Tbs Dally Tar He! Leaven Reviews 6 Tl o Tl n (LDUH 7 I ! Tuesday. March 16. 1971 if1 Q) SeCCDEIidJ Woe to the unlucky man who as a child is taught even as a portion of his "creed what his grown reason must forswear. J.A. Froude About three months ago I reviewed a collection of Ken Ripley's "Soul Food" columns in this space. At the time I was responding to what I felt, and feel, is the basic sincerity of Ripley's approach to religion. The one significant fault in "Soul Food," I wrote, was Ripley's tendency to palter with social issues: to make sweeping moral generalizations and then fail to drive home particulars. ("Whether," I reflected,"he ultimately Gampun calendar The UNC Sailing Club will meet at 7:30, Wednesday night, March 17 in room 304, Woolen Gym. This is an important meeting so please come if you are interested in our activities. The Christian Science Organization will meet at 7 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation. All are invited to come, listen, particpate ... I UNC today: Mrs. Ruth Jones (929-3538). Meet today for "The Most Out Of The Hollywood Restaurant" at 3 p.m. in the Hollywood Restaurant, 411 W. Franklin St., "a get-together for all supports and sympathizers of the King's Royal Restaurant." The History Student Association will hold a meeting for all interested persons on Wednesday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m.in room 112, Saunders Hall. New officers will be elected and the future of the Association will be discussed. All history majors are especially urged to attend. ro I If!" J 0 S-W '1 Jr rantsfcW,ou,,T- vj.oo rv 11:30 1' AjMJSbStt FJPJI. 'bdq chicken -w2.Vegs.& Rolls $.97 VOTE BILL VICK President, Granville South .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VVVV'V'W''-'V'i-t . . -V. 1 The Daily Tar Heel Is published by the ;:v University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, dally except Sunday, x examination periods, vacations and xj summer periods. X; Offices are at the Student Union ; building, Univ. of North Carolina, .v Chapel Hill, N. C. 27 314. Telephone :::: numbers: News. Spofts-933-1011 ; :::: 933-1012: Business, Circulation,:-:. AHuArticino 4331163. ( Subscription rates: $10.00 per year;-::: $ 5 .0 0 per semester. Fx M Second class postage paid at U. S. Post : Office in Chapel Hill, N. C. :::: ... ... The Student Legislature shall havej: powers to determine the Student :: Activities fee and to appropriate all :: revenue derived from the Student X; Activities fee ( of the Student :::: Constitution). The budgetary:: appropriation for the 1970-71 academic v. year is $2S,292.50 for undergraduates;.':! and $4,647.50 for graduates as the; subscription rate for the student body ( l .8 4 pet siuaenT Da sea on ran semesxer .v enrollment nguresj. The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to . regulate the typographical tone of all: advertisements and to revise or turn away copy it consider objectionable. The Dally Tar Heel will not consider: adjustments or payments for any vl advertisement Involving major,' typographical errors or erroneous: Insertion unless notice Is given to the'; Business Manager within (1) one day: after the advertisement appears, or within one day of the receiving of tear ; sheets, of subscription of the paper. The : I I. . 11 I ...111 A 1 1 1 1 1 Ldiiy i at nrei win iiui o repuioiuie i for more than one incorrect Insertion of ! an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notices for such correction; must be given before the next insertion, ii :ra: SI i , nHiTJA pom-t Wi I w m can i ?peem look (JRite him a V mvzMgs ' rppp (wAFrna waff BKJHlBfiy ..i letter .okjte a genx - VTCHUCK.. jL 1 pWTUKE HIM A5 MUCH HIM A "PEAR V- " Tfr V ' ' Mj lj will go the way of Billy Graham, or opt for more active involvement in social issues, even at the cost of losing some of his readership, will be an interesting question to see answered.") But, in truth, the question of applications is merely subsidiary to a far more nagging one, but one which I felt it would be improper to enter upon in so cursory a review. This is the fact, as I read "Soul Food,", of Ripley's fundamentalism. In the most recent "Soul Food," for instance, Ripley "challenges" the reader to make an honest inquiry into Christianity: that is, into the Bible, which Ripley regards as the "only authoritative and definitive source of Christian belief." Walk Against Hunger this Saturday, March 