Thj CtZy Ttr Mel k1 o f CEJHT1 17? if 10) fTT LI - kk i U Tu?-fay, re-bra wry If, 1574 Affa f I I I WASHINGTON Former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew lost his Secret C:rviec r-3'-s while on a California golfing v:.;i:icn Monday, four months after he resigned and pleaded no contest to a federal 1 ir ccme tax evasion charge. The Treasury Department removed Agnew's Secret Service detail as of midnight Sunday, the deadline set by Comptroller General Elmer B. Staats, who had ruled last week that his continued protection was illegal. Mr. Agnew's Secret Service protection was terminated as of 12 midnight, Secret Service spokesman Jack Warner said. "This was a Treasury Department decision." Staats said he would disallow any further federal spending for Agnew's protection after midnight Sunday. A Treasury indicated earlier that Agnew's spokesman guards might be withdrawn gradually starting Monday, but Warner said all were removed as of midnight. Agnew was at Palm Springs, Calif., as a guest of entertainer Frank Sinatra for an eight-day vacation. He could not be reached for comment, and it was not known what if any arrangements were being made for a new set of security guards. Gov. Marvin Mandel of Maryland, who succeeded Agnew as governor in 1969, offered Agnew state police protection shortly after Agnew resigned as vice president last October, but Agnew never accepted. A Mandel spokesman refused to speculate whether Mandel would extend the offer again. There have been no renewed offers and no requests by Agnew for it," he said. "We don't even know if he wants it. Henry Kissinger LONDON U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger will slow down h.s Middle East peace moves unless the Arabs ease their oil embargo against the United States, Arab Middle East sources said Monday. The sources said their governments have been given to understand that unless the embargo is eased soon, the American peace initiative may be temporarily put on ice. In Washington, two Arab foreign ministers said Monday they gave Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger a message from Arab heads of state that should be "good news" to President Nixon. They refused to say whether it concerned a possible lifting of the oil embargo. Foreign ministers Ismail Fahmy of Egypt and Omar Sakkaf of Saudi Arabia spoke to lOJIie 3aUy (Bar . ( '-7 x l!lJU Bed . (W)nll(!Q -i , lgJ n j Lam from the wires of United Press International Tape gap blamed on machine. Compiled by Tom Sawyer Wire Editor SALT II opens, Soviets test missile UCIIDOM Ths Soviet Union announced Monday a new series of missile tests In m!J-Pcc";c which allied defense sources said almost certainly involve multiple r.ucbr warheads (fJtlRV) and submarine-launched long-range rockets. Tha announcement, made by the official Tass news agency, coincided with the cpsr.lng Tuesday in Geneva of the new and probably crucial round of Strategic Arms Limitation Tslks (SALT II). Less than a month ago the Soviets tested a new yiRV missile for the first time. 'Pumpout' averted; more rationing seen Three more states moved Monday toward gasoline rationing systems prompted by a holiday weekend which many motorists spend much of their time waiting in line to WW up. Although federal energy officials succeeded in last-ditch efforts to head off a "pumpout" strike in Oregon and Washington by service station operators who said they would exhaust supplies then shut down, plans for gas pump lockups were going shasd in several other states. Solzhenitsyn gets secret message ZUHICH Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn Monday received a secret hand-carried r?tzzz.z- from, his wife in. Moscow, six days after the Nobel Prizewinning author vss fcrcltly UJcen from his family and exiled by Soviet authorities. The S-year-cld, Nobel prize winner told newsmen he did not know when his wife and three sons would leave Russia, despite assurances by Soviet officials that they v?srs free to leave. Sclihsnltsyn has refused to discuss his future plans. But Swiss officials said he hzd been granted a permanent Swiss visa. HUNTSV1LLE, Ala. A White House official said Monday that a non-government White House technical investigation indicates that the 1 8 and a half minute gap on a crucial Watergate tape was caused by a tape recording machine defect. During President Nixon's flight from Key Biscayne, Fla., to Huntsville aboard Air