11 f i. ' " The lines at both the Student Store (aboe wallets. Movt students wculd acree there h little V J ySfl . " n and the Intimate Bookshop (I. and r.) have been truth to the Mgn in the Intimate - there i no i .A ' 1 V?"- ' ' f A ver- long this week due to that tuLe-a-vear "Humor in buving books. (Staff photo b Leslie if" " ' 1 j trtjZA k I phenomenon - mass book-buying. UNC students T Jd f I i . v-oJH , t I hae spent hours waiting in line just to eipt their ' - ' - J Cr7f? prl rf -T rf )'ii lUliturM l-n-J-: Vol. 80, No. 4 Saturday. September 4, 1971 Founded February 23, 1893 ldjcal towimig iaw , --- - ...... ......j r" i ct- f . I t j j i i r - j'gir w By Bill Lovin When Gibbs was told he would have to towed just to move them but for the j"LZZZ? I k-.. --pS 1 wr S 1 and p-ay J!0 to get his car back, he contacted towing companies to ir.ake money." -j- j '.-l-r'-' ". j fT"".''" - "' lHt . i-" 0 I Lynn Smith Chapel Hill attorney Steve Bernhol. Testimony revealed no moving van was '" .'"tf -""1 I v J Staff Writers "I called Bernholz, not because I present in the Cedar Court parking lot . T ' " J' "SL-' H"" f" thougt it was illegal for them to make me when Burch towed the car. And "no ;J f i ffr Zzi - ""L" i, UNC graduate Rick Gibbs is fighting pay," he said, "but because I thoucht parkine" siens were not displayed in the , - --CS3r 'C '''li I iA'JT .1------ I fMpl the custom of towing "improperly" that Oakes could have found me and lot. ' -xZ&K '''it 'H'f: ' - "-"i" -p'V H-T- 'fe '"w. j j parked cars and has won a preliminary avoided towing it." Oakes and Burch were found guilty of r 5Nj '.rtZ rV Yf .-V' Llf -Mcs ' (j court battle. Bernholz advised Gibbs to make a "illegal taking of a motor vehicle with iVX- "'Cu'Xili -; iT. , "Everyone's used to paying S10 if complaint to the magistrate in Chape! intent to deprive the owner of use." 1 hey QJt,. 'J!4iir' f&ZriQj ''fjrg- .'-f j their car gets towed," said Gibbs, a Hill. The magistrate issued a warrant for served notice of appeal. A tentative fi'K::,i- Vf,i,w . f .(ffk- r "V ,1 former student living in Chapel Hi'!. Oakes and Bill Burch. owner of Burch's appeal date uas set for Tuesday. t&JJX. '"TT. J'' - C:J j "They think it's right but it isn't." Auto Servicenter. Bernholz. who "represented Kick just ' 'Q. ... Y' " S' Gibbs' car was towed from Cedar Burch and Oakes were chareed under to help him net his car back." called the 'v f'vfe 14 i, V Court Apartments in Carrboro August 18. North Carolina General Statute 20-105 case "classic." He said it could have -5J '"J' '? " v . He was visiting friends in a private home which prohibits the taking of a vehicle trememdous effect on existing towing j"r JjCf., 'Si?!''" . ' ' ' : ' --- v.... -;''!'' ' across the street and parked in Cedar with the intent to deprive the owner of practices. " f : "'"'Mj 'vNO- A V'-V J 1 Court's driveway. its use but "without intent to steal." The "There is some question." Bernholz 'fiiiXJ li&S - 1V .j "There was no sign saying parking was statute, known as the "joy riding law," added, "about the legality of charging the r'sT j$ HfPr1 ItihSj 'f : sSmAn I J ; I illegal and I wasn't blocking the drive," makes the Crimea misdemeanor and can owner of the car for the towing. No r JJi Mf rifl ( rA. " v-' .-.t said Gibbs. carry a two year jail sentence. ordinance says anything about the ow ner A lady shopper browses through the Goodwill Store in the store are sold at prices which are within student budgets. Robert Oakes. Cedar Court Apartment The case was prosecuted in of the car paying, and it's just a matter of Durham. The store is located at 1121 West Main Street, across and free delier is proided for large purchases, manager, called Burch's Auto Servicenter Hillsborough District Court on August 51 custom." from jjie av( camn"" ',f uke University. Most of the 'terns in 1 in Carrboro and had the car towed. by