Thursday, April 4, 1374 Indent job prospects if "JET"' ",;fSE"v, f! f -t i j s rriswi P-., ft Y!i h ( )" fi IS I i v m The Dsiiy Tar Heel i k f i T1 jimminmeF emiMOvmeiM ureim items mp by Frsr.k Griffin Cz'.i Yrftsr Geri Wilson, summer job placement counselor for the University's Career Planning and Placement Service, said the opportunities for summer employment by aylor denies appeal y campus policemen u A .third appeal by campus policemen protesting recent changes in their work shift schedule was denied this week by Chancellor N. Ferebee Taylor. In a letter dated April 1, which policemen received Wednesday, Taylor said he followed the unanimous recommendation of the University Staff Grievance Committee in denying the appeal. Both police spokesman Eunice Sparrow, and their attorney, Roy M. Cole, declined to comment on whether an appeal will be made to the State Personnel Board. Taylor's decision was made after he received a three-page report on the third step grievance procedure hearing held March 18, ;i::i:i::?-:W:sra RAMESES GAS g !: Student managed & operated. Open in Afternoons 402 K. Main St. Carrboro. v! Prices Lower THAN MOST 49.9$ : OTHER STATIONS & 52.S $ e.e , , ee,. M,,.MAA,AVM,VA,r.WXCM'A' ."e.a.VVW,-sVA i- v." w y y u w U U Ua - n u inn tr.j iZrii h Tight IjL tiass 'y. aveteria This includes: Jello iYIolds Tossed Salad Relish Tray Roll Butter 5 CI Punch 3 1 'AMU HCpir 1 (SYO) 8 v" I THURSDAY 1 1 From 5-6:30 1 i I I Meal Plan Tickets I 1 Will. Be Honored 1 The Daily Tar Heel is published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday, exam periods, vacation, and summer periods. No Sunday issue. The following date are to be the only Saturday issues: September 15. 22, & 29. October 27. and November 10 & 17. Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. el North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News. Sports 933-1011, S33-1012; Business. Circulation, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: $16.00 per year, $8.00 per semester. Second class postage paid at U.S. Post Office in Chapel Hill. N.C. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee ( of the Student Constitution). The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate trie typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn away copy It considers objectionable. The Daily Tar Heel will not consider adjustments or payments for any typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given to the Business Manager within (1) one day after the advertisement appears, or within one day of the receivng of tear sheets or subscription of the paper. The Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notice for such correction must be r en before the next Insertion. Murrey Poo! tScnaet Schiftan- .Business Mgr. Adver. Mgr. this time of year are already limited, so students who register now with the Placement Service should not feel that a job is guaranteed. However, students are still encouraged to register she said. Wilson said the Placement Service was in a sense a clearing house for information on from Professor Gerald Barrett, chairman of the grievance committee. Barrett's report was attached to Taylor's letter and said the committee unanimously recommended that the appeal be denied. The policemen's grievance stems from the implementation of an "exchange program" last February under which officers, one-at-a-time, serve two weeks on each of the two shifts other than their regular shifts. The protesting officers say they were hired with the unwritten agreement that they would work a fixed shift. Thirteen of the 28 campus policemen signed a petition Jan. 31 which set up the third step hearing. In his letter denying the appeal, Chancellor Taylor quoted the grievance committee report as saying, "There can be no serious doubt that the protested system has the potential for constituting a significant improvement over the former system ... It is a small price to pay to achieve greater versatility to ask each officer to spend a few weeks each year working on other shifts, while he continues to work on his regular shift for some 44 to 48 weeks each year." SAVINGS RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Reuijhof'.lr'rrHj Soffl Ivh CoJChf;s. . . from $49..'0 neupfo!si(.