&m mm ear o?a Opinions of The Daily Tar Hed are expressed on its editorial pae. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Harry Bryan, Editor Monday, April 26. 1971 F ? UNG management i lees The University Trust Fund Office Wednesday denied a requisition for Morehead Residence College that was to pay for social expenses for the dorms in the college. The reason given at the time was there were no "substantiating documents" for the requisition. Thursday Joseph C. Eagles, vice chancellor in charge of business and finance, said the Trust Fund Office personnel had made the right decision in turning down the Requests for funds because block Requisitions are no longer fcceptable. ' Since January, when funds were taken out of the Student Activity und Office and placed in the ands of the Trust Fund Office, lock requisitions had been cceptab!e. 1 On February 19, March 4 and arch 8, block requests were made nd accepted for The Daily Tar eel, the Carolina Union and tudent Government. These requests did not point out where every cent was going but, instead, were labelled "for operating expenses." According to Steve Saunders, 79 Years of Editorial Freedom Harry Bryan, Editor Mike Parnell . . Managing Ed. Lou Bonds News Editor V Rod Waldorf ..... Associate Ed. Glenn Brank ...... Associate Ed. Mark Whicker Sports Editor Ken Ripley Feature Editor Bob Chapman . . .Natl. News Ed. John Gellman . . . . .'Photo Editor March Cheek .Night Editor - Bob Wilson Business Mgr. i! Janet Bernstein . ... . . Adv. Mgr. Fred Venn O - Continuing with our series of interviews with wellknown campus personalities we talk with Mr. Don T. No, third assistant director of student communication in the UNC administration. fj Mr. No, we have not heard as much ifrom you this year as we have in the past. Ms. there any particular reason you have remained so removed from the forefront this year. "Yes, as a matter of fact there are two reasons. First, last spring was a major breaking point as far as studentadministration dialogue was Concerned. Students moved so far to the feft that those of us in the administration realized that talking to them was utterly hopeless, and we have spent this year trying to devise a plan for running the fpniversity without students. I The second reason is perhaps the one fvhich had the most influence on our pecisions not to talk with students this year. The fact that this administration is fen its way out of office made doing Anything a bit useless this year. We won't be around next year to have to deal with students, so we figured, why knock We ire toeffffedtive chairman of the Residence College Federation, 18 block requisitions had also been previously accepted for residence college expenses. But now Joe Eagles has changed his mind. Block requisitions are no longer acceptable. In fact, according to Eagles, they should never have been accepted in the first place. It was all just a misunderstand ing or misinterpretation on the part of the Trust Fund Office. Eagles said requisitions labelled "for operating expenses of.,. .." or with similar wording would not be sufficiently documented to be accepted. This, he "said, had been the policy all along, but "the people (in the Trust Fund Office) either misinterpreted the instructions or simply didn't understand them." Supposedly, the reason (or at least the reason currently being used by the administration) for transferring responsibility of accounting and disbursement to the Trust Fund Office was that" it would be more efficient than the Student Activity Fund Office. However, it would seem that an office so efficient as to warrant such- a, change, would not.be prone tc? such a "rnisundejstanding." It would seem the vice chancellor in charge of business and finance would not give an order or set a policy that could be so easily "misinterpreted." And it would also seem that if either of these two mistakes were made someone in either Eagles' office or the Trust Fund Office would be qualified enough to catch them before almost three months had elapsed. No matter who made the mistake, it is obvious that the Trust Fund Office has not been run effectively. And it is also obvious that it is time for the Board of Trustees of the Consolidated University to step in and return the responsibility for accounting and disbursement of monies to the Student Activity Fund Office. Before there are any more "misunderstandings" or. "misinterpretations." ourselves out doing something that we wouldn't be around to receive credit for, and we also figured why take the blame for doing something wrong." Your immediate superior, Mr. D. Cline Komet, the other day refused to meet with representatives of Student Government. The Daily Tar Heel said this refusal was because Student Body President Joe Stallings planned to bring along a lawyer. Would you care to comment on that? "I probably shouldn't say anything, but I will anyway since my superior will probably be unavailable. The reason for the, as you term it. 'refusal' was that we don't really understand why the students feel they need a lawyer when they meet with us. I mean, we sort of serve as parents to the students here, and everything we do is in the best interest of the students. How would you feel if you were a father and your son wanted to bring his lawyer in every time you had a father-to-son talk? "I also imagine, don't quote me on this now, that Mr. Komet did not see any reason why a third student representative should be added to the meeting. After all. by Lana S tames and ' Dr. Takey Crist Question: What are the chances of a girl who is on the pill getting pregnant if she has intercourse during her period? Does the fact that she is only taking the sugar pills at this time mean she is more susceptable to pregnancy than during the rest of her cycle when she's on the "real" pills? Signed, Concerned. Dear Concerned: Most studies report the pill is 99 per cent effective. No, because the last seven days of her cycle or the time she is on the sugar pills should be the time she is having her period. Sugar pills, iron pills and vitamin pills are generally included in a package so that the patient is in the habit of taking one pill a day. "X Howie Carr oove "Jobs is coming," promised the ; Firesign Theater on their latest album before adding the warning, "Don't take off your shoes." As you sit there in your stocking feet, friends, do you really believe the Firesign ( Theater has checked out the 1971 summer job market? 