Letters to the editor Opinions of The Daily Tar Heel are expressed on its editorial page. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor. Letters and columns, represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Harry Bryan. Editor Wednesday, March 8, 1972 The environment must be Results of a study of voting records in the House of Representatives, conducted by an organization known as the League of Conservation Voters, shows North Carolina's congressmen ranking extremely low in supporting key proposals on environmental issues. Compared to other state delegations, North Carolina's congressmen ranked 37th in the nation during the past session. The highest score in the N.C. delegation was, surprisingly enough, ahr Daily aar tficrl 79 Years of Editorial Freedom Harry Bryan, Editor Norman Black . . . Managing Ed. Mike Parnell News Editor Lou Bonds Associate Ed. Lana Starnes .... Associate Ed. Mark Whicker Sports Ed. Ken Ripley .... Feature Editor Jim Taylor Night Editor Murray Pool .... Business Mgr. Beverly Lakeson .... Adv. Mgr. The Bayit UNC There's a hole in the bagel. Somehow, the bread's center has been lost. And nobody knows why. A student at UNC might easily feel that he is surrounded by bagels, things all around him that are not whole, that have a gap right in their center. Chapel Hill's academic structure is such a bagel. At UNC we can study history: American history, European history, Asian history, African history, Islamic history, Black-American history, Christian history and ancient history, to name just a few. We can also study Old Testament and when through, be contented that we know what there is to know of Jewish history. There's a hole in the bagel. It is a sad truth that many Lou Bonds n 1 JJiose The "Elephants and Butterflies and Contraceptives" booklet currently circulating around campus is probably the most exciting thing that has happened on the campus this year. But its coming is too late to help with really serious problems that most males and females have experienced. Where was the booklet when we needed it in our childhood? Believe me, kids need help. They've always needed help with the traumatic experiences of growing up. I got the chance to view the girl's side of the problem last week when I discovered my younger sister was going through her first trauma-THE TRAUMA OF THE FIRST TRAINING BRA. The whole experience is very embarassing to her. For one thing, the whole family knows she has a training bra. Usually, a mother is the only one to an issue that of Republican Rep. James T. Broyhill. But even though Broyhill led the state, he scored only 58 points out of a possible 100. Next came Nick Galifianakis and Richardson Preyer with 54 points each; Roy Taylor with 40; Wilmer (Vinegar Bend) Mizell, L.H. Fountain and Earl Ruth with 20; Charles Jonas and Alton Lennon with 13; David Henderson with 4; and Walter Jones with 2. That's an average of 27 points out of the possible 100. All but Broyhill, Preyer, Galifianakis and Taylor favored spending federal funds on the supersonic transport, and obviously all were against a number of other important environmental proposals. Evidently, North Carolina's congressmen have been willing to sit back and cater to the industries that have been pouring money into their campaigns every two years. From the looks of their voting records, they must not really care about the fact that streams and rivers are becoming more and more polluted while cities all over the country are being choked by smog, and a land that was once beautiful becomes uglier and uglier. Strong legislation must be passed to replace the token laws now in effect if the slow death of the environment is to be stopped. And despite their great eloquence when talking about conservation during their campaigns, N.C. congressmen are not going to support positive legislation unless they come under pressure from voters. The campaign now moving towards the May 6 primary may be a good time to begin applying that pressure. academic structure is individuals, numerous Jews among them, spend their lives believing that that's all the Jewish history worthwhile knowing. Yet thousands of vastly significant years of the Jewish people are ignored by our curriculum. But certainly we should find the theological aspects of Judaism within the religion department! Outside of the Old Testament course previously mentioned, one can find only sprinklings of Jewish thought in existing courses. Again, the bagel has no center. Nowhere can we find a single course whose primary concern is Jewish theology, a religious discourse that includes many of the greatest minds and writings in the history of mankind. Opportunities abound for learning the im know, but when there is a sudden need for Kleenex in the house and no one has a cold everybody knows little sister has started wearing a bra. One thing that really bugs her is when there is only pink Kleenex in the house. As it has a tendency to shift, this can be very embarassing with a white blouse. The boys at her school know she has started wearing a bra. For years, it has been an unwritten law that when a girl shows up at school with her first bra, the boys notice it by pulling the elastic and popping her. Poor kid has several battle scars to