Vggrmday, February 13, 1374 0 I Tl o Tl n 1 1 ! it ! f ' i I M i I H SI if V f J y l Th C- ll f Ttr Hs el ?;::;:.Y:'::;;:;v::; f i I f i j f i -.1 If "v--j u.Vs- Vay ;:: The negative image of women makes men afraid to come in contact with the fejninine parts of their personality, liberation advocate Warren Farrell said Monday. Farrell, who works with the National Organization of Women to interpret liberation from the male perspective, spoke in the Great Hall as a feature of the Women's Festival sponsored by the Association of Women Students. "While women are taught to be passive and good listeners, men are taught to always appear strong and never admit they're wrong." Farrell said. "This makes it very difficult for a man to mg fund Controversy surrounding the Chapel Hill Police Department's drug evidence fund was laid to rest Monday as the Board of Aldermen unanimously approved a routine budget ordinance containing the fund increase. Alderman Gerry Cohen had criticized the fund for alleged inaccuracies in bookkeeping and use of the special funds for purchase of marijuana rather than hard drugs. Prior to professors manned .A. A. AJIk. M JmA Jilai lai Two educators have been named William Rand Kenan Jr. Professors at UNC. Dr. John B. Turner, former dean of the School of Applied Social-Science at Case Western Reserve University, was appointed Kenan Professor of Social Work. Turner is now a professor of Social Work at the University of Georgia at Athens. Lester E. Asheim. professor and former dean of the Graduate Library School, University of Chicago, has been appointed Kenan Professor of Library Science. APPLYING TO GS1AOUATE . cchool irj PSYCHOLOGY? Right now, you may be in a quan dary, with so many schools and; competition so stiff. Ws do what you and your advisor may not be able to do: systematically search all 300 graduate programs to find the right ones for you. Computer-assisted, professionally-run. Write for free information and questionnaire. Gradys'a Admission Advisory Program 472 Bay Road Amherst, Mass. 01002 PAA Larry C. Kerpelman, Ph.D. f 1 Executive Director j! J 14 CGIICIOT ' First U.S. Tour in Two Years! nr i.J aw i i I V 3 w , SrZCIAL GUESTS Li Wis Sunday, Pofa. 24 p.m. Tii::iT5 c:i sals ksv sii suits irjvrn On Saic-Colbeuin Box Office BELK Uptown II Friendly. Record Bars in Greensboro, Chapel Kill, Durham ft Raleigh and Reznick'a in Winston Salem. Mail Orders-Send check of M.O. to "Slack Sabbath." co Coliseum. 1921 W. Lee St Greensboro, N.C. Enclose stamped self-addressed envelope for return of tickets. till 2U-2:73 FC3 Presented by National Shows , I If jou're concerned ahoat fclrth control, you should know about Semicid the easi est, most convenient Dew birth control concept job can imagine. MIEISALIY TESTED AND PK3VEM While no method of-contraception can provide an absolute guarantee, Semicid contains one of the most potent Spermi cides available and is a medically tested and proven contraceptive, when used as directed, that avoids the side effects of oral contraceptives.' Semicid is a mini suppository; scientifically balanced for delicate tisuie protection and is simple to use. ISJIcrnscECS. 51 ,!,G'! IH S N" Ccrr,r.'ct2d Devices " Semicid is lubricating, pleasantly ccnted and packaged in a unique patented case smaller than a compact that keeps it hysienic and untouched until ready for use. The case is small enough to be car ried in your purse or pocket so it's always available. . If not available at your druggist, send $3.95 for the case containing ten mini suppositories, instructions for use and a free booklet on .birth control. I Gynefech PSrtii Cnfrol Institute Inc. I One 53'iih St., New York, N.Y. 16323 Enclosed is for . packages of Semicid at $3.95 each post paid. Mease send at once to: empathize with others, because they are emotionally constipated," he said. A sensitive, quiet spoken man. Farrell said he talked from his personal experiences as a husband and leader of consciousness raising groups he formed to re-cvaluate sex roles. He said men assume the things they learn to become men are superior to the things women learn to become women. "Getting beyond masculinity is getting beyond the masculine