TNe Daily Tar Heel Bus runs omh scare hed ule xam sc schedule Intricate precautions planned Friday, December 8. 1972 B d or exams The University administration has approved Student Government's (SG) request to extend South Campus bus service on a limited basis through the exam period. According to SG representative Lee Corum, the regular bus service will end today and the new one will begin operation Monday morning. Whether or not the service will be in operation throughout the entire exam period, however, depends on the use the service receives during the first week. "It will take 1300 riders a day in order to keep the service running. If the service is discontinued in the middle of the week, it will be announced on WCAR radio," Corum said. Corum said the service will be operating a bus on the South Campus loop from Chase ' cafeteria to Wilson library back to Chase, every ten minutes from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Starting at 4:45, the bus will be leaving Chase for Franklin Street every fifteen minutes until 6:15. All bus passes will b invalidated during this special period and all students will pay a fare of ten cents per ride. There will be no weekend busservice. Transit by Lynn Lloyd Associate Editor With a $427,400 bus system coming up for a yote in Chapel Hill on Feb. 6, questions are beginning to be asked as to how much it will cost the individual, how will it help that individual, and will it be any different from' the last system that ' failed. ? . The Joint Public Transportation Commission has produced a transit plan for the community to vote on that has been revised time and again to meet the ' needs of the community. After three and one half years of work looking at minimal costs, providing availability of the system to as many areas as possible and learning from the mistakes that it made before, the commission is is now offering a plan that it hopes will alleviate some of the . traffic and parking congestion in Chapel Hill. But the questions above will be asked anyway as the referendum approaches. Carrboro was struck from the proposal ...after it refused to participate inline bus r 'project." A" lot of "pedple" appeaf to ,be confused about what the proposal says. The Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen set the, voting date back by two weeks. And Tennis Dresses 30 Off 1 Select group $6.00 Grips Dresses Balls Shorts Accessories Restringing While-U-Wait 9 ?SJ A 7I -?. iL r LOCATED UPSTAIRS NEXT TO THE POST O F F ICE ON FRANKLIN STREET SEASONS GIREETiNGS The The All 8:00 a.m. Classes on TTh Tues. Dec. 12 8:30a.m. All 8:00 a.m. Classes on MWF. Phil 21 Tues. Dec. 12 2:00 p.m. All 9:30 ajn. Classes on TTh Wed. Dec. 13 8:30 a.m. All 11:00 a.m. Classes on MWF Wed. Dec. 13 2:00 p.m. All 4:00 pjn. Classes on MWF, Poli Sci 41 Thur. Dec. 14 8:30 a.m. All 9:00 a.m. Classes on MWF Thur. Dec. 14 2:00 p.m. All French, German, Spanish & Russian 1,2, 3,4 & 'Educ 41. sections 3, 4, 5 Fri. Dec. 15 8:30 a.m. All 12:00 Noon Classes on MWF Fri. Dec. 15 2;00 p.m. All 10:00 a.m. Classes on MWF . Sat. Dec. 16 8:30 a.m. All 3:30 p.m. Classes on TTh Sat. Dec. 16 2:00 p.m. All 2:00 p.m. Classes on TTh Mon. Dec. 18 8:30 a.m. All 5:00 p.m. Classes on MWF, Econ 61. Busi71.73& Phys24 Mon. Dec. 18 2:00 p.m. All 11:00 a.m. Classes on TTh Tues. Dec. 19 8:30 a.m. All 2:00 p.m. Classes on MWF Tues. Dec. 19 2:00 p.m. All 1:00 p.m. Classes on MWF Wed. Dec. 20 8:30 a.m. All 12:30 p.m. Classes on TTh Wed. Dec. 20 2:00 p.m. All 3:00 p.m. Classes on MWF Thur. Dec. 21 8:30 a.m. All 5:00 p.m. Classes on TTh and all classes not otherwise provided for Thur. Dec. 21 2:00 p.m. No quizzes after December 4, 1972. Report any common exam conflicts by Nov ember 13, 1972. Corrmon exams are indicated by an asterisk. riaii confiisiiii as Lee Corum once said, "We've been delayed and delayed and delayed, so it's kind of hard to get upset over another delay." No matter what the setbacks have been, the transit proposal is just about ready and it's time that local citizens and students take a look at it to see what it has to say. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro area has been suffering from parking and traffic problems for too long to overlook what the new proposal might have to offer. The system will be running 14 buses total, with fewer buses working in the evening and during off-peak hours in some areas. One route will be "figure 8" from South Campus to. North Campus back to Franklin Street. Another route will" run from Franklin Street to Eastgate and back; a third from Franklin to Eastgate to Glenwood then to -town: a fourth route from Franklin to ?IWprpt anajbacka. fifth rotaSmf" "Franklin Id Colonial Heights; andVsixth j. route from town to Northside-Merritt Mill Road and back. THE PRO SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Eastern Carolina's most complete shop for ski and tennis people. Ski rentals Ski Wear Accessories Racks Repairs X Boots Bindings Skis Warm-ups Shoes Rackets Sweaters Shirts 173 East Franklin Street Open Til 9 Friday Nights to ww) AU UNC Community from Student Stores HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Beginning: Friday December 15th 8 AM to 5 PM OPEN SATURDAY, December 16th 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM CLOSED SATURDAY, December 23rd December 30th " January 6 Regular Store Hours Resume Monday, Jan. 8, 1973 4 g? The buses will operate between the hours of 7 and 1 a.m. during week days, and between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturdays. They will provide town service 52 weeks per year. Three buses will run on campus from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. approximately 36 weeks per year, with one bus operating during the evening hours. The base fare is IS cents, and 10 cents for the on-campus "figure-8." Passes will be sold for $25 and quarterly passes for $8. Discounts will be offered for both passes. Children 12 and under will be able to ride for half price. Revenues from "fare-paying passengers" and a federal grant, that the commission is hoping for, will cover most of the costs. But the first year operating deficit must be covered by an ad valorem tax. The UNC Traffic and Parking Commission has been meeting to study a revision that has been made to the transit proposal that asks for the University to purchase bus passes and resell them to the students. KepientaliveeS'f fdm iftot elements on campias are working-here 'on5 problem areas and the possibility of future fringe lots. ' Poles Rent your skis for the holidays by Kevin McCarthy Staff Writer Your alarm clock rings at 6 a.m., and you drag yourself out of bed to shut it off before it awakens your roommates. At first you wonder why you're arising so early in the morning because your first class isn't until 11. Ah, but then you remember you have an exam in that class, and you haven't even started studying yet. But your eyes are heavy with sleep, your mind groggy and your stomach upset from last night's beer blast. So, you weigh the possibility of returning to bed against the horrible prospect of studying. You stand in a daze considering the alternatives; then, suddenly, a brilliantly unoriginal idea pops into your brain-you will phone in a bomb threat. You reason that the building will surely be evacuated and the exam postponed. Fine. You return to your cozy bed, resetting your alarm for 10. Your alarm rings on schedule. After pulling on some clothes, you walk to a public phone booth, nervously pick up the receiver and dial the campus police. Covering the phone with a thin towel, you say, "There is a bomb set to go off in an hour in Gardner Hall." For emphasis, you add, "This is no joke!" You quickly hang up and walk back to the dorm, trying not to think about getting caught. Little do you realize that the Campus Police have already set down a description of the quality of your voice, your sex and the manner in which the message was conveyed (Was the caller nervous?). You have set a whole series of events into motion. The threatened building is immediately evacuated until security officers have completed a thorough search for any sign of explosives. According to Claiborne S. Jones, assistant to the chancellor, the result of your bomb threat or anyone's is "a serious interference with the instructional programs of the University as well as with other operations in support of instruction and research. Students, faculty and others have been seriously inconvenienced and FOR SALE: BSA 650 LIGHTNING. 