0 1 M tt a m . z Sit i jr i w r in 5 Years Of Editorial Freedom Opir.icr.s of The Daily Tar Heel sre expressed on its editorial page. All unsigned editorials are the opinion of the editor. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Sussn Mil!r, Editor 9 Dim liiili President Nixon gave America its annual serving of pie in the sky Wednesday night, and after digesting the President's treat, we find it not very tilling. The State of the Union message has long been a hallowed American tradition, and in this troubled time, no one wants to tamper with traditions. So we stiil have one every year. But these speeches have become an awful bore. No matter who happens to be President, these speeches are nothing more than political ego trips for the chief executive. What is intended to be a proposal for action usually comes out as an appeal for political support. Nixon's slice of political pie was no different from the norm. He served Congress and a national audience a stuffy dish of gung-ho cheer lead inn. a little self- (Hit? laity (Hot Heel Susan Miller, Editor Cathy Farrell, Managing Editor Dill Welch, fJsvvs Editor David Eskridge, Associate Editor r.3ncy Pate, Associate Editor Kevin McCarthy, Features Editor Elliott Varnock, Sports Editor Tom Randolph, Photo Editor Ernie Pitt, Night Editor Gerry Cohen One of" the hazards of writing a weekly column is that there isn't always something to write about. This leads to one inevitable result about 50 per cent of all newspaper columns are drivel. Once in a while you get a good idea (such as the column last week on Winston Dorm segregation), but mostly it is a rather happenstance thing. You come in and sit down at the typewriter, and stare at it for a while, usually tor quite a w hile. The words begin to come a little easier, and then pour out. Writing is as much an expression ol one's feeling as is any other form, i don't claim to be a better writei than anyone. I he role of a columnist is to provoke discussion. 11 a columnist did not provoke, harass, and disparage, praise, build up. and support, what he (or she) felt was right, then a column should not be written. 1 he Administration (Nixon) to the contrary, the purpose of the First Amendment is to protect freedom of discussion and expression in a democracy, not to boost a particular philosophy. When a columnist writes, he expresses his biases and feelings, which there is no way to hide. I don't claim to do otherwise. I'm not a journalist. I've taken only one journalism course. I try to speak fro nr. feeling, and experience (or inexperience). Elections are coming up May 7 in Orange County and across North Carolina. I'll try to 0 'at - 'FILL o & SI EH LIl SI F ' trriL!J) .ifT'i - IM ' :A-S February 4, 1974 o cooiioinis a n n Willie !. V congratulation , and a heap of hogwash. Not only did Nixon fail to deal realistically with the Watergate crisis, but he failed miserably to deal with the real problems facing the nation. His proposals lacked any insight and showed no designs as to how we can get out of the mess we are in. Nixon's comments on the serious problems consisted of little more than saying that we were not going to let these hassles get us down. M erely saying that "we will not have a recession" isn't going to keep it from happening. And declaring that America will be supplying'all of its own energy within six years isn't going to make that happen, either. He said we were going to break the back of the energy crisis, achieve peace through negotiation, check rising prices, and establish health insurance for Americans. We are also going to give local governments more power (to do what?), strengthen local ability to provide mass transportation, reform the system of federal education programs, protect the right of personal privacy, achieve welfare reform and open up the world economy. It looks like Nixon's pie has too much crust and not enough blueberries. Speeches like the State of the Union address may be a morale booster to politicians and Presidents, but until some solid, concrete proposals come forth, our crises are not going to go away. Nixon's speech was little more than a waste of energy. Nixon's so-called "Ten Points" his proposals for "action" were nothing more than a blast of hot air. Maybe he figures it's the best way to bake a pie in the sky. y ip'Qh&pel discuss them as best I can, so people can better make informed choices. If I feel a candidate is superior to others. I'll try to write about it. I like to believe that people listen, but in many cases. I probably only reflect what students are thinking, rather than changing their thinking. As for the student elections on Feb. 27, I have not decided whether or not to comment. I've written endorsements the last three years for editor, two of the last three years for president (last year I just commented on president). Since I am a subject of the newspaper writers now. 1 have some deep reservatiom about making endorsement for DTH editor. I haven't really decided. 