i Trt Dully Tar Mi O O o i I ! -r : V. o o p i A' -'V ' i X. V'- Mil Ll fcy Lu Ann Jongs Ctaff VrSUr Lesbian feminism is more than "civil rights for queers" or an alternate life style, Charlotte Dunch, lesbian feminist, said Thursday night. Bunch appeared as part of the Women's Festival sponsored by the Association of Women Students. "Above all. lesbianism is women's Cartel discusses impeachment by John DooSsy Gt-Jf Vritsr "Impeachment would be like exorcism," Prof. William Keech told students Thursday night, "with President Nixon representing the 'No. 1 evil spirit' to society and Peter W. Rodino (House Judiciary Committee chairman) acting as exorcist." Speaking as part of a political science faculty panel on "Nixon: The Issue of Impeachment," he said, "it is the Republicans who would gain most through impeachment proceedings. Right now Vice President Gerald Ford is the most popular candidate to succeed Nixon in .1976. including such Democrats as Ted Kennedy, Henry Jackson and George Wallace." & of class 1 ) ( . 1 in 71 'sap ..a. Three Joyner women and a Henderson Residence College man have announced their candidacies for the four senior class offices. "Running on the same ticket will be Howard Evans, president; Helen Ross, vice president; Eleanor MacCorkle, secretary; . ,zn .Debbie Stuart, treasurer. Li. .i-' announcing their intentions the four said, "We accept the non-influential role that class officers play in university policy making, and we will direct our efforts towards a more unified senior class through M 4 " j - v .. - ro - it ' ft ft ff TW-" T 1 LUHCHEOfJ SPECIALS 11:30-2:30 Monday thru Friday $1.50 Best Burger Soup Tea or Coffee Tuesday 01.50 14 D0Q Chicken 1 vegetable Salad, Bread Tea cr Coffee Wednesday 01.50 Tuna Fish Salad Tea or Coffee Thursday 01.50 Smorgasbord Plata Frid: 01.09 Fried Shrimp French Fries Ssled, Bread Tea cr Coffea ,. ,w The Daily Tar Heel Is published by the University of North Caroiina Student Publications Board, dairy except Sunday, turn periods, vacation, and summer periods. No Sunday issue. The following dates are to be the only Saturday Issues: September 15, Z2, & 23, October 27, and November 10 17. CTUca t art at the Eludsnt Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Kill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 833-1011, 933-1012; Business, Circulation, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rotes: $16.00 per year; $8.00 per semester. Second c'ass postage paid at U.S. Post Office in Cr;:pM Hill, N.C The Campus Governing Council shell have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to approprlaie a!) revenue derived from the Student AcilvKiea Fee (1,1.1.4 of the Student Constitution). The Caily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typocr&p hies! tone of all advertisements and to revise cr turn e-ry ccpy it contiisrt c?.;ec!ioni:Lie. T: C " Tar Heel wS'.l not considwr adjustments or ,'rnems I yr sry typographical errors or erroneous v I m w is notice is Given to the Business t . r a (1) one day after the advertisement s, cr .''tin one day of the reeefvrtg of tear t c't or subscription of the paper. The Catiy Tar t 1 1 v- 1 not be restonsible for more than one !! s'-! I rt on of en advertisement scheduled to r-1 - g' I ti . Notice for such correction must tt o the rirt insertion. I irry Pool ........ Business Mgr. ......-....AcSvr. Mgr. assertion of their right to love other women to put themselves first in their lives in all ways, sexually, emotionally and economically," Bunch said. But she also pointed out that lesbianism is not solely based on sex. Bunch has lived in a lesbian commune in Washington, D. C, for three years and teaches two courses in feminist politics at American University. Speaking before a largely female Prof. Richard Richardson, speaking on. the legal and Constitutional aspects of impeachment, said "a historical precedent is not the most important issue." Impeachment was included in the Constitution as a direct check on executive power, Richardson said. "It should not be viewed as a spooky, grand, scary operation that if we invoke it, we will tear the system apart." Richardson also said the charge of "high crimes and misdemeanors" for impeachment was originally subsituted by the framers of the Constitution for the term maladministration. Prof. Frank Munger spoke on the states' role in impeachment. "We should not overlook the possibility of the bizarre." he c&edMattes an increase in service functions." In