3500 miles, excellent condition. Call Stan 933-2558. SURFBOARD FOR SALE. T Gordon and Smith. Good condition. $40.00 929-7908. If no answer, try later. $25 REWARD. Lost: brown "overnight" SUITCASE, initials M.M.T. on front. Contains contacts and other personal valuables, If found, please contact D. Baynes, 215 James 933-4454. Fast professional repairs on hi-fi stereo components and guitar amplifiers. Call 929-2841 Monday thru, Saturday. John Florence, Audio Service Technician, Justice Street, Chapel Hill. FOR LEASE: Spacious apt., 2 floors, air-conditioning, pool, great location, avialable Dec. 20 until May; For sale; Honda 50, engine excellent, Call 929-9208. HELP! I need a ride to Philadelphia on Tuesday Dec. 19th. Will share expenses. Call Sarah, 933-4528. Ford Econoline '65 $500 or best offer phone. KLH 26 stereo and speakers 18 months old $175. phone 967-4811. Evenings 6:00 8:00. Wanted: Responsible female as roommate"attendant" for "working girl" In wheelchair to share apartment in or near Chapel Hill. Responsibilities primarily housekeeping. Salary $85-100mo. (You pay your own part of rent.) If interested call: 933-3679. STUDENT SEEKING LIVE-IN POSITION WITH FAMILY in exchange for aid in child care and household services. Excellent references pertaining to ability with and love for children. Call 967-7634. New Sennheiser 40414 Stereophones $20.00 Solo-103 Speakers $25.00pr. 8 Track Tapes 2.00-3.00. Albums 1.00-2.50. Call 933-4026. RIDE WANTED: From Boston to Chapel Hill right after Christmas. Will share expenses. Call Peter. 967-4345. For Rent. 1971-furnished 12 x 60 mobile home. 2 bedrooms. Available Dec. 15th. Call after 6:00 PM. 942-3906 For sale: 1954 Dodge pick-up truck. Lots of new" parts - needs loving owner. $275.00 or best offer over $200.00. Phone 967-18 16. Lakeside Country Apartment 1 br, bath, Ir, dr, kit. Furnished 9 mi from town. A.C., carpeted, UTILITIES INCLUDED, $175mo. 929-4702 6-10 pm Wanted: One female to accompany male to Miami for one week. (Dec. 24-31) If interested call 967-7282 For sale: 64 MGB good condition, recent engine overhaul and tires. Paid $900 in August. Make offer - Mike 933-8957. FOR SALE: TRIUMPH (ENGLISH) TEN SPEED BICYCLE. BOUGHT NEW IN JUNE. BOOK .RACK IN BACK. LOCK AND RAIN COVER INCLUDED $75.00. CaU Chip 942-1628. , $25.00 REWARD. Lost: brown "overnight" SUITCASE, initials M.M.T. on the front. Contains contacts and other personal valuables. If found, please contact D. Baynes, 215 James, '933-4454. I WOULD LIKE TO BORROW OR RENT TWO MEN'S BICYCLES, 21 to 23 Inch, OVER THE CHRISTMAS VACATION. INSURED. 929-1595. After 5:30 P.M. daily, anytime weekends. FOR SALE: Panasonic AMFM Multiplex Stereo System. 9 months old. Originally $240.00, now $140. Excellent condition. 968-9308 or 968-9073. Ask for Bill Cunningham. FOR SALE: 2 LWE Speakers (3 way system) and Ampeg bass amplifier with extra heavy duty 12" speakers, reverb, vibrato. Call Tim 929-968 1. Female companion desired by 28 yr. old bachelor. Call 967-7255, before lO AM or between 11PM and 2AM. - NEEDED: Male or female to take over lease at Granville Towers spring semester. In position to make a deal. Leave message. Call Jim 933-2496, 933-2494,933-2498.929-3945. LOST: my husband's green Australian army jacket the week before Thanksgiving. Sentimental value - he wore'it when we met.. Please return. Reward. Call Suzanne- 929-7755. - Leaving Saturday December 16th at noon for Springfield, Illinois via Louisville or Cincinnati 'and Indianapolis, one way only. Call 682-6977 in Durham after 8:00 PM. Share driving, I will pay car expenses. . .L . some students have faced, or may yet face, the possibility of being unable to receive satisfactory course grades or even to graduate because of cancellation of the quizzes and examinations necessitated by evacuation of buildings." The telephone lines into Campus Police headquarters are trapped, as are other lines into selective campus buildings, and your call is immediately being traced through the Chapel Hill Telephone Company. In the past, most of the bomb threats have occurred around final exam time. Consequently, all preparations for that period are stepped up, and the police are particularly alert Last year, two students from Winston dorm were caught and expelled from the University for a year for calling in a bomb threat on March 30, 1972. According to Gerald G. Warren, director of Security, "There were only two or three bomb threats' made during final exams last spring after the incident. "Nevertheless," Jones said in his Dec. 4 directive concerning bomb threat New restaurant . set in NCNB plaza Among the new businesses locating in . the NCNB Plaza is a restaurant chain which promises to let its customers take part in making their own sandwiches. "Blimpie's Base," a restaurant that specializes in submarine sandwiches, has become the first plaza shop to officially announce its opening. The New Jersey-based franchise will open Jan. 3. Peter Zimring, a former UNC student and owner of the