-rfj Chairs, from SI 4. 50 Us'jtf Mattresses (sterilized). ..from $;.05 Nf:w liinersDrirtq Mattresses SBoxsprinqs . .from $29.95 1121 W. Main St.. Durham 0 il QsTG OpenM on.-Sat. 9-9 942-3141 T C-3 0 R3 G ' vol she CORflPLE-TE STUDENT IS 8u Ti7(Trrrc,N 'ON CAMPUS" , I o I iJ I ,A. I-1 I i mm T .... aH jobs. The service acts as a focal point where employers can make their employment needs known and where students can come to find out the opportunities available to them. Wilson called Chapel Hill and the Triangle area a crowded area for summer employment. She said employers in Chapel Hill can often fill their summer positions simply by hiring students who come directly to them seeking employment. The Placement Service therefore tends to stress job opportunities outside the immediate area, Wilson said. Wilson said she encourages students not to restrict themselves to one particular city or region when seeking a job. She said it was important to be geographically flexible so that the student would be in a better position to get a job of special interest to him, especially in cases where job openings are very competitive. Many employers don't actually recruit on campus for summer jobs, Wilson said; most of them contact the Placement Service by phone or mail, but those who do recruit on campus are in the final stages now. Because summer jobs include many seasonal jobs, students traditionally find positions open with summer camps, resorts and construction companies. But while these three remain a major source of summer employment, Wilson said, the range and variety of employment available is wide. The Placement Service has set up a Summer Job Reading Room in 203 Gardner Hall to provide information on available jobs and suggestions for types of jobs. The room is open and students can browse . through the files which have jobs arranged according to location and type of work involved. Wilson said one of the sources most used by students is the Geographic Survey Notebooks! These contain questionnaires filled out by UNC students describing the jobs they held during the previous summer ATfHMTlON SENIORS! The Air Force has open ings for officers in the fields of civil, mechanical, elec trical, aeronautical & aer ospace engineering, com puter science & math. Be nefits include outstanding pay, steady promotions, travel, medical care. 30 days vacation. - r SGT. TOM LAMM Post Office Building Durham Phone: 682-5381 TOPS W jor the warm weather-at S Knit tops Halters Halter sets E. Franklin lAME OF The Little Professor you to try your IARBLE SHOOTING COITEST For College Students! Saturday, April 20. Universitj Square Need boning-up? We Have the Boo! We Have the Oeiiner pouch containing 23 University Square O 143 VV. Franklin i DOWNTOWN CHAPEL HILL I Open Every Day.. .Friday 'til 9 O Sunday 1-5 I and include evaluations of the jobs. These notebooks provide good information to students who are unsure of what they want to do during the summer. I he "Summer Employment Directory" gives a Using of camps, summer theatres, ranches, reports, restaurants and businesses that reguiarly hire college students for summer help. The directory says that employers of resorts and camps look mostly for good references, training, work experience ana special skills when reviewing applicant! but room Camp salaries can vary greatly find board are usually included. If you wanted to work for the Federal Government this summer and haven't yet applied, tllen you're probably too late. Many of their office jobs