V Tuesday, April 2, 1974 Th Diily Tar Htl o I U II I II ii o O Tl WASHINGTON A jury of seven men and five women was selected Monday, on the opening day of the perjury trial of Dwight L. Chapin, President Nixon's former appointments secretary. District Court Judge Gerhard A. Gesell said he had read transcripts of tapes which may be introduced at the trial. Chapin, 33, is charged with four counts of lying to the Watergate grand jury about "dirty tricks' pulled on Democratic presidential candidates in 1972. After the jury with three men and one woman chosen as alternates was dismissed to get belongings the jurors will need during the trial expected to last one week to 10 days, Gesell heard arguments from defense attorney Jacob Stein and the government prosecutor. Stein told the judge the government had Mid east front tense BEIRUT Israel said Monday it had reinforced its troops on the Golan Heights from lines with Syria where artillery and tanks battled for the 21st consecutive day. A Tel Aviv newspaper reported Pefense Minister Moshe Dayan had warned of a tough Israeli response if the Golan Heights fighting continues. Ah Israeli military source in Tel Aviv said Syrian forces Saturday night kidnaped an American and an Irishman serving as United Nations observers from their post in Israeli occupied Syria. The Syrians took them barefooted from their white U.N. Truce Supervisory Organization post at Tel Mari in the southeastern corner of the Israeli bulge captured in the October war to a hospital in Damascus, the source said. The source did not identify the soldiers by name, UN truce headquarters in Jerusalem refused to comment. An Israeli army spokesman said Syria has escalated the fighting and "in view of this situation, the Israel defense forces have taken various alert measures and have reinforced their troops on the northern front." "There is a lot of tension," an Israeli military spokesman said. The Israeli command said Syrian shells hit the civilian settlements of Ramat Magshimim and Nuv west of the pre October war cease-fire line in the part of the Golan Heights captured in 1967. The shells damaged water and electrical facilities, a spokesman said. Neither side reported casualties to its own forces. ifZ" : n jl ji i .lanapers pouch pay on; executive, wife escaioe indicated it would file other materials whose probitive value was questionable. Gesell said he felt Monday's examination of the jurors was sufficiently effective to resolve questions of pretrial publicity. And when Stein made reference to John W. Dean III, Gesell said, "Over the weekend I read the transcripts of tapes and checked Mr. Davis selection. It is a complete and fair excerpting of what is said about Mr. Chapin." Gesell did not elaborate, and after court was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. EDT, Davis would not confirm even that the tapes Gesell mentioned were from the White House. Davis said the, first government witness would be Donald Segretti, the admitted political saboteur allegedly hired by Chapin to conduct the dirty tricks. Segretti served three months of a six month sentence for violating election laws. The judge said defense counsel Stein had objected to the introduction of "the so-called dirty tricks documents" involving scurrilous campaign,, material distributed against Democratic presidential cnadidates in the 1972 campaign. I!? Daily (Unr Ue?l M Hi If'. V - i ! f from the wires of United Press International CHICAGO A team of kidnapers held a bank executive and his wife hostage Monday but botched a chance to collect $60,000 in ransom because they did not give proper instructions for the payoff. Both Walter P. Schussler, 76, executive vice president of the Orland State Bank in surburban Orland Park, and his wife, Lou Ella, 69, escaped unharmed. Schussler, following the kidnapers instructions, was on his way to deliver the ransom when his wife was found by a garbage collector, gagged and blindfolded, in the back seat of car in Summit, another Chicago suburb. Richard Held, chief FBI agent in Chicago, said the kidnapers failed to collect because they had given Schussler garbled directions. 