shop, says the restaurant will be arranged around a cafeteria serving line. "The customer will enter 'Blim pie's' and order his sandwich," he explained. "Then he'll follow it down the line as we make it. He'll feel like he's making his own sandwich." "Blimpie's" will offer 13 different DTH CLASSIFIEDS Typist (1971 IBM Selectric) wants to type term papers, thesis and dissertations. Call 929-6612. RIDE WANTED to N.Y.C. or VERMONT around Dec. 19. Call Ryn 929-6065. Male Roommate wanted: 2nd semester, 12 x 60 trailer, 4 ml. from campus. $50mo. (utilities included, furnished). Call 929-8738 after 6 p.rn, or write 133 Greenway Park. - SKIS FOR SALE: 195cm Alu-Steel, 2 years old but only used 7 times; excellent condition. Cost $150, sell for $85. Look Grand Prix Bindings. Cost $40. sell for $25. Call 967-5907. Needed: ride BACK from Jacksonville, Fla. area AFTER Christmas vacation. Will help with gas,. Call 942-8 115 after 9 :00 pm. WANTED: Ride to California at Christmas. Can leave anytime. Will share gas and driving. Call Julie at 933-3008 or Steve 542-4404. Leave rnessage if unavailable. PRE AMP! Dynaco PAT-4. It's perfect brand new. Professionally assembled - guaranteed! 929-5046 and leave your telephone no. Cheap. Need desperately: Phil. 20 notes under Rosenberg. Will pay handsomely - please help. Call 929-7388. RIDERS NEEDED: Leaving December 21 for OMAHA via CHICAGO. Call Pat at 929-3762. FOR SALE: One pair of Pioneer CS-66 3-way speakers, in excellent condition. Were $150, now $100. Call 929-3155. NEEDED: TWO TICKETS TO JAMES TAYLOR CONCERT. Make someone happy. ' Will pay $10.00. Call Rob Gross at 732-4014 in Hillsborough (collect). FOR SALE: Guitar: Replica of Gibson Dove, perfect condition with new hard case, steel strings. Must sell soon for $80.00. Worth twice that much. Call Doug 542-4214. BOSTON: riders needed to share driving and expenses. Leave Dec. 13. Riders also needed from Chicago to D.C.. Jan. 7 or 8. Call Chris 942-7705. For Sublease NO DEPOSIT 2 bedroom furnished apartment. $170month plus electricity. 10 minutes from UNC by car. Call collect after six pm. 489-8250. $$$-50-$$$ I will pay you $50 cash to move, into Granville Towers and assume my lease for Spring Semester. Call Tim Day 933-0341933-7513. FOR SALE: 1969 Olds. Cutlass Supreme. Excellent running condition. Includes power .windows, tape player, 4 speed transmission and other extras. Call 942-8034 betweeen noon and 5 pm. Mercedes 220 Diesel, 1969 Model AT. AMFM radio, air radial tires, NEW engine, 78,000 miles. Excellent condition. $3,950.00 Call Durham, 477-8396. Full and part-time Janitors, Maids and Groundsman - needed at Granville Towers. Contact Dee Rasmussen, Housekeeper, Granville Towers West University Square, Chapel Hill. Phone 967-2595 FOR SALE: 1971 VW microbus. Call 929-7271 after 7:30 pm. STEREOS: Lowest discount prices on components and systems; SPECIAL: STEREO COMPACT SYSTEM, LIST $269.95, OUR PRICE $170.00; CALL ANN 942-7172. "Perfect Diamond" for sale, valued over $1300. 45 karat. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. Want -$775, but will accept best reasonable offer desperate! Call 933-1607 or 933-1608. Ask for Keith.- FOR SALE: New 72 PINTO with 900 miles. 929-9615 after 5i00 p.m. Wanted: Female Roommate to share 2 -bedroom apartment in Cedar Court. Call 967-7577 after 6:OQ. AFRICAN THUMB ORGAN, Exotic Earrings, Kaftan, Greeting Cards. Blacklite posters And . Other Gifts. AFRICAN SHOP, DOWNTOWN CHAPEL HILL, OPEN DAILY. NEED MALE ROOMMATE for large 3 -bed room trailer, 5 miles from campus. Call 929-5279 after 5 pm. Trailer for rent: 1 bedroom, with study room. ; Furnished, 5 miles from campus. Call 929-5279 after 5 pm. . . LOST MJNUTEMAN CALCULATOR in Phillips hall outside Room 360. Call Pat (collect) 544-1090. procedures, it seems only prudent to renew for the coming examination period the arrangements which worked so well last May." Back in your dorm room, you begin to wonder what the penalties are for calling in a bomb threat, just in case you do get caught. If the evidence is sufficient, those charged with making threatening phone calls may be rrosecuJed under North Carolina statutes, making this a criminal offense. Voice recordings made by special telephone equipment could be used 3S evidence. If found guilty, the bomb threat caller has committed a misdemeanor and is subject to two years imprisonment, fine or both. Furthermore, anyone who makes a false, misleading or unfounded report which interferes with the operation or