T-st DtHyTir Hse! Called 'an -AffteTican trap9 r i i f-'-MT. - , Psttyzry 11, 1374 I . I if JTl! tTN TN H T.O H (Di ill! i j- f 1 i J i! I ' 1 i NT ft It '' i ! M t frcm tha wirs of United Prasi Intarnations! Ccnr.p!lsd fc Tern Crsarysr V.Ira CcT.lsr ' -T . , f.r .. ' 1 a . wuikiiiiiucs prcporoa 10 go on trie way f-IY YCnC H-3U3-9 Judiciary Csmrr:t23 chslrmsn Petsr Rodlno said Sunday C.3 c;n..r.::::3 "csn go c far cs tha cs-crst rccssssa of tha Presldancy" In its T.3 L'r.v Jsrsay Dgrrsocrst e!sa eonnrmsd that Prasidgnt Faxon's siternsy, Jzmas CI. Cli'.r, v;cu!d rr.sst vt:h ccmn-.Sitia counsel t cn unspecified time this week to c!Ii3 hoxi VVh'.tt Hous9 tiseuntsnU end tspes est. ba obtained. lnu3p3ndont truotero bock in operation tr.i:p;njf:nt trucktrs whst !d tiislr rls onto tha nation's highways In increasing rvjirr.bsra Sunday, but In soma cress striking drivers daflad President Nixon's plea to C:S t'l t!w trucks bsek cn tha road. H: perls from cuthortites gins rs'Iy Indicated hasvlar truck traffic for a Sunday, t".';r.:.!r.3 hopes that cripp'Ing ccttsumar end Industrial shortagas would taper off. Tha Ini :2ti-3nt trucktrs era protsstlng Increased cost of diasel fuel end lower cpccd n.r.It3 which ere cutting Into thsSr Income. raqi troops battle Iranians CISnUT-r-irc-i end Iranian troops Sunday fought border battles with artillery and crrr.rr end both t'dss suffered heavy casualties, Dsghdad radio, said. -Tha Iraqi radio tzld tha Iraqis suf fared ona of Hear killed end enothar injured ss well cs 21 collars kU'ad or woundad. . QuctiOg a military communiqua, tha redio said tha Iranians suffered 70 casualties Li organ rejects resignation- demand RALEIGH A weekend call by republicans for democratic senate candidate Rcbsrt Morgan's resignation es North Carolina Attorney Ganerel Sunday was rc;-ctcd as en unfounded "partisan ettack." Charles WInbarry, manegar of IJorgsn's primary campaign, said Morgan would ccr&nua as Attornay Ganaral. CLASSIFIEDS CZ"-ZZ"Z FOR V.ZH. Tep-ua!!ty brand ALL at wry low ff.zt. Cant wtttt for test than tha BmL ADAS! A EVE, Frsnkfui ft CchimfeSa (ovar CCS). FC SALE SCOTT 312 B FM STEREO TUNER ($75) and KEI4W003 KASCO0 180 watt AMPLIFIER ($123). Both Hfca naw. CaX K9-t0tA attar 6:00 p.m. STEREOS: GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FINEST. EaUSPKHNT LOWEST PRICES; FULL WARRANTIES; CALL ANN SHACHTMAN, 942-7172; VISIT, 1510 CUUZERLAND RO. CHECK RECEIVER SPECIALS LSfiSfTEO QUANTITIES! FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET, MAY 15-SEPTEKSER 1. Four larga rooms, fully f umishad, ranovaiad farmhouaa on ona act $ mlnuta walk to campus, downtown. 929-0032. FamcJa roommata(s) naadad bnmadlataly. Royal Park !3month plus utiiltias. Dogs, paopia, anyttiing okay. Call Kim 942-7SS1. Kaap trying. . , ,- , , s , ; ,v , Two Granvllta Towars West laasas (sama room) tor sala. Wlil -na jstiata. Call 833-5054 day or night WANTED ism mar Accountant to Audit Records for Workshop and Conlarancas at Gran villa Towars. Salary ktdudas fumlshad apartmant and meals. May thru August Hours 12 avm. to 8 a.m. Monday thru Friday. Contact Don Cobb, Qramiila Towars, 823-71 43. Vsluntoar wenttd to drive S yaar old to Chapal Hiil Day Car CMitar at 4:30 Won. thru Fri. Can pay for gas. Call 988-5171 X2S2. Speady Pizza naads good drivars tor Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, 4 p.m.-1 a.m. Apply after 4:30 at 112 S. Graham St Just south of Franklin St today. CAMP COUNSELOR NEEDED! EKC"ent summar counseling opportunities tor man and woman who are Interested in working with boy and girls, efs 7-13 at Camp Thundarbird, located 17 miles south of Charlotte, NC. An A.C.A. accredited member, Thundarbird spacUHzes in tha water sports (sailing, water skiing, swimming and canoeing), yet an added emphasis la pieced en the lend port (General athletics, tennis, golf, archery and riKery, and backpacking). Horseback riding, whKe-weter canoeing, and tripping are extras in our excellent program. For Interview February 5, 1974, please see your Placement Di rector Immediately! For further Information write or call: G. Win Lam Cilmer, Jr., Director, Camp Thundarbird, Route 4, Ek 165-A Clover, SC 29710. 