Force One, the official, who refused to be identified, commented on presidential attorney James D. St. Clair's latest statement about the Watergate tapes. St. Clair protested a story by The Washington Post which quoted "informed so'urces at the White House and close to the prosecution as saying the court-appointed technical panel studying the tapes had made a preliminary finding casting doubt on the authenticity of two of the tapes. The White House official said: The White House technical investigation suggests the Artist banished MOSCOW Leningrad authorities told ballet star Valery Panov Monday to leave the Soviet Union immediately without his wife or face "administrative measures, Galina Panov, his wife, said. In a telephone call to Western newsmen in Moscow, a weeping Ms. Panov said her husband, who has been trying to emigrate to Israel for two years, was called to the Leningrad visa office Monday. She went with him but was turned away at the door, she said. "They treated me like an outsider. They drove me out of the visa office," the 24-year-old former ballerina said. "They were very tough with Valery and made it clear they were determined he should leave." Panov, 35, a Jew, and the former leading male dancer with Leningrad's Dirov ballet, ' ' Was given an exit Visa in December! He said he would not leave unless he could take his non-Jewish wife with him. The authorities have said she cannot leave because her mother will not sign the necessary papers. i i liapsl Hill i horoughfare Forurn 2 Tuesday, February 19, 1974, 8-10 p.m. - Municipal Building Meeting Room In June 1974, Chapel Hill's Thoroughfare Plan will be revised by the State Department of Transportation. Local needs must be incorporated into this revision process now. The Chapel Hill Planning Board is sponsoring a series of public forums to discuss the Thoroughfare Plan. The February 19th public forum will consider the issues listed below. 1. A recommendation to designate Columbia Street as a north-south thoroughfare, and the feasibility of extending the Pittsboro Street thoroughfare through the Central Business District to connect with Airport Road. There is potential for using these two roads as a north-south one-way pair. 2.,A recommendation to reclassify Honeysuckle Road from a major thoroughfare to a collector street, and to add Weaver Dairy Road as a thoroughfare. The purpose of this recommendation is to move the proposed Honeysuckle Road thoroughfare alignment north to Weaver Dairy Road. 3. A recommendation to add Manning Drive to the Thoroughfare Plan, and to delete Otey's Road and Mason Farm Rod (between Pittsboro Street and U.S. 15-501 Bypass) from the Thoroughfare Plan. This recommendation designates Manning Drive, rather than Mason Farm Road as the facility for carrying traffic between South Campus and U.S. 15-501. 4. A recommendation to add a new radial road south from U.S. 15-501 to the proposed outer loop between N.C. 54 and Farrington Road, and discussion of the relationship of this road to expected future traffic on Bayberry Drive. Bayberry Drive will be required to serve as a radial road if an additional southern radial is not provided. 5. The question of the need for and location of the proposed outer loop, and the relationship of this road to expected future traffic on U.S. 15-501 Bypass. If an outer loop is not constructed, U.S. 15-501 Bypass would, in the future, be required to carry additional traffic and would require widening to accommodate this additonal volume. This discussion will include the following related topics: A. The question of widening U.S. 15-531 Bypass. B. The relationship of the Chapel Hill Thoroughfare Plan to the Durham Thoroughfare Plan. C. A recommendation that the proposed outer loop, if constructed along current alignment, be limited to two travel lanes to carry local traffic at residential speeds between neighborhoods, and that trucks be prohibited from using this facility. D. A recommendation to add a grade separated interchange at the intersection of the outer loop and U.S. 15-501 (Durham Road). J MCM'S CSTTINS ttTTEKASOUT THOSE HOLES NTh KCAP... gUT SHE STILL HASN'T LEARNEP TO AVOID TH05S DOONESBURY tfn if". t If I prCYG':Cf& 'CU." Off TrlSZ-ZjY x rs5 Cff TrKZ2f JZZ I f y I,, id I 111 IMAfGZMAL COMPLAINT FN!S CLAIMS? THAT MANY Of THSIR. lAiat&msczss CSSA7!0N 7DO SSZ'OUSIY. t-7 s r r ONZSUCHSeWlCB STATION attNSZ IN THATTXS CR1SJS HAP PZDCB9ED7ZSiL