'These college kids'll do anything for a job this year," one of Chapel Hill's businessmen observed recently over lunch, with an unnatural gleam in his eyes. The Boston Globe recently carried a classified ad seeking a bookstore employe. The morning the ad went in the V paper 113 people lined up for job interviews, and the moral of the story is not effectiveness of Globe want ads. The list of equally dreary incidents could go on forever, and by now it has f even become a cliche to say Nixon has gotten the college kids together last year O Oil two were expected, and to balance things out Mr. Komet planned on having three administrators present. If the lawyer had come representing the students, then he would have had to find two more administrators to attend just to keep the odds fair." I understand that when the chief administrator leaves there will be several changes in the staff here. Is this true? "You will have to talk' to the other administrators about their personal cases, but as for myself, let me say this, and let there be no mistake, I plan to stay here as long as I can serve the students. I took this job with the students in mind, and if a new administrator comes in whom I feel does not have the best interest of the students at heart, I would feel forced to dis-associate myself from him and his administration." What kind of administrator would you most like to have here? "If Mayor Daley were available. I think he would be perfect. After all, look at everything he has done for Chicago. He's had some really impressive buildings go up, and he's done a lot to keep the city looking presentable to the M Question: There has been a lot of discussion about the use of silicone shots to increase one's bust size. How effective is this process and are there any harmful side effects? How would one go about obtaining the treatment in Chapel Hill and would it be expensive? Signed, F.C. Dear F. C: Yes there are operations and injections to increase breast size, commonly called mammanlasty. Some of the complications that have arisen from these procedures are infection, abscesses and vague pain. Most of these procedures are done by plastic surgeons. Further inquiry can be obtained by writing or calling the Dept. of Surgery, N.C. Memorial Hospital or writing the Dept. of Surgery at Duke. Question: What causes premature REALIZE TMS is A LOT OOINJQ TP TWe BEACH, NOT (Purrc; a in demonstrations and this year in unemployment lines. Meanwhile, up in Washington, D.C., J. Edgar Hoover is getting a lot of verbal abuse from Congressmen that someone in the New York Daily News described as "the professional pinkos (who) now seek to pillowy our final shield against internal damage, the FBI." But now, through the discovery of one of'the 748 secret documents stolen from an FBI office in Media, Pa., comes the startling revelation that Hoover has planned a two-pronged summer offensive that would simutaneously 1 ) deal a body blow to the International Communist Conspiracy, and 2) give college kids jobs for the summer. The text of Hoover's memo to the regional offices follows: Dear Fellow Fighters on the Frontiers of the Embattled (although euphemistically called) Free World: n JL tourists. I would hope the Trustees would pick someone who would continue our policy of building bigger and better classroom buildings for the students. I think this is the most important thing an administration can do make beautiful, impressive buildings for the students to learn in." What type of administrator would you not like to see? "Well, I hate to use names, but that would probably be the easiest way for me to get my point across. Terry Sanford, Kingman Brewster or someone like tnem would be bad for the school. But the students at Duke and Yale seem to like both of them very much, and the news people say they are doing good jobs? "What do students and newspapers know about- running a college. Just because those two spend a lot of time on campus with the students doesn't make them great administrators. Actually, from what I hear, they are not satisfying the Trustees or the faculty or the administration at their schools. They are neglecting i'mportant administrative t&k r: ejaculation and what can I do to prevent it? This problem is ruining my girl's and my love life. Signed, Speedy. Dear Speedy: There axe many reasons for premature ejaculation -physical as well as psychological. The first step, according to Masters and Johnson, in helping people with this problem is to assure them it can be reversed. Confidence in yourself is important. We suggest you make an appointment with one of the Infirmary physicians to refer you for specialized instruction. Question: If the morning after treatment works, why can't you buy this medicine and use it as a method of contraception? Signed, T.C. Dear T.C: The morning after treatment in NOT a method of CMPAPefc tmaw BUT SOfAETiOW THE 5AME. leftist to These are, as you may realize, dark days in the Arsenal of Democracy. Our organization's stock in this country has never been lower, and while I personally feel that a large measure of the blame rests with Quinn Martin, whose television series about us has gotten progressively shoddier over the past six years, we