' Cohen Opi Votes for Coleman important nion SatUj "Now students -m are represented. The Daily Tar Heel and the students now have a voice in the lawsuit to cut off the fees supporting the DTH. Last Wednesday, Federal District Judge Eugene Gordon added the DTH Editor as a defendant in that suit brought by four conservative students. This assures that those interests will be heard in the possibly long and complex legal battle over the student activities fee and its use. Although both the plaintiffs and Confident: we would be too . . With all the furor over the Wagergate affair and assorted other escapades by zealous Nixonites, not too many people have been noticing what else CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) has been doing to help their morally upright candidate stay in power for four more years. Like sending out a letter from Nixon with the 28 million increased Social Security checks this month, a letter in which Nixon takes credit for the increase. It does not mention that he fought the increase bitterly while it was being considered by Congress. And like sending out eight million pamphlets to elderly people in this country, telling them how much the Nixon Administration has done to relieve some of the problems and burdens of old age. We would feel pretty confident, too, if we were running for re-election and had all the manpower and money of the U.S. government promoting-" our candidacy. by Lana Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist with Howard Stang Question: My boyfriend and I have been sleeping together for the past three months and have had a beautiful relationship except for the fact that we haven't been able to have an orgasm together. He always comes before I have a chance to have my orgasm. Is this normal? I always thought that you're supposed to have orgasms together! Signed, Frustrated and Anxious. Dear Frustrated and Anxious: It is a sexual myth that the simultaneous orgasm is the peak of sexual maturity and happiness, and it is this misconception that has caused many men and women to question their normality and their sexual prowess. In order to fully enjoy the relationship, both of you should realize ' PHASE FEMALE MALE Excitement vagina lengthens erection labia separate and elevate testicles elevate lubrication begins nipples erect Plateau clitoris reacts testicular size increases uterus elevates Cowper's gland secretion full vaginal expansion Orgasm cul de sac lengthens penile contractions uterus contracts ejaculation vagina contracts secondary sex organs breast size increases contract Resolution all of the above all of the above return to normal return to normal Evans Wi'tt, Editor Monday, October 23, 1972 the University would probably not have opposed the motion, a hearing had been expected on the motion to intervene. Gordon's action eliminates the need for further consideration of this motion. The most important portion of this legal action to understand is that it is not Evans Witt alone that is now a defendant in the suit. It is the Editor of The Daily Tar Heel, whoever he or she may be during the course of the litigation. The present Editor will leave office next spring.to be replaced by whoever the student body elects in the general ballot battle. The new Editor will then become a defendant in the suit and the present Editor will be able to retire from the legal battleground. This is important because it is the interests of the DTH as an organization and of the students as a group that are at stake in this suit, not just the interests of one individual or small group. If this suit goes against the University and the DTH, the students here will no longer have a full voice through their representatives over how their money is to be spent. The court will have taken a hand in that decision. But once again, we must emphasize that this defense of the student rights takes money for legal expenses. The DTH Legal Defense Fund has been set up as an on-going source of funds to keep this defense as strong as it should be. Since the fund was announced two weeks ago, contributions of one dollar, five dollars and more have been received from students and faculty. To put the fund in a position to assure this support, the money must keep coming in. Contributions can be mailed to: DTH Legal Defense Fund Box 49, Carolina Union Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 or brought by the DTH office. Help defend the students' voice. each other's normal sexual response normal in that it is the way you individually respond to sexual stimulation. The amount of foreplay required, the time it takes to reach orgasm, and the capability of reaching multiple orgasms differs from person to person. In general, it takes the male less time after intromission to achieve an orgasm than female, but with a man who cares about his partner this should not prohibit both from enjoying orgasmic release. If both become involved with pleasing each other and not being spectators to their own sexual performance, much of the frustration and anxiety can be removed. Question: I know Masters and Johnson have done extensive research in determining what goes on during orgasms, but have they figured out what goes on physically when someone doesn't have an orgasm? Signed, Interested. Dear Interested: Masters and Johnson in their book Human Sexual Response The temptation for many on election djy may be to vote in the Presidential and Senatorial election, and throw the other ballots away. In the case of the election