show for her trauma. It takes girls a while to learn the art of stuffing a bra. Woe to the young girl who discovers she hasn't done it right and one side of her chest appears larger than the other. What's a girl to do? port ames To the editor: As a resident of James Dormitory, I would like to commend you on your excellent editorial of March 6t 1972, concerning the new entry restrictions being observed in James on Friday 2nd Saturday evenings. However, some clarification is needed. The dormitory is locked between 6 p.m. and 3 a.m. with two ground floor lobby doors being the only points of entry. At these doors are stationed Pinkerton guards who require a UNC ID of all entering persons. In the case that the person does not have an ID. he is registered at the lobby desk and must wait for his host to countersign for him and escort him beyond the lobby. In addition to the Pinkerton guards, one campus policeman is on duty in the lobby only, and two others are on duty in the parking lot surrounding the dormitory. Under this policy, as you can see, no student or guest is arbitrarily asked to produce an ID once he is inside the dormitory, rather, every person entering the dormitory must identify himself; once inside the building he is free to move about unquestioned. The policy succeeded in averting the harassment and potential danger so often previously experienced by James students during the past weekend, its first period of operation. Although it does pose some restrictions and inconveniences on residents and their guests, James students have expressed their satisfaction with the policy, realizing the necessity of it. Vicki Ann Norwood 716 James Dormitory Fountain lauded by Wadsworth To the editor: Since I am sure that our UNC students would want to know something about all candidates before casting their ballots, I submit the following information on our present congressman, The Honorable L. H. Fountain: Congressman Fountain is a UNC graduate of the Gass of 1934. As a student during this era of the "Great Depression," he developed an understanding and a concern for the less privileged. He has served with distinction in the Congress for more than 19 years. He is a high-ranking member of several important committees, is called the "Watchdog" of the Food and Drug Administration, and is the fourth-ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Congressman Fountain was the honored .recipient of the N.C. Distinguished Public Service Award in 1971 - North Carolina's Outstanding Citizen. He was cited for "dedicated and devoted service to his fellow man during a 35-year career in various positions of public trust and for wisdom, courage, integrity, creativity, and sound judgment languages of the modern world: French, Spanish, Hausa, Chinese, Swahili, Arabic, etc. Biblical Hebrew is offered also. But there's a hole in the bagel. Don't expect to hear such Hebrew spoken in Israel; Biblical Hebrew is a far cry from modern Hebrew. Can anyone deny the importance of Israel in world affairs? Should a major university such as ours remain in such a state of oblivion? One could go on and on, citing more holes in more bagels. One could note the misconceptions that are prevalent in America today concerning the Jewish people and Judaism, their civilization. The time has come to begin filling in these holes. The demand for Judaic studies on the :an1t 6firt Some girls mothers let them go to the store by themselves for their first few bras. This is a mistake especially if the mothers haven't explained the finer meanings of bra SIZES. More than one saleslady has been sent into hysterics by a young girl (very flat chested) who asked for a 36-D bra, just like the one Mom wears. The way I hear it, it's not easy to take up a bra the way you take up the hem of a dress. I can speak more knowledgeably for the guys side of traumatic childhoods. For the guy, who has been endoctrinated by the society to hurry up and "score", it is: THE TRAUMA OF BUYING THE FIRST PROPHYLACTIC. Now, everybody has told the guy that he should have a condom. They tell him where to buy it and shove him off in the general direction of the drugstore. But policy and for his unceasing work on behalf of American agriculture. Jarr.es t'. Wadsworth Assistant Director, Residence Life Writer called 1 1 I 1 1 ! si30iieci cima 1 To the editor: In the Tuesday. March 4-.- -v" the DTH, we couldn't help but notice the outstanding piece of journalistic rectal excretion by Keith Weatherly. This is the only term we could find to fit our finer. (Ha! With all the grace and delicacv of "a bull elephant ) drawn article which instead of appearing in print deserved to be flushed down the nearest receptacle for the above mentioned matter. Mr. Weatherly. we have watched yoai heartbreaking tears wash down the editorial page for such causes (?) as Charles Gilliam, Rob Grady, etc.. ad nauseum, and have said nothing thinking that perhaps your juvenile tantrums in print would eventually cease. However, like a spoiled child, who sometimes needs a spanking for curtailment of vicious immaturity, the time has come for someone to verbally give you your spanking. Mr. Weatherly, or should we address you as Keithy, since it would be more in keeping with your projected mental age. you