20. Pre-Walk meeting tonight at 7:30 in Great Hall, NOT Carroll Hafl. Milwaukee Walk film, "Miles To Go," will be shown. A brief discussion is planned. Walk cards are available at the YM-YWCA and at the Walk table in the Student Union up to Friday. Cards will be available Satruday morning, 7-7:50, at the registration for Walk at the Institute of Govt. Building near Carmichael Gym, on South and Country Club Roads. Avoid The Rush-Get Your Haircut For The Spring Vacation NOW. CAROLINA UNION BARBERSHOP NOW PLAYING 2:05-3:50-5:30-7:15-9:00 JANE FONDA In . . In Color Only $4.00 A Day, $.04 A Mile , (BUT YOU MUST RENTACAR - - - -i - - I CROWELL LITTLE MOTOR CO. Durham 544-3711 Dir No. 011885 Chapel Hill 942-3143 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS .... 7 Pronoun 8 Obscures 9 Tentative sketch 10 Ventilate 11 Witty remark 16 Seasoning 18 Difficult 20 Eskers .- 21 Prepare and serve food 22 Place in line 24 Facial expression 25 Evade 26 Thick 23 Ingredients 33 Priest's vestments 34 Soils 36 Greek letter 1 Sinkinmlddla 4 Scour 9 Obstruct 12 Before 13 Respite ; : 14 Spanish for "river" 15 Criticize adversely 17 Map 19 Nobleman 20 Man's nama 21 Man's name 23 Classified 27 Winglike 29 Girl's name 50 French article 31 Sesame 32 Secretary of Defense 34 Bright star 35 Printer's measure 35 Warning device 37 Ornamental knobs 39 Recall 42 Toward shelter 43 Thesweetsop 44 Son of Adam 46 Mephistopheles 48 Ascending 51 Beverage 52 Attempts 54 Period of time 55 Dance step 56 Famed jockey 57 Posed for portrait DOWN liA Ut T KXXIa I Iaq 50 I 'i 1 Dry. as wine 2 Exist iji 333" "w m$ 3 Army officer I -j TTZTZ 1 4 Urgeon I OOC 56 R157 I 5 Girl's name i i i li i i i i - - i i i 6 Regret Distr. by United Fetture Syndicate, Inc. fa Elsewhere, particularly in his discussions of the Bible's historicity, Ripley strongly implies that he reads, and means us to read, the Bible in a literal sense. In other words, for him-as for Billy Graham and most of the popular American preachers-the last three centuries of true religious inquiry, starting with Spinoza, may as well never have existed. This kind of fundamentalism, which I feel whenever I read "Soul Food," has ramifications far wider and deeper than I suspect Ripley is aware of. It would be presumptuous of me to call Billy Graham, for instance,' anything less than a dedicated and earnest man. Considering his profession, woe betide him if he is; but the same kind of fundamentalism I see incipient in Ripley has drained all nutriment from Graham's particular brand of soul food. It threatens .to do the same thing to Ken Ripley-td make his message repetitive and irrelevant; a truism and this I should not like to see. In his March 13 column, Ripley reports that when he visited the Meher Baba center, he "was struck by the fK55G3Sj 23 CZtTZZtZZiZll tzzsy. Pay a villi Ks3 est fcsw rcsl eszsTU cnssxss Ttlzvlzlzn." L-3 UNION GREAT HALL M, T, W, March 22, 23, 24 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 Admission 50 Cents Rent A T-Bird $"$.00 A;0Wi$iQ8Mne r; BRING THIS'Ab) Answer to Yesterday's Pu2z!e FRjvi ive Alt. coP ARE A J L B A R A C. ""W iJT rW A G L GS R 6 :jNjE T "P A Mp"."! "fp" H AMR E Pt, T E aTR pTp "POMERS J TA s. r 5l ' o. j Zm m. 1CI R A N" eTT J6 O A a R a ill IE pC s P A. 0 A S T H a Is I iSlAiMie I JT I E t S3 Unit of Chinese currency 40 Partners 41 Sped 45 Foundation 46 Weaken 47 A state (abbr.) 43 Transgress 49 New Deal agency (init) 50 Ship channel 53 Sun god 7""2 3 j4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ; 12 13 14 15 16 g!7"l8 ? ? 23 " 2 26 27 28 29 ' 31 " "T" 32 33 34 T 35 " 38 ': 39 r 40 41 42 43 44 45 "H comment of one gH who told me in all seriousness, "Baba is not like Christianity. He is for love.' " Ripley, himself in all , seriousness, then argues that Christianity, also is for love, and so an end to the matter. Well, not quite. For if it were, it would leave Ripley in the awkward position of affirming that Baba and Christianity are merely equally satisfactory forms of the religion of love for mankind. Hence, the indirect but ever-present undertone of assertion that Christianity, with or without its temporal advantages, is simply the true faith, and Baba, a false one. And this conviction, as I said, is grounded on a fairly literal interpretation of the Bible. A hundred years ago, in "God and the Bible," Matthew Arnold wrote, "The first Christians misunderstood Jesus and had the multitude's appetite for miracles, the multitude's inexact observation and boundless credulity. They it was who supplied the data which Christian theology took from them without question, and has ever since confidently built upon . . .data produced and admitted with a want of intellectual seriousness." He comments further that Protestantism "admits unreservedly one set of miraculous data and builds i i w A ) i S i , " in I iii'ii1 ii I l im'nn hi it ' II -i miliums nr , 1 1 - L-& Vmmmi - f. i riwfc. j&t" 4 is .SlLLC-iS i And L J Tues-' 4SPCRC m Shows I COLQR 1-3-5-7-9 . 