performance of peace officers' duty is guilty, according to state law, of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed S500, imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. You settle back in a comfortable chair and await developments. sandwiches, dessert, ice cream, and beer. Prices for the sandwiches will range from 75 cents to $1.85. Approximately 50 people can be accommodated in the restaurant, which is located on the Rosemary Street side of the plaza. "Blimpie's will have two glass fronts, a silver ceiling, and furniture painted in shades of orange, brown and yellow. It will be jointly owned and managed by Zimring, and Jerry Dolimer of Raleigh. Hours will be 1 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. every day with campus delivery from 6 p.m. to 12 run. 1 is will be the first "Blimpie's" to locate in North Carolina. According to Zimring, after Jan. 3 the next closest one will be in Washington, D.C. WANTED: STUDENT TO WORK IN YARD, HOUSE. GOOD HOURLY PAY. WRITE 402 MORGAN CREEK ROAD, CHAPEL HILL. FOR SALE: "69 VW Sedan with sunroof, radio, radial tires, pushout rear windows, beige. $975.00. Must sell, leaving the country. Call 967-4605 after 6 pm. One bedroom apartment for sublease 'early I January f; 140.otf"month. See Mark, 21 Mitchell "Half, or coma to H-24, Broadmoor ' Apts., Garret Rd after 6. - BASKETBALL: Give your little brother a copy of BETTER BASKETBALL (an instructional manual) for Christmas. 54 pages, 9 photos. Endorsed by Bucky Waters of Duke, Terry Holland of Davidson and the N.C. Educational Media. Send $2.00 to Information Research Associates, P.O. Box 623, Chapel Hill, N.C. If you are going to fly over the holidays, come park with us. We're near Raleigh-Durham Airport. $2.00 a day or special rates for longer times. Call 477-7351 and ask for Ted Baxter between 3-7pm. GIBSON stereo guitar. 8 months old, in perfect condition. Must sell quickly. Also, MAMIYASEKOR 35mm SLR (500 DTL). Call Mark 933-4965. Wanted: Full-time bicycle mechanic. Applicant must detest automobiles, appreciate top quality, and see this as a profession demanding artistic integrity. The Clean Machine ' -967-5 104. Laborers needed for project on campus. Full or part-time. See Mr. Clee Ross, Bolton Corp., Preclinical Educational Facilities construction site. Two James Taylor tickets needed. Call Rob anytime. 933-6 112. Free Muskin: My little white dog with black eye and brown spots on sides and tail is lost. This dog is friendly and smiles a lot. Also known for wandering habits, frisbee chasing and ear splitting barks. If you see my dog or know that your neighbor has decided to keep her I'll give $10 for her return resulting from your information. I have photographs to prove ownership and identity. Need ride or riders to Colorado around Dec 17. For sate 1965 Ford. Clean, reliable, economical. Low mileage. $395 or offers. Ron, 942-8193 or 967-4514. 10 speed bike for sale best parts possible, special shift levers. Owner is bike mechanic leaving town -best offer around $75. Must sell: 1967 Ford Fairlane 3-door hard top -289 cu. in. Good tires - good condition. $700. Phone 967-1816. Two James Taylor tickets for sale. CaJl 942-8013 after 12 noon. 1 bedroom apt. available Jan. 1. Take over our lease. Carpeted, AC, and modern appliances. Call 9291843. Lost: Brown glasses in Brown Case. Name Mike Dale stamped on inside rim. Reward 942-8237. : 1968 VW - Standard trans.. AM-FM radio, sunroof, new battery, tires and muffler. Excellent condition $1000. 929-9052. 1967 Opel Kadett - AC, radio, standard transmission, 58,000 miles new brakes and Clutch. Very good condition, $750. 929-9052. Third female roommate-needed desperately to share an apartment with two others beginning Jan. 1. Own bedroom. Call 929-0278. $53month plus utilities. Riders Needed: Leaving Dec. 20 for Atlanta, Montgomery, Jackson, or Shreveport. Call 929-9246. FOR SALE: GIBSON CLASSICAL GUITAR. Excellent condition. Excellent tone, Excellent quality. $160.00 or best offer. Call 929-7236 (After 8:00 P.M. Please.) WANTED: CONSCIENTIOUS PERSON TO DO SHORT-TERM CODING PROJECT. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE PREFERABLE. Call 942-8472 after 5: OO p.m. FOR SALE: 1970 CORVETTE!! 967-7282. 67 Alfa-Romeo , convertible, 5 speed transmission, new top. Must Sell. $975. Call Len 967-4811- . C , SUBLET: twp bedroom, unfurnished apartment, shor. term lease through May. Drapes, carpeting, poof, etc. S140month. Call 489-7295 or come by G-7 Broadmoor Apts. after five.