The Daily Tar Hed Words to the Wise Se nior :-:-:r:-x-: X':-:;X'"5 Friday. December 3. 1971 enior must se 1 himself (Editor's Note: this column to inform graduating seniors of occupational opportunities is printed weekly in The Drily lar Heel. J by Jim Minor Staff Writer I he interview is one of the most important factors in an employer's choice -mor.g applicants and in an applicant's Jioice among types of jobs. It is at the interview that the candidate '-el!-, himself, expresses his interest in the 'reanization, discovers whether he fits the organization and whether the - reariiation fits him. 'I wo things, neat personal appearance :.vJ thorough preparation, should be the interviewee's most important concerns, a. wording to most interviewers. He or she should always be well cf-orr.ed. Clothes should fit the occasion particular job. Casual clothes might e suitable for a job with a summer stock ;upv. tor example, but not for a po-ition as a sales representative. fhe interviewer notices appearance : re anything else. A lack of neatness . jn rum the interview before it even t::rts. The job hunter should prepare himself -w.h a way that he knows himself and the company to which he is applying, 'f he University Placement Service has a number cf public: r researching a corr.p'-r.;. The interview ;s : i exchange between the e job-seeker. The emp". . what the interviewee If the job-hur.ter ':. : needs of the crgin:' prepared to tell the interests, e x p e r : e r -part-time jobs, trav-! . - language, or educational b a: ' tv-' ' needs. Reading up or. 'he also help the rppi:.-'.: : that he wants. H--questions that v..!! information he need determine whether ' him. It should K- :v:::-:o the tightest jot: market the option of vrr.-.r.-c - Regarding the exchange rather thar can remove a great !e that many job-v.-eker-unnecessarily to the -r.'e While "exchange" :. the job interviev. . :: considerably from ernri Cfme may give a 1 5-m: to i. c so.'. Others may - V' v. - an I do for you?" -terv:ew that :s the puts the interviews? hiv.r.a id intrcduce ;t ; hi fcr h:m to i V-.- t " . s would like would like to w hat the next : . .. II... i zi .e a . ..i i;. v me a letter from the r-ng his interest. Some r r. t the person has thers :orrepor.j only if e answer. If the employer i n up-to-vlate reume tl;c interview unless it : the i'ia.ement Service, s.sme is automatically mg o crs. resumes will be the DON'T YOU OWE YOURSELF A HEATED WATER BED FOR THOSE COLD WINTER NIGHTS? L vaI ERBbDS & OTHER NICE THINGS 113 N. Columbia (Above TROY'S Stereo) From 11-10 p.m. 967-6602 APPROVED HEATERS LIGHTWEIGHT BEDS CUSTOM FRAMES FREE BED DELIVERY SPECIAL From Now 'til CHRISTMAS -S10 OFF OR FREE ASSEMBLY on any PLATFORM BED!! NOW SHOWING Jo Hill, th movie: 'A BEAUTIFUL WORK. PART HISTORY, PART SOCIOLOGY AMD IN LAWCJCST PART, A FILM BALLAD ABOUT A FOLK HERO! DIRECTOR BO WiDCRBERQ HAS TAKEN A PART OF HISTORY AND GIVEN rr THE GLOW OF LEGEND!" Ji0fft Cnf. Near TO MflJX ttf jTi Wat A BO W0ER8ERG FIM "smwM? f In r.slr uvu, pEATURES 2:52 - 4:58 7:04-9:10 Sony's Stereo Savings Plan. A LOT OK SOIWI) FOR A LITTLE MONEY. Sony Model 252 Economy Slereo Tape System Sony's least expensive complete s'.ereo tape system, the quarter-track 252 incorporates many of the exciting features Ahich are found in the most expensive decks and systems. FEATURES: F'c-t Pa-el S:id-eR-Scind Co"'.rcis Sru-J-wrh-Sru-d ivate-'-Free Motor 2 V.a'ts e' 0a-" c M.s : Poe' L:i-!r!e5'a!ei. Fu':-Ra-ce Ste'ec Taj VU Mete's Feu'-Dig t Tare Ccu',!er To-P;s tiOi K'o-to'' Level S'tcr' Sr-are Fluttef F, ;er for ;i sto't ?