Tha) Dal'y Tr Httl T1 I I t 1 O A TT" 1 1 M ! I 1 1 ; s I ; its i i I ' I i - i t'r--v, F.n,mry 75, 1S74 T O TCDF(D n 1 i WASHINGTON Federal energy czar aam E. Simon certain the government's new gasoline allocation program would shorten lines at service stations and fuel rationing would not be needed, even when families take their summer vacations. Simon said the allocation Friday of an extra 240 million gallons of gasoline to hard hit states plus a 2-cent a gallon increase in retail prices announced Saturday would "reduce the sufferings, hardships and inconveniences" being faced by the American people. Although gasoline stations were reported closed in many states for lack of gasoline, spokesman for independent retail dealers in at least seven states indicated they were satisfied by the 2-cent a gallon increase, effective March 1, and had abandoned plans for a massive "pumpouf to protest their declining profits. rni i 'i nsii Hi s i i in y WASHINGTON Spanish and American military units searched the waters off northwest Africa Sunday for Thomas L. Gatch, an army reserve colonel attempting the first manned trans-Atlantic balloon flight. Pentagon spokesman, Cmdr. Robert Haitian, said a message had been cabled to units in the area to be on the lookout for Gatch. For the second day, small Spanish planes and helicopters combed a large part of northern Spanish Sahara below the border with Morroco, a Spanish military spokesman said. " " Gatch, in a balloon named "Light Heart," took off Monday evening from Harrisburg, Pa., and was last seen Thursday by the Liberian freighter Meridian. Armstrongsaid a check Saturday with jhe same ship (5fj? latlg from the Compiled by Tom Sawyer Wire Editor FL-CIO seeks minimum vjage hike LUAt.M BEACH The AFL-CIO renewed its call Sunday for Congress to pass a minimum wage increase without the special lower rate for teen-agers demanded by President Nion. ... Congress approved a bill last year to raise the minimum wage from its present rate of $1.63 an hour to $2.20 but Nixon vetoed It because it did not include the lowered youth minimum. "The Congress must act now," the AFL-CIO Executive Council said at its winter meeting here. . English polls show close political race LONDON Most public opinion polls published Sunday placed the ruling Conservative and opposition Labor parties in a neck-and-neck race in the campaign for Thursday's general election, political analysts said. The poils also showed significant gains for the small Liberal party, raising the prospect that the Liberals could win enough seats in the House of Commons to hold the balance of nower between the two major parties. Three major poils gave the Conservatives respective percentage leads of 1, 2 and 4 over Labor. Kissinger set for Mideast trip WASHINGTON Secretary of State Kenry A. Kissinger conferred Sunday with President Nixon and Egypt's foreign minister on the eve of his toughest Middle East mediation assignment. Kissinger was shceduled to depart at 9 a.m. (EDT) Monday for Damascus and Israel, with a stopover in London. White House officials said Kissinger conferred Sunday morning with Nixon, briefing him on the Western Hemisphere foreign ministers conference from which he returned Saturday. Woman psychiatrist seeks Ervin seat CHARLOTTE Dr. Mildred T. Keens, a 46-year-old woman psychiatrist with no political background, has announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate in North Carolina. In announcing her candidacy over the weekend, she Joined a field of six other democrats and three Republicans who have declared their candidacy for the seat being vacated by Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C). Seafood O Steak O Chicken Only a 5-minute drive from downtown Chapel Hiil. Beside. Watts Motel on Pittsboro Road (old Family House location). Call 929 Open every day but Sunday. s ample Menu Filet of Flounder Tender Sweet Fried Clams Pan Fish in Season 1.95 2.75 1.95 Seafood Platter-Delicious Assortment of the Bounty of the Sea 3.E0 Shrimp Platter-Golden Fried Large 2.95 Shrimp Platter-Golden Fried Small 1.95 Fried Oysters-iarge order 2.95 Fried Oysters-small order 1.95 