Th OrSy Tar Heel John Russell 1 U L'UiJJ till U Wednesday. April 3, 1374 i,r.-f if 7-33 O .fJKJ H IT lu nuts s I V-V 7TYTT 771 TT 7 "Enormous Changes el the Las! r.inuta," Grece Paley, Farrsr, Straus, end Giroux The American short story is alive and well or so proclaim the nation's literati. Three of the four leading candidates for the 1974 National Book Award are short story writers, among them Doris Belts, nominated for her Beasts oj the Southern Wild collection. While publishing houses and magazines continue to treat the genre as an unprofitable nuisance, more and better stories are reviving critical respect for an art often practiced, but rarely practiced well, Grace Paley's second collection of stories, Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, is an important book: It is important because it follows a talented mind examining the character and limitations of short fiction, and it is important because the examination is conducted with much honesty and little bad writing. More than the novel or the poem, the short story is a creature of its point of view. Short fiction assumes a voice which shapes events, stylizing them within the writer's limitation of a few thousand words and within the story's limitations of time and space. Few authors consistently achieve the necessary control over their material" to balance the elements of what they say and Beckett symposium set A symposium on Irish playwright, novelist and poet Samuel Beckett will be held Thursday through Saturday on the UNC campus. In addition to lectures and workshops with leading Beckett scholars, the symposium will offer cinema presentations of selected Beckett works, a dramatic presentation produced by the UNC drama department and an exhibition of manuscripts, letters, books and photographs. Symposium director Dr. Edward Morot-Sir said that many scholars and critics consider Beckett to be the greatest writer since World War II. He is best known for his play Waiting jor Godot and for his contributions to the Theatre of the Absurd. The symposium will open at 8 p.m. Thursday in 100 Hamilton Hall. Ruby Cohn of the University of California at Davis will speak. She is author of several books on Beckett. The Symposium is sponsored by the UNC Departments of English and Romance Languages with the cooperation of the Department of Dramatic Art and the Extension Division. For more information call 933-1124. FOR SALE Mini Nikon F with new f 2-50 mm Nikkor lent plu 135 mm Soligar leiephoto. $200.00. Phone days 933-2930, evenings 544-2183, ask for Mike. 1970 M.G. Midget 37 mpg, 32 in town. Excellent condition, new starter and tune-up will consider trade for 650 Triumph plus cash. Cail 929-4548. RUNNERS AND CYCLISTS use E.R.G. for LSD. Sold Exclusively at THE CLEAN MACHINE. 110 West Main Street, Carrboro. 967-5104. Do you need sofas ($35.00 and up), tables, chests, kitchen tables, Lv.'s, stereos, and more?? AH at low prices Call or come by Good As New Furniture, 409 W. Rosemary 929 8259, Tues.-SaL 10-5. 71 Honda CL1C0, good, cond.; 3250 miles; helmet, cover & car carrier hid. $250. 933-7368 keep trying. GREAT BUY! 8 months old Kenwood 3200 stereo receiver and two Pioneer R-300 speakers worth $490, selling $350, call 471-1400 after 7:00. Moving sale: Stereo components: P.E. 3012 turntable, Pioneer 7100 amplifier, Realistic speakers, 1 year old. Best offer; 12' x 15' green shag rug with pad, $80. Miscellaneous furniture. Call 967-6627. 1973 Flat 124 Spider AM-FM stereo 8-track 5 speed yellow. Only 10,000 miles, new top great condition, great mileage, must sacrifice this week. $3500. Call 829-5569. For Sale. P A. System. Kustom 300 amp. 2 Altec A-7 type speakers, 2 15" horns. Good cond. 933-6981 ask for Steve Hiiiiard. After six call 682-8592. STEREOS: GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FINEST EQUIPMENT LOWEST PRICES; FULL WARRANTIES; CHECK RECEIVER SPECIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES! CALL ANN SHACHTMAN, 942-7172; VISIT, 1510 CUMBERLAND RD. FOR RENT 2 -bed room furnished Berkshire Manor ApL to sublet mid May mid-August A.C, dishwasher, pool and biking distance to campus. $150.00 month, water included call 929- 7632. Apartment available to sublet. May through August; 2 bedroom; 2 pools; Colony Apartments; close to Eastgate and University Mail. 823-5452. YUM YUM APARTMENT for sublease this summer. Pool, AC, appliances. $130month, use my furniture too. One bedroom, but room for two. Call Winston Cavln at 942-6461. Female roommate needed. May to Aug. Walking distance to campus. 