--free rer'ca"ce Sveo Heaircrie Mo'itor JacK ert ca' 'Horizontal Creration f"a-se Cort-ol Lock r-!ce includes to Dyna.c K" corces ao! ce PK-74 Stereo "fltCI CO'-J S229.95 Troys STUDENT CHARGESNITES 'TIL 9 -mm -e.-y- .oamy y. . oW A.b"vrt MiWt t J 1 irflfc 215 878-5800 Woman s , II -1,-11 - -1 '- J CHICKEN LITTLE, Incorporated ..95 :.c: ! i ...JUNGLE COMBAT SKILLS vs. CYCLE-GANG SAVAGERY! GP COLOR f'jf - - - ' - - FRI - SAT ONLY! SHOWS 1-3-5-7-9 f i f . i i I ; i -. i H M i H.P u 1 I j Prescriptions Accurately FiHed Lenses Duplicated Headquarters For Quality Sunglasses Contact Lenses Fitted Contact Lens Accessories imlage (Opticians I John and Lib Southern I 121 E.Franklin St U Between Varsity Theatre and Intimate t 1 a r : Smoking ri'ffe r 3 mti i 12 NOW SHOWING 2:50-5:00 7:05-9:10 Si n 4 V 4 1 Uv:3jH mSERTFIMNEY "SCROOGE" Jr ' Jfgt EDITH EVANS and KENNETH AORE V- 'y .. 5C t o" and alec guinness 9 i i thil fA ft. f v V ( i. ) ! D A't;A.l VRIMS -THE ARTS - 5. Canipus activities calendar Co-tact Murray Poci a: te 2Th. a 0 a i i t r:'- j: t -3:. r-2 - f t ST . at 2: -i ? c . - : Gat PPOTEUST CPESSiCN C P SOVIET - P Y ra;iy a. 0-e U-ve'5 ty C". aro-e' S--ca at 6 D.. F:r ri;e$ frc C3Z at te m.1' Fr-j-caro"' at 7:15 o. . NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FCR ' C V E N ieet'-; S--2a, at S c. . at 21-0 3'a"s;i St. A i iteres.e-3 p'sr-s tea. Fc txe i-.'or ato ca'i V ' a . 329-2-51 a'te' 5:30 p.m. A EO h:-: soc t , '' eet at 7 p.m. S'o-day in Ro; i cE c te 3asc S'.inceS Bid,. Or. Ja es Bryai ..i! p'es-! a Weal cas histc-fy frc G.P. to ice-Ciai'$t. o interested stude-ts are ured to attcd. Reader's Theatre presents its fmai she c tre season Saturday at 9 aid 10:30 p. . m f e Ccf'eenojse m tne Dase'-ent of te u-c-. sairgs Mill &e frc a itdren'S a:ft2i: "Suppei's Dierir-a." Bana'i film, "it's Just tie Sesmo." te sr.swn m tne Uncn at 8 p.i. Vc-2i, ad at 213 Prefcy Rd.. at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Every o-e welcome. There will be a meeting c-f the UNC Ru;5y Cijd at 4 p.m. today on Pntcnard St. New cii-S c'ficers will be elected. Today's free fiicK. "Gaslight." a-d Saturday's free flick, "Madwoman of Cnaiitot." vtuus -i- ji iiuiul.l;l,:,ijt"iiil,iiuiji Interesting Cld Books in 'Bezu'tifu "Beaut A THE CLD BOCI CCS-VER 137 A East oseoary Street Opposite Town Parking JLrea Cnapel Hill 7r,ts ':r t-e G'a e erect. c r -Sa c e" r t - d tda at 7 p. . R c c 122 3 a j Vs- era . Ajfc- afe roe- tr t-e p.r c. Sc pts wi i ce sa arc e t-e-. T"e u-'erS'ty U- ted Vet-c-d st C--fc-Mi'i hd its a--"--' C-rist as 5ara' Sat-'diy. -CC--5 p. . at t-e chrc-. A - vr w ' C- pro ise-d. T-e Ca'c-.