have finally done the ultimate in making a journalistic ass of yourself. When you viciously attack a man of Richard Epps' stature and proven ability and dismiss such accomplishments as chairman of the Men's Honor Court, a position demanding the utmost in ability, fairness, tact, understanding, diplomacy and a deep concern for his fellow students, as well as being president of the Order of the Old Well (you might well ask "whatever that is" since it is hardly probable that you will ever have a chance to find out on a first-hand basis! ) and say that these are not indicative of the ability required for the position of president of the student body here at UNC. you are showing a complete lacking of the understanding you should have if you were any kind of student at all of whom UNC could be proud of from this institution. Mr. Weatneny, you scream so piosly about the "liberals'" on campus and "pseudo-serious types" who you claim put Epps in office for assaugement of their collective ego trips, but, sir you are wrong. The people on this campus who put Richard Epps in office are the people who are sick and tired and fed-up to the teeth with the "conservative" likes of Gilliam, Grady and all of the rest of your little power-playing clique who have heedlessly gone about your merry ways dragging Student Government through the muck you created as a cushion for your own inadequacies. UNC campus is quite evident. At this very moment, over one hundred students. Jews and non-Jews alike, are taking non-credit courses in the Free Jewish University sponsored by the Hillei Foundation. Last week in a mere two-day sampling, over five hundred students place their names on a petition that read: "We, the undersigned, feel that Jewish studies deserve a place in the University of North Carolina curriculum. Courses in modern Hebrew, basic Jewish theology, Jewish history, and Jewish literature deserve special attention." The Bayit, along with other interested students, is presently petitioning the administration and the relevant departments to fill this great void. time they leave out a few very important items like how to use it. Okay, so the guy is in the drugstore. What next? Somebody forgot to tell him WHERE - in the drugstore to look for them. So a good deal of time is wasted searching the shelves for the damn things. Are they in the medicine section? The shoe polish section? Well, then they must be in the section where women's tampons are kept! No? Oh God, he's sot to ask the druggist. It never fails that when you approacl the druggist, there's a sweet rosy-cheeked old bag standing at the counter. You think she's spent her life standing at the counter waiting for young boys like these to whisper in the druggist's ear: "1 want ammxphlltic." "A what?" "A prmghdlactic." hagel goodly ? v A Or., r. Asa: e , rr.:s;a.er.. 1: spea about jus! ho 'a badly .ght of by students on that "araths was the kev w id or stand or . . , . . . J 4 O V . .. . V . . li . p ..... U . C J . , , . , . - - I ....... , ...V.-i..", noticed that The vote totals shrmed the largest turn. -out at the polls :n the history of UNCI1 It would be a little easier to swallow perhaps had Grad or someone like him won. wouldn't it? . God. Weatherly. even as a conservative m;u:h-r:ece ou stink! One more thing. You are rich: about the election, showing ho the students feel. They feel damned sick of a few of the tired, washedvut. faded old conservative cronies who have hung around Student Government like the political hacks sou are for so many years plavins power-names with parlour ,,;o-c ' " And. perhaps ou miaht be riant about one more thing. The "youth vote" will be felt. But contrary to vour lauching assertion, there area lot of 'political hacks who will be swept out of the conservative back rooms and out from under the rocks and rotten logs where they May. Les Waconer Richard N. Sides Jerrv C. Monteith Dwiaht Hall Sammy Love Kent Cobb Hugh Raxter Drew Cobbs Chip Stain Ken Led ford "Avery House" G v in ii a s t blasts DTH coverage To the editor re: March 6th sports article "Gymnasts Fifth in Meet" If Tar Heel sports writer Don Davis were really serious about sports writing. he would have done better to have gotten off his butt and written his article about the S.I.G.L. (Southern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League's) regional meet in Memphis, Tennessee a week ago. after the meet had taken place. Sports coverage for gymnastics has been deplorable the entire year. Most gymnastics reporting has been days late and also inaccurate. This last gem was certainly no exception. It was more than a week late and statistical information was not correct. Joe Burt took sixth on side horse, not fourth as was reported. That's an average of fifty percent correct statistical reporting. Not bad for an unserious sports writer. As for Tar Heel gymnast Rick Fox, I have seen few people more dedicated to and serious about gymnastics that Kick. Despite what Mr. Davis may think. Rick chose Carolina wisely over Georgia Southern College. Carolina's internationally famous coach Pred Sanders has built the Carolina team from scratch, with no scholarship money. He has receiveu various awarus irom tne S.I.G.L., ranging from a Coach of the Year award to an award