Howie Carr Opinion coring at th.e alma mater 9a (Ear fmi emseless alt the Olympics There is not much one can say when confronted with the senseless violence that disrupted the 20th Olympic Games Tuesday. As this editorial goes to press, two men are reportedly already dead and other lives are in jeopardy. There was no reason for these men to die; no cause was advanced by the terrorists who chose violence as their means of expression and action. There are times when men and women give their lives to advance a cause. Of such sacrifices are the making of ultimate dedication to a cause. But in this attack on the Israelis in the Olympic village, no cause was advanced. These actions will not Transit problems d essrve solution Another year has begun in Chapel Hill with the parking and t r a n s p o rtation problems in the town and on the campus as serious as ever. The campus police expect just as many cars to be fighting for parking spaces on campus this fall as has been the case in past years. This means 15,000 cars and fewer than 8,000 places in which to put them on campus, since no expanded parking facilities were made available over the summer. The parking problems around N.C. Memorial Hospital and the Med School will eventually be solved by a multi-level parking deck the University is asking the N.C. General Assembly to fund for 1973-1975. But little has been definitely accomplished toward a permanent solution to the problem of too many cars, though efforts have been made. The Joint Transportation Commission proposed a bus plan for the town and campus to begin Joe Hill Under standing the McGovern defeat According to Gerry Cohen's census of socialist on campus, we number 186-no more, no less. Not that many came to the first meeting of the class series ; on Monday so we,ll never know how many factions there are. I suppose, though, that Gerry was counting himself as the 187th faction. At least last year he was claiming to be a socialist. This claim was made in the course of a reply to a Joe Hill column. Gerry has never bothered to respond, to our letter of rejoinder. - There are people who call themselves socialists who propose a strategy of working as a 'left-wing within the Democratic Party. Many are associated with the remnants of the Socialist Party. Their most articulate spokesperson is Michael Harrington. We would prefer to call them social democrats, since that is their more common designation throughout the world. ; - Now we don't agree" with that strategy. And we didn't agree with it last year. Than doesn't mean we're Yippies, Weatherpeople, or anarchists. We don't propose mindless violence or individualistic terrorism as means to build a more democratic, more civilized society. ' In the current issues of Workers' Power James Coleman is writing a series on "Elections under Capitalism", which provides an extended analysis of why we disagree with the social democrats and Evans Witt, Editor Wednesday, September 6, 1972 death make the world listen any more to the many just grievances of those displaced by the strife in the Middle East. This violence can only cause greater bitterness where there is already too much. The blood that has been shed in Munich senselessly is but another evidence that death follows where men treat other men as symbols, not as equal human beings. It may be that this violence has ended the 20th Olympic Games and perhaps terminated that whole tradition of sports competition. It may be that we have come to the point that the idealism expressed, however imperfectly, in the Olympic Games, cannot survive the pressures of our world. in the fall of 1973, but the prospects for that system are looking dimmer as the month goes oh. Tlie Carfboro Board of Aldermen voted not to hold a referendum in November on financing the bus system and Friday the Chapel Hill board similarly delayed any public vote on the proposed transit system. But Commission members are still hopeful of a town referendum for January, 1973, and operation next fall despite recent setbacks. We do not at the present endorse the proposed bus system. There are many problems and questions that . still trouble us about the proposal. This town and the University have had a serious traffic problem for a number of years and still have refused to take the initiative to alleviate the problem. It is past time for the University, Chapel Hill and Carrboro to work closely together to take definite positive steps toward the alleviation of their joint traffic and parking problems that trouble this area. why we favor a worker's party. With regard to the Democratic Party he notes that it claims " to be 'the party of the people'. While the Democrats have often used this claim for purely electioneering purposes, the claim has not been entirely cynical. Millions of labor and minority voters, thousands of activists in these movements, have made the Democratic Party their home in the honest belief that it was what it claimed. "Instead the Democratic Party has been the graveyard of their reform hopes, for reasons beyond their control." After tracing the history of urban political machines, Coleman turns to the built-in limitations on reform. The high cost of campaigning has been made much of this year, but few have considered the undemocratic nature of " the two-party system. " It provides for alternation in office but it keeps minor parties out of Congress. In most European; countries, some form of proportional representation allows minority parties-for example, all those which get 5 or 10 percent of the vote-at least a few seats in parliament. "The fact that in the United States only the candidates with the largest number of votes can be seated creates an enormous pressure on minority movement to merge with a major party, . and on candidates in the major parties to place party unity above all other "I hate to sound impatient," Pete McManus was saying, "but whenis that worthless freak going to get here? After drinking since midafternoon, Pete McManus was feeling pretty groggy. He was fingering the patch over his left eye. "I was at work one day bending over to pick up a wrench when some dumb Polack swung a muffler right into my face," he had explained earlier. "I'm just lucky he didn't put my eye out." That had been Pete McManus last day in the auto repair shop. Two days later, as he sat in a dingy New Jersey bar trying to figure out how to parlay his A.B. in political science into an easy job, he had been approached by a local building contractor. 