-a L' - r - ee - r k prrud'y ceve-t wa--e o:x - - vasry to-sht at 9 p. . Te s cated m t-e -as e-t r' t-e u--" A:- ss: r- is S.25. Re'-ei-e-s a-e 'ree FOUND- Car ey i- - :r s irt be-'-d t-e cemetery. Ca i 566-3322. v.'il t-e pe'sm w-r tcr. t-e sere ccat from t-e Ca'dma L'-.c" Ca'eteria coat rcrm c ease return t rr ca ) ?-l2 e 1 f A N; o-est -s as ed LOST: .. e-r, s betwee- U" r- a-d Oa.-e Man. Return to 555 .' r'' sr rr can 933--6 S'. LOST: Golden retreer, 6 mc-thj -.a. weanrg a red co.'.ar with ID tag. Co es tr name "Zeno." Can 967-7632 or 966-2-i-i-i. Substantial reward offered for return of d s-t atr-n a-d -rtes ta 'rev L 'a ca"'. Ca 1 9-2-7"5l LOST' B c i t -ea' ps Cr-ta s c-i'5 cards i-d ID. Corct Pi-tv, C'r 0 :m. 933-75 12. LOST C-ii -sc. last ve- m .-'p- Ca A-cr-i Edd,, 929 1S"5 c s a ? T-t 2 "f t p . LOST G'" 9r-ios -ct-O"0 C ' Cii- '. e-. ?i2-7?26 LOST. Two 9 A. 163 prcvt pace's o ' ct t r-s co-Zi'i -a eJ "I pact, i-c." L't 123 i Tuesday. Cr-tact Ar-r 3 .es o Tom V tc-e '. 411 No? -"a ct rm D aca. 942-7315. Rewa'd LOST.- A-d appare-t'y adocted, s otn rid 'e a e bag;e. b'ac. ad - te i;i b'o 1 -0 b'rwn f a'.nci c- face Ta- ecu'. .'a-s -c- tr rw-er. Ct"- Lr Sr-ds. 9 3 3-1011. LCST: S 'd-e r - e t- b'ow- at- cav w (V3C between p- c s a-d Ga-;iie. ca'i 93 3 26 94. LOST: Ec.-n 31 -oebrr a-Ou-Ca I Ann. 933-9325. Reward. U- Lost a - y glasses. i its, watches. -c:eboos. etc' A P.O. has a v tost ite s Checu by base e-t cf B!dg. c c 933-3)96. id I "ant- NOWPLAYlNO 1:16 -3:09 -5:02 -6:55-8:48 REMEMBER - HOW YOUNG LOVERS ALWAYS START AS FRIENT nBY- O-iVJli UffWi lm o p TONlGHXlhru SATURDAY, Dec. 4 - INPERS&N!- I.engmdarv Trvmptter DIZZY GILLESPI AN0 MtS OUIHTtT SMCIAl M ATINH ST, HC. 4 - J 9M. "f nerds" A PARAMOUNT ? CT J: 97t TODAY 4:30 to 7:3U p.m. ROAST BEEF w 2 veos. and bread THE BACCHAE 97t 97t entrance behind the Zoom . self service Z t rd S I'M' Y v S I, , Mi MlMlS I .. M S ' I V I 1 ... I - . I IX. t f M v , , lm9mm,U ' s-' " ' I 4 ( ' ' , . . ' ' . 11 II i - ,, ,, 53 e a " II 1 "0 q a '2immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ey t-e t e Phil gets th-cgh pao-g fcr t-iii:n, b::Vs ar.J an c-iragecjs rent, .e d:esnt a h:!e let left fcr i) stereo. ESR VcCcra'd raes tue RTS-4:A ferpece'e lifce P.uii. It's a cc-:!ete AV. F!. V'PX Pr.crc cempene-.t ste-e; system. The receiver delr.ers an hcrest 5D watts and beasts erceiiert sensitivity an j separation specs. The t.-ntat'e is c-r fcest-seiier, a-J cces cc-p'ete with a ratchei tase. t -te- d-st c:.e'. a-i S"-e magnet. c es ' i -6 T" e speakers a'e t'e t-.ay sea'e j acc-st c s-cpe'-;c-. a-.azi-g bass response. We r, te y:-1: see t-e PTS--:a at c.r nearest ES? VcDcaii dea'er. If ycjt," itsc." aifll ycj hear it. In c.r iT.Viui"it attempt to get ycj tc tnin' y cf us. e offer a f-'! ce'er 22"x 23"pcste" c1 tfc -s bey g:'l photograph witn the C-ote from S'-a'despea'c abet ESS Mcuonaij-forcny $1.03 postpaij. Itra'.esaic.e'ygft- sat. D 0 D D D Q D D D D U t Ithmmu ( - ll1.. .J BSR (US) LTD. ROUTE 303, BLAUVELT, N Y. 10913 Send. -full color posters. I enclose (cast 51. CO each postpaid) Mcdonald Z Che:k here if you want cur free citalci cf turntables ani stereo systems. Si-e. D 0 D Q D 0 State. D

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