Fried Scallop Platter 2.95 Crab Cakes 1.95 Sauta Shrimp 3.25 Above orders served with our own Hush Puppies. French Fries end Cole Slaw Simon said the allocation program was only three weeks old and should not yet be judged as a failure. He said the available gasoline was distributed poorly within each state and efforts would be made fo equalize intrastate delivery systems. "But in the interim, we are going to make certain we put supplies out to reduce lines in the critical areas where they are suffering hardships, Simon said. He was interviewed on NBCs "Meet the Press. Simon said demand for gasoline normally would increase as vacation time approaches. But he added, conservation efforts by the American people combined with a perfected allocation system "will greatly alleviate greater shortages. Another Federal Energy Office (FEO) official, Joseph LaSala, regional administrator in Philadelphia, predicted in a television interview Saturday increasing n n ti tt n u confirmed that the eight helium balloons and attached gondola had been spotted at an altitude of about 1,000 feet; Armstrong said the Pentagon assured him "They are utilizing air and sea craft in their operations. Armstrong said it was possible the loss of the second of his original ten helium-filled balloons forced Gatch into a sea landing. Gatch lost one balloon 76. minutes into the flight Monday night and the second balloon apparently ruptured Wednesday night. Gatch has about ten days of food rations "comparable to those eaten - by U.S. astronauts. Armstrong said. In addition the "Light Heart" is equipped with styrofoam floating devices and a portable life raft. ' ular MM T) i 1 ,7lf I ! I I I i 5 n wires of United Press International Fish House s Open! yy-O a - 9753 French Fries Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Tartar Sauce SERVED FAMILY STYLE I Open: Monday-Friday 11:30-9:30 Saturday 4 p.m. -9 p.m. I! II UQjLiliLjei gasoline shortages possibly would rule out traditional vacation trips for many Americans this summer. Admitting his answer was "flip, LaSala said when he is asked how families should plan their summer vacations, he usually replies: You should plan it so that the round trip does not use more than a tankful of gas." Simon said the full impact of the new allocations will not be felt for several days" and the effect of the 2-cent price hike on shutdowns was unclear because nearly all stations are closed on Sunday in line with President Nixon's request last November. But James R. Cox," president of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Retailers Association said Sunday his group was "overjoyed about the increase.'" Nixon aide for WASHING I ON John K. Andrews, Jr., a former White House aide and speech writer, said Sunday President Nixon should be impeached. Andrews, who resigned last December, said the question of Nixon's impeachment is one that I approach with terrible reluctance." An.d it's the saddest subject I've ever had to consider as a citizen of this country," Andrews said. "But I'd have to say yes ..." Andrews called for the president's impeachment in an interview on the National Public Affairs Center for Television show "Washington Straight Talk." He is the first former White House aide to do so publicly. Andrews said, he still saw a chance for Nixon to recoup; but added "there are no outward signs that he's going to be moving this way. "As painful as it would be for the country, I think to preserve our .self-respect as a democracy. .'.the public trust must not be abused, whether by omission as he has done it, or by overt commission." he said. Andrews said he did not think that Nixon would resign "because he believes sincerely that he has done no wrong, that he is a man persecuted." But he added "I'm' afraid that the President's own worst enemy in this Ford says defense budget is 'realistic9 NEW YORK Vice President Gerald R. Ford Sunday defended President Nixon's record defense budget request as necessary to deter aggression and reduce the threat of war in the world. In remarks prepared for delivery to the B'Nai Zion America-Israel Friendship Dinner, where Ford received the 1974 