Assistant District Solicitor William Bernholz said there is a statute which J Oakes said movers had complained Graham. Gibbs appeared as a "witness for makes unauthorized parking on a private 7 ft f fsjf JL their van could not get out of the the prosecution." lot illecal "provided a sienfnot less than Ch jfl 4fj 1 7f H ItfJTO TThli Th fll H fl iT li driveway because of Gibbs' car. Graham charged that "cars may not be 2A inches by 24 inches, is dip!aed at the H Lr M-T HjvJ iLhJ 11 11 fL 1J SUJ B Jr B HjrJlJ iLMHy tfO entrance" that parkine is illegal. The law. H L N.C. Statute 14-401''. makes this illegal ri parkins a misdemeanor witli a possible 7 ff iJtDrary comtaans $,zzin sola at bargain iprices J legislature, allows a duly authorized (t j B police officer to have a car moved if it is !jf fK T fTv 0 ll blockina a public road or ri"ht "f wav bv Harrv Smith delivery for other items can he aru,.c... SjIcs t,t the donate .. -uui m th. (K ) 1 1 )( )(j J T7Th 1.11 11 Wrirtj O Both laws provide for 'issuance 'of a Sutt r:,r Mattresses, both new and sterilized Goodw.H stores prov.ded S2 1X000 of the Vi'HJ'Q W W W V i yjllLlL 11 11 ILViy R warrant but do not mention chamina a U'J '.nes. are also available at the operations expenses, with the bahre v v v v T vw.aa.v towmgtee. " " Are y sleeprg -n the floor? Or r.o-.-protit store, as are beds, chests. ar.J ming from grants and a fmteJ fund Bernholz speculated I'niversitv towinq perhaps living dm of a tcase' Do ..u reconditioned small apphances. allocation, by Lynn Smith evades biographical dictionaries and po!icies ,ouU ,ome undcr th' North have to :u:n:sh ,r. ap-ert on a Brevard Brown, executive d.re.tor The sales room w ,11 b, oP,-n M t, . Staff Writer periodical indexes wnl be found in this Carohnj statutes. He said a court test vtuder.Cs hudget? Goodwill panted out Goodwl Thursday and Friday nhts until ' p.m section. u ,,,, i i, , T , ,,,;r , 1 he (iood w til Si.rc in I).;rr. jrp rriav he i ... .. , ,, n ., through Owt. The st re opens at ' a.m Robert Burton House Undergraduate Digests of wor.d news and the U'J uist the placl x ouVe look:n. to, ' .tfU; r doses at U p ,n . other nhts. Library is a functional and semceaMe Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature " " GooJ-a1m irj j.r- of'the Reear.h 'j.! . r;i'C- ! -s V p, h" Brov"n J ":1-Jr ie collection designed especially to fit the offer up-to-date information on current , , Iriar'e trai- jr,J emp1 s ha"diva"p-d -Nt'--' ' , '42-1 ! 4 1 had ee.n installed to cH- needs of University students in their early issues. WYSVTI K5V workers who reondni "n contributed i"--rr org r-rsor;v m Chapel H.U to telephone the years." Maps near the stairway tell where j XAXcT I N I I CI P merchandhe. B'"Ar -T:jin-J h- ?-r: -tore. That's the way University Librarian books are located. Bound periodicals are I WAAO-V J AI1 c x.,ds jre jt bjrs,,n pr!vCs. trained tr. laundering, dr. Jeamng. sh Anyone widnng to contribute articles Jerrold Orne describes it in an behind the reference section. More mm,. ,,.n. , J ReupholMered v. fa beds a'nd -u:v and furnaure repunng. and television - J nj) ij (', 4 Wlli tor collection scrv-.e. introduction to the library guide. "This current issues can be checked out at the TODAY" parti cloildv and mild a:t as ,.., 540.50 Ke..rh s-.TeJ rJl"roJ-rv .rthev mav put the articles m one of place can serve as the final staging ground circulation desk. f(sniMPr.1f ' ' :'tll im. chairs be-n at 5 1 4.50. Browr. a.d Goodw.ll pr.-.tjej three collection boxes m Chape! H.JI. from which you will move into able and u temperature rJMgmg into the low , v ,( , u ,. . U . B-own sa.J fruitful use of the entire umverse of el TdT W: 10 per cent chance of rain Ihis -S: ,: u : "V ,,',; V,V r: d ' The boxes Jfe located m f.,,e. library resources on this campus and- $ can ch"k o"; reand.nVs and afternoon. 20 per cent chance of University. Both B-V o,:J ,,d - w.