ThsDsitTar HkI Frnti n n rm 0 inie n mm I'M J fj i Thursday, May 13. 1371 n TlA o n n id) i I i TT T Girl, ne tiers get full recognition To the editor: . V The sports staff of "The Daily Tar Heel persists in giving its readers the impression that our women's tennis team is composed of a "star and the other players. : . " ' For the benefit of your readers might I suggest you print the following names: Carol .Rite, Elizabeth Sloan; Kay Ke. nodle, Laurie Langstroth, Mary Norris Preyen Leslie Aldridge, and Brett Elebash. - ' . These are the names .of the women who attend every practice and participate in every competition with other teams. These are the individuals on Carolina's women's tennis team. Laura who? ; . PhUWhiteseU. ; . .1533 Granville West Hoover stamp as better man To the Editor: DTH was thoughtful to remind us of the increase in stamp prices. In your discussion of the Old and New Faces of U.S. postage, however, I think you did an injustice to Herbert Hoover by melting him into the same mold as Warren Harding. Harding would be better m a t ch e d with another brilliant soldier who hardly lit up the White House when he got there. Granted, the U.S. saw some lean days with Hoover, but if our hope is to have only statesmen in our upper cmifio From '.SIMPSON 'i X".' H :, f r i rr nv m Another Chapel Hill Boy Done GoodThis One Is Already In Coinino Frosn J 1HILTNG MEN WITH BAD EZFUTATION HLUMt - -' Mike Heron (Of The Incredible String Band) With The Who New Album "Ram" With 10 New Songs Later This Month right-hand-corner, the hero-president I won't name, or even hint at, is a much better preliminary to "anything but" thanHCH. R. Schooler ' 351 Craige Secretary gives grammar lesson To the Editor: I may be crazy, or you may have your own reasons, but why doesn't your subject agree with your predicate in the sixth paragraph of your masthead (May 10, 1971 edition, pg. 2)? You don't look educated with this explanation of typographical tones. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Marion Perry (One of those stinking ole secretaries of UNO Senator reveals a rare candor To the editor: A certain state senator has objected to your recent article and photograph depicting homosexuality in Chapel Hill. What the senator actually said was "I thought it was as rank of pornography as thy public should be subjected to." On close examination the sentence implies that there exist different degrees of pornography, some fit for the public and some not, and that -the DTH story was the lowest level that "the public should be subjected to." Yet the senator further states, "It is not the type of material that should appear in a paper." Does he prefer his In Celebration Of You Who Will And Those Others Of You Who WIII Celebrate Some Albums That Will Be Coming Out Very Shortly (Before You Come COLUMBIA a I A ooner ncwwrHcitv (you ri" a woman) (hr iaU.i4 c ihr tur4 rH k ktrf can oa hr i! w f) mile subftturt -'5 1 Will BS And T Ever Be The Same First Young, Then Stills, Then Crosby, Now Nash Graham Nash Coming Atlantic s it 'Zm'-. t k & j,' - pornography in some other media? The good senator adds, "I don't think the students should be subjected to it." Why does this distinguished senator exclude students from that public which he had just said "should be subjected to it"? Is it perhaps because many students cannot vote as of yet? This acute senator's bill shows that he is very interested in votes. Furthermore, since pornography is often defined as that , which appeals to the prurient interest, our forthright senator has in a commendable spirit of honesty confessed to his constituents 'as to what excites his prurient interest. Such public service is rare in our times. Bernard Leigg Greenlaw 442 'Freeh' reader trips on Jubilee To the editor: Just sitting here with typewriter in hand to tell you UNC finally came around and I was glad to see it has. going to jubilee as i did from the grooviest part of south campus with a couple of "caps'. of pot and some good mexican lsd to pertake in the farout happening and maintain my position in the WOODSTOCK (!!!) nation found murmurs going around the crowd, "Wow, man just like Altamont ...far out man!" (youH notice i use few capital letters in the right places that's because us groovy people have no regard for . grammatical rules and irrelevant like that -after all it's the people's language.) and something else, man, keep up the good work in your mag (that's freek talk for newspaper) cause it is really far out a They'll Be On Sale Here As Soon As They Tho Rascals Peaceful World Lov Urn Liffl Dove Fedceti4 WjrkJ In And Out Of Love Moth HaXurm