value system," he said. Many define liberation as women's coming up to the men's standards, rather than men's adopting some of the women's okayed by aldermen approving a $2500 increase for the fund, the aldermen had been briefed by Town Manager Chet Kendzior and Police Chief William Blake. Approval will now permit police narcotics agents to continue buying illegal drugs as court evidence without the problem of having to rely on the courts to promptly refund confiscated drug money. A proposal to extend the Chapel Hill Two associate professors and three assistant professors were appointed by the University. Monday. Doris Betts was named associate professor of English. She is currently an instructor and director of the freshman and sophomore English program at UNC. Barry Goz was appointed associate professor of Pharmacology. Herbert A. Cooper was appointed assistant processor of the departments of Pathology find Pediatrics. Paul Roger Van Ostenberg was named assistant professor of Dental Ecology.' Dan Edward Beauchamp was named assistant professor of Health Administration. F.0TUHE C0C:i CF SEXUAL LOVE One of the most beautiful and practical books on physical love ever published Over 195 photographs in color and black-and-white of a young nude couple in a variety of pre-coital and coital posi tions. Explores the whole field of physical love, includ ing the building of sexual power, sexual stimulation, techniques for building up passion and much more. Over 225. OOO hard-bound copies sold at S15 O0. now available in soft cover for just V4.95 320 pages Available only at ADAM & EVE 106 N. Columbia St. r 0, (..Iwjy KjJ vvljch O 5 P.M. 'till Closing Southern Fried Chicken Night at Honey's. ALL the famous Honey's fried chicken & crisp golden french fries YOU CAN EAT for only $2.35 We now have BEER on our a la carte menu FULL BREAKFAST available all day. 7 a. .-11 p.m. bun. Thurs. 17 a.m.-12 midnight 1 mm Fri.-Sat. U 3O0OOOODOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt)O .3 o PR5 u Our Studio Representative Will be in Room 205 (South Lounge of Student Union) Z ! 1 . -5 WEEKDAY. JAW. 28 Pick up your proofs end ,pIaeo orders for prompt returns. roles, he said. Farrell said he experienced insecurity when he first began helping his wife with the housework and cooking, but he said he now feels like a total human being and knows what real love is. He gave up his political science teaching post at Rutgers University and moved to Washington with his wife when she was offered a position as a White House Fellow. Since then, he has designed and taught courses in sexual politics at American University and has written a book. Beyond Masculinity, which will be released in May. Farrell said since he re-evaluated his sex Planning District into Durham County and to change the makeup of the Planning Board to correspond with the extension attracted some public opposition from area residents. The plan would replace the Durham County Commissioners with the Chapel Hill Planning Board as the governing body over changes in the area's zoning and land use planning. The board would be increased to 12 members, with six chosen by the Board of Aldermen, four by the Orange County Commissioners and two by the Durham County Commissioners. "We have what it known to the Durham County real estate people as one of the most magnificent tracts of land in the state of North Carolina, a resident of'Lakeshore Drive said. 44 If you can provide us with services that we need, then we're willing to listen to what you have to say. If not, we oppose the change," the person said. After assurances from the aldermen that the revised Planning Board would be responsive to the demands from residents of the area, the board referred the extension to the town planners for further study. The question of membership on the planning panel was referred to Town Attorney Emory Denny for study and for introduction to the General Assembly as a local bill. Plans for a sister-city program for Chapel Hill have been scrapped, said Cohen, chairman of the study group investigating the foreign exchange program. Citing exchange programs conducted by local schools and civic organizations, Cohen said, "We