order to achieve their goals, the group proposed four major objectives: to establish a career week in the fall semester, sponsoring speakers in various business and professional fields. to improve relations with the administration to enable planning of a graduation ceremony of the senior class's choice. . to continue and expand the spring festival initiated by this year's seniors. to increase input from the seniors on planning of the graduation ceremony, expecially in selection of the speaker. Evans, a history major and current governor of Henderson Residence College, said the group has worked together in the past on inter-dorm activities and would be successful as class officers. He is a member of J - ' TV If ' i u C"3 D Evl G GORfiPLETEj STUDENT W CJ Km "udQCSdEOT jay LI Kami J U - .tyya"lt Lii. G-9 OH Urn I . ' 10-2 ' ) i 'I audience. Bunch said lesbian feminist theory is only one ideology of the feminist movement. She bases her theory on two assumptions. First, she said, "Our society today is male supremist. And also, "Institutions in our society are established to benefit the rich, white and males.'" Lesbian feminist politics questions heterosexuality as an institution of society said. He noted that several governors have been impeached in the 20th century. Most famous among them was Louisiana Gov. Huey Long. Long was unsuccessfully impeached in the 1930's for conspiracy in the assassination of a political opponent. "Impeachment would be a good thing for our society," Prof. Orion White concluded. "Whether or not Nixon is convicted, impeachment would give us a chance to see the evil aspects of our system and give us grounds for transformations."! , As a final note, White warned impeachment would not serve its purpose "if we 'are overcome with political zeal and become absorbed in the legal aspects of the process, losing sight of the larger issues of ethical and moral significance." file Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity and has been working with the Student Academic Reform Committee. Ross, a journalism major from Greensboro, said, "the most radical proposal we are making is that seniors be allowed to choose the speaker for graduation." Ross has served as past orientation coordinator for Joyner dorm and is presently the social chairman. MacCorkle, an American history major, said she supports the idea of a periodic newsletter to serve the special interests of the , senior class. She is currently serving as SCAU representative from Joyner. Rounding out the group is Debbie Stuart an accounting major from Wingate, N.C. Stuart said she has been active in dorm government and is serving as her dorm's visitation chairman this semester. EARLY BIRD SPECIALS 4:45-6:30 Monday $1.29 Spaghetti w sauce Salad, Bread Tuesday $1.49 Roast Beef Platter 2 vegetables Salad, Bread Wednesday Beef Parmagiana wspaghetti Salad, Bread Thursday. Fried Shrimp French Fries Salad, Bread $1.69 $1.89 Open weekdays 2 Saturday and Teaching o IScjiiitatioii 1 1.11 t - -rtf-z t - if a u i ' Bc&aFciiiiig o Lsaoimig TFailrMeo daily Very reasonable rates. Pleazs make appointment in advance: Call 493-1842 George King Rd., Durham, only 3 miles from Eatga'ie i and focuses on a woman's seil-idciuity. or woman-identified woman, she explained. "Heterosexuality is more than sex," she said. "It is ideological, political, economical and personal support to male supremacy. "It (heterosexuality) is an institution that defines each woman for men her body and services as property of man." Lesbianism proves that women do not need a man to be fulfilled, she said. Economics, the family and passivity are attacked by lesbians because they cannot function in terms of them and depend cn men, she continued. Bunch said sexuality is an important part of the women's movement. Women now realize that they have a choice in their sexual preferences; they can be lesbians, bisexuals or heterosexuals, she explained. "In the long run, we'll come to the point in sexuality where homosexuality and heterosexuality will have no meaning; there will just be sexuality," she said. It is difficult to have a full view of sexuality without experiencing both homosexuality and heterosexuality, she said. "Most lesbians have had both kinds of sex," Bunch said, adding she had been married at one time. "I'm not saying lesbianism is a dream land and there's no class differences," Bunch emphasized, "but there is a sense of control over one's life." annoys y Today's Activities Ail AFS