la?J o a f ; j Soon From ; From Leon Russell's Long Awaited Album "With Friends And Neighbors" This Week rnan. you know, man, that "hitler would be proud" caption on that picture was really where it is at, man. but, tripping as i was at the time (and am most of the time) i thought the picture was a picture taken at jubilee. FAR OUT, MAN. Ronald Wooden Lawmen wait for next crime Dear Mr. Bryan: The members of Ruffin Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity wish to thank "The Daily Tar Heel", staff for the excellent news coverage of our annual Mock Trial activities given us in "The Daily Tar Heel" from 27 April to 30 April, 1971. , We look forward to working with you when we stage our 1 972 Mock Trial. Luther T.Moore Justice Ruffin Chapter Phi Alpha Delta Survey confirms DTH drug poll To the editor: I would like to use your letter column to thank those students who responded to the survey on drug use which my research methods class has been conducting this term. Out of the 450 students in our sample for whom we could locate addresses, 375 responded to our six page questionnaire an extremely high return rate, as these things go, and an indication surely of the level of interest in the topic. . mmm "' I Soon Be Graduating And Coming Out Into The World Be Coming Out Of Chapel Hill This Summer, We'd Like To THE BEATLES "si Yep, It's True "Live At Shea StadiunT-A New Beatles Album In Shortly On Import Joni Mitchell's Fourth LP Called "Blue" of i Led; Fcr Cur Czscnd Ad A Scb At Rdph's At A"Lc.7crPrfc3" Several of the respondents asked to be informed of the results. We axe just beginning to analyze the data, and I am tell you more next fall, but where our survey overlaps that done by The Daily Tar Heel" in March, our results are in rough agreement with those reported, despite differences in the sample (we questioned only undergraduates) and in . the data-gathering technique (ours was a mail questionnaire with anonymity guaranteed, yours a telephone interview). Angain, thanks to those who replied (and a plea to those who didn't to please do so -it's not too late). John S. Reed Department of Sociology AMDS benefits claims Renwick To the Editor: I am writing in response to Harry Bryan's and Robert Grady's DTH comments concerning the funding of AMDS. Harry Bryan stated that the AMDS is not an organization that benefits the student body. That is probably the most ridiculous statement made by the DTH. Any constructive activity that students participate in helps the student body. That includes the football club that SL so generously supports financially. SL needs to face the actual facts and stop trying to hide the truth. Do you think that that few dollars you donated to the BSM will cover up the truth? I repeat my initial accusations, you are basically a biased and prejudiced committee. You cannot stand the thought of having too many blacks on this campus and this is your way of slowing down the process. I say that the AMDS recruitment program 1 II 1 Come In-Of Course. Coming THEIR LAST LONG AWAITED LEE fflCHAELS 1 " C V) 'i V 1 ' "' J M j: Also New Flying Barrito Bros. And Burt Bacharach All Should Be Out This Week Mon.-SaL 10 AT.1-10 PM Sun. 1-10 PM 456 W. Franklin St. benefits the student body, the state ar.i th University. SL is basicalTv concerned with whether it will ujki their tnie "Southern Part of Heaven! The student body, the University, and the state should support this program. The number of black students who nave appli-d for admission to the University was quoted incorrectly, either by me or by the reporter who interviewed me. I'm glad I was misquoted because SL would probably try to cut off my recruitment funds if they knew the real figures. As I stated before, the AMDS group was quite successful. Hayden B. Renwick Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions Faculty deserves 'most wanted' li tern To the Editor: The dropping of the faculty fine policy by the Administrative Board cf the Library is, as your May 7 editorial indicates, based on weak arguments. I suggest the following countermeasure: The Tar Heel should publish on its front page every day the names (and possibly the pictures) of faculty members who have failed to return books that students need. This feature might be expanded, to include the names of faculty who in other ways have seemingly intentionally disregarded the interests of the students and the University community. You might title the column: "Here's Who Has Shafted You Today." Andrew Ruppel 99 Maxwell Road Chapel Hill Out) And Tell You From ALBUM THIRD ALBUM ,f5thH 1 1 i ii'i t? f ' i I '"1,1 i RECORDS -Tg-H 1 ! 4