77. ight-year-old wants recreation job FORT WORTH, Tex. Eight-year-old Harvey Hondo, declaring "no taxation without representation," presented the Fort Worth City Council Monday with a petition signed by 1,500 youngsters and adults asking that he be appointed to the next vacancy on the parks and recreation board. "Parks are for children," the blond youngster said. "Not having a child on the parks and recreation board is like taxation without representation." The audience applauded, but Mayor Sharky Stovall explained that the city charter prohibited anyone under 21 from serving on any city board and suggested Harvey take his case directly to the parks and recreation board. Students clash with police; t continues In Ethiopia n -n ADDIS ABABA Police clashed Monday with anti-government student demonstrators outside the office of Prime Minister Endalkachew Makonnen in Addis Ababa a.s unrest continued in Ejthiqpia, Defense minister Lt. Gen. "Abiy Abebe said in a radio broadcast that a plot to overthrow the government had been smashed and the armed forces purged of radical elements which fomented it. The constitutional conference ordered by Emperor Hail Selassie to rewrite the country's basic laws and transfer some of his former absolute power to parliament met for the second- time ,tc) elect; some new. members-. The" conference held its "first meeting last week. It must report its recommendations to the Emperor within six months. Last week Harvey wrote to Councilman Joe Bruce. Cunningham advising that he would appear at Monday's council meeting to make a speech. He said he was appealing to Cunningham because he "appeared to be the most grandfatherly looking of all the council members." e: hi: :::;r::L-:r:7:.,J We Will Be Closed on Wed. April 3rd. . To permit the crew to attend the wedding of our Miss Didier. , THE-OLD BOOK COBPJER t,,.1.37. A .East Rosemary Street " Opposite Town Parking Lots Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Compiled by Tom Scartitt and Walter Colton Wire Editors - Maryland court to hear Agnew case ANNAPOLIS, Md. Maryland's hishest court will hear arguments Tuesday on a recommendation by the State Dzr Association that former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew be disbarred for "moral turpitude." Agnew was not expected personally to attend the hearing before the state Court of. Appeals. A special three-judge disciplinary panel last month recommended Agnow's license to practice law be revoked. Victims' parents want interference study LORAIN, Ohio Mrs. Louis Schroder, mother of one of four students shot to death on the Kent State University campus four years ago said Monday the victims' parents will demand a Congressional investigation of interference from the White House in the Justice Department's handling of the case. Other parents issued a statement Sunday night which charged the Vhite House with delaying a federal investigation of the killings. Officials silent on ransom note content HERMASILLO, Mexico American authorities Monday refused to comment on : newspaper reports that a rensom note left by the kidnapers of U.S. Vice Consul John Patterson threatened to kill one foreign diplomat or a member of his family every week if instructions were net followed. The ransom note, which was left in the consulate March 22, is being held in Washington by U.S. authorities. Ford's son to marry Wake Forest girl WASHINGTON Michael Ford, 24, eldest son of Vice President Gerald R. Ford, has become engaged to marry a girl he met at Wake Forest University, it was announced Monday. The engagement of the vice president's son to Gayie Brumbaugh, 22, was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.Brumbaugh of Catonsvii'e, Md. The wedding will be held in midsummer.' Secrecy act constitutional WASHINGTON The Supreme Court Monday rejected arguments by the American Civil Liberties Union that the 1970 Bank Secrecy Act gives the government too much power to spy on Americans. In a 6 3 decision, it ruled the act is constitutional. The law. passed partly to combat crime, requires that banks keep records of the identities of their customers and microfilm copies of their checks. It also requires banks to report to the government money transfers of $5,000 or more out of the country. In other decisions, the court: In a 7-2 decision, said a New York village had the constitutional right to adopt zoning ordinances to prohibit a group of six students of mixed sex from living together in the same house. Upheld a lower court ruling that ordinances against transvestism men dressing like women and vice versa were legal. The court agreed with arguments by the state of Texas that the Houston "disguise ordinance" helped protect survival of the race by banning homosexual guises. Energy savers may go barefoot LITTLE ROCK, Ark. For Americans who are riding less and walking more these days because of the energy crisis. Sam Piazva has bad news. "There is a shortage of shoe repairmen all over the country," he said. And he said consumers are paying more for cheaper shoes. "In the 1930s you could buy a good shoe for $3. 