must fight this pervasive perverted pinkoism by ourselves. Most of the people who dislike and distrust us are kids, who tend to get worked up when you throw a couple of paddy priests in the clink or keep files on a few score million potential Reds. Well, a couple of years ago these kids got away with murder, mainly because they could always move on and get a job somewhere else. The President has fixed all that, though, and now none of them (or anybody else) can get a job, and they're beginning to get desperate. This provides our group with the opportunity 9 functions, like entertaining important alumni and things like that. There are people who are hired to talk to students, people like myself, who can do a more than adequate job, and thesetwo men are overstepping the bounds of their offices by doing the jobs these men are supposed to do." I see. One further question. What do you think about the measure passed by the General Assembly putting Student Body presidents on the boards of trustees? "I think it was a nice gesture. It probably won't have any effect on policy or anything since the Trustees are older than the students and have the benefit of many years of experience to guide them while the presidents would probably be blinded by emotion in their votes. "But I do think it is a nice gesture." Sort of like giving the black yard boy a nickle tip? "Exactly. But don't quote me on that, you know how those people would take that comment." I certainly do, sir, and Til bear that in mind. fe contraception. It is NOT intended as a substitute for the regular, conscientious and responsible use of more familiar methods of contraception. Do not rely on it 100 per cent of the time. Question: Could you recommend some books for me to read other than Dr. Rubin's "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask" and J s "The Sensuous Woman". I want to know how 111 be able to make a psychological commitment to sex. Signed, Help. Dear Help: Neither books nor doctors nor friends can make that decision for you. When you're ready to make that decision youll find the answer within yourself. Doctors, friends, family, church and books can help you in making the decision. The following are suggested; "Love and Will " RoUo May; 4The Art of Loving," Erich Fromm; "Living With Sex," Richard F. Hettlinger; and "Why Wait Till Marriage," Evelyn Mills Durail. Question: I am considering using the diaphragm as a means of birth control and I have some questions about this method of contraception. How effective is the diaphragm? I understand the diaphragm must be kept in place at least six hours after intercourse. Can one shower or bathe during this period without injuring its effectiveness? How long before intercourse may the diaphragm be inserted and still be effective? Signed, Wondering. Dear Wondering: Effectiveness depends on the person using the contraceptive method. Studies show that the diaphragm is around 80 to 85 percent effective. Most of the time when the method has failed the reason has been neglected use, not properly inserting the diaphragm or not following explicit instructions of the physician issuing the diaphragm. You are correct. The diaphragm should be left in place six to eight hours after intercourse. Taking a shower or bath during this period to our knowledge will not decrease the chance of effectiveness. The diaphragm may be inserted within two hours before intercourse. (Letters should be addressed to Lam' Stames and Dr. Takey Crist in care of The Daily Tar Heel, Student Union, Cliapel Hill, N. C. 27514.) to destroy these subversive groups once and for all by hiring their leaders as after-dinner speakers for our patriotic groups. Now I know that by now a lot of you must be thinking, well, what's wrong with Phillip Abbot Luce, who's done so much good work for us over the past twenty years as our house ex-New Leftist. While Phil still is (and always will be) a genuine 100 percenter in -my book, he's got a few problems nowadays coming across as a young reformed ex-Commie, not the least of which is that he's going bald. Also, when he tells church youth groups to "reject the insidious message of the beat crooners whose platters ride high on the Lucky Strike Hit Parade," well, it just doesn't get the gut reactions it used to. In short, we must get some of the people who can appeal to this new breed of outlaw beatniks who "juke out" daily while listening to their hi-fi and Radio Moscow for instructions. It shouldn't be very hard to recruit these people if you know a few key phrases like "Hey cats, like do you need a new set of bongos for the combo," or, if you're dealing with intellectuals, something like, "You know, Joe McCarthy was sincere but he went about it the wrong way." This will establish you as "hep" or as a "liberal," and you can make your moves from there. (If your contacts remain suspicious, watch "Dobie Gillis" or "American Bandstand" to find out the latest ways of getting 'in' with the kids.) Once you have recruited the leftist, set up a few publicity shots of him burning his Communist party membership card (with captions like "Here's a real switch. A college student who isn't burning his draft card . . . ") or a before-and-after picture of him after he gets his crewcut (or a flattop if he's really adamant about his mop). Once we get our man on the speaking circuit (by the way Reverend Billy said he'd take a few of the most polite ones for his tour, but only if they prove they'd never associated with Catholics, Jews or Unitarians) there are a couple of points I would like to have stressed. The first one is the danger of mixing aspirin with Cocoa-Colas, and the second is about the danger of "juking t "' when smoking bananas. Other than that, tell your boy he can . "do his own vibes" (or is it jives? or hives?) Yours in vigilance. The Old Man lunch V