2 bdrnv, AC, Pool. 51.25 per month. Furnished. Call 942-4410 afternoons and evenings. Needed: 2 females to share furnished house In Carrboro over the summer. Private bedrooms, $60. Ca3 Emily 942-8289 after 6:39. Apt. to Sublet AC townhouse, 1 baths, very dose to campus, 2 rooms, pool- MY " AuS- S2S-7388. A-17 University Gardens (possible next year). 2 Bedroom AH Eiec Apt to Sublease. Exactly one mile from campus. Partially furnished or unfurnished. May 15th til late August Price rve;ot!aWs no more than $145.00. Mike. 842 7475. Save gas and dollars. Th miles from campus. 23 bedroom ae furnished mobile homes, $30X3 to 123.03. month. Ceil 829-2ES4 1 to S. WANTED Wanted Persons with some maintenance or construction ex pertence to work full or part time. CsSi 828-831 5 after 5 p.m. IA D ) n ! 4 4 f8l a. i w r- . It E r1 Hi J f L(Q)SlL If HK .Annual how they say it. Most bypass the conflict and become either raconteurs or verbal pranksters. Grace Paley wants to be a raconteur, but at heart she is a prankster, and her voices tell their stories with a bemusement and fatalism befitting such a dilemma; trapped within a point of view they are forced to entertain through wit and eccentricity. The most entertaining people in Enormous Changes at the Last Minute are the man and woman protagonists of the title story. Alexandra is a middle-aged social worker on the way to visit her dying father. She is seduced by Dennis, a poet-songwriter-taxi driver who gets her pregnant and composes verses about lepers, ecology, ophidious gardens and fatherhood. After various dips in and out of reality and semantics, the plot ends nicely. The story is a success. We are taken by Paley's cleverness and she knows it. But she also knows that Dennis and Alexandra cannot exist outside their dialogue. Dennis will never go to a hospital because, he says, "I hate to be in the hands of strangers . . . Your destiny's in their hands. It's up to them. Do you live? Or are you a hippie crawling creep from their point of view?' Dennis will never trust his point of view to the point of view of a doctor, or of a reader. They are both strangers. Paley's questioning continues as she r Needed Immediately: Waitress and kitchen help top pay apply in person Honey's Restaurant Glen Lennox Shopping Center. Desperately need ride to TAMPA, Fta. or SAVANNAH, Ga. this weekend. Will help with expenses. Please call Lynne 933 3486. Keep trying! Male grad student desires part-time Chapel HiHCarrboro residence for next fall. Have country home but unable to commute every day due to distance. Need place with only minimal accommodations for about three nights per week. Will pay proportionate rent. Call 528-0458 and leave messagenumber or write: Richard Cowperthwait, RL 1, Box 199, Wake Forest WILL TRADE 1 Bdrm. Apt ($100month 10 min. from campus) for a 2 bedroom apt or house. Rent must be $125 or under. Will trade anytime from April 2-Aug. 29. Call 967-5845 5 p.m.-7 p.m. RIDE WANTED TO TROY, VA. area (Or Richmond) Frl. April 5 anytime. Mike; day, 966-1 41 1,ext 291; after 5:00,929-7705. Ride needed to D.C. area Friday afternoon. Cail 933-5139. Will help with gas, driving, expenses. Energetic young man. Operate campus-wide party picture business. Start Immediately, photographic experience f helpful. Candid Color Systems. Box 25669. Oklahoma City,! Oklahoma 73125. Phone (405) 787-9313. MISCELLANEOUS PERSIAN LANGUAGE COURSE. If you want to take Persian for CREDIT please contact Linguistics DepL secretary at 933-1192 second floor, Dey Han. Congratulations, Murray Poolie on your recent engagement. She's really a fine girl and your mamma is proud we know. Your creek can produce usable electricity. Measurement instructions and other details: $2. Write: Weathers, Box 133, Greensboro, North Carolina 27402. LOST: A grey short-sleeved sweatshirt lettered HARVARD. If found call Hammer 933-7815. LOST An alligator wallet near St Anthony's Hall. If found call Bill Kay at 967-7956 or return to St Anthony's. Reward. Don't care about money. Nick Galifianakls, former Congressman and candidate for U.S. Senate will be in the Pit today from 11:00-12:00 to meet Informally with students. Y'all come! PRO LIFE PREGNANCY COUNSELING. BIRTHCHOICE. 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Monday-Friday 942-3030. Come One And All Super Bargain Days at Good As New Shoppe, 413 W. Rosemary St 10-5 Tues.