7TD 75 Years of Edit-rial FneJoni Thursday, September 2, 1971 Founded February 23. 1893 Vol. 80, No. 2 Umdeiiiltg omegtion y-i ai . . , . , .... ... .... x , - - . ' ' ' i ' - ' - "" . - J . .-- , ' - '," - ",. -' - ' ' - 4 . ' 2' ' ' - " ' ' ' '. " ' . '-. '- : - - . - . . i -r ' - . ' I ' :.Z---7 I 1 - V V - Jeff Brown and a friend recently enjoyed some of the hot weather which will soon leave us by rowing across University Required by state ocal utility deposits skyrocket by Lvans Witt Staff Writer The deposits required for water and electric service to private, off-campus living units have risen for many students due to regulation of University-owned utilifties by the N.C Utilities Commission. Many students requesting utilities be connected to their apartments or houses will be forced to pay a $25 or $50 deposit as compared to the S10 deposit last year. Compliance with Utilities Commission regulations is the reason for the increase, according to John Temple, assistant vice rojeet Jrimton cancelled; meeting by Sue English Staff Writer Project Hinton, the two- ear-old co-educational living experiment in Ilinton-James Dorm has been cancelled for 1971-72. A meeting will be held on the 10th floor of James at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 7. to offer reasons for the cancellation. Claiborne S. Jones, assistant to the Chancellor, will preside at the meeting. In the meantime, residence advisors and students in James will decide what to do in place of the project. Split into one wing for men and another for women, the dorm is organizing into '"houses."" bach tloor .Oil by Jessica Hanchar and Charles Jeffries Staff Writers "My room's fine until vou go in somebodv else's room and sec how big ii is jnd then vou'ie sick." said Maltha Hall, a junioi lioin (icoigia "Sine I'd tuple up again. I don" l wain to shove anyone out into the siiect: but at ilic same tunc I don't want to get shoved culicr." said anoihci student . These two statements aic just a lew of wide-ranging comments horn victims ol the oveiciowded doim situation. The main pioblcm cpicsed In most siuJenis was a lack ol space. Gailand Ussci V . a juuioi lumi oiuood. living in an oveiciowded loom in Old I .m. s.nd. "I wo closets don't woik loi tin cc people " L- would ijve up close! space. Iiowcvci. il lie h.ul a Jussci Lake. Any student located on Highway chancellor for business. Lack of regulation over the rates and service of the Unversity-owned utilities a major source of town and campus disagreement for the past several years -was eliminated by State Senate bill 574 this summer. That bill changed the definition of "public utilities" in the state to include University-owned facilities, according to Allen Clapp of the division of engineering of the Utilities Commission. There is still some question as to when the regulation of local utilities goes into effect, Clapp said. Complete regulation to explain why sponsors activities for meals and discussion. Students on the ninth and 10th floors. Project Hinton's home, will meet Sept. 2 to decide whether to continue working together. A faculty advisor has suggested maintaining a "nucleus" on the two floors, in hopes the project will be reinstated for ll73. A member of last year's project said many students planning to participate in (his year's program were not notified when the administration decided to discontinue the project. '"Unofficially. I would say the reason for the cancellation was that the University could not justify giving so prooiems 110 of his own. "I've got one drawer light now. Thae's not even a place to put a loothbiush." he added. Most students sav they will realiv feel the effect of ovciciowding once classes and siudv u;g begin ""I don't know what wc'ic going to do when classes stall." s.nd Debbie Kane, a licsliman tiom l ianklm living in an oveiciowded ("onnoi Doim loom. "At least we have two desks. Some guU don't even have anv desks " "I guess I'll use the lop of nn mink as a Jcsk." said one ol hci loommaies. Janet Shoe, a Ircslmun liom I'hailolte. Although the Office ol Residence Lite notified most oveiciowded students of then situations m .ulvance. those mici viewed had not expected c.mhIiI ions to be ihis bad "I though we would at least have oin own di.iwei sp.uc." said Sally McCailum. a licslmiati lioin I auiiiibiiig in ( onnoi doim " I he IcUet s.nd e.uh gnl would have a desk and .1.