require the applicant to take a "Slimmer Employment Exam" and the last die to apply for this exam was Jan. 25. Therl are, however, laborer's jobs available with application deadlines of April 15. For those Europe thjj of you who wanted to work in summer and are now a little discourage , the possibility of finding a job there sti exists. The Council on Educational Exchange, an Internatiortl agency thai helps students get their work ut a lot of red tape, announced papers wit recently, " lost of the recent problems (in 7 a . a 1 Britain) wire i cioseiy reiatea to laoor have now been settled. If any disputes th students ha P difficulty in finding a job for any reason our cooperating agency in London wil assist them." If you're oking for a job in Chapel Hill, you can the Career Planning and Placement Office, 211 Gardner; the Security Commission on Employmeij Franklin S tfeet; the Student Aid Office in Vance Hall P bulletin board lists part time job opening! the UNC Personnel Office in Vance Hall the Personnel Office at N.C. Memorial Hospital or your department in the Universir". ENJOY the warm weather with light-weight HIKING SHORTS of corduroy, cotton polyester, fand 6040 cotton Now at THE RAIL SHO V. Franklin BOTTOMS r aryn Lynn Shorts Skirts Sialics v Univeity Mall Loft SPRIEIG Book Center irjites skill at marbles 4T 4 2.50 Marbles $1 .25 class marbles and two s titers) 9 .1 Tcday'icJvfJe Dortt B-ttt wm la ad a dice oion on ht book. Ttvt Pliw lo fckt BaacK, fcxfey it I n. In Connoc Partor e Hondcrsea RMidanc CoHeit RtiinhmnU. Th Chriitm Scianca OrvsUatton wifl m4 aSi rritq ml 5:15 In ttm Union. Erofts wfzom. Topic: "What can tod ntet In n owpac4 KtjT Chadi eandr lor room nurrtbof. ihlpal:15! Thf via b a torvico of t)iavni(aatVM Ea'.tJa Houa (Baptist C i Miniatry) prt64 by racnsa'ior at 5. T topic Prtphwt." f Mrn Ufthtr Kin aa Kochorolatrr A lecture r' atructura and fcmction ol fwnostebln. iho Bonr and a comparison Ina normal and alckled atataa of Pcnniaton at tonigfrt In Ft Public ia kirfted. lob in wiS ba glvan by Dr. 307 of Vena U a Ka!L Tha Tha CGC Appointments Ccitiee wiil hold Kaaringt (n Room 239 of tha Carolina Uni tonight at 8. Crmgi County attzent for Wma0a Power win matt tonight at 8 In Room 217 of thcGnion. AM atudMita who took EngliK 1 andor 2 within tha last year (Spring 1973) who wish to t up their papara from tha English oftlca should coma by Flint 200 Greenlaw and leave iner names before April 12. Thei r eapers wBI be returned ana week after that data. L Appecations for tha Forum Coistittea are aveiUbte at tha union desk. Sign up for intarvievi through Friday. Items of In rest Lost One Navy pea lacked blai with one button mlasino. Reward ottered. Call 929-2605 art ask for Tom. Want carpool to Hillsborough wh other Jurors tha waafc of AprH i. can Sheila at 942-7513 Found: A man's watch in Paking Lot on comer of Mccauley and Flttsboro SlreeL tan S49-M11, extension CaeipMs news RHA elections today Elections for area representatives to the Residence Hall Associition Governing Board will be held today irbm 1 to 6 p.m. Five of the six races for Lhese RHA posts are uncontested. ; ; Old East, Old West and jCarr will vote at Carr for candidate Charles May. Whitehead residents vote at Whiteheadfor Ann Foster. The candidate for Spfencer, Mclver, Kenan, and Alderman i Betsy Jones. Students in those dorms wil lvote at Mclver. Ann Berman is the candidate for the seat from Joyner and the Morehead Confederation. Those students are to vote in Joyner and Everett. The Upf er Quad votes UNIVERSITY OPTICIANS DON REGISTER & STAFF Reg. Licensed Opticians Prescriptions Filled, ! Lenses Duplicattd CONTACT LENSES FITTED 942 8711 1 a. New And Larger Quarters In University Squarel OS COOfilDinigl SOODT1- fz, FOR SALE MUST SELL: Kenmore Washer. Excellent condition, extra clean. 