Tha Dally Tit Has! Friday, April 5, 1S74 ..v.v. A n rt iff "5a n r1 T1 i by Ccctt Lari!-sy Film Critic Groove Tube Takeoff on TV. A bit sophomoric. and leaning rather heavily on a certain type of sexual humor, but still pretty funny, CH The Sting Con comedy is itself a con with some pretty moldy material being turned into excellent entertainment by some talented hands. It's too big. and tends to drown in over-production, but it's a surefire audience pleaser. CH. D. R The Three Musketeers Richard Lester's exuberant and very funny version is perhaps the first film to be successful at both debunking and reveling in foolish heroics. Lester's best, most discipline film. Almost certain to become known as an entertainment classic R A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick's version of Anthony Burgess view of the future. An outstanding piece of movie making in every respect. Definitely another Delicious PIZZA tO j, j, . m m m Town d Country Shopping Center 3 i r i day a mm P H M E nuiouciy, -A Saturday only V U 3 U La u 423 E. Mdn, Ccrrbcro Crossword Puzzler ACROSS Unit.) 3 Uncooked 4 Cook slowly 5 Rope by which an animal Is fastened 6 Puts on one's guard 7 Be defeated 8 Smalt child 9 Conjunction 10 Come back 11 Fewest 13 Leases 18 Beverage 19 Foot lever 21 Mate 23 Bury firmly 25 Pertaining to the poles 27 Grain 23 Vehicle 32 Sat 33 Chief artery 1 Explode 6 Place for worship 11 Woolly 12 Less rigid 14 Printer's measure 15 Most damp 17 Symbol for tellurium 18 Emmet 20 At what place? 21 Play on words 22 Withered 24 Dine 25 Separate 23 Earthquake 23 Rejects 20 Arabian gar ment 31 In music, high 32 Military stu dents 35 Frolic S3 Retain 33 Chinese pagoda 41 Harvest 42 Exist 43 Boundary 45 Inlet 43 Pronoun 47 Complained 43 Roman Catholic (ai:br.) 0 Having branches 12 One who shirks duty e4 Chairs 15 Supercilious persons " DOWN 1 Pennant ST World conization liistr. 1 11 11 11 great one from Kubrick. R The Long Goodbye Robert Altman's brilliant send-up of the private eye genre. There's too much Altman rambling, as in Brewster McCloud. but when his scenes work, they work exceptionally well. R The Exorcist William Friedkin brings to this devil film the same slam-bang direction he used in The French Connection. Some of it is effective at the moment, but the film as a whole is manipulative trash. Disgusting in more ways than one. CH, D. R Conrack Martin Ritt is a fine director of actors, and in this tale of a teacher and poverty stricken students, he provides many touching and beautiful moments. But the film as a whole is a self-congratulatory collection of embarrasssing and syrupy old fashioned liberal sentiments. CH, R Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams Story of a cold woman thawing. Some moving moments (mainly due to another superb performance from Joanne Woodward), but the film as a whole is cliched soap opera stuffed with pseudo poetry. A great COLD BEER Hours: 4-12 929-4747 O Airport Rd. SAL MI!I i LIST SALE 60 00 42.95 29.95 15.79 39 19 95 95 at y 929-4554 Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle A ft? t v TfO iv t r- T! ! II. T A (pi.) 34 Short stalks 35 Coloring substances 33 Heap of stones (pi.) 37 Excess of lunar over . solar year 40 French for ' "friend" 43 For fear that 44 Gull-like bird 47 Brown kiwi 48 Pair 51 Pronoun 53 Hebrew month (0) hJu f 1 I x i' r r r r i7 ia riw 14 ;;g;l5 16 SS1 m tri3 "W ff y Jilii1 Lj4 f.ii f I ! " fV-f ,r,ii Jf i cature Syntssoite, Inc. performance from Sylvia Sidney. D Serpico Story of an honest cop is done pretty sloppily and is rather vulgaricd. Still, the film has an understanding of the subtleties of corruption, and the central story is inspiring. Worth seeing for that. D, R The Way We Were Big. glossy, dum dum attempt at an old-fashioned Hollywood love story. The stars only occasionally have the needed personality, and the discussion of issues involved is insultingly stupid. D, R Billy Jack No comment. R The