriptions. It appears that the Subscription Manager's salary exceeds the newspaper's earnings from subscriptions. To conclude, Mr. Gooding, while you and your staff congratulate yourselves for what appears to be victory of the student press over the bureaucrats at South Building, you have shown that you lack more than black ink in your ledgers. Could you endeavor to become an independent, self-sufficient newspaper? Could you not strive to arouse and to amuse your readership with copy more reasonable and well-founded than the sarcastic and vindictive drivel which you substituted for an editorial of wit and wisdom on Monday morning under the heading "Awards of the Week"? Christopher Casler Reader refutes North Viet 'trash' To The Editor: There is currently circulating on the campus a piece of North Vietnamese propaganda conceived by Madame Binh in Paris but signed by one 'Tom Paine" entitled "The Peoples Peace Treaty: An Idea Whose Time Has Come." Normally one would throw this sort of thing in the trash. However, if you encounter it, it may be worth examining if only to glimpse the pathetic degree of self-delusion and cynical misrepresentation of reality which underlies the radical left's characterization of Viet Nam. In describing South Viet Nam the leaflet states: " the entire fabric of the country is being deliberately destroyed 400,000 women are forced to work as bargirls and prostitutes. Over one fourth of the entire population of 17 million is in refugee camps the concentration campus hold over 200,000 political prisoners " detect the student curiousity and interest. Their questions tended to be much more sophisticated than others I had heard on other campuses and this one as well. But the most revealing session of the conference was the concluding one where the question of sex education on the ECU campus was discussed. Where to go and who to ask about contraceptives and abortion was the prevailing question. The students demonstrated their interest in establishing a place where students could go for information, in setting up a sex education curriculum and in educating the student body in all areas of human sexuality. The movement has started. The students were given the opportunity to e edecattiop. sex 3 v white as many discriminate against blacks. Lee's goals have not been accomplished, but his programs are underway. And since Howard Lee is the most progressive mayor in Chapel Hill in many years, he should be given the chance to see his plans completed when Chapel HUl voters ga to the polls this spring. Those statements are lies and they bear no meaningful resemblance to actual conditions in South Viet Nam. Despite a massive internal war and a fundamental reordering, of its society, South Viet Nam has actually begun to develop politically and economically. Since 1967 a major redistribution of political power, hardly noticed in this country, has been underway in the Republic. Having taken the ARVN tactical commanders out of the administrative chain, Thieu has been able to begin the transfer of political power back to the villages-most of which now have fully elected governing councils and real responsibility for their own development and defense. The momentum is being carried by the Joint Pacification and Development Plans which, meeting less and less resistance from the dwindling Viet Cong infrastructure, have affected something of a national breakthrough in the countryside. South Viet Nam has a long way to go, the costs have been very large, yet real local autonomy and effective participation in their own development and defense now mark the farmers' lot. It appears that once the NVA main force units were broken, the real requisites of success were the resurrection of the village and the willing involvement of the peasant in the struggle. Buck Grinter 6C Town House Apts. DMC says Nyle 'better watch out9 To the Editor: Nyle Frank has repeatedly stated in public that DMC 70 "must be crushed." The supporters of the philosophy of "DMC" find such an idea grundgy, if not downright hilarious. The fact that Nyle I (obviously one of the more burned-out dudes in either IUNC or UNC) has fabricated such blatent yellow journalism as to attack our intellectual austerity can no longer be4 tanded. We desire that the records show that not one, but two members of our grimflidge, having completed Portuguese I, are currently undertaking the arduous studies of the anals of second semester Portuguese. With all due respect to Mr. Frank, we submit the following predictions on the up-corning basketball game: ( 1 ) IUNC will be held scoreless. (2) While IUNC will finish next to last, the illustrious DMC squad will finish second. (3) Nial will leave the playing court during the 3rd quarter, due to internal injuries. (4) Melanie Napper will not play her kazoo at the game, but Willis Lathrop will spin her top. (5) The powers that be will put an end to the game. We must also lodge a formal protest against Nile French's use of the slogan "Fricassee DMC." We are left with no alternative but to reply that Neil Frank is a skellum and should be dealt with accordingly. Nail I, you'd better watch out for: Quirn, Skaks, Hombre, Mr.' Woosen, Gas tenia Petty, Erik Fonda, Chuck, JUDGE, Stevie Wonderful, Pistol Pete Allen, and Bonhomme Richard. Winston Atkins Barrett Joyner DMC desire for information. The faculty, likewise, responded and groundwork has been laid for discussion and future clans. The adults have become interested and are showing a willingness to help the student community. We here at UNC are lucky. We have available to us the Infirmary, the Health Education Clinic and scores of other sources. True, there is still a lot to be done in the field of sex education but we h3ve gotten this far, a great deal further than many other iiuiiiutions in this state. Let me ask you to do this. Next time you go home call up a friend and find out what is happening on the campus he or she attends in the area of sex education But don't be surprised at the res"ci you may receive.

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