3 cycles, 2 speeds. All other extras. Raleigh. $35 or less. 772-2238. Lost An alligator wallet near SL Anthony's HaiL Dont care about the money. Means a lot to me. Reward substantial. CaR BIN at 967-7956 or return to SL Anthony's. Dreaming of a unique and inexpensive summer adventure? If Interested In camping on a secfuded private beach fn tha Caribbean send a stamped addressed envelope and St to Labadie Commune, Box 496, Carrboro, N.C. Teledyne Packard Eell Solid State AMFMFM Stereo Receiver with 8 -track tape player and built-in 4 -channel decoder with 2 speakers all for $150. Can 933-5124 (ask for Chip). For Sale: Yamaha classical guitar with case; pretty good condition $50; Call Jenny 489-2121 evenings. Nice for beginning. 1970 2 B.R. Trailer 12 x 46 furnished. Only $2000.00. Worth much more but has some problems. Can 966-9337 after 2 P m- RUNNERS AND CYCLISTS use E.R.G. for LSD. Sold Exclusively at THE CLEAN MACHINE. 110 West Main StreeL Carrboro. 867-51 34. Do you need sofas ($35.00 and up), tables, chests, kitchen tables, t.v.'s, stereos, and more?? AH at low prices Ci II or coma by Good As New Furniture, 409 W. Rosemary 829 8259, Tues.-SaL 10-5. 71 Honda CL100, good, cond.; 3250 miles; helmet, cover car carrier tnct. $250. 933-7363 keep trying. GREAT BUY! 8 months old Kenwood 3200 stereo receiver and two Pioneer R-300 speakers worth $490, setting $350, call 471-1400 after 70. STEREOS: GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY FINEST EQUIPMENT LOWEST PRICES; FULL WARRANTIES; 'CHECK F.ECEIVER SPECIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES! CALL ANN 8HACHTMAN. 942-7172; VISIT. 1518 CUM3SRLAND F.D. FOR RENT NEED: A ROOK MATE TO SHARE, a 2-bedroo-n apL in Carrboro 3 miles off campus, for summer aesaton. Good location. Can Bill at S67-7858. AvtiiaUe anmed alsfy 3 2 -feed room ac furnished mobile homes, $SD.OO per month, telephone S29-2S54 1 to 5. EEACH L0YER5: Ocean front cottages for rant spring parties or summrr vacation. CaH 72S-5&64 or P.O. Box 159 Atlantic Beach. Outer Banks Realty. Vanlad: Two fa mala roommates both sessions summer school. Berkshire Apis. $5 month plus utiHUes. Poof, A.C, modem kiichen. CaU 829-6818. YUStf YUM APARTMENT for sublease this summer. Pool, AC, arpl-snces. S13Qmonth, use my furniture too. One bedroom, but room for two. CaH Winston Cavin at 942-6481. Female roommal naedtd. V.ay to Aug. Wslklng distance to campus. 2 bdrm.. AC, Pool, J12S per month. Furnished. Cat 942-4419 altemoons and evenings. 2i43 and ask for Joe- Lest: CoW BoSova waleh. brown leather band. Scratch on r),M 0r crystat Reward. CaS Tom Hontar at S&8-S305 Lost Irish aattar wearing brown collar. Answers to lan. Reward ofterad: can 97-477. MAT (Medical CoHega Admission Test) appttcaUone are d ja bt tawa CHy. Iowa on AprH 12 for the May testing. This dtfa Is a belter one for taking tha admission test tor entering kt 1375-7S. A 2x2 photograph and $20 are needed with the a piefin. Applications are available at the Guidance and Ttsting Carter in Nash Mat! (across from the Inn parsing lot); Cr. Etraughn's of" ice. 312 South Building; Arts and Sciences. tH South SuSding and tha Medical School Admissions C ffiee. 224 Uerder. Counselors are available for discussing nd school and health career options at tha Outdance and Testing Center. Can 933-2175 for an appointment. Going to summer school? The Kappa Delta Sorority House 48 be open both sessions. $200 per session includes room and board. Tha house Is located at 219 E. Franklin Street across from tha Planetarium, close to campus and downtown. N Interested, can the KA house at: 9eS-9160 or nt2-4S99. First come ttrsl serve. Tha UNC Chemistry Department will sponsor a s fmposium on "Chemical Aspects of Evolution.