fiU. TANKS Of CAS. OV 4 C&JOAISAZZ lOO&tNS INTO THSNCiPGNT. erasure marks within the gap probably were caused by a defect in the machine. The gap occurs on a tape of a conv ersation between Nixon and former White House counsel John W. Dean 111, three days after the break-in at Democratic headquarters at the Watergate. The Post said it could not determine for sure the dates of the two tapes it mentioned in its story. reporters at the State Department after they conferred with Kissinger for an hour. "Everything is moving in the right direction," Fahmy said. Both are to meet President Nixon at 1 1 a.m. Tuesday at the White House. Fahmy said the message from leaders of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Algeria w ho met last w eek in Algiers contained w ord of a very positive decision" which he said he believed would be "good news to the President." Fahmy refused to disclose details of the message until he can deliver it personally to Nixon. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat favors lifting the embargo against the United States or at least easing it in recognition for Kissinger's work on the Suez front troop I separation agreement now being implemented by Egypt and Israel. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, until recently one of the toughest backers of the embargo, has also started to relent, the sources said. But hardliners such as President Houari Boumedienne of Algeria, the Kuwaitis and above all the Syrians want to maintain the embargo and claim the right to veto any proposal to ease it. The Arabs had expected Kissinger to shuttle back and forth between Damascus and Jerusalem in the second part of February to work out a Golan Heights troop disengagement plan. Kissinger shelved those plans when the United- States showed its anger over the continuing oil embargo, the sources said. Another factor delaying Middle East peace progress, the sources said, is the apparent failure of the Russians to budge the Syrians or exert real pressure on them, as some suspect. Don t tUii Our Gig Collection Ov History Book THE OLD BOOK CORNER 137A East Rosemary Street Opposite Town Parking Lots Chapel Hill,. N.C. 27514 MYSTERY " " f .j 1-3-5-7-9 , : last npO DAY J2t I " Vaii rift I LM I Anything I You want ' lxfi(rrT 3 1 From ' M 0i " I Arlo Guthrie I -Jm . 1 " ill ! lirA hlsH-styU 1 g m comt about . U 1 1 V ofhIucc. ) I Late Movie Sunday 11:1 B I Carolina Theatre 01.50 aunvErsal release-. ncotoRg ' - v. . ! 1 V S 1 puzzle i : r 440 7 ::: o J i ,r ,Vr'? - i X 1(Sy i a J -V i i: Vr.,,;;.'-;;! x t y L 1. Cut out these F1ystery Puzzle Pieces. 2. Put them together and 3. SEE what you get a FREE 15C COKE with ct THE BLUE RAM and THE CIRCUS ROOM xSx: .VAVA. Kv.v.v, i ill jrt 'f 1:23 3:1t: 5:03 7:021 $26rr Crossword Puzzler Answer to Yesterday s Puzzle ACROSS 1 Moccasins 5 The caama 9 Chart 12 Black 13 Facts 14 Native metal 15 Contests 17 Gossip 19 Idle chatter 21 Direction 22 Divulge 24 Pronoun 25 Deface 26 Ventilate 27 Teacher 29 Above 31 Prefix: before 32 Teutonic deity 33 Conjunction 34 Music: as written 35 Compass point 36 Insect 33 Through 39 Drunkard 40 Spanish arti cle 41 Spar 42 Singing voice 44 Swifter 46 International combines of rival firms 43 Pertaining to birth 51 Girl's name 52 Unwanted plant 54 Title 55 Declare 58 Comfort 57 Concealed obstacle DOWN 1 Wooden plrr 2 Arabian gar ment 3 Contrast 4 Move about furtively 5 Paid notice 6 Glassy fabric 7 Heavenly body 8 Dine 9 Tooth 10 War god 11 Saucy 16 Saint (abbr.) 18 Rip 20 At that place 22 Turns around track 23 Ireland 25 Additional 27 Encounter 23 Fees 29 Southwestern Indians SI IIMSjgf ISjglTlATEP PR I iMjijai . jAg H)A S T y ETAlf? R APS 6 CM ' 'AIL T 0 R i wTTtTh ?h a bTIt Nfc . ' ilRIOiS f fF orie aHBE AjMms'""te -f as' c on In ote. ffib a tTt NTfT ' W T NjNTe R nelslslelsl mM"tutstj- 9 LAST DAY Shows: 2:35,4:50. 7:05, 9:20 James Caan Marsha Mason-Eli Wallach "Cinderella Liberty" An Unexpected Love Story 30 Separate 34 Undaunted 36 Footwear 37 Plagues 39 Wander 41 Wherewithal 42 High cards 43 Volcanic emanation 44 Insect 45 Symbol for thoron 47 Female sheep 49 Wine cup 50 Limb 53 Prefix: down 1 2 3 4 1H 5 6 7 a :jg 9 10 , , ,- JU, 2 26 X; 27 23 jj29 30 46 47 4i 4930" Xislr. by Lmte-4 Feature Syndicate. Ine. .NOW PLAYING Shows: 2:30,4:45, 7:00,9:15 1 C lX I 1 V CT TrP 1 1 H3 U ..-.t.r LAST THREE DAYS Shows: J? db iff ii 3:30, 5:30, 7:30. 9:30 i J' ,. mSJ 1 if rv i