'This guy was the original rip-off artist. His final bills usually averaged about eighty percent more than his original estimates and people were always coming in threatening to shoot him. All I had to do was just stand behind his desk by Chicago Tribune -"""Os ' 'VCT V Rudy Hanner B rinsing relevance to television September has arrived and the new TV programs will soon be on the air. With this in mind, a friend of mine drafted a list of programs he would like to see this fall. Although the list is purely hypothetical it does offer some interesting ideas. It reads like this: - One: This year the FBI takes on and solves the Watergate Caper. For this program the cast will remain the same, however, by necessity the CIA might make a guest appearance. In fact, the entire Justice Department might appear, but as yet it is hard to say precisely what role they would play. Two: A revival of the Old Gary Moore "I've Got A Secret" show. In the new series President Nixon will be the only guest participant and he will attempt to reveal within the scheduled .342 showings considerations. "Despite these limitations, reform politics flourish in the United States. Hardly an election goes by without some reform campaign, major or minor. These reform campaigns, and the less frequent occasions when reformers capture on of the major parties, provide a good deal of the illusion of representativeness in the U.S. party system. "Bourgeois politics contains at its fringes various figures who genuinely attempt to achieve basic reforms within the framework of the bourgeois system. While their ideological commitment to capitalism renders most of their reforms hopelessly Utopian, they are sometimes able-especially when there is widespread popular discontent-to emerge into the political limelight. "If they succeed in gaining the Presidential nomination, there is the risk of the real powers sitting out the election. Aside from McGovern in 1972, this happened in 1964 when Barry Goldwater captured the Republican nomination, only to lose the backing of his party. ? "His conservative supporters learned what radicals in the Democratic Party seem unable to learn-the real power is held by shrewd, careful, moderate conservatives who can sink most candidates they consider too risky "In sum, the capitalist election is a weeding-out process. The voters have looking like a hood. It was a great job 'til last Friday when a guy really did come in there waving a gun. I was out of there so fast I didn't even pick up my paycheck." So Pete McManus was back in Chapel Hill, waiting for an old dealer friend and trying to get a date. Tm down to my last telephone number," he said, pulling a tattered card from his wallet. "There's not even a name with it, but I think I know who it belongs to." He eyed the card in the dim light. "A good girl - a little sleazy, maybe, but definitely not the impossible dream. I think IH give it a try." About a minute later Pete McManus returned to the living room iwth a disgusted look on his face. "I found out who that number belonged to. 'Nicholas and Alexandra has already started at Plaza I but we can still make the 8:30 showing of 'Fiddler on the Roof at Plaza II." The Olympics were moving into their of the program just exactly what his secret to end the Vietnam War was and what happened to it. Three: "Longstreet" will return to the air for another year. In the new series, however, Mauri Stans will play the role of the leading character and he will attempt to show the American public how a man who is hired for the position of Finance Chairman for a national campaign might let $114,00 pass over his desk without him even seeing it. Four: "General Hospital" will also return for another season and the first guest star will be Dita Beard who will inform the public of the grief and fear which normally accompany the heart attack, and, on the other hand, the advantages that can be derived by having the attack occur at the proper time. their say on election day. But long before this, the candidates have run the gauntlet several times. "First, to be born and educated into the middle or upper class-which supply nearly all the candidates, and are completely - out of touch with the way most American live. "Second, to gain the friends and backing for a political career-which usually means a careful adjustment to the prevailing winds. "Third, to get the money and backing necessary for a Presidential Campaign. "Fourth, to gain the nomination of a major party, dominated by careful money. "Fifth, to convince the party leaders, the business establishment, the press, etc., that they are 'suitable' candidates perhaps with a good reform line if times are troubled, but safe. "On election day, the voters will have thier choice between two such carefully chosen candidates. But the real eelction, in which the candidates compete for the backing of business