- - , . can rent a boat at the Lake, which is 54 east. (Staff photo by John Gellman) by the commission will take effect Jan. 1, 1973, he noted. Temple said the University's business division is attempting to change all of its policies, including those on deposits, to bring them in line with those required by the Commission. While a $10 deposit was formerly required for all water and electric service, the new, increased leposit is required only of those who cannot establish a good credit rating, Temple explained. "Unfortunately, this catches many students who simply don't have credit ratings," he said. Temple added as soon as a customer much time to 200 students when the housing situation is so crucial," one student said. He did not wish to be identified. "The reasons may be valid, but they are poor," he said. "There are more than 200 people interested in the project." Bob Voitle, director of Project Hinton last year, resigned during the summer. "I resigned for personal reasons," Voitle esplained. "I could have handled the job if there were not so many liabilities involved." Voitle said if the administration is going to be persuaded to continue the project, it will be at the meeting scheduled for Sept. 7. G diessci foi hersell." said one gnl altei pointing oat two drcssds and two desks Miss Hall, who did not know she wjs being put m the studv room until she ai lived on camp. is. said. "When vou walk into a room with no beds, vou'ie kmd ol amaed." The beds arrived soon, but the dicsseis aic vet to be seen "Thev (the Housing Oiluc) keep telling lis our dicsseis aie coming, but that's a'oai all." s!u- complained. The Office of Residence Lite has told most students eiia dicsseis and desks aic coming, but mosi mteiviewed cvpicsscd little hope loi cluneni the picscnt situations. Suipiising'v enotiuli. the least ineuin-nd pioblcm was contlid am''g the oupa;ils which mi-lii be ducctlv i el.: led in m.i -viowdnie,. "We all get along Usi gic.it." saVs John 1 o! Us. a ticshnia'' tiom ii'sion-Sa'cia 1 ol i is i iris w n h two othci ticshmcn. Vtlmuuh most occupants ol the tuple looms icebox by Doug Hall Staff Writer The Student Services Commission charged Wednesday refrigerator permits have been handled improperly, preventing some students from having an equal chance at getting permits. But the UNC Office of Residence Life, which handles permit distribution said the process went "smoothly" and students had equal chance at the permits. The Student Services Commission rents authorized refrigerators to students. Director Robert Grady charged the time for distribution of permits was not made clear and some students did not know when to pick them up. Grady said permits were originally scheduled to be given out beginning 10 a.m. Wednesday at nine locations on campus, but changes in time and location of distribution points were made Tuesday. Charles Gilliam, a student legislator established a record of prompt payment with University Service Plants, the deposit would be refunded. "We're in the process of getting all these changes on computer," he said, "and we can't really say how long it will be before a deposit would be refunded." The deposit will be returned if service is terminated, Temple said, as long as the customer does not have any outstanding balance due. The basis for the deposit is essentially the average two-month bill of the type of living unti to be serviced, Temple said. According to the service representative of the electric utility business office, the difference between a S25 deposit and a $50 deposit depends on the residence. If the unit is all-electric, the service representative explained, the deposit is S50. This change in the policy brings the University in line with the Commission's regulations and protects the University from losing as much money on bad debts, Temple said. It also reduces the number of people who must pay deposits to roughly 20 per cent of those who paid last year. Temple said a delay of the deposit increase could not come under Pres. Nixon's 90 wage-price freeze. He said the increase began July 1. If TODAY: Partly cloudy and mild: temperatures to range into low S0s: 20 per cent chance of rain this afternoon. 10 per cent chance tonight: showers expected to continue through Friday . 6 room iror uooujaBFiisjii In one loi ihe icnl landed f mm noiniaiiv pa;J distribntioii and a member of the Student Service Commission. sa;d he received reports permits were issued Tuesday night on one floor of Cobb Dormitory and on at least three floors of Morrison Dormitory. And permits were scheduled to be distributed Wednesdav mght on another floor of Morrison. Gilliam said. John Meeker, assistant director of Residence Life, m charge of permit distribution, said. "To my knowledge, there were no irregularities m the permit distribution. "There were discussions on some floors Tuesday mght about the permits." Meeker said, "and there were probably some rumors about permits given out early." Meeker said changes were made m the location of distribution points Tuesday, but students were notified by residence advisors (RAs) and by posters on each floor. The distribution was changed in only two places - L hringhaus and Craige dormitories. Meeker said - and these changes were made at the students' request. "There appears to have been very little confusion in each living area about the method of distribution." declared Robert Kepner, director of Residence Life. "From all the reports I have received, there were no serious difficulties involved in distribution." Grady and Gilliam both contended there was confusion and even RAs and