1 know who 1 think will be best for the paper and the campus, although my mind is open. As a member of the student community, I'll try to keep up with what is going on. As for president, 1 don't know enough yet. Some things you can write from experience. In 1969. 1 was a resident of the first coed dorm (Project Hinton in James), and 1 saw continuous administrative attempts. to subvert the program, whether consciously or unconsciously. I know many of the residents of Winston II. if only because they. are among the more active people on campus. I know and have met most of the candidates for student and local offices, which leads to a great temptation to cater to m WfriA miMMU-Wi. by Lana Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist (Editor's Note: Third in a series on contraception.) Vaginal spermicides provide a chemical barrier to conception. Vaginal spermicides are available in different forms: cream, jellies, aerosol foam, suppositories and foaming tablets. Each is designed to be used without a diaphragm or other contraceptive device. The woman who chooses to use cream or jelly or the new aerosol foam merely inserts a measured dosage of the spermicide into the vagina (just prior to intercourse) with a special plastic applicator provided for that purpose. Complete directions accompany "ore VSRR OF : The Daily Tar Heel provides the opportunity for expression of : ijj opinions by readers through letters to :: the editor. This newspaper reserves the right to edit all letters for libelous ;: statements and good taste. :: :: letters should be limited to 303 : words and must include the name, g: address and phone number of the $: writer. Type letters on a 60-space line and address them to Editor, The Daily : Tar Heel, in care of the Student j;:; $: Union. one's friends, and create new enemies. This month has been good for me. Trying to analyze one's own thoughts, and explore different thoughts. I've tried to stay out of pressure, relax and talk. Campaigning and other things took a lot last fall, so this spring is a lot quieter. I'm into a lot of things on the town board and local stuff, but I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. One problem with a lot of people in politics, it seems, is that they take it too personally. It's a serious business, with important decisions. Watergate has brought out a lot of things about politics, a lot of the bad. Many people are into politics as a way of advancing their own monetary interests, out of satisfying their friends, egos and anxiety. Lonnie Coleman, Orange County's state' senator, told a breakfast meeting Saturday morning that he would not run for re election. He also discussed politics, and said one thing had kept him on the right track in Raleigh. He said that as long as one remembered that politics was a trust, and that the first responsibility of an official was his constituents, not to his friends and supporters, he could do the right thing. Coleman said he felt there was a lot more for him than politics, that he couldn't get into the permanent political thing. The crowd was disappointed, for he was one of the few people around last year who made any sense. "If 1 run again, I'll never be able to stop." he concluded. M feel I can do a lot more in other ways," he added. Too bad there aren't a lot more Colemans around, to at least do one term in Raleigh. I suppose I've let the weather get to my head. It's nice to think of having five months of spring, sort of like winning a sweepstakes. I suppose my ecofreak friends will tell me that this month indicates the world is about to come to an end, that the Gulf Stream has permanently moved over Carrboro. Enough of this. Next week, back to local reality. The last time I wrote a column like this, people asked me if I was stoned. No. not exactly. Anyone who has read this far ought to be inspected. ( ' MM each product. Vaginal spermicides work in two ways: the spermicidal chemicals work to inactivate or kill the male sperm: and the foam, cream or gel base provides a "barrier" over the cervix that helps prevent sperm from migrating into the uterus. The chemicals which make up the spermicidal preparation are generally not very potent, therefore, there are rarely any side effects or reactions to their use. Note that . these vaginal spermicidal products are not the same as the creams and jellies intended for use with a diaphragm. Each type of product is designed specifically for its intended use and it is not advisable to use them interchangeably. There are a number of advantages to using cream, foam or jelly: ii Letters to the editor Death To the editor: Today, a friend of mine received ' an anonymous letter in response;to her stand against the death penalty. The letter read: "Cute, real cute. Now you can write home to Mommie and tell her that you got your name in print on the editorial