of state senator (which appears on the county ballot), this would be a bad mistake. A.B. "Lonnie" Coleman, a 34-year-old lawyer from Hillsborough and landslide winner in the May Democratic primary, is one of the better candidates on the ballots. He has taken good positions on issues such as the environment, higher education, tuition, abortion, and utilities regulation. On other issues, his views have been not as good. Coleman explained his willingness to take stands. "Before I decided to run, I realized it would serve no purpose if I took no stands on issues, won a popularity contest and went to Raleigh." People deserve the right to know how their legislators will vote, a right long THE FIRST AMENDMENT (AMENDED) Letters to the editor Road beside Union is a 'hazard To the Editor: Ever since school started this fall, the dirt road beside the student union has been a hazard. The ruts in the road are about a foot deep and present a real obstacle course to the driver as well as potential damage to his car. For the sake of safety, the University should investigate and fix the road. Nancy B. Morton 32-C Stratford Hills Vietnam war is 'gross waste' To the Editor: I was totally shocked and amazed to learn that the United States spends over $200,000 to kill a single Indo-Chinese individual. This is outrageous! It is a gross report explicitly for the first time what goes on physically in the four stages of sexual response for both the female and male. A short summary of these events appears in the table. Question: Women can have multiple orgasms, I know, but all my friends on the hall say that men can't. How come we men got such a rotten deal? Do any men have more than one consecutive orgasm? Signed, Cheated. Every male after orgasm experiences a refractory period, a time when any further stimulation produces nothing in the way of sexual pleasure. The length of the refractory period of the resolution phase differs for different men, for some men it lasts only a few seconds, for others, it takes longer before they can reach another orgasm. What's normal for you is normal some have the capability for multiple orgasms most don't. This diagram illustrates the "typical" male response cycle. The female as you noted is more fortunate. There are more women who have the capability than men. The female sexual response cycle usually falls into one of the three patterns depicted below. OT.CASH I lacking in North Carolina politics. "If the electorate does not 'ike the positions I take on controversial issues, they should defeat me this November. I would be wasting both thesr time and mine if I went to the state senate and voted against what the people of this district want," Coleman concluded. Straight talk like this won Coleman a huge victory in May. He received 20,050 votes, as against 14,000 votes for William Saunders (who also won nomination since this is a two member district) and 1 3,800 for State Representative Carl Smith. Coleman won by huge majorities in both conservative and liberal areas, losing only Saunders hometown of Southern Pines. One survey showed he took the votes of 97 percent of the 2,200 UNC students voting in the Democratic Primary here. Now, there are about 5,500 UNC students expected to vote in the local waste and misuse of Treasury funds and a crime that no U.S. citizen should stand for! The North Vietnamese don't spend nearly that amount for every Laotian, Cambodian or South Vietnamese that they kill! It is really incredible that in eight years of fighting those brave little patriots we have yet to learn the art of killing inexpensively, much less developed it to the fine art that is practiced today by the little people. Why go to the expense of flying airplanes and dropping bombs? It's so inaccurate and inefficient that it provides an abysmal return on the dollar that no respectable corporation executive would tolerate! It's so much cheaper to send our entire army into Laos, Cambodia and North Viet Nam than our entire Air Farce. Why all you have to do is go into a peaceful little village, drag out all the inhabitants, line them up against a wall, and pull the trigger. Hell, make Calley a i Ml In pattern "A" the woman is stimulated to the plateau stage and has the possibility to experience multiple orgasms before entering the resolution stage. The pattern "B" woman is aroused to plateau but never reaches orgasm. When you follow pattern "C," you see the woman slowly approaches orgasm in a series of jumps and experiences a relatively sustained orgasm before taking a sudden fall into the resolution phase. Notice there are two characteristics of the female response which are different from the male: 1) women are quite varied in their cycles and b) women are more capable of having multiple orgasms (no refractory period). '(Diagrams taken from Human Sexual Response, by William Masters and Virginia Johnson, Boston, Little, Brown Company, 1966.) (Questions should be addressed to: Lana Starnes and Howard Stang. and Dr. Takey Crist in care of The Daily Tar Heel, Student Union, Chapel Hill N.C. 27514.) COPYRIGHT (C) 1972. All rights reserved. Howard Stang, Lana Starnes, Dr. Takey Crist. I I ijAii V ! state senate race, and Coleman i hanking heavily on their votes. He ss afraid they will ignore local races. Coleman has come out hard in a Hohbyish attack on utility and Hank profits, and on high auto insurance costs levied against young drivers. But he refuses to endorse no-fau!t auto insurance, a very popular campaign issue, because he says it