college masters were not told of distribution plans in many cases. They said many students failed to get their names into lotteries for refrigerators or failed to get into lines early enough to obtain permits because of confusion. The Student Services Commission had originally planned to begin renting refrigerators at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the same locations permits were being issued. Because of the alleged "mix-up" in permit distribution, Grady said the Student Service Commission will begin renting refrigerators at 2 p.m. today at DTH older then, ut younger noiv The Daily Tar Heel will he 79 years old in February tor the second time. It has been determined The Daily Tar Heel celebrated its 7)th birthday last February, when it should have celebrated its 7oth birthday. The error was brought to our attention w h e n w e w e r e determining what volume we would be this year. The Daily Tar Heel began volume SO with its orientation issue. William S. Powell, curator lor the North Carolina Collection of Wilson Library, did some research earlier this week on the volume question. He noted that volume 1 benan on Februarv 23. 1S()3. our were aware ol the piomscd 10 per cent reduction in loom lenl.manv said thev paid the tu'l amount, but icceived no woid Itum the Hn.ismg Oiluc about refunds. loom three ditleienl pives were (.pioi-ed "Thcie aic ) ii two wjsheis a;, J . paid In cadi vc'apa'it. These prues S I ' Mm. W Ol ai One occiip.ini hil'l'.suJ the rHi:i tent rctn ii ii -l . lit nv l lie wUpa'Hs ! a cloutiic io. be split among the three. l think it's preltv bad that we luvc l. pav :;uidi and noi have the Ijcihiics iahcr domis have." said MaiLnc Oumn. a freshman I r n i Kiel's Mi iu:; la in bv ui-e in ( i nn i "" I Ii v !: 'lie ihev ic 'i.ikitc ill , ! us s!.i ntKl ::i .: kld.c. :lu l .n.." d,,- v;.d M.,! v t the s.i,!ei.is s;...kcd ihen ihi.e beds Ihe pei so?, in the wpp.i::;"-: bunk ha'dv h.i two tee l oi sp.uc oveihc-ul Wt'h v is i s j i H ! i on! '.'w d.:',s ivv v . some u'sivleiOs cpiesst-, i.--ivM three location- Cobb basement. Morrison and James. The refrigerator rent to: $ 1 per semeter. or $33 per school er with a oa: ge deport. Meeker ud permit distribution po--t ere changed to eliminate long line Permits original!) were f be i.u J m the social room of Morr..or. and Jamc dormitories, he said, but student and the Office of Residence Life decided later t .- distribute the permits b Jloors On North Campus, the number of distribution points was increased m an attempt to eliminate the "mass vt people" waiting m lines. Meeker said. Meeker said the permits were given to RAs at noon Tueda. and RAs were told at that time when and where to distribute the permits. Kepner said. "The method this ear was far better than last ear when hundreds and hundreds of students had to stand outside the Student Union tor hours and hours. "We decentralized the distribution ot permits this year to benefit the students." he added. Kepner added an electrical survev is presently being conducted to determine how many refrigerators dormitories can handle. There are no results vet trom the survey which began in mid -summer . Kepner said. Grady said. "The important thing is that the electrical survey be completed and quotas for refrigerators be raised in dormitories were it is possible." The Student Services Commission has 600 refrigerators for rent, and about 1.300 refrigerator permits have been issued by the University. The Student Services will have refrigerators for rent, beginning at 2 p.m. today in Morrison, James and Cobb dormitories. The 600 dormitories will be rented on a "first come, first serve" basis, and long lines are expected at rental locations. tirst issue, and ended on M.i IS o! the same v ear. Volume 2 began on Sept. 2, 1S(3. and ended in May ot the next year. So. because we had two volumes in one year, we are volume SO now. And. even though we celebrated our 7(Jth birthday last l ebruar;. 23. we are onk 7K years old. So now we are correct oti our volumes and our age. IlieDaiK I ar Heel is S years old and this issue is volume SO. number 2. I he only bad thing is dial we have to celebrate our 7nth butlidav again. And SO would have been a -J(k birthday party. The oVClclnw Jlf-i.' i ol.l. kl'J :. l students ft i .r nwded f-i-:N ha' J - - dowded Joi;::s 'l . v ci v i ii ;! e is -j ov c i c r a ded . J ' .I'..' I f. !!: I here . ic n ki'dien ! j.i'i'i'O. n i(oiiil bo.iid m Mm Joii.i. ,; t . J ' - jci jioi ,isi..r I M:..vs." "V.t oi.lv is ii monvemcM b-r si,.- j.JJ.-J. "It-al ihe li.jlhr on; aKo crowded lot older st ildc III s o!i ihe ll'Hi! Ihe satiation does appeal in e e.;s! g. .ucidi"g iui iosi m i cr viewed. "Thev v:v il wjv on!v t eiup'. i ai V . loleJ a v-vd. "but thev didn'i viv how f. .n-j lenipmi v Is One siudenl. howcvei. wjs v'lad he had 'wn tbc looiiHM.iies "1 tdoiidil thev would pul lour m ihis lo si'i. he surd "That would be absolute!) ihIh h idle I

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