5 Recovers from injury TTD u s Ma rk kicker blocking wins aware One at a time Don Harrison Sp'.rt: V.'nt'r if f Wed H ,r. H .-.r.f. . 2 . i T e A V. . V .-. . - ... - -. - a r r 'he '-2. 222-pvjr.d : h r.e--trm Y::g;r;:a, v,he:e he v.;. .j:-J ': ':r t f,--,r-; H.,;:. r-il :w,r: ; :: d 'J v.-. .! i:. k:T, ..h .... IJ -:--y Md r-i-.r.r.' . T.h. J.::. . J . . -rit Kim in his j ; '. i r v-:.-r. ; Kr ' ire .hrr, ir; i ;. . H t. t.-M-.t action j v.ph o ::-,: r :r the role d ! :.k.ip r: :r; to J::: i.h'.T. .:!i-,f f ;,t right g.iafd. ; -i v. : there, h there ha :..vni o.er Hor. -.f. si)J.;Vy ,', ard.ic iri.i-ir . I ta.t. !.-.- did :.tiT.. .u Ki.hrv.r.d. -d did r-.-A h- I .i . V .:, , o,-.h h.n? .'. :'- t'y temporary. ! t )'u h ! , ; .r rr: tt c 1 j t ! : i-,du it i' , :re he r .-ht . . i hi p! t : ! , ! r and in ';. .:.!.:: . tat! :r !. ! h;r:i ;ie McAfee - talente ; Sf ( .: . ! ) II ven i I h.e ni-.-.t 1 I,- n . h ,i u:mi)uv sp .rt . i xcrt 1 tliroijh .i LTitmu.i! drjin n ilin. -treritli .irn! staniin.i s--jrus . !: M. : . ,!)... d t f iv '.irol i r. . ira k pr .L'ra ::: . ! S( 1 1 1 t. '. P' is ! I ! '. r I , i i : : i i . v. t r . ; r ) ughv club ciu for Duke I he UNC Rucb ( lub plays its scei.iu! . a s i it the se.isi n Sund.iy airairist Duke, i lie t'.i'ue is on I !irir!gh his I ;c!d. and 1 1 i ;i a ! J pan . tfer last week's 2 7-0 deteat of James . the team may tmd itsel! !.u a: : its t i ee.di .pp.isitin of the year: Duke . dl has s, une surpr ises. a tui is alvv jys a , (. I'e re. kened u ith. ; i;:;p. i ! ard i at flee! players are . tit . I 1 t d I'a: riss. the v. u k hoi se ot the I'lteted a dislocated slnu!der in Ja::'-.'s River uame and is out tor the . i '. driati Wood, the exciting neu "' hah ttom I- pgl.ind. broke a linger in .'i.ivlivC this week. w!iiv.h will . p.uatate !nm lo: . weeks or so. I! T.ee: more 1 nghsh talent is on v! . i: the t orm ot Serge ' .;: i.iv iieiie-Spera!isk . who will take V. ovid's place against Duke. Speransky p!aed at centre t"or Harrow, one ot ! nglatui's top schools, hut has had some . xperience at tl dialt . Spectators are nnre than welcome at ' he name tomorrow . NOW PLAYING 2: 10-4:25-6:40-8:55 The Suspense will List through your LIFE TIME! THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN JAMES OLSON Frames From Mattresses From Liners Approved Heaters ZabcS JTheetref WATEIR -'T.tr. v.-!; -rri'. JvT. S;.. la"? v.:-;..' r f -4. - Ron Run:ik lire-.ard Jam -r foheee. a two mile, the rule and the .r country eer.t. II;- tsrst -IatI is Saturday on I mley Course trask a the I - IfeeK lio.t Virgins i I e Ji and South Carolina. Ah-nt' with 1 enno Stewart, who jv transterred t" Carolina, he has captured national honors m the laNt two ears. tee a on the P'TO National Junn.r College Athletiv. sso.iation Cross ( ' mntry Meet in Vin.enn.es. Indiana, with a time H).M).X -ai the 4.1"') mile vo.;r He b.v..r:ie the tirst biaek American to run ., 1 ...;-n.T He mile, timshiniz tourtli m the Martin l.uther Kir- Memorial Cames m I'll iladelph .a last May If,. I his was oershadowed. however, bv the heralded dial between Mart I.ujuori. the s1. in ner. a nd Jim R y un . f J ""J 145 East Franklin j THE PAPER CASTLE HAS NOW NOW PLAYING friends A LOVE j STORY - FEATURES: 1:50-3:41 -5:30-7:23-9:14 f ' i - i y 1? ANNOUNCES ITS w NG From Now Thru Sat. NEW $22.50 S22.50 S5.00 $35.00 11- s T T It: f : p - , r - I d u r i t n t . . r . t. t -. . . . R:-r.rr. thv ;.ort; rr.s'iv- hr.c. -rd there those h- dpciicd the:r e:fcrt a ere thc K i . "roi".