don't oppose the sister-city concept, but we. feel there is no need at this time and there are other outlets for cultural exchange." The aldermen also approved a change in the operation of four of the town's municipal parking lots. Beginning in 30 days, parking will be enforced by lot attendants rather than with meters. Wednesday Night Special Across from Glen Lennox o o 6 O IH1AD u S G C 2 c, c c c c: c c c c c; c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 0 - FEB. 15 c c c c: S3 U role, he has become more creative because he doesn't feel a push to take ajob he doesn't like just because it pays well. Men start out in high school being physical strivcrs. then in college they become student st rivers, he said. They start manipulating their professors in order to get an A" instead of trying to learn, he said. "They keep manipulating the system to get better positions, then around 50 or 60 start wondering about human values. he said. He said the equivalent of the female as a sex object is the man as a success object. Most men choose women for a relationship on a sexual basis, then judge them on an intellectual basis, he said. Instead, he said they should choose partners who have stimulating personalities, and the sexual part of the relationship will grow from that. To give men a chance to experience the female role, Farrell staged a men's beauty contest following his speech. He pressured men from the audience to participate "just as .society encourages women to conform. Rob Diamant, a graduate student and head of the campus Human Sexuality Counseling Service, was chosen winner by applause from the audience. Farrell suggested several tests men and women could try when they were in integrated groups, such as timing the length of time men speak as compared to the time women speak. He said the men's and women's liberation movements should work together to improve day care facilities for children and change the 40-hour, 5-day work week to a -40-hour, 4-day work week in order to give families time to be together. "Men have a lot to gain from woman equalization," Farrell said. "A 10-year longer life span, less ulcers and headaches and emotional wellbeing." Parade set for holiday The third annual Saint Valentine's Day Parade will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:45 p.m. The parade will march from the post office down Franklin Street to Mallette Street, turn left and continue to the Chi Psi Lodge, 321. West Cameron Ave. Free refreshments, as well as prizes for the most original costumes and best decorated bicycles, will be given at the lodge. Parade Marshal Palmer Edwards said this year's event will feature "colorful, cavorting cupids, a carefully rehearsed kazoo band, hundreds of balloons and a special surprise element." , . . ' Sponsoring the parade are the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and the Chi Psi fraternity. Give a Valentine Schrafit's .eart, anyway You'll be glad you did. We also have a complete selection of Valentine Cards & Gif at your o c YOU 7 'in r m en 4W lirr mr.Ki'z. HAS AV 33 THIS is Today's AetM'Jts TSm Latin Aawrtcm 3mm InwSiui a spomer Internal Mncft todsf toMM 12 and 1-33 p.m. Wi S? HidKm KaJL Dr. Vd Pnkiih Virtu wSI epsk today ft TenJow Social 1 tnUT at 4 bjr. N 8m taeitty Mummt Hi. An Introductory toetur on trwwcndftl t3 be Noli fesy at 733 aon. In room 7 ot tm Unton. The CUfdant Afternic CouraoSna Creuo a today at 4 Jil r waftM. Cwc wSh Union trrfurRitSo desk tor t room number. &CEC w9 mmI today, at 733 p.. In 68 PMOOdy. Mrs. Frank ttfarron wO cpoak on Au&aOc Iummt Cams. The UK C Outl rtg Club r& todcy at 7.25 p.m. In ft Union. dt lot wtfitor trtf wta be dloeuoMd and mfyM l wricorfw. rime sa b pot tuck mapper today lor tMian temtnM and woMn' hH sorten Chariettt Buch. Ail HtoM wishing to attend cad t42-1 837 a aoon me aoaatbta. AN Art and S dunce taniora graduating. In tisy siMMd i p.y to Xheir 6 In th Dmh i rtfica, 2C South Bunding by Fob. 13. UCAT, Modlcai C&g AdmlJon Toat apoacctiorta tor tha U.y 4 tat hava arrived at tha Ouidanca and Tcctlivj Cantor. 