The Daly Tar H?f I T o O .T1 m f i 1 Us K Y.'ctfnc livy, AsrU 3. 174 Tv T Ml a 1 III n n from th wires of United Press International Compiled by Tom Scariitt and Walter Cotton Wire Editors Fulbright organizing trip to Hanoi WASHINGTON Sen. J. William Fulbright, D-Ark., said Tuesday he is trying to organize a congressional visit to Hanoi to seek a full accounting of U.S. servicemen missing in action from the Indochina War. Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he has been told that the State Department has no objection to the proposed trip and that it would share the hope that he would be successful. It has ben estimated 1,300 servicemen still are missing throughout Indochina. Previous diplomatic efforts to determine their fate have been unsuccessful. Rhodes wants committee questioned WASHINGTON House Republican Leader John J. Rhodes said Tuesday White House lawyers should have the opportunity to question the congressional committee which is scheduled to issue Wednesday its report on President Nixon's income 'taxes. "The American people and tradition allows any person the time and opportunity to defend himself before any tribunal," Rhodes said after meeting for two hours with Nixon and others. Snail-eating champ hangs up tongs HOUSTON Showing more style and speed than 30 rivals, Rex Miller demonstrated the eloquence, grace and goodness of dining on escargot Monday night by eating 112 Moroccan snails in 15 minutes. "You are tops in style," said chief judge Erik Worscheh of Houston's Petroleum Club. Miller retired from formal competition Tuesday and hung up his tongs and two pronged fork forever. "As far as escargot contests go, last night was my final performance," he said. "I am retiring. Next year I will be a judge." Luxury liner adrift in Atlantic NEW YORK The Queen Elizabeth 2, second largest luxury liner in the world and probably first in" misfortune, gave up trying to start its engines far out in the Atlantic Tuesday and told its 1,630 passengers they would be transferred to another ship. Ignominiously adrift 270 miles southwest of Bermuda since early Monday, the Queen's boiler failure was the latest indignity in a long string of bomb hoaxes, stowaways, late sailings and hijack scares which have plagued the pride of Curard Steam-Ship Line Ltd. since she was launched in 1967. The 963-foot liner was in no danger but unable to move under her own power since her three boilers conked out early Monday, hours after the $72 million liner sailed from New York on a Caribbean cruise. Cunard said fares of at least $1 million would be refunded. I FREE BOOKLET I "THE KINGDOM OF GOD" 1 Write: GEN. P.O.. Box 60 New York, N.Y. 10001 NEW YORK President Nixon's brother testified Tuesday that a lawyer for financier Robert L. Vesco asked him to warn the President in 1972 that Vesco's secret $200,000 campaign contribution might be exposed. F. Donald Nixon Sr. said he refused to do so, but suggested the lawyer get in touch with former Attorney General John N. Mitchell. I said there is no way I can do this," Kennedy offers health measure WASHINGTON Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass. and Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., proposed Tuesday a sweeping national health insurance plan to cover every American against medical costs regardless of their income or their need. The bill, described by Mills is similar to a health bill sponsored by the administration and is a significant rollback from a broader, more expensive measure proposed by Kennedy. The bill contains a castrophic illness provision whereby full cost of health services would be covered after a family had incurred annual medical expenses of $1,000. Kennedy and Mills estimated the total cost of their program at about $40 billion annually, about $8 billion of which represents additional costs above present spending, but about the same as President Nixon's health proposals. . Tornado hits N.C. CHARLOTTE A tornado ripped through Cherryville early Tuesday, killing one person and destroying or damaging 25 mobile homes in two hard hit trailer parks. "There were pieces of trailers scattered1 everywhere and some were completely flattened," said Ralph Towery, Cherryville's assistant fire chief. On Monday, the National Weather Service counted 28 tornadoes along a storm belt stretching from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Huntsville, Ala. The two-day death toll was at least three, one each in Alabama, Kentucky and North Carolina. Donald Nixon said "at the federal court conspiracy trial of Mitchell and former Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Stars. "It's been my policy ever since my brother has been in politics never to use that office for any purpose of mine or anyone I work for... I never talked to my brother about anything." The 59-year-old Nixon was the first member of Nixon's family to testify in any of the current trials or investigations of alleged wrongdoing by Nixon Administration officials. Nixon, who is retiring April 15 as a vice president of the Marriott Hotel chain because of ill health, testified for the prosecution. He said New York attorney Howard Cerny. an old friend, came to his hotel room in New York just before the 1972 elections at a time when his son. F. Donald Nixon Jr.. was working for Vesco. "He said there had been a S2O0.COO contribution made to my brother's campaign and there was an SEC investigation in progress which could very likely expose this contribution and he felt this would be before the