retumess interested In organizing a weekend in late March are asked to meet tonight at 6:30 in room 2 35 of the Union. If unable to attend, call Mary Meiiina, 933-3561. John Ingram, N.C. Commissioner of Insurance, will speak today at 7:30 p.m. in room 202-204 of the Union. The Gay Awareness Rap Group will meet today at 7 p.m. at 218 Pitisboro St Ken Gabel of Kibbutz Ally a will be at tiliei, 210 W. Cameron St., at 10 a.m. today. Persons Interested In the issue of N.C. PIRG on the UNC campus should meet at 8 p.m. today in 205 Union. Prof. Philip Levin, Brown University, will speak on "Structure Preserving Image RestratJon" today at 4 p.m. In 265 Phillips. Coming Events A Minyan for traditional Sabbath services will meet at the Hi lid House Saturday at 9:15 a.m. For further Information call 99-3141. - Dr. Kenneth Brinkhous will speak on "New Vistas in Thrombosis'' Feb. 19 at 8 p.m. in the UNC School of Public Health Auditorium. The Department of Computer Science is sponsoring a series of eight lectures by Prof. C.A.R. Hoare of Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, on the topic of "A Model Operating System." Lectures will be at 3:30 p.m. In 324 Phillips Hall, on Feb. 1 8, 20, 22, 25 and 27. Prof. S. James Press, University of Chicago, will speak on "Bayesian Factor Analysts" Monday, Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. in 2S5 Phillips. Prof. Len Interrante of G.E. Laboratories will apeak on "One Dimensional Electron Transport In Transition Metal Complexes" at 4 p.m. Feb. 28 in 207 Variable. ' Don't C3lt!3f erf 233 tixzn tho best CONDOMS (30 leading brands) FOAM, GELS, CREAMS (our prices are lower!) BEST SELLING BOOKS POSTERS 1 BUMPER STICKERS (those hard-to-get ones) - I Vh v1 (over Zoom-Zoom) XUOTrF Sat. 10-4 949-0170 0 O p.m. to dark. Open Sunday all day. Mimiat-oeat S o Memttiim A Shopping Center 4 uru I - i 'Pedestrians Only' it i t aauij I Dr. Madhava Das, Indian philosophy scholar, will speak on The Renaissance of Vedlc Culture in America" at 8 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Dialectic Hall, third floor New West Everyone is invited. Interviews for sub-committee chairmen of the International Handicrafts Bazaar wiU be held Feb. 20 through March 1. All persons interested please sign up for an interview at the main Y office. Those interested In working on a 1974 Symposium on East Asia should attend a meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in room 202 of the Union. Dr. Tom Caves, North Carolina State University, will speak on "Effective Potential tor Valence Electrons In Atoms," Tuesday at 4 p.m. in 221 Venable HaU. Prof. Edward A. Rentier, William and Mary, will speak on "Quantum Mechanical Scattering as a Transport Process," Friday at 3 p.m. In 247 Phillips Hall. The Institute of Latin American Studies will hold a luncheon meeting Wednesday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at 570 Hamilton Hall. There will be a buffet lunch Tuesday from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the Battle House. The community is welcome. The UNC Chemistry Department . will sponsor a symposium on the "Chemical Aspects of Evolution,' during the afternoon and evening t AprH &.; ?- Registration is free but space is limited. Register in advance or write: Evolution Minisymposium, Department of Chemistry, UNC, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Anyone Interested In a student position on the YM-YWCA Executive Committee should sign up In room 102 of the Y. Elections will be Tues., Feb. 26. Those interested in Freshman Camp are invited to a supper . and di scussion at the Wesley Foundation Sunday, Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. Sign up sheets for counselor interviews will be available. Please register by Wednesday, Feb. 20 in room 102 of the Y building it you wish to attend. There will be a $1 fee. SUPER 6 oz. Chopped Sirioin Baked Potato Texas Toast i Riverview Family Steak House RECYCLE The Daily Tar Heel collection bos: is behind VJilson Library. 5 J I O j L Sull FOR SALE 1B73 Yamaha 2S0 Enduro. Only 2300 mi. Must Sale. $500. Call 42-4816. 1S8 Triumph Spitfire 31 miles per gallon, new transmission, needs some hood body work. $750. Aqua lung scuba tank and regulator used three times, cost $260 will sell for S125. CStane Interclub Bike $100. Hewlett Packard HP-45 Calculator with 47 functions, $325 with warranty. Call 933 32S3. For Sale Mcintosh 1700 Stereo Receiver FM Tuner, PE2045 Turntable and Two Large Advent Speakers. Excellent condition. Reasonable price. Call Jim 966-2128 from 8-5. STEREOS: GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FINEST EQUIPMENT LOWEST PRICES; FULL WARRANTIES; CALL ANN SHACHTMAN. 