803-831-2121. Wanted: Good used motorcycle helmet at reasons bi price. Ccfl 933-5322 or 929-9591 and leave massage. EXPERIENCED RESEARCH PERSON NEEDED FOR MATERIAL FOR PLAY ABOUT MOORE COUNTY. HOURLY PAY, WORK IN SPARE TIME. WRITE JOE SIMMONS, 102 GRAHAM MEMORIAL, CHAPEL HILL. MISCELLANEOUS 33.00 reward for return of Irish setter pup lost In area of lurried Housing-Memorial Hospital, Brown collar. Comas to Troufeie." Dog la missed very much. Call 929-8538 or 929-929-9072. Lost dog. $25 reward. 6-months old mala, 15 lb-, gray-black eoctcapoo answers to "Bear." Call Roger Baker (days) 933 3081, axt 28 (evenings) 987-5960. Expert typing dona, neat, new electric machine. 50 per paga, 942-7443. Typing of manuscripts, theses, dissertations, term papers, tetters, reports, forms, etc IBM Selectric Pica typewriter. Call Pat 987-5121. Typing of manuscripts, theses, dissertations, term papers, -letters, re porta, forms, etc IBM Selectric Pice typewriter. Call Pat M7-5121. ASCaTVC, tSTM CONTROL t REFERRAL NO FEE. Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. Vasectomy, tubal ligation also available. Free pregnancy test Call PCS, Non-profit, 202-238-79S5. PRO LIFE PREGNANCY COUNSELING. BIRTHCHOICE. 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 942-3030. ABORTIONS. Safe; indlv. care; from $100. For appL dial clinic direct at (202) 7853581-3650 or (202) 133-3813-3814. O.C FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER, INC., 819 18th St, N.W. Sta. 121, Washington, D.C. Across from Doctor's Hospital. LETS MAKE A DEAL DAYS. COME MAKE US AN OFFER ON CLOTHES ONLY. MON.-SAT. GOOD AS NEW SHOPPE. 413 W. ROSEMARY. HRS. 10-5. 929-3203. OVERSEAS J OS S Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses peid, overtime, sightseeing, Free Information. TRANS WORLD RESEARCH CO. Dept C3, P.O. Box 803, Corte Madera, CA. 94925. For fast professional service on quality hi-fi stereo components call John Florence at 929-2841, Monday Saturday, 9:00-5:00. STUDY AT OXFORD THIS SUMMER. TWO SESSIONS: JUNE 28-JULY 25; JULY 25-AUGUST 22. COURSES IN LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY, ART, AND RELIGION. ROOM, BOARD, TUITION $485.00 PER TERM. WRITE DR JAMES STEWART, UNC-A, ASHEVILLE, N.C 4i'-i w v . , s iai X, Sv 3S gS h T' " ... tho Alps!- Zermatt, Switzerland 8 days 7 night f t t a t ' per person New York-Zermatt includes air, rail transportation, tips, taxes baggage handling, accommodations plus breakfast U lhis Package For Een. air fare rlmn from New York to Geneva is $551! i - :: a S?Q0NG DQEAEC . Depart Return : Mar. 9 Son. Mar. 17 We Can Arrarr-a Other Weeks CONTACT:' wC.a 1 A 'A Cut Prices Msy Vary L 7 An TRAfa'SPOOT VIA r ih CO e V"(F r 0 m ataarXJj 1 s 9 i ; i 1 i 1C3 U. flossmasry Street, l.rt Gfflsa Cox" Cepci H!iT North Carolina 27314.Tciiphen 010 37-2291 Youth Fsre h3 b::a discontinued Yea msy nsvei 1:2 ct!3 to cficrd Eicps sjsin! : 1 WASHINGTON Major oil consuming nations Sunday laid a ground rule of secrecy for Monday's oil crisis conference, a meeting condemned as "an American trap by Arabs and opposed even by some hostile conference participants. The hosting U.S. State Department said officials of the 13 invited nations and two international organizations discussed operating procedures for the two-day conference and decided to bar newsmen from all formal working sessions. In Libya, a major oil exporter, Tripoli Radio attacked the conference as an American trap to sanction American tutelage in Europe and internationalize oil resources by means of force. Conference participants such as France had served advance notice they similarly suspected the conference cloaked a U.S. effort to force oil-sharing unity on reluctant allies. The United States denied it had any intention of forcing any type of agreement, although oil unity was its goal. The Libyan news agency said President Nixon had sent a letter to Libyan President Moammar Khadafy on the conference, which it said Khadafy would answer Monday. But ' White House spokesman Gerald L. Warren said no such letter had been sent. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, other Arab oil giants, also issued comments opposing the "conference. Preparing himself for a conference that promises conflict with France and other reluctant participants, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger held private talks with the foreign . ministers of West Germany, Canada and Japan. Members of arriving delegations indicated in private comments to newsmen that many of America's old industrial allies heavily dependent on Arab oil and afraid of offending the producing states had little enthusiasm for the conference. "Let's face it," one European delegate told UPI, "the oil crisis is just about over as far as Europe b concerned, so the conference will be addressing itself mainly to long-term problems. A country-by-country survey indicated this view prevailed. The Netherlands and Belgium, for example, have already lifted Sunday driving gasoline sale restrictions as Arab oil begins to seep back into Europe. Other nations have shelved similar restrictions while France, Britain and Astronauts on land SAN DIEGO, Calif. UPI The Sky lab 3 astronauts, calling their record 84 days ia space the "culmination of a dream, set foct on solid ground Sunday as heroes of man's longest voyage beyond the earth's reach. "The mission we flew was the culmination of a dream, astronaut Gerald P. Carr said in welcome-home ceremonies aboard the flight deck of the USS New Orleans. "We proved that space is not just a place to be regulated to machines or robots. Skylab has laid to rest that theory. Carr and fellow astronauts Edward G. Gibson and William R. Pogue greeted a crowd of 2,500 well wishers who stood below the carrier docked at North Island Naval Air Station. The spacemen then departed for flight to Houston aboard a medically equipped DC9 jet for a reunion with their wives. During the brief, 15-minute dockside ceremony, the three astronauts sat in chairs and each spoke over a microphone. "Your faces look beautiful, the whole .world looks beautiful, said Pogue. Japan have struck their own oil-purchase bargains. with Middle Eastern producers. Th; United States wants the conference to produce a "cooperation action program amorg the major consumers on fair-price approaches to producers, oil-sharing in emrrgtncy situations, development of new inergy resources and the like. It invited the foreign, finance and energy ministers of Japan, Canada, Norway, the nine European Common market "nations, the Common Market as a group and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, to attend. France initially deplored the meeting as a disguised American effort to set up, a "users cartel" against the Arab producers and to force this policy upon old European allies. The French agreed to attend only after they had led the Common Market nations into a policy statement that rigidly limits the scope and powers of the conference. The Washington conference cannot solve the concrete questions concerning international cooperation in the energy sector," the European document said. "The Common Market should reserve its total freedom to decide the form it will give to its community energy policy. Some conference source, have said they expect it to develop into a political struggle for leadership between France and the United States. High stakes in Britain LONDON Britain elects a new government for a five-year term Feb. 28 but everyone knows that this time the prize could be at least 10 years in power. The