-? er t Tti le j rri" i'e . w, j ju. the d-.vibt! j! ur.vcrtjir.t) . "V-V-v,e"r- ---ur.g jr.J d- .n't hre t h e e v. j n t v d ) p : i . c 1. 1 i u ' -e . e s . :vtrr. or.i- c!e. th.t v. c ...uld cet the !--.h C !.-'. .is ..! vii , : . - - d d istance man M.Atee. Irorn Cincinnati, and Stewart are two ," the reasons Co.-.h Joe Hilton is spenly pointing to j cor.teter.ee title this jear. despite man;, etcrar.s returning at Duke and Maryland'. Co-captai.ns Larry Widgeon and Za.k Osborne and sophomore Tony Waldrop. who won the state title as a earhng la-t tall, help complete a solid lineup tor the I ar Heels. McAtee sa s trak relates to every tiling eNe m his hie. iewirg track as a job that requires maximum persona! discipline. "Ihe more work you do m training Hegg.e says. "the more work ym re ub b) di. He teels he can perform under outside pressure, which is fortunate considering JUST ARRIVED! NEW UL APPROVED M E A T E R S FOR WATERBEDS - S35. Indian Imports CHICKEN LITTLE, Inc. "Beautiful Downtown Corrboro" ThE 5TORy of TC TOVVi AMATttR who loST bcR STA'vdisq... ...AMONq OTER Curious GirV NOW THRU SAT. 1-3-5-7-9 SAL 11-7 Weekdays 11-6 Saturdays DIMENSIONS IN RELAXATION a e e . e ,s. "Ihe '!-: r The J (. ( ;n r Kt-, ,)..-.': 1.1. 1 . V, . . . , 4 this -ease.n. Mv Aiee w . ! ' r h s la-t t v 1 1 i Caruma over Oreg Chapel Hu: nharma He would hke to work a- a m a h i-pital to help his ;- a 'he !am:l . win Ji is also tra In ! j v. t . ,i brother is run:' :ng tr.uk and a ten- eat--!d na t h nai! ra nki d in he: age s 4 4!)-v..rd run. m.iv tie r st up 1 1, In preparati- m ior t.':e seas. is keeping up his 1 ( )-m ile-a-w eek train program after recovering trom a tit: infect ion . tlupquolinc; Susimn's - : ." r " - R o STARTS FRIDAY 2:30, 4:40, 7. 9:10 LAST DAY THE AMDERSOM TAPES 3:10. 5:10. 7:10. 9:10 yfV' -a; 4 fs V I r..v MOO . TONY ANTHONY QDmetoffdher . oo R STARTS FRI: 3-5-7-9 LAST DAY "DOC" 2:35. 4:45. 6:55, 9:0L DTHADS WORK 1 -ir-";s?js. 1 .h ! ( .. .:. 'Jr... r.. luNetx I!. a -o. w . , ' . ;o, ::: n r '. .-p. . ..! . -te'U v .: S'.i'-Kev :ep rt w - k ; ( )....'.: d : -. -. .. . a vo'atde -pott i.ke : ( e I) .ke v ( ) s. ( ) H MiY the K IN Ml SI I Ll starring STEVE MCQUEEN LEE REMICK i -i v Oi er Li'' S.- ti.'vi T 1-3-5-7-9 1 'l . fT't'lt'l"! G If 4 NO OPINING OF 1HI NtW f ROGf IN f I tSON! Thuriday. Stpt. H thru Sit., Sept. II d Stpt 23 25 HIM Y HIM? 13 c 0M The Closest Party Store to Your Refrigerator BEER, WINES and BEVERAGES AT SUPERMARKET PRICES! A most Complete Party Store Imported & Domestic Wines Many Pre Chilled MIXERS ALKA-SELTZER GROCERIES OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 10 MON - THUS can Q9CDBIIl0S (MM &DSW I 1 v Football Bore You? Spond a civ ilied oft-rtv .on m THE OLD BOOK CORNER 137 A Eat Hovnuiry Stran-t Opposite Town Parking Ar;i J r fna 10 JO AX. On FRANKLIN ST BESIDE THE ZOOM VVED 3-12 - SAT 3-1 C5 (50OD Qsfc flD y o o o NT- k . I (JMjS!?cM 3Z ' - SE.A ... i . mi .iWmi i' iini"'i mm i