and its representatives in the parties and press, has already : occured." We recommend this scries of articles to our readers, especially those who support George McGovern-not to add to their sense of isolation by attacking them from the left. Rather we would hope to lay the basis for understanding what's probably going to be a disheartening fall. tenth day on ABC, and during each bicycle race or women's volleyball game, a sign would flash by on the screen: "Coming up. Mark Spitz tries for seventh gold medal" "Great. We've only been waiting two hours and 5 1 Schlitz pole vaults." Pete McManus looked toward the door. "Where is that guy? This is easily the most invigorating evening I've spent since that wedding I went to. Did I tell you guys about that?" Pete McManus hadn't told the guys about the wedding. "It goes off okay, you know, until the reception is about four hours old. Only the hard core juice freaks are left by then, and I'm standing out on the terrace talking to the groom. All of a sudden this old lush staffers out and starts slobbering all over me I guess he thought I was the one who'd gotten married. Anyway, he's crying. 'Son,' he says, 'I'm 46 years old. I'm 46 years old and I've been afraid all my life. I finally get this boo-hoo back to Five: The Republican Campaign Committee will feature an all-day, all-night, all-day,' all-night, all-day, all-night Telethon. The Master of Ceremonies will be Martha Mitchell-and she will endeavor to stay on the phone the entire program. Six: H & R Block will feature a fifteen minute program on the American Tax System. Guest speaker will be Ronald Reagan who will explain some of the complications that may be encountered when paying tax and how both complications and tax might be avoided. Seven: The old army show,'The Big Picture", will be revived for the new season. In the new series retired Air Force General John Lavelle will give a lecture on the benefits of military career. He will deal in depth on the "New Discipline" in the service and in this connection, he will explain how an officer can willfully disobey an order by the Commander in Chief and still retire from the service with a $27,000 a year tax- free pension. Eight: The old TV program, "The Defenders", will also be revived. In the new series Richard Kleindienst and John Mitchell will play the charging young Solatia Evans 79 Years of Editorial Freedom The Daify Tar Heel strives to provide meaningful news interpretations and opinions on its editorial page. Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor, white letters and columns represent on!y the views of individual contributors. his car and I'm walking back inside when I see another old guy standing toe to toe with his wife and yelling, 'You bitch.' Then he knocks her out cold with one shot to the chin By this time Mark Spitz had won his seventh gold medal, ABC had saluted the American gold medal winners and somewhere in Munich a coupk of Palestinians were probably already loading their guns. Channel 5 was in complete control ag3in. "It's eleven o'clock," an announcer intoned. "Do you know where your children are?" "Probably with their parents," Pete McManus said. "At a wedding." An alcoholic stupor was settling across the room. "Well, Mac," somebody finally said, "You've graduated; you haven't got a job; I hate to bum you out, but what are you gonna do?" "I don't know, man," Pete McManus said, shaking his head. "Maybe HI pull a Mudhead: 'find a bunch of guys, dress alike, follow 'em around and pick up some girls. Or maybe ..." There was, a knock at the door, quickly followed by the entrance of a guy carrying two plastic bags. "Mac," he said. "Sorry I'm so late, but it took a while. Jesus, what happened to your eye?" "It's like this," Pete McManus was saying as he rose from his chair. "I was in the City last month when these three punks jumped me. One of 'em had a knife" - Pete McManus went into a crouch - "and there I was all alone, with nothing but a beer bottle " Letters 1 The Daily Tar Heel provides the opportunity ! for expression of opinions by readers through letters to the editor. This newspaper reserves the right to edit all letters for libelous statements and good taste. Letters must be limited to 300 words and must include the name, t.: 5 address and phone number of the 6 writer. Type letters on a 60-space 60-space line and address them to Editor, The Daily Tar Heel, in care of the ; g Student Union. lawyers who are defending ITT injts efforts to buy the world. The program will feature some beautiful shots of on-scene locations in San Diego, California, Chile and the White House. Nine: "All in the Family" will return but in a revised version. In the new series George Meany win play the starring role of Archie Bunker'and he will zero in on those who apologize to the Communist. Meany will also 'exhibit his qualifications as a historian f 'when, in one of the performances, " hie " will explain what a tremendous gesture for peace the ITS made in 1946 by reducing the size of its armies when alt it had to depend on was sole ownership of the A-bomb. Ten: "Mission Impossible" will also appear for another season but this, time the cast will have the most impossible mission of all. They will try to portray Jessie Helms as a moderate. Of course, my friend realizes that his programs will . never be aired, but it somewhat discouraging. Many of his proposals are a lot more interesting than most of the junk, that appears on the screen today. ' ; . (Hariri Witt, Editor Norman Black, Managing Editor Jessica Hanchar, News Editor Howie Carr, Associate Editor Doug Hall, Associate Editor David Zucchino, Sports Editor Bruce Mann, Feature Editor