-8at Typing Experienced In term papers, theses, and dissertations. Call 929-5321 after 3:00. THE CAVE Cold Beer at Reasonable Prices. Plnbail, Air Hockey, Foosball, Color TV, Two REAL Dart Boards, Lots Of Old Gold on the Jukebox. Mike Cross Plays Every Friday. What Other Bar In Chapel Hill Offers All That? 452'A W. Franklin Et EUROPE-ISRAEL-AFRICA. Travel discounts year-round. Student Air Travel Agency, Inc. 201 Allen Road, Suite 410, Atlanta, GA. 30308 (404) 258-4258. FCR FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ON QUALITY HI-FI, STEREO COMPONENTS CALL JOHN FLORENCE AT 829 2841, MONDAY-SATURDAY, 8:00-5:00. LJ rr illlO Sri "' 13. on i r 1 ! n ir CiW" Ml r j ; i MWOMUJID) (.0)1 7 AIL (C i !m l c n explores the recurrent character of Faith. Like Dennis and Alexandra, Faith is alive within the author's verbal acrobatics the story Faith in a Tree" is a good example but one senses at times Paley's feeling that her character's life has not been told. A suspicious neighbor named Mrs. Raftery gives rise to a muse, but invoked or not, Paley finally decides she cannot make use of the raconteur's fiction. Faith is not Mary Hines. Sixty pages later Paley is actively defending her creations in A Conversation with My Father." Sure of her method and of her ability to make it work, she rejects her father's storyteller criticism: "Jokes," he says, "as a writer that's your main trouble. You don't want to recognize it. Tragedy! No hope. The end." But Grace Paley realizes that the people of her short stories do not work in history. Their mystery leaves them and all that remains are the author's mechanics. The characters lose their rhythm; against the background of a dramatic fiction they become a bad joke. So while Father, and perhaps Raftery, look on with disapproval, Dennis, Alexander and Faith tell their stories neither from history nor from drama. Instead they acknowledge the possibility of laughter and the possibility of enormous changes at the last minute. Grace Paley, by her own cheerful admission, does short stories because "art is too long and life is too short ." It would be easy to say that in making a choice between remarks and literature, she decided against trying the latter. But that is unfair. There is an excellence iajearning one's craft well enough to live with it. Grace Paley has learned to live with her stories and maybe that is just as good as art, if not better. I Hairs yen Chapel eginning V from IL ( O il f s m i r if i 'r hVko- (dm ml 1 O ) I U X I 1 I ' ' ' - ' U LjA "ON CAMPUS - (C) a Cinema Trie Sting." Carolina ThsaSrt. Con comedy is itself a con with some pretty mziSy mtteriai being turned into excellent entsrtainmsnt by some talented hands. 1:53, 4:10, :33 a E:53. $2. Ends Thursday. Late shows: Friday and Saturday, The Possession of Joel Deliney." Sunday, "One Day in the Ufa of Ivan Denlsovlch." 11:15. $1.50. The Groove Tube." Varsity Theatre. 1,3,5, 7 & 9. $2. Late show: Friday and Saturday, "Mash." 11:15. $1.50. "Day for NIchL" Plaza I. Trufiauf s Jove letter to film making is wonderful, touching, funny, charming, delightful, etc An exhiiersting experience, not to be ml3sed. 2:45, 5, 7:15 & 8:33. $2. Ends Thursday. "Conrack." Plaza II. Martin Ritfs story of a teacher in a poverty area has received good early reviews. 3, 5X5, 7:10 & 9:15. $2. Ends Thursday. The Exorcist" Plaza III. 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30. $3. Free flicks: Friday, "A Streetcar Named Desire." Tennessee Williams' best play, brilliantly acted, directed and photographed. A great experience. Saturday, The Ruling Class." A satire on the upper classes. Weak as satire, and rather sloppy, but filled with witty lines, and exceptional performances. Sunday, The Go Between." (Super Sunday, by subscription only.) A perversa and chillingly beautiful tale of love and deception. Well done in every respect. 6:03 & 9 in the Great Hall. Alternative Cinema: "If I Had a Gun." Czech comedy about children during World War II. The best Czech film I have sesn...a classic." Pauline Kael, New Yorker. Saturday at 2, 7 & 9:33 in Carroll KaX Admission, $1.50. Charlie Chaplin Film Series: "Monsieur Verdoux." A biting, sardonic black comedy in which Chaplin plays wife killer. With Martha Raye. Sunday at 2, 4:30, 7 and E:33 In Carroll Hall. $1. Chapel Hill Rim Friends: The Passenger." (Poland, 193S). An unfinished film of life in a Nazi women's camp. Friday at 9:33. Saturday at 11:30 in Carroll Hall. $1.50. n ir i tin BATH EC E-3GP about our earrings? They look nice on her, and they will look nice on you too. And they are reasonably priced. NCIMB PLAZA Hill O OPEN 'til 8 p.m. daily ANNOUNCING CLEARANCE LQ) Monday, April (rain will postpone Also: A number of specials (clearance items) our record and clothing i J A 'a r-' Duke Car Association Rim Series: "Dial M for tTurtisr." 