page of the school newspaper! Wow, that's neat. Are you out of your mind?! Why don't you just forget about criminal charges like murder and rape and robbery and just let these crazy goons in the world slowly kill us all off! Sure, let them walk the streets, pat them on the back, give them three meals a day. a shirt on their back, a suspended sentence, and call it something really groovy like 'rehabilitation.' The only exception to the capital punishment laws that occur to me would be if somebody busted your skull wide open." It seems rather ironic to me that this person is speaking out against all those violent crazy "goons" on death row. I am sorry that this person has such a small heart that he cannot seem to understand why most of the "goons" on death row are from the bottom strata of our economic system or that they tend to be black. I am also dismayed to see that he or she has placed such little value on human life. Surely no one would argue that the criminals had the right to perform their crimes. Yet. I neither do believe that the state possesses the right of premeditated killing. Statistics have proven the injustice of the penal system and the uselessness of the death penalty. If this person would like a chance to show real concern over this issue and enter into a discussion on the topic, then 1 urge him to contact me at 326 Ehringhaus. Otherwise, busting my friend's "skull wide open." like the death penalty, solves nothing. Scott Jackson 326 Ehringhaus Corzine defends massage class To the editor: As a non-resident of Henderson Residence College or. specifically, of Winston Dorm. I have no personal unhappiness with the controversial termination of room-by-room coed living by Dean Boulton. Right or wrong, all activities of the University and its population, for which Dean Boulton is responsible, are subject to direct or indirect approval by the "funds-suppliers," these being the State Legislature and the generous, but unfortunately closed-minded alumni. The headlined article in the DTH ol Thursday. Jan. 31 concerning the decision, cited Dean Boulton as saying that one specific sign of the extra-University pressure was a request by an Al reporter to cover the Vaginal spermicides can be bought without a prescription. No fitting is necessary and no special training is required. Cost is only about I Oe to 1 5c per application. -The spermicides need to be used only when intercourse occurs, a distinct advantage if intercourse is infrequent. The chemicals do not interfere with sensation during intercourse and most provide mild lubrication. There is nothing to remove after intercourse and douching is unnecessary. If desired, a woman may douche but should wait six to eight hours before doing so. Otherwise, the spermicide will be washed away before it has a chance to work. These vaginal spermicides are roughly 80 to 90 per cent effective. And foam is somewhat more effective than cream or jelly. yAS io roc 14 i . (( , v t Y i .u.- ..,i...,i,iini..ii,.rthi.MiUfclft . - penalty non-credit massage course taught in the Winston basement. As the instructor of that class. I am appalled that this request was termed "pressure"! At the date of this writing, three stories about the class have already been published: in the DTH of Saturday, 10-27-73; in Parade Magazine of Sunday, 12-23-73; and in Glamour Magazine of February, 1974. 1 consider this positive publicity a credit to UNC and its progressive attitudes toward full learning experiences. i Before ever planning the classes or drafting a syllabus, 1 consulted Patty Lewis, who originally proposed the class. She assured me that we had the complete go ahead for the course, as approved by the Henderson Residence College Living Learning Chairman. 1 fail to see any relationship between the "Winston Decision" and my massage class. Dean Boulton. let's don't retrogress! If the massage class is, in any way. questionable in the minds of our Administration or the alumni, and if my personal schedule proves light enough in several weeks, I will open a new class to all UNC students, and will personally invite all skeptics and disapproves to sit in on the class, and, by all means, to participate! Scott A. Corzine . 