following have not been reviewed. Opinions expressed are those of a consensus , xf critics. Blazing Saddles Mel Brooks comedy Western. Mixed to good reviews. Five on the Black Hand Side Comedy about blacks got good reviews. R Dirty OI'Neil Love life of a cop. Could you possibly be interested? CH Alternative Cinema If I Had A Gun Czech comedy about children during World War II. "The best Czech film I have seen... a classic. Pauline Kael, New Yorker. At 2, 7, 9:30 Saturday in Carroll Hall. There will be a sneak preview of Jean Eustache's The Mother and the Whore. At 1 1:30 tonight in Carroll Hall. Admission is $1.50 (it will be $2.00 during the regular run). "o) fr W fr il R? Let UrBcieSann Buy If o m t a Goiter this EV3onth. Charjel Hill's Complete . mi...:. II ii Chaplin Series Monsieur Verdoux Brilliant sardonic comedy in which Chaplin plays a wife killer. His most unusual fim and the one in which he does the best acting. Not to be missed. At 2. 4:30. 7 and 9:30 Sunday in Carroll Hall. Admission $1. Chapel Hill Film Friends The Passenger Brilliant, exceptionally perceptive film of lives in a women's concentration camp. A powerful, emotional experience. Shown with Ballet Mechanique, a French avant-garde classic of the 20s. At 9:30 Friday and 11:30 Saturday in Carroll Hall. Union films A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams' best play, brilliantly acted, directed and photographed. A great experience. Friday. The Ruling Class A satire on the upper classes! Weak as a satire and rather sloppy, but filled with witty lines and exceptional performances. Saturday. The Go-Between A perverse and chillingly beautiful tale of love and deception. Well done in every respect. Super Sunday, by subscription only. All films at 6:30 and 9 p.m. in the Great Hall. THE DAILY TAR HEEL Don't sing the "1040 Blues." Your tax return money can buy you the guitar of your choice. With the triangle area's largest selection of guitars to choose from, no wonder Burgner Music Co. has been packed with' people buying guitars with their income tax refunds. Choose from guitars by Ovation, Gibson, Guild, Yamaha, Epiphone, Rickenbacker, Fender, among others. DON'T SQUANDER YOUR MONEY-let the professional musicians at Burgner's advise you in finding the instrument that's right for you-right use, right sound, right feel, right price. Come in now and select your instrument. If you can't buy today-layaway, and pick up your guitar when you get the money. (If you don't get much tax money break-don't . worry-just look. for the "Red, White and Blue Specials" for extra savings.) You can't afford not to buy at Burgner's The Value Store. Visit us today. I V A ! . v I l I I t . t ; I i I ) V.IP' CtS rv u rr:-' "1""" "M W ..... A a MUM M" 320 W. Franklin O Across from tha Bus Station r ": r" - --S:: f" f"""" i ' - f "" ' - v f -- -i f 'I j . m Pass the Jug. Pour the Jug. Jug-a-lug. Jug is the Great American Folk Wine. In Apple or Strawberry Glen. Full of the crisp cold bite of fresh-picked country apples or sweet juicy strawberries. When you finish a jug of Jug, you can put a candle or daisies in it for a romantic meal. Or blow your favorite tune on it. Enough sell. You want a Great American Poster? Send us just S 1.00. Our Great American Poster measures 24" x 26". Resplendent in full color. Complete with painted-on frame. If you're decorating your room in American Gothic, it will fit right in. Get yours fast for a mere $ 1.00 (no stamps please) before we run out. r t S. 1 ! ( u KJ1 0 li Cinema "The Sting." Carolina Theatre. 1:50, 4:10, 5:30 6 8:50. $2. Ends Thursday, April 11. Late shows: Today and Saturday, "The Possession of Joel Dt laney." Sunday, "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich." 11:15. $1.50. "The Groove Tufc." Varsity Theatre. 1,3,5, 7 & 9. $2. Ends Sunday. Late show: Today and Saturday, "Mas?!." 11:15. $1.50. "Dirty OtJea!" Plaza I. 2, $, 5, 7 & 9. Ends Thursday, April 11. "Conrack." F1aza II