-e- f t: w ,Ur-. anJ t -tal Iron the Glen Lenno, Sh .ppin, be?c,useheutary has a working -phones at the des- to the far' n.ht. rain tonight. M.: er CI ;a:ge a ,rt, d , :e, Js, , , ,pentu,n cx.d,! Center and at the AP fo.d Store on collection of more than bO.000 volumes. lf ponographs are on the ma:r. ' - : J "1' " J ft A,,o.t Ro.d. ) This usually is sufficient for general tor student use D 0 0 r- f JL 0 H '7rs:ir:i,s yi- JOll women parwcipate in rasii go to Louis R. Wilson Graduate Library 7 VP alo j or one of the departmental libraries Ul J xiu1 ;oo eirK are partuipatir.i: :n rr.akir.s a speda! etlort to net to kr.o.v the ar.J has reen sh rlereJ h. three dav s. n "The ruh fee wav used tor pnr.tir.' (usually located in the department's lt J sUiJtnl h t rouble tmdir.g rUsh. j decease of more than'lOO rushee and allow her to know the r,rj,r r. : ir.tertere with -cademu. the rush manual, rceistration torms and classroom building). The library system is anything, he should ask at the ,.0. h-f :::i;vjj !k In her J :rm::r,. ea.h rushee -a ill tor other organizational work involvm- 1 one of few places on campus where a mtormat.on desk tto the left as vou go ,n ' " " ' . have a r.sh counselor, a .ster w h . d-.es rush." Miss Jones said, "bv lowenn, the I freshman has exactly the same privileges the door) or pick uP a library guide, said in to " ' " '"i j V ;'"' do..,, ,,.1, :ih h:r,nh J;.::!li; r,ruc hope to encou-ae "rush , as a graduate student or a professor. Kent Kirkland. a night supervisor. and Panhehemc advisor. s,d the ue reuse wrth the tormer pec:i:c ob;ectives ( i the , ;, n ' j When there's a choice, library officials "Freshmen and transfers shouldn't be is because second semester tresh: .en were tour rounds. Now the entire roh '.SV, i k- 1 v-ed t ,ru rh- " "j advise use of the undergraduate library. embarressed. The new people will first allowed to take pur: m rush last schedule is !cn t . the d. retior. o! . 'j ."''!., -''ril JJ,i.r "" Mtss J.,nes is encouraging girK to keep i Everything is computerized there less naturally have lots of questions. eT! do ?rwc. Theretore. tewer soph mores are md:v:da! Iino 7."!t Vr'r'-lhj'''n th- "n "p-n fr-ind uhcn ,n? through rush. i work for student and staff. the best we can to help them out." gome out this tall h L.ri.,up ,.t P:t--s d.in-i.- r.;sn ,, ,i, "r u.,j"j ru,n 's hjVC n strong national i To find information on a specific The hbrarv sIa!t has at least two Soroti;.e have rev.s.d theu -.icth -.1 ..; pen d w ' Mil! be LKHe d in r .-.n d s. ! o.t j'..'.! "'J. -'i h-'qaol, vdi'be sCt 'ies." she said. "Every rushce topic, look in the card catalog (in front of workers behind the desk evcrv hour the rush-g this vear to stimLte .:urcs: ,n rounds w;l! no 1 .p.ger den -te ". th-' '-t.ci.jh there ;s a p'ace tor ould v,s,t cery house the first round m the main entrance). building is open I?: hour .week. the C.ree smc::i a:l to rec-u.i campus hou-e." -e-.tert ainm.ent " or "ntaJ vvev rashee .n s.,-."c s(,r.frity.- order to he exposed to each nous. Other aids can be lound in the I lie library has a seating capacifv ot leaders. Miss Jone outlined rush nigh;." -o.-s ru-h registration have Sororities are will organized tor tail reference section. located on the right of 1 ,75S. including (..'() individ'iu! decks' jnd procedures t-ndav uttern..n. Ru-h wi'.l hegm M.-ndv. s.jr; f, .;c.r-.ased t: -. ?'e - to s. s,.r -r;t rush. Members of all nine sororities the catalog. General and subject 20S lounge chairs. Reading lounges and a Instead o: i!.e usua! irnia! p.'-.-n-i w :!i . .n:r.e inV ueli Tue'sdav .'S'.r- '- J -" have '-c... .. o.d o, .::Ji.e up the returned to school days m advance to encyclopedias, language dictionaries and specific area lor smokers are downMaus. presentation". s0r ,nT MMcr, Tf5.. r:!;: p,r ,.j Carher i!i- o' ,! -.'. :.. prepare for the hectic weeks to wOfT.e.