404 Manly Dorm What should he tell girlfriend? To the editor: Please advise me concerning the following problem. I am 20 years old and have two brothers. One of my brothers attends North Carolina State University and the other brother is serving a 20-year sentence in North Carolina's Central Prison for repeated rapes. My two sisters are on the street hustling, and my alcoholic father is living off their earnings. My mother is pregnant by the neighbor next door and he refuses to marry her. I recently met a charming girl who is an ex-prostitute, single, and the mother of three children: one white, one black, and one Chinese. My problem is this: Should I tell my girlfriend that I have a brother who attends N.C. State University? Name withheld by request New journalism hurts credibility To the editor: The position of any news organ during a political campaign is precarious. Often the opinions of staff writers are reflected not only in their political comment, but in their "objective" and "fair" articles as well. With There are disadvantages too. Vaginal spermicides must be applied just prior to intercourse and if intercourse is repeated another full applicator of spermicide must be inserted beforehand. Often sexual forcplay is interrupted in order to apply it. Some women complain of vaginal leakage and messiness after intercourse. This complaint is often related to the type of product being used. The product should be chosen to suit the individual. Your physician will be happy to help you make a selection. The applicator must be washed with so and water after each use and occasion allergic reaction may appear in eith or female. (Note: Vaseline jelly is not a jelh to be used for birth control and will not protect a woman from pregnancy.) Other less effective ways to introduce spermicidal preparations into the vagina are suppositories and foaming tablets. Foaming tablets come in a tube not much bigger than a lipstick. They are inexpensive and easy to use. Before intercourse, a woman wets one of the tablets with saliva or a drop of water and manually inserts the tablet into the vagina. She must then wait five minutes before having intercourse to let the tablet melt into foam. There are several disadvantages including the fact that once a tube has been open it should be used within a few weeks and foaming tablets are not as effective as other methods already discussed. . With suppositories, instead of being packaged as a tablet, the spermicide is incorporated into a base of glycerogelatin, cocoa butter or soap. When suppositories are used, a woman manually inserts the suppositories into the vagina and waits 15 minutes before having intercourse to give the suppositories enough time to melt. Once dissolved, the suppositories work similar to creams and jellies to prevent conception. Suppositories are inexpensive and easy to use but are not very reliable. They are ranked below condoms, foam, cream and jelly in effectiveness. (Next week: Diaphragms and cervical caps.) (Questions should be addressed to Lana Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist, in care of The Dailv Tar Heel. Student Union. Chapel Hill. N.C. 27514.) COPYRIGHT 1974 by Lana Starnes and Dr. Takey Crist. AH rights reserved. is useless this "new journalism" style the danger seems even greater. Seth Effron claims to be fair when he equates Murry Fogler with "harmless," and then Robert Hackney with politicos. Gary Phillips with Richard Nixon. Marcus Williams with a basketball, and Richard Wilmot-Smith with losers. I must point out that it has been more than rumored that Mr. Effron is backing Fogler's campaign if not running it! ' It is acceptable for a newspaper to endorse a candidate OPENLY, but not become however subtle, a disseminator of political propaganda. The DTH this year has lost a great deal of credibility. Maybe they could regain some of it if they would make it clear where they stand, as a paper AND individually, and avoid making the political races "interesting" simply by making them cute. Jeff Reilich 1033 James (Editors note: Seth Effron is not backing Fogler nor is he in any way conntected with Fogler's campaign. Furthermore. The Daily Tar Heel would not print any article written by someone connected with a campaign.) Student warns about snackbar To the editor: 1 was not surprised Tuesday when I discovered that the milk I had purchased at the Union Snack Bar had gone sour. What was shocking was the treatment I received in my attempt to obtain a refund for the foul milk. The cashier refused to return my money. The assistant manager was equally uncooperative. She told me that there had been many complaints that day about "the bad milk" but the manager would not do anything about them. The manager. Mr. Mayo, was every bit as sour as the milk he was selling. He agreed to give me a refund for the foul milk but he refused to stop selling the contaminated milk to others. He agreed that the milk was rancid but he told me that the customers were responsible for returning unsatisfactory products. Mayo went on to tell me what improvements had been made since he took over the Union Snack Bar. He boasted one of these improvements was a new emphasis on cleanliness. I disagreed and suggested we, tour the kitchen. The kitchen was nothing short of filthy. Cigarette ashes, human hair, and dirt were evident in the food preparation areas. I left the kitchen feeling more disgusted than I did when 1 entered. 1 hope that students think twice before they patronize the Union Snack Bar as long as it remains under its present management. Jim Bond 310 Mangum

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