would be "deceptive for me just to say Tm for no-fault.' There are as many no-fault plans as there are insurance companies, and some of them are anti-consumer. I'd like to see a specific bill before I endorse a concept." Coleman has attacked the 95 percent hike in out-of-state tuition voted by the 1971 General Assembly, calling it "ridiculous. It has driven people out of the University, and caused a decrease in total revenues for the University," he said. Coleman has abortion reform. also come out for to make abortion "a general and let him show us how it's done). But you've got to be sure to bury them all in mass graves. And don't provide markers, either, because that's an added expense and you can later claim that you didn't do it! Besides, you wouldn't want to deny yourself the pleasure of seeing the agonized faces of all your victims'' relatives as they pathetically searched for their loved ones who were guilty of the most heinous crime of all living in a country whose government espouses a different political philosophy (or even worse, living within easy killing distance.) Actually, if I had a choice, I would rather be a pilot and drop bombs. That way, I wouldn't have to look at the faces of all those women and children as I killed them. It's enough to make you desert the VC or NVA. S.G. Garrison, A.B. 82 Willow Terrace Apts. Phone bills are 'human errors' To the Editor: Having tried twice before in the last two months to come to a more or less equitable settlement with the phone company concerning my bill, and having twice before been assured that everything was now understood, only to receive more threatening notices in the mail, today I decided to change my tactics. I went into the Franklin Street office and politely refused to talk to one of their representatives from one of their phone booths, insisting that I be permitted to see the person whose pleasant, if somewhat patror ' g voice """jH i jl Evans Witt, Editor 79 Years of Editorial Freedom The Daily Tar Heal strives to provide meaningful news interpretations and op in ton on its editorial page. Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor, while knars and columns represent only the views of individual contributors. matter between a woman and her doctor." Cokr.T.in cannot be cast a liberal, conservative, radical, or reactionary. He hews to a bjscal'y populist line, one that may just bring hsm a big ictory in November. Whether Coleman's appeal to both liberals and cor,vrat;ves stle rather than substance, we will fmd cut when the General Assembly meets in January. For the moment, though, Coleman projects both a style and a substance about bringing people together, something Nixon talked about only until he was elected. A strong ote from Chapel Hill for Coleman will give him a message of reassurance. Consumer protection, vocational education, and mental health reforms are all issues on which he has promised to work on in Raleigh. His platform is reasonably specific. "The utilities and banks seem only to be concerned with the profits of their stockholders," Coleman told me. "Profits and rates go up and up, and service goes down and down." Don't throw away that County ballot. As for the other state senate seat (there are two at-large seats, you can vote for either one or two persons) neither of the other four candidates has much going for them. Democrat William Saunders, a three-term incumbent, has compiled a conservative-to-moderate voting record. He is competent. Republican Dave Drexel is pushing a platform he says is "progressive," but is not particularly anything. He also appears competent. Republican P.H. Craig doesn't seem to be anywhere on anything. And American Party candidate Mary Jones (only one American Party candidate is running), makes Jesse Helms look like a liberal. "I send my children to private schools even if there was no busing, I'm against integration," she said. Caveat emptor. NEXT WEEK: LETTUCE, GRAPES, AND FARMWORKERS. apologetically promised that now she understood. The effect was overwhelming. There are real, live people working for the Chapel Hill Telephone Company. Now when I receive my fourth notice in the mail tomorrow, I will rejoicingly attribute it to a human error. Marsha Walton 102 Parker dorm DTH political endorsements To the Editor: There has been talk that if the DTH is not allowed to make political endorsements, their right of freedom of the press will be violated. This may be true in one sense, but in another it is not. In a situation on a college campus such as this, the paper is the only real source of information about the candidates running for student offices. In national elections, information and opinions are readily available from both sides, and both candidates receive endorsements. If the DTH is allowed to endorse one candidate, the voter is not going to get both points of view before making his decision. If the elections are to be run fairly, either both candidates should receive 'equal time' in some form or another, or there should be no political endorsements at all by the paper. If endorsements are cancelled, campaign spending limits should be enforced. Without campaign spending limits, obviously the candidates willing to spend more money will have an advantage. Mike Hanson 307 Lewis dorm Norman Blade, Managing Editor Jessica Hanchar, News Editor Howie Carr, Associate Editor Lynn Lloyd, Associate Editor David Zucchino. Sports Editor Bruce Mam, Feature Editor

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