15, and it was better than a $30 shoe today," said the Little Rock repairman. "That is how the quality has gone down. "A real good shoe now is $40 to $50. And they're putting paper insoles in shoes. You can't get a man's shoe with a leather insole for less than $30." by )tame tS3$mcm f "Ballet" by Orange Blossom, is one of the most unique dia mond rings ever made. The exquisite swirls of 18k gold reach out to embrace the bssutiful spark ling Orange Blossom diamond. "Ballet". . .as delicate as you. . .as exciting as the moment. Carlyle & Co. h Our tvoli9 Cfergt Of Your f0f itt BA f tf , Hat umtmt wiipio m waxw,- i irrand O TOG' U opening j i i i i i i i I ' -g Fj BEp gpsf Buy 1, get 1 of equal value free with coupon. J Come to PeppFs newest location on the 15-501 Bypass, beside Holiday Inn for this special. Good April 1,2, and 3 LIMIT 1 PER COUPON PLEASE I I I J J Putch Waltz,the famous skater, was worried. His skating partner, Chil Blain.was in love. -ft While playing a show in Denver, she had become involved with a cowboy named Martin Gale. I M THE STOfcf MUCH, BUT THE NAMES, ARE GREAT o o . til m in 1 SO&'HO AZ TUB " NCMtNCSS, I CUN? CM l fi I 4-2. i Wn -h TriS NOMINEES FOR. ZEST AOC3. A: ONS FUNKy NEW CHARACTER. AOD2, ONE LEGITIMATE SUPERSTAR., CHB CLP HAT MHO'S PAV HIS DCZSm NEVER tWN AWMim ONE P&TTY FACE, ANP ONE NON-TALENT UtTHW75 0F. S71Z&FIU' w r ii THE ENVELOPE, PLEASE... TUB WINNER. IS .. r 8s 1 Jk. it iFMp' 1 rvi-.i7Vi rr1 THB OLD HAT PAP MS CLP HAT IS.. 4 ED km h j ML XZzir 4 V 74m o . ;. When you stop, to consider just how much calculator $49.95 usually buys, we know you'll Vealize that what we have here is nothing other than a real bargain. Just one year ago, this exact same machine sold for $149.95. And was worth every penny of it. While there is no "typical" $49 calculator, there are several features common to any machine: the basic four functions addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Unlike the more ex pensive, rechargeable models, the primary power source is usually a throwaway battery. There are other features available too, such as floating decimal, a clear ontrv Lpv snH a Hicnlav iAith Hioitc laroo pnni loh that thpv ran -r easily be read. Check for these features before you buy any , 'AtAJZ7 macnine, necause an 34y calculators are not createa equal. An Unfair Comparison. In any case, like we said, this machine The RES Mark IX-once sold for $149.95. A calculator produced for retail at $49 just ain't in the same class. Here are the Mark IX's basics: Four function capacity (as above). An exceptionally large, very easy-to-read 8-digit display. Full floating decimal. Combined clear and clear entry key. and A rechargeable battery, with AC adapter charger included. By any reasonable standards, the above qualifies the Marx IX as a good $49 machine. But what made it worth a hundred dollars more? You can perform both chain and mixed calculations; sauare a number: calculate reciprocals, and raise a number to an integer power. There is a sien change key ' for negative number operations, and constant factors for multiplication and division. Lightweight (13 ounces), and compact (1-58 x 3-34 x 5-12 inches), the Mark IX is guaranteed six months on labor, and a full year against any defects in parts. Tkn&s for tho Memory. By'now you may very well be ready to rip out the coupon, write a check, and dash for the mailbox. Ana we wouldn't blame you if you did. especially if you've been considering the purchase of a good, all-around calc. But please!. ..have patience.. .because we've saved the best for last: the. Mark IX also comes with the most desired feature of them a! I. ..MEMORY.. .which makes it especially suitable for totaling stock portfolios,.figuring real estate transactions, and extending invoices. It's also ideal for students, salesmen, engineers, and at this price, just about everyone else. Sc 3 ysa htsr, Cdcuktors. If you think we're trying to paint a rosy picture, good. Because you just will not find a com parable machine anywhere else, at anywhere near this price (which is actually less than many dealers can purchase it for at wholesale!). So that's the good news, arid now for the bad news: If you want one, please don't procrastinate. We have a limited supply of machines, and can only guarantee delivery if we receive your order during the next few weeks. Chafitz Equipment Company through intelligent purchasing, technical expertise and com passion for consumers' budgets has become one of the largest consumer electronics dealers in the country. Much to the chagrin of more conventional retailers. If you're still using your head, you're not using your head. CSa 13 g" ' ' ' ET3 CZZTU E3 rTT7.VTi 13 CTj OK, Chafitz, here's my money. Please send me my RES Mark IX p y wiinin fiours aner yuui reveivc uio tuupun. NAME ' "' """"sk .A '' ? ! 1 u o ivi . a i m if j mr -".v.. fit i f Th2 RES tlaii nr v Eacmory STREET CITY. STATE. .ZIP. .including $1.50 per machine to SCHOOL , Enclosed is cover shipping. Or please bill my BankAmericard or Master Charge (circle one) Account Number Master Charge Interbank No. (Expiration Date ) Maryland kA I UllVI k. .HBMM -III II .! ' " " - - residents please remit 4 sales tax. Offer valid by mail only A'7 nlir u Chafitz Equipment Company, C33 FlDc!al!!3 Rice, RodMlle, Maxylsnd 20B52 (301) SC0-0200 n i ii t m ni .jfc. in 'I lL. ZZ3 C:iZ3 113 3 E3 EISI n n