7.h Ray Holland and Grace Kelly. 9 p.m. Wednesday in the Hloot Court Room of the Law School. 53 cents. "Gvrana Toshi." A Japanese film dealing with cross-cultural communications. Presented by the International Student Centpr. Friday at 7:33 in 111 Murphy HaSI. 53 cents. "Montgomery to Memphis." A documentary on Martin Luther King. Today et 8 p.m. In the Great Hall. $1. "Le if Sings the Elues." Friday et 7 & 9 in the Stewart Theatre, NCSU. "Colonial Ha turaii st." Presented by the N.C Museum of History in the auditorium of the State Library Building, Raleigh. Sunday, 3-4 p.m. Admission free. Concerts Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Presented by the Carolina Union in cooperation with the Black Arts Festival. Thursday, April 11 at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Tickets, $2, at Union Desk. The Carpenters. Monday, A pril 15 at Reynolds Coliseum, Raleigh. Tickets, $4, $5 and $8 in advance; $5, $S and $7 at door. Available at Record Bars in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greenville, Rocky Mount and Reynolds Coliseum box office. John Denver. Saturday, April 27 at the Dorton Arena, Raleigh. 8 p.m. Tickets, $4, $5 and $S, available at Record Bars in Ra!eigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. "Music of the Orient." A lecture by William Malm. Today at 8 p.m. in Hill Hail. "2Cth Century Art Songs." Stephenie Meivin, mezzo. Michael Zenge, piano. Thursday at 8 p.m. in Hill Hail. Duke Junior Recital featuring Kathleen Ryan, pianist. Friday et 8:15 p.m. in the East Duke Music Room. Duke Senior Recti a I featuring Patricia Wuencsh, pianist Saturday at 8:15 p.m. in the East Duke Music Room. Bcbby Womack appearing with Chocolate Funk. In conjunction with the Fourth Annual Pan African Festival of NCSU. Saturday at 8 p.m. in Reynolds Coliseum, Raleigh. Tickets, n n n a I l;l:-,T!iM''(?iirii;- O) 1, outside of Student Stores -J sale until tomorrow) departments will-be on IT vO)"7i I ( Cz $3, available at the Information Desk, University Student Center, fCSU. UHC Chamber Orchestra. David Senins, conductor. Sunday at 4 p.m. in Hill Hall. Duke University Wind Symphony presents a Lawn Concert Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Sarah P. Duke Memorial Gardens on the Duke West Campus. "The Seven Last Vords of Christ." Presented by the White Rock Baptist Church Senior Choir and the North Carolina Little Symphony. Sunday at 4:50 p.m. in the White Rock Baptist Church, 34C3 Fayetteville St, Durham. Theatre UNC Reader's Thestre: "The Great Gatsby." An adaption of the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in Deep Jonah. Admission free. Tallulah, A Memory." A one woman show presented by Eugenia Rawls, a long time friend and professional associate of Tallulah Bankhead. 8 p.m. Saturday in the Ptaymakers Theatre. Free tickets available at the Playmakers Business Office, Graham Memorial. "The Dentist" A "comedia d'el arte" piece, developed by Buck Kohr and Rebecca Ranson, from a scenario by Flaminio Scala. 4 p.m. Thursday in 103 Graham Memorial. Free tickets available at the Lab Theatre Office, Graham Memorial. "Experiencing Beckett" Produced in conjunction with the Beckett Symposium. 6 p.m. Thursday, 4 p.m. Friday in CS Graham Memorial. Free tickets available at the Lab Theatre Office, Graham Memorial. "Lo and Behold." Village Dinner Theatre, Raleigh. Buffet at 6:45, curtain at 8:33. Call 787-7771 for for reservations. Nightly except Monday. Ends Wednesday, April 24. Dance The Eleo Pomare Dance Company. Sponsored by the Black Students' Board in conjunction with the Fourth Annual Pan African Festival of NCSU. Today at 8 p.m. in Stewart Theatre, NCSU. $1.50. Spicy spaghetti piled on high With our special meat sauce parmesan cheese, and a Grecian roil Try our spaghetti for a change $29 BRING THIS COUPON Good Until April 7 There's something good for everybody you love at 1 32 W Fr.i.iM.r sale. fCA'ULiL !Ut

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