America-Israel Friendship gold medal, the -vice president-said to have 'peace; the United States "must have strong enough defenses to deter aggression." He described Nixon's proposal to spend $85.5 billion on defense in fiscal year 1975 as "realistic" and said it will reinforce the credibility of American power. Ford said he hoped negotiations toward strategic arms limitation and mutually balanced force reductions will be successful in preserving the present balance of power and reducing the threat of war. Declaration signed in Mexico MEXICO CITY The United States and 24 other countries in the western hemisphere issued a declaration Sunday calling for "renunciation of coercion and respect for the right of each country to choose its own political, economic and social systems." The 12-page document summed up three days of talks between U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and 24 other American and Caribbean foreign ministers. It was dubbedthe "Declaration of Tlatelolco" after a Mexico City housing development where the Mexican foreign office, site of the conference is located. The meeting ended Saturday but distribution of. the declaration was not completed until Sundaty. Kissinger was back in Washington Sunday preparing for FOR SALE VS Camper 1969, Pop-top, Top Shap Inside and out. 68,000 wall-maintalnad mil, owner buying pickup. Naw Urea. Extractor Exhauat, AMFM. Aaklng $2050, call Stava. 544 3991, Durham, attar 6:00. For Sale Parrot (Nanday Conure) and caga for $50. Caga alone worth $25. Call Tom. 933-2975. Keep trying. 71 Honda SL-100 completely rebuilt new: piston, fork daala, Maverick chock, Yoehimlrm racing cam; 100 mpg, and an excellent trall-raod boka. 929-9122. Price $350. Mobile Home for aale. 12 x 44 Taylor 1969 unfurnished partially carpeted air conditioned. Available approximately June 1. $2600. Call 942-2866 after 7 p.m. Pentax SMC Taxumer f 3.5 35 mm wide-angle lens. New condition. List $144. Must sell. Now $90. Call Ted at 967-4676. For aale: Raleigh Sprite five-speed bicycle. In very good condition. $60. Call 929-9728 around 10-11 p.m. Pioneer 628 receiver perfect condition, with warranty. Beat offer. Also, Bang A Olufson 8p-12 cartridge. 1 year old. $45.00. 942-8422. King Slxa WATERBED by Kuaa. 2 yeart old with heater, frame and bedspread. $80. Call Rob 967-5303. STEREOS: GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FINEST EQUIPMENT LOWEST PRICES; FULL WARRANTIES: CALL ANN 8HACHTMAN, 942-7172; VISIT, 1510 CUMBERLAND RD. CHECK RECEIVER SPECIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES) WANTED Needed Immediately: Short Order Cook night - shift, waJtreeeea part-time or full-time, nlgM ahltt also. Apply In Paraon only Honaa Clan Lennox Shopping Canter. HELPt I need two ticket to Marcel Marseau for March 4. Got any spares? CaH Rick 633-2067. Thanks. Between eight and fhre. To Buy: 13?? Yack (brown cover) In new condition. Also looking tor guitar partner for earing break who can read music. Mark 997-1703 after S. Part-time secretarial Work: dally batrfa, Ideal for student spouse. Cail 942-4238. CLASS J William Simon impeachment situation has been himself and elements in himself of a certain defensiveness. a stubbornness, a resistance to the idea of cutting his losses and making a fresh start . . ." Asked if he thought Nixon was guilty of' wrongdoing, Andrews said his reading of Nixon's character does not lead him to believe the President is guilty of criminal wrongdoing. "I think that he... is chargeable or must be held responsible for political offenses, not criminal offenses; of abuse of power or permitting power he delegated to be abused; offenses of negligence or derelection in seeing that the laws are faithfully executed." Nnnom imteTvemtloii claimed WASHINGTON President Nixon personally overruled prosecution of suspects in the alleged 1971 Pentagon spy ring in order to keep the affair quiet. The New York Times said Sunday in a report quoting "sources close to the inquiry." Times reporter Seymour M. Hersh said his sources described Nixon as "extremely angry" when he learned of the alleged spying inside the White House. But theysaid Nixon apparently decided trials would spark a national scandal and compromise national security interests. One of Hersh's sources quoted John D. Ehrlichman, then a presidential adviser in charge of the spy ring investigat ion, as telling him: "The President called me off it. He said. "John, if you prosecute this you'll blow the whole thing open.'" The White House declined comment on the Times report. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week. Navy Yeoman Charles E. Radford said he regularly stole documents on secret U'S. diplomacy from the National Security Council, Henry A. Kissinger and Gen. Alexander M. Haig on the instructions of admirals Robert O. Welander and the late Rembrandt C. Robinson. Radford said the admirals, his bosses when he was a clerk on. a White House military liaison unit, passed the documents to the Pentagon, which was being frozen out of some aspects of developing relations with China, the Soviet Union and North Vietnam. his next trip to the Middle East. The document said Latin America would "continue examining" an offer made by Kissinger to reduce friction over expropriations of American-owned property by Latin American governments. Kissinger proposed an "international mechanism," to work out compensation. In return, Kissinger offered to ask the U.S. Congress to modify legislation which authorizes the U.S. government to cut off all foreignid to any country seizing American property without just compensation. This -co-culled Hickenlooper amendment, named for the late Republican senator from Nebraska, has longbcen a target of the wrath of Lati American nationalists. ,. WANTED:. Third roommate for Carrboro Apartment. Rent $60 per month. Nice place, quiet people. Call 942-5385 evening: Would like to rent for March on. Undergrade lournailsm major eeeka contact with revolutionary discussionaction group. Call 933-2646 after 5 - - V MISCELLANEOUS CONDOMS FOR MEN. Top-quality brands ALL at very low price. Don't settle for lea than the Beat. ADAM A EVE, Franklin A Columbia, (over CCB). Lost Scottle, Male, red collar In 1 5-501 Garrett Rd. area. Call Collect 489-9857. Reward. BLUE SKY PARTY CONVENTION: MONDAY, FEB. 25 AT THE TOWN HALL STARTS AT 8:00 FOR INFORMATION CALL BUD FAWCETT AT 968-90259316. I do miss my green "Stetson" wlndbreaker. The keys too. From bieechers at Mlaml-UNC game. Box 181. Carroll Hall. Please? For buying or aatling see our low price on nice furnltureA miscellaneous Itmes GOOD-AS-NEW Furniture 409 W. Rosemary. Hrs. 10-5, Tues.-SaL One Nlte Stand at Town Halt Tonight ()ondy)l Everything from Grateful Dead to Johnny Winter to OtSa Redding to Miles Davis. ABORTIONS. Safe; Indlv. care; from $100. Fer epst dial clinic direct at (2C2) 785-3561-3650 or (202) 633-3813-3614. D.C. FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER. INC., 919 16th St, N.W, Ste. 121, Washington, D.C Across from Doctors Hospital. PRO LIFE PREGNANCY COL 'SELING. DIR7 CHOICE. 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 9x -3Q30. FOR FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0 1 QUALITY HI-FI STEREO COMPONENTS CALL JOHN FLORENCE AT 923 2841, MONDAY-SATURDAY, 9:00-5:00. WORLD WIDE TRAVEL ON FOREIGN SHIPS. Summer or year around employment. No experience, gooJ pay, men women. Stamped eetf-addressed envelope Mtcedon Int'L Box 224, Irvlngtofl, N.J. 07111. . ABORTION, BIRTH CONTROL INFO A REFERRAL NO FEE". Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. Vasectomy, tubal ligation also available. Free pregnancy test CaH PCS, Non profit, 202-2S8-7S85. ei eew if SAN FRANCISCO lension mounted Sunday as Patricia Hearst family for the second day awaited word from the girl's kidnapers on whether they would agree to exchange her for a S6 million free food program for the needy. Two days after a final offer was made to the terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), there still was no response from the kidnapers who dragged the 20-year-old girl from her Berkeley apartment 20 days ago. Nor did the family have any assurance that a further communication would come. In making its most recent demand. lor an additional $4 million personal pledge by