131 Nsh Hal; St. S'jacghn's offlco, 312 foutn iioF siTo oass pests Don Kanak and Eddie Hudson announced their candidacies for Senior Class President and Vice-President Tuesday. Running on the same ticket. Kanak and Hudson said that it is usual for all four class officer candidates to run together. "However, there were not enough interested parties to run for secretary and treasurer," Kanak said. Stressing the service function of senior class offices, they outlined a threerpoint plan of establishing a senior week in which seniors receive discounts from downtown merchants, implementing preparatory courses for students planning to take the GRE and LSAT, and publishing a bimonthly newsletter for seniors. Kanak, an economics major, said that money for these functions will be held by holding an orientation dance. Kanak and Hudson, both Morehead scholars, said that a criticism of class officers is that they commonly win an election and then do nothing. "We want to stay involved," Kanak said. "We've worked together before and now we think we can be successful in these projects." Hudson, a speech major, said that they also intend "to get in touch with somebody sympathetic at the Athletic Department for special consideration for seniors . fox, good seats for at least one football and possibly basketball games." They also want to redirect people 0 Kir 1m I wore net; toiLL notice, MX AM, THAT IT WAS EcN Jk3'J XJ wJ i- LJ ysXJ ON CAMPUS" L .HilLJ. :rrw f""""' "'-"W wmM'ver-tmmmmrnvm'-im'm- mmm n m wmnnmnm ww"' m ihmihmjhf'W mmi"m wtwwp waa w Wf -m minnii r-wn m, ,!Hmi.i ....i,,, , , , , ' I llcw is tha tbis for all good men to ccrra to i aid of Ko rnrinr-ir 0 ( t 1 On " - IIS ft4rt IT'S JUST AO GOOD SZZY FOZ YOU HZZS lumi Wcet School I Maws Offtoa. 22t fJOJor. WM Aft Jf?- Jtfl " is3csSotia nwd to arrha N low C5ty. lowa. by Apr! 12. 1 174- A 2" a 2" f noto?l and t23 ere naodod a part of lh Cdt s'udrts Irraotod In b3 9 Brotlwr lor mwfera c4 ton rtowaa m3 2:T7. ttoedod: RidM tr&m UMC to Dixfmm on Friday at 1 p.m. to mmtm fl a 'a. can -1433 vanbtga; altar 4 p-m. to Cro)iKlai araa. c3 UMUt aanJn. Can reciprocal on otror Uy. Any aSwi n tha fcrwol c EducaSon planning to freOmie M Ut w a ra, 1 03 oabody no lNr mm Fab. 22. H intarostad fei forming a ear pool rom Groanway Park I a m. to 1 p Uondey. Wfodnaaday and Friday and M0 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tu tdey and Thuradsy, eafl M2-421 S or teete a not at 1S2 Crrray Park. Lett end Found Found: 71 el Ngtt achool ring, daaa ot 72. Mamify by an3fWfhg. csS fiS-E342- Found: DSack wmbralla In Hanaa H8 on Friday. Cm m. 63CS baronian and 7 p-nv. and idantlfy. Found: Croat pan between Vanabia and Carroll haUt. CaR I33-43S1. Found: a watch hi tha Tin Can. It ha boon tumad Into the loat and tound at trVootan Gym. Found: LadJaa nacktaca watch, on tha aidawalk batwaan Uorrtaon and Kenmn Flatd Houao. Cafl 825-31. il me interested in Jubilee to private sources. "We think people are barking up a tree about Jubilee. They're looking down a tunnel as far as having it on campus, so we're trying to point people to private sources who are interested in funding Jubilee," Kanak said. Kanak and Hudson said they don't consider class offices to be politically oriented. "It's a service office without politics," Kanak said. "The functions of class officers is very open," Kanak said. "We plan to make sure our programs are general enough to have a captive audience." Cohen, students meet Chapel Hill Alderman Gerry Cohen will be available to talk to students and any other interested persons in Suite C of the Student Union Thursday from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Cohen said he is willing to talk about any town problem, such as the gas shortage, the bus system, parking or utilities, and will pass suggestions on to the appropriate officials. Cohen said if the afternoon is successful. Vie will try-the Sessions at least inonthiy. "I believe it is very important for people to be able to communicate with their elected officials," Cohen added. Us lJ ,f "--.b15- l.iiEi .T' 1 ,5. o J7 ! LVMTA COT. VMS. ftftUSHHlf B ! smff 'ICS r- k", -H ml City .State. -Zip. I 1 f j c k j n c j 1 r i n o o o n n ooo no op ooop o oppjooo oppoopoc p im in 1

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