01 O Hi f T ererytliic on them, because they are written in a book which, it savs. cannot err; and this is Isvity." It should be noted that Arnold was not writing in a vacuum. Neither was he polemieiring against religion. He was attempting to formulate a "new Christianity," and he called "God and the Bible" an "attempt conservative, and an attempt religious." It was both. When Arnold wrote, there had already been close to two hundred years of Biblical scholarship. It was known, for instance, that there were at least four distinct sources, often inconsistent with one another, of the Pentateuch; it was known that in all probability none of the gospellers ever saw Jesus personally that, at most, one had; it was known that the appearance and growth of Christianity were phenomena completely explicable with reference to their historical milieu; and it was understood that primitive religions were not merely precursors of a true one, but that all were cognate growths. Today, through the Dead Sea Scrolls, we even have knowledge of a messiah manque, so to speak; a "Righteous Teacher" nearly contemporary with Jesus, who was martyred and confidently proclaimed by his disciples as the savior, but who, in simplest terms, never caught on. And yet, in 1971, we have Ken Vl i, 4 UNC Owns $500,000 Of GM Stock: yote YES For Corporate Responsibility Referendum Today 10 A.M. To 7 P.M. Ray Moretz Tom Gooding Jim Bowman Gerry Cohen Carol Spruill Richie Leonard Jim Tyler Virginia Carson Nelson Drew Watson Morris David Holden Charles Jeffress Kenneth Olsen Bill Blue AlanNagle BillBrieger Richard Fox Marjorie Spruill Cathy Roth Robert Grady Janet Silverman Michael Padrick Rick Gray Lee Capps Chuck Patrizia m mm OCTDEDO iQfi Qnnr inn . (1) .Rod Autrey Chairmen Of Bocrd Of Social Licutsnant Governors (2) Bill Blue Vice-President Of The Student Body! ..... (3) Steve Brooks-Governor Of Scott Collegs (4) Peter Brown Chairman Of The Carolina Forum (5) Lee Hood Capps President Of Junior Clads (6) Bailey Cobbs Chairman Of The Student Transportation Committee (7) Richie Leonard President Of The Carolina Union (8) John McDowell-Attorney General Of The Student Body (9) Joe Mitchiner-Editor Of The Yackety Yack (10) Debi Potter-Station Manager Of WCAR (11) Allen Reep-Governor-Elect Of Scott College (12) Gary Schaber Governor Of King College (13) Mary Vallier Chairman Of Association Of Women Students MUa hd me Ripley-whom I know person zuy r.d respect for his honrsty and intelligence -trapped in a strident dsfsnse of Biblical literalism. And all the while he fails to perceive the essential dichotomy in his teaching: that if we can hare love without Christianity, then love cannot be made an argument for conversion to it; and that when he relegates sodai concerns to the vaguest possible language to avoid offending segments of his readership, he as much as admits that you can have the religion without the love. Hence, too, the increasingly noticeable repetitiveness of "Soul Food," and my belief that Ripley must soon face the decision whether to shuck the old beliefs, which a scientific and socially aware generation is finding less and less relevant; approach his subject from the viewpoint of psychology, which is - an implicit elevation of internal over external, practice over myth; or, like BDy Graham, embrace the Biblical fable and its believers wholeheartedly-them and their pretense of social responsibility. It is an unenviable position, having to decide whether to take the world as science and the best of human reason have perceived it, or as one has. been brought up to interpret it, according to the Good Book. Woe to the unlucky man . . . Charlie Gay lor Judy Dixon Donlngalls Robert Gertner Bob Boswell Bob Dormer Joel Edwards Dave Gephart Jim Stirewalt Judi Friedman Linda Bleadingheissr John Geltman r: 0

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