election and he wanted to get this information to the President," the witness said. "I made it plain to Cerny I didn't want to get involved in any way with the Vesco case. I said if you want to get information to the President, you must know people, you have an office in Washington." More items sought WASHINGTON Watergate pro secutors said Tuesday they have not received ail relevant material from President Nixon as the White House claims, and will issue further subpoenas if they must to get needed evidence. In a strongly worded statement telephoned to reporters by a spokesman for Special Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, the prosecutor's office said a number of requests for evidence still are outstanding. The statement was issued within hours after White House spokesmen told reporters that Nixon had turned over all relevant material Jaworski had requested. On Friday, hours before a court deadline, Nixon abruptly decided to honor a Jaworski subpoena for additional materials the President previously had refused to relinquish. The statement from Jaworski's office stated, "Reports are incorrect in asserting that aside from the subpoena, all relevant materials requested from the White House have been turned over." He said Mitchell's name came up and he suggested Cerny get in touth with him since "he's no longer in government and has an office at, 20 Broad Street in New York." Cliapin was fold of dirty tricks WAS H 1 NG I ON Confessed political saboteur Donald Segretti testified Tuesday he distributed phony letters in 1972 accusing Democratic presidential hopefuls Henry Jackson. Hubert Humphrey and Shirley Chisholm of sexual misconduct or mental problems. Segretti said he sent to Dwight L, Chapin. President Nixon's former appointments secretary on trial for lying to a Watergate grand jury, copies of virtually everything involved in his dirty tricks campaign. A federal jury heard Segretti. who served a 4 12 month jail term for election violations in the Nixon presidential campaign in 1972. acknowledge distribution of the bogus letters. He said the letters charged, among other things, that Senator Jackson of Washington had fathered an illegitimate child when he was in high school, and that Senator Humphrey of Minnesota was involved in an auto crash with a "known call girl" in his car. RSTUHE CCS:( C7 SZXUAL LOVE "" "--- the moat baautrtU and , pcactical books on pfeyweal I lova avar publishad Ovar I 1S photograph in color and btack-and-wrxta of a young nuda coupta in a variety of pre-coitat and coital poi- lion Eptore (ne whole held of phyascai lova. indud- ing the building of aexual power, sexual summation, i technique for building uo passion and much mora. Over i 22S.O0O herd-bound copies i soid si 11 5 00. now svsxsMe i: - In sort cover for fust M 96. - ,: S20pagea ADAM ft EVTW Av.Hoo.y.t Franklin Cotua)a a Over tha Zoom Mon-Fri: 94tit 10-4 a ff?fMH7S m m is si m en m b) j 01 in mi CHAPEL HILL FOODOGIFTS O WOKSCOTHER KITCHEN UTENSILS 9 tSiSD m Bop to Your Favorite Oldies When APO Campus Chest Presents All-Campus SOCGC HOPS Saturday, April 6 in Carmichae! 1 ' J&& i!ARHEY PEAK -TRADING CO.j0$frk $ V 11). ' 3H) AN IMPORTANT SHOWING Of AMERICAN INDIAN Wed., Thurs.. Fri.. Sat. !) TURQUOISE AND SILVER JEWELRY April 10:30 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Rings Bracelets Necklaces Squosh Blossoms Navajo, Hopi, Zuni PRESENTS OF HWJD University Square Downtown Chapel Hill Contests! I Prizes! I (for best costumes, -(best dancers) Music by local "Dick Clark"-. Danny Cox! and featuring UNC's "Teen Angel," Rabbit Giles! Everybody Come: 7:30 tii??7 only 750 stag, $1.00 drag NO SHOES PLEASE! more info, call APO at 933-1044 Special Thanks to Vickers' Audio For Equipment i r (Q PL i clip out and save -a O COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COl O O gQ.: CAI1 YOU SELECT A GOOD DEAL?g: r-"i 12" pizza (1 itom) and Coko: $2.00. Savo 650 o z - o O Q. Thurs. 4-4 16" Doluxo: $4.62. Savo $1.00. g C. Fri. 4-5 thru ' PJcno of tho Abovo. Gofl froo Coko o o Sun. 4-7 Pdr Pizza. Savo 250 X o A. Wed. 4-3 o Sun. 4-7 Lion. 4-8 16" pizza (1 itom froo). Savo 600 o ; E. Tues. 4-9 2 froo Cokes (any sizo Pizza). 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J Crossword Puzzler DOWN ACROSS 1 Imitates 5 Cook slowly 9 Cry 12 Festive 13 GUI's name 14 Greek letter 15 Teutonic deity 16 Partner 18 Title of respect 20 Symbol for tantalum 22 Fiber plant 24 Bark cloth 27 Evergreen . tree 29 Cleaning - substance 31 Solidify 32 Make . amends 34 Regrets 33 Symbol for nickel 37 Season 33 Woolly 41 Negative 42 Lamb's pen name 44 Father of Leah 45 Goal . 47 Stalk 43 Wooden pins . 0 fcrcthercf Jacob 2 Ireland 64 Preposition 3 C-octrina 67 Roman rot; 69 A continent UtbrJ 61 vetrh 63 Att'diS" C5 lilzn'a ncr.s cr Period of time . C3 ttory "coat 1 Mature 2 Separations 3 Spanish arti cle 4 Everybody's uncle 5 Locations 6 Earthquake 7 Printer's measure 8 Existed 9 Scrawny per son 10 Exclamation 11 Prefix: twice 17 Exclamation 19 Pronoun 21 Later 23 Man's name 25 Having five angles 28 Foreigners 27 Oklahoma In dian 23 Heraldry: grafted Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle M lTat A' '! .z i Aiy tin 440IT. AIT. - ! 1 1 -""--r' A - 30 Toll 33 Lampreys 33 Break sud denly 33 Ceremony . 40 Encourage 43 Antenna 43 Fteld flower 43 Bishop's headdress 51 Pronoun 53 Compass 7 point 58 Small rug 53 Tear 60 Emrnet 61 Man's nickname 62 Sun god 64-Not s of sea! 3 68 Brother of Odin . I ;42 J tttf4 -Pi liair. .ijf Liutwa t-ittr HKave. inc.