- during the afternoon and evening Friday. April 5. Registration is free but sjace Is limited. Register m advance or write: Evolution kimisymposium. Department I Chemistry. UNC, Chapel Kilt Persian Languaga Course: If you want to take tha Persian Language lor credit, please cal Goli Irani at 929-2306 after 5 a j. or tha Linguistics Department at Dey Hall. M members of PM Eta Sigma who were inducted In Spring 1173, should pick up their certificates at Room 303-D South ufldmg. Applications and Interview sign-up' sheets are now availabJa at tha Union desk for anyone interested In working en a Union committee. Save your pennies for tha ZBT Mile of Pennies Annual charity project It makes sense to give cents. In tomei at Ruffin for Lee Wallace. The contested seat is for Scott Residence College with Melinda Hickman and Joe Tate running. Scott residents will vote at Parker. Year-at-Sevil!e open , Openings are still available in the Year-at-Seville program, offered by the Department of Romance Languages. Although participation normally comes in the junior year, the program is open to all undergraduate and graduate students. It is not necessary to be a Spanish major to participate. Under the program, now in its second year, students spend a full academic year at the University of Seville. UNIVERSITY SQUARE r 1 ? n 3 bedroom house to sublease. One mile from campus. Unfurnished. $180month. May 15-AugusL' AC. 933-5952. to Sublet: AC townhouse, 1V baths, very close to campus, 2 rooms, pool. May thru Aug. 929-7388. A-17 University Gardens (possible next year). Save gas and doners. 3 miles from campus. 2 A 3 bedroom ac furnished mobile homes, $90.00 to 125.00. a month. Call 29-2854 1 to 5. WANTED V7 art tad Parsons with some maintenance or construction experience to work full or part time. Cait 929-9016 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Used leases' 3 or 5 speed bike. Reasonable price. Cait after 5 p.m. 929-9841. )eded Immediately: Waitress and kitchen help lop pay apply In person Honey's Restaurant Glen Lennox Shopping Center. Itate grad student desires part-time Chapel HiUCarrboro residence for next I all. Have country home but unable to commute every day due to distance. Need place with only minimal accommodations for about three nights per week. VESI pay proportionate rent. Call 528-0458 and leave rtetsagerutmber or write: Richard CowperthwalL Rt. 1. Box 199. Wake Forest. Energetic young man. Opera la campus-wide party picture tusiness. Start Immediately, photographic experience. relpfuL Candid Color Systems. Box 25663. Oklahoma City,' Oklahoma 73125. Phone (435) 717-6313. MISCELLANEOUS Condoms for Men: Top-quality Brands All at very Low Frtcea. Dont aetSe for less than the best Adam 4 Eve, F ranfcRn A Columbia (over Zoom). SUMMER TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: PAID SUMMER TRAINING PERIOD IN NEWPORT. RHODE ISLAND THIS fUMMER AND GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT UPON GRADUATION. TO FIND OUT IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE CONTACT LT OLSHiNSKI, NAVAL ARMORY. UNC 833 1193. PERSIAN LANGUAGE COURSE. If you want lo take Persian far CREDIT please contact Linguistics DepL secretary at (33-1192 aecond floor. Dey HaiL Your creek can produce usable electricity. Measurement Instructions and other details: $2. Write: Weathers, Box 133, Greensboro, North Carolina 274G2. Typing Experienced In term papers, theses, and dissemUona. CaS 929-5321 after 3:00, - THE CAVE Cod Beer at Reasonable Prices. Pineal!, Air Hockey, FoosfeaiL Color TV. Two REAL Dart Board a Lots Of Did Gold on the Jukebox. Hike Cross Plays Every Friday. What Other Ser In Otepel H1U Offers AB That? 452 W. Franklin SL EUR OPE-I SRAEL-AFRICA. Travel discounts year-round, Student Air Travel Agency, Inc. 201 Alien Road, Suite 410,: A Simla, GA. 30308 (404) 2S8-428. f 01 FAST PRCFESC'.CNAL SERVICE CN QUALITY HI-FI STEREO COMPONENTS CALL JOHN FLORENCE AT 829 1341. WOt. DAY-SATUR CAY. 9X0-5:00. 1 1 , -I v""""". f'- " M "" 1 K:1 9' : ? f 't U ajf lis! 11 1'1 itn, " rx1 " ' 3 f i li ''-J-si'; t L " " ' s,. f r mmmm .r Mm-tatJ CoS