reason is North Sea oil which, by the time the next election rolls around, could be producing enough oil to put Britain into the Arab league its own needs covered and with a surplus of 40 million tons a year to sell on the world market. All observers agree that whoever wins Prime Minister Edward Heath's Conservatives or Harold Wilson's Laborites the next couple of years may be as dour and austere as any Britain has struggled through since the war. But seasoned politicians also know the memory of the electorate is mercifully short and the oil-borne prosperity would wipe out a lot of what went before. Hence both major parties are committed' to getting the oil ashore as soon as possible in the knowledge that the prime minister at 10 Downing Street when the high-grade stuff slurps into the barrels can figure on renewing his tenancy at the polls. And this knowledge may be one of the reasons political observers are predicting a bitter and "dirty" campaign. One newspaper. The Observer, forecast Sunday that one of the issues in the developing election campaign could be the disposition of profits on North Sea oil which it estimated at $9.2 billion a year by 1980. The Observer said almost the whole of this sum would go untaxed and 60 per cent of it to foreign countries in what it described as a "scandal." The shortest campaign in British political history may turn out to be one of the biggest betting elections. Bookmakers estimated nearly $690,000 wagered in two days. Commercial Plastics Si Supply Corp. ; pi;jpias -.Rod-Shoot-f uboc All Colors We Cut To Size All Accessories Bargain Barrel For Cut Offs Most Other Plastics In Stock 731 W. Hargett St. Raleigh, N.C. 27603 Q2Q-41 OO 1Q Discount With This Ad. rumiitimittt tttnttttt let tt ttftf a mint tMii( gHP r .'sat lausswiwmu mil ijii iSlln., npj.u naiiasiajsa aam.i ,i,.mm , Mi mm' . wnn jiuhw "i 'r"'- e-wiw .iwwwa ( JjCj HARNEY PEAK TRADING COOTK, i ma wsk rev .:- '':) ) w W W Jp 8S V . AN IMPORTANT SHOWING OF ) m - r A n in s i ' - cs, Monday S, 5 P.M. 'fil Closing Italian Spaghetti Night at Honey' ALL the tangy Italian spaghetti, crisp salad and garlic bread YOU CAN EAT for only 01.95 We now have BEER on our a la carte menu FULL BREAKFAST available all riiy. 7 a.m.-l 1 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-l 2 midnight Fri. -Sat. '.ONEY'S AMERICAN INDIAN Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. TURQUOISE AND SILVER JEWELRY ( February 12. 13. 14 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Rings Bracelets Necklaces Squash Blossoms e" i NAVAJO I INI HOHI PRESENTS OF ..MIND OOWfSTpWN CHAP El HIU UNIVERSITY SQUARE If1 "''SP"'" 30000000000O000O0O0O0000000OO00000000OO0U, 3i 3 3i "T-v rr-s. fy"""J r-r v r n tr"" 3 T-n 6 i 9 i ! o if i i Our Studio Representative Will be in Room 205 (South Lounge of Student Union) 9-5. WEEilDAYS JAPJ. 28-FEB. 15 PicS: up your proofs end placo orders for prompt returns. G C C C c c c c c c c c C: c: c: c: ' c c c c ! K L - .f v aK. ( J, T-.. m if t W 4 "I love you for what you are. but I love you yet more for what you are going to be.. Cart Sandburg ' i r . :mmm: i I --. t 7s i Chosen but once and cherished forever, your engagement and wedding rings will reflect your love in their brilliance and beauty. Happily you can choose Keepsake with r.omolete confiHence because the guarantee assures perfect clarity, precise cut and fine, TT"' TT"" white color. There is f i! ) ftli . a a t no tmer diamond ring. T-M Rag. A.H. Pood Co. HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING Send new 20 pg. booklet. "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" plus full color foider and 44 pg. Brice' Book gift offer all for only 25. a-r (PMM Pitnl) City . Suit . .Zip. KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS, BOX 90. SYRACUSE. N.Y. 13201 rind your Keepsake Jeweiere In tha Ytrtlow pesee or dial free 80O-249-eO00. In Conn. 800-882-e500.