942-7172; VISIT, 1510 CUMBERLAND RD. CHECK RECEIVER SPECIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES! WANTED Black Senior Woman Desires Compsnlonshl?. Friday. February 22nd or Saturday, February 23rd. (rights). Eiack sCaie Graduate Student Preferred. Interested? CALL LEE. 933-8132 (after 5). Need ride to Alexandria Va.-Washln$ton O.C area. Leave Friday, Feb. 22; Return Sunday, Feb. 24. Willing to share (as expense. Contact Tom at 942-5955 after 5 p.m. Wanted: I would like to meet a girt who is Involved in vegetarianism and reverence for Ufa. Please caH fcfnrk any evening f-7 p.m. 942-7372. Harried Couple, BA Degree, work with troubled youth in noma. Room, Board, and Competitive Salary. Conttict Bill Harrington at 929-4337. Chapel Hltl, N.C 27514. MISCELLANEOUS WORLD WIDE TRAVEL ON FOREIGN SHIPS. Summer or year around employment No experience, good pay, men women. Stamped sett-addressed envelope Macedott Irt'L ' Box 224. Irving ton, N-L 07111. Lost In VMCA Snack Bar. Art 54 A 3 notebook. If found, pieaee can Chris Fenvitte at 933-4145 Important. V i I Staff photo by Gary Lobraice eacss Ihs energy crisis. Ingram will explain insurance rate plan State Insurance Commissioner John Ingram will speak tonight on his proposed merit classification system for determining insurance rates. Ingram will speak at 7:30 p.m. in room 202-204 of the Carolina Union. His appearance is sponsored by the Young Democrats club and is open to the public. HRC limits posters to bulletin board use ' The Henderson Residence College (HRC) senate voted Wednesday to remove all political posters not posted on the college's bulletin boards. HRC Gov. Howard Evans said there is no limit to the number of posters a candidate can put up in the residence halls in the college as long as they appear only on bulletin boards. Pine Room, Chae label non-union salad Servomation and the University Food Services Committee have agreed to post signs designating non-United Farm Workers lettuce in salads served in the Pine Room and Chase Cafeteria, in addition to offering non lettuce salads. The request was made by the Chapel Hill Friends of the United Farm Workers as part of their local boycott in support of the UFW. SPECIAL s with coupon , Good any Mon., Tues., or Wed., through Feb. '74 O Kroger Plaza " -- - - LOST: TYPESCRIPT IN GREEN BINDER. "THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL: THE PISAN CANTOS BELONGING TO PROFESSOR READ. GREENLAW 511. LAST SEEN TUESDAY. FEB. 12. 11 p.m.. 237 McCAULEY (CORNER RANSOMEK REWARD. CALL PROF. READ (967-4391 or 933-5481). CR DAVID (929-2680). Would you like to travel somewhere anywhere? Call or write me. I will make you a special deal. Packaged trips to Caribbean Islands, Florida and other warm places. Ksthryn Boone. Eastern Airlines campus representative. Estes Par Apartments,. 2P. 942-5891. CONDOMS FOR MEN. Top-quality brands ALL at very k prices. Don't sefHe for less than the Best. ADAM & EVE. Franklin A Columbia (over CCB). THE P.T.A. THRIFT SHOP IS OPEN MON-SAT WITH SOME OF THE BEST PtCKINSAROUND IN INEXPENSIVE CLOTHES. FURNITURE. HOUSEWARES. BOOKS. ETC WE'RE A NON-PROFIT "VOLUME RECVCLER. PROCEEDS GO TO CHAPEL HILL CAR R BO R0 SCHOOLS. BROWSERS AND DONATORS WELCOME AT 509 W. FRANKLIN. CHEAP FRILLS P.T.A. THRIFT SHOP NEED MONEY? Drive me to Atlanta. February 22 and IH P1 you well. Come back 24th or 25th. Karen at 933-8152 or 933 3811. Thanks. ABORTIONS. Sale; mdlv. care; from $100. For appt dial clinic direct at (232) 7BS-3581-3650 or (202) 833-3813-381 D.C. FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER, INC, 919-18th St.. N.W Sle. 121, Washington. D.C. Across from Doctor s Hospiw- PRO LIFE PREGNANCY COUNSELING. BSRTHCHOjCE. 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 942-3030. For fast professional service on quality hi-fi stereo components call John Florence at 929-2841. Monday Saturday, 9:00-5:03. TUTORING IN GERMAN Native German experienced In tutoring and translation seeks clients. Call Wolfgang Merle". 842-6295. Feb. 14 alt afternoon, or any day 6-7 p.m. ABORTION, BIRTH CONTROL INFO A REFERRAL NO FEE. Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. Vasectomy, tubal ligation also available. Free pregnancy tesL Call PCS, Non profit. 202-298-7995. Co) ( CO) j) t ill . i