the Hearst family, the SLA said if its terms were not met within 24 hours, it would break off communications and hold Patty indefinitely as a hostage for two SLA members in San Quentin Prison on murder charges. The SLA demanded that the additional Tampering NEW YORK White House documents given to the Watergate special prosecutor's office were altered to delete written authorization by former presidential aide John Ehrlichman for the "plumbers" unit to obtain material from Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Time magazine reported Sunday. Time said it had learned that one ol the Welander testified no such spy ring existed. He said Radford stole some documents at his own initiative. The question has been raised at the hearings why Radford. Welander or other suspects were not tried by court-martial if the White House suspected them of spying instead of merely being transferred to other posts. Tm not sure the democracy could have stood another state trial--another McCarthy trial at this pivotal point in history." Hersh quoted one of his sources as saying. EASTGATE SHOPPING CENTER o m f:rtci h Ii;ii't.8 I COriSOLIDATION -JH fZ 13 Li Li GVE-1Y ITEfVl 0HLOV7 CIGIWAL WHOLESALE FHICE! ALL FAMOUS NAME SPECIAL SALE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 1 3-9, Sat. 1 0-6, Sun. 1 -6 SUITS Valuss to $200 Wools St Wool lends FROM aW DRESS SLACECS Entire Stock of Wools & Wool Blends fl CR7 OR y two FOR Values to $40 FOP COATS" Entire Stock Values to $100 $39 CASUAL SLACKS Entire Stock Limited Quantity $-J87 Values to $14 - LEATHER OUTERWEAR Values. to $175 . n All Styles BU COMPLETE SELECTION OF DIG &TML MEN'S WEAR ALL EILOW ORIGINAL WHOLESALE PRICE! SWEATERS DRESS SHIRTS DRESS SLACKS SUITS SPORTCOATS YOU MAY mi . Jj Liza LllA U H Li u v vry ci Lj3 EAS"f CATC 0HOPPIN3 CENTO? CHAPEL HILL, N. C. ; f mm I ii money be provided immediately by the Hearst family personally and offered no assurance that Patty would be released as a result. The counteroffer, made by the Hearst Corp. alter Hearst said he was unable to meet the demand himself, would provide S2 million to the program immediately upon Patty's safe release and another S2 million in January. 1975. Hearst executive Charles Gould said no additional funds would be contributed under any circumstances. As the family anxiously waited in the Hillsborogh mansion of Patty's father. Randolph A. Hearst, the FBI said it had no new information to report in its investigation ol the kidnaping. In San Francisco the Hearst-sponsored "People in Need" program gathered food and volunteers for the second scheduled day of free distribution next Tucsda. reported White House documents the FBI is studying is a memo to Ehrlichman from Egil Krogh and David Young, both members of the "plumbers" unit, suggesting ways of getting more information on Ellsberg. who was acquitted in the Pentagon Papers case. A paragraph recommending that i covert operation be undertaken to examine all the medical files still held by Ellsberg's psychoanalyst had been crudely cut out. apparently by scissors, the magaine said. Also removed was Eirlichman's penciled notation of approval of covert action if done under your assurance that it is not traceahle," Time said. The magaine gave no source for its information. The "plumbers. White House aides and others enlisted to trace the source of leaks of classified government documents, later carried out a burglary in search of such files. They reported they did not find any material to help them make what wits described as a "psychiatric profile" ol Ellsberg. who admitted he took the Pentagon Papers while working for the Rand Corp. CHAPEL HILL tix cstirs ci:r stock it c D3AND MEN'S WEAR SPOtlTCOATS Values to $120 Entire Winter Stock Blazers, Plaids & $29 Patterns From DRESS SHIRTS Select Group of Long Sleeve Solids & Fancies For Values to $18 SVifEAk i ERS Turtle Necks, Crew Neck & V-Necks Values to $35 $775 BOUDLEKMT SLACKS Entire Stock of Solids & Patterns $ 'OS? Values to $32 " SWEATER VESTS Entire Stock Solids & Patterns Values to $16 YCU2 FAVC2ITE DAflSCARD ! 1 N.C. f I

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