recognizing his service to the S.I.G.L. as president of the organization. Georgia Southern's coach is a former track runner, a far sight from Sanders' status as being fifth ranked in international gymnastic competition. Carolina's team is now the top ranked nonscholarship team in the South. All of these things make Carolina a more plausible choice over Georgia Southern for any gymnast. Davis also botched it when he said the trip to Memphis was a disappointment for the Tar Heels. On the contrary, the entire coaching staff and team was quite satisfied with their performance. In a team meeting after the meet, Head Coach Fred Sanders said he was "very pleased with the whole team." No Don, Memphis was by no means a disappointment. The only disappointment to the Carolina Gvmnastic Team was the mediocre rowiii "A what? Speak up. son." That damn lady is right next to you. "For God's sake man, 1 want a prophylactic!" "Oh I see. What do you want one for?" Now you feel like a very, very small parasite. But the worst isn't over. "What kind do you want?" Since this is vour first time at the drugstore, you don't know what kind of prophylactics are sold here. Bat you remember the names of the ones in the filling station bathrooms. "I'd like a Dixie Deluxe, please." Now why is the druggist laughing? What's wrong with Dixie Deluxe? You feel ready to run and hide your red face in the pillows, but the guy -amidst a great deal of laughter-hands you a Trojan and vou're all set necessary reporting by the D.T.H. sports staff. Sen Fdkms. L .N.C. Gymnast :0 Carr Ruildm- Morehead vote rates dissolve' i V ' ... C V . . C . T" -v I i V A ' 1 ; : -;0-... "AT, N . for or agatr.st a new constitution tor the presently existing ' forehead Residence College. This new. constitution will call for the restructuring of college government and funding. V.anv of ou are probaMv wondering w hy this sudden chance. Several weeks ago one of the member dorms of Motehead deeded to disaffiliate with the college. Some officers and senators feared that if one dorm voted out a trend might begin. It was deeded that Morehead would revamp. The question we ask is. "What, good will this restructuring do?" At present the college receives $2 from each resident and -one nothing. Charlie Swift, past social lieutenant governor, resigned from his rot after the Senate voted to freeze all funds for social activities. Morehead will have neither a Campus Chest carnival booth nor an ivicuon donation as it has tn the past. The juke box preentl in the Cellar will be removed immediately. If the college cannot serve an useful purpose as it now exists, what possible purpose could it serve when u receives only 50 cents per resident. It has been suggested that this monev w ill be used to operate an office and in any way that the Council sees fit. Is all this necessarv ' People uie worried about w hat would happen to the Cellar if Morehead were to dissolve. How many people are using it now 1 The largest crowds that have used it fr 1 j non-college organization.. t present, it appears that the Cellar w..i'.d remain r'r,, Morehead Residence College to remain in existance as it exists now or as it will exist under a new constitution. If you agree with us and favor dissolving Morehead Residence College, vou are, therefore, in favor ot neither constitution. Let vour voice be heard Don't vote for either, simply write dissolve on vour ballot. Bobby Stern - Academic Lt. Gov. and past Secretary Morehead Charlie Swift - Past Social It. Gov. Morehead Donna Lipshit. - Speaker of Morehead Senate. Past Social I t. Gov. jim Womble - President of Aycock Dorm 71-72 Carl Beavers - President of Lverett Dorm 71-72 Ray p0icy - President of Lewis Dorm 7i-7 Mlke New,rie President of Stacy Dorm 71-72 Jane Panton - President of Last Cobb Dorm 71-72 Gayle Hughes - President of West Cobb Dorm 71-72 g:::::::::::: :j: : $ :f g g)f-i--ye f : JLj5tl'Lsl O LJ : & ::' j TiLP fl1 TOT ' :; - :j: x jf ': v The Daily .Tar Heel accepts $: : letters to the editor, provided they : :j: are typed on a 60-space line and ::'; limited to a maximum of 300 $; :: words. All letters mast be signed :j: and the address and phone number $ : of the writer must be included. : :j: The paper reserves the right to : : edit all letters for libelous jj: : statements and good taste. x x Address letters to Editor, The :: Daily Tar Heel, in care of the :: Student Union. j: :': v vet for what? The girls in the training( bras have been taught that guys, graduated from the drugstore experience, are no-nos. The older girls won't have you. What do you do with the prophylactic? The thing to do is stick it in your wallet. Usually it stays there for about a year or two. The only time you take it out is when you reach for your wallet to pay the school cafeteria cashier for your lunch. Out pops the prophylactic and tears begin to well in your eyes. By the color of the wrapper, everybody knows how long the thing has been there. Reflecting back on the traumas of youth, 1 wonder why somebody doesn't get these things straight with young boys and girls. Everybody has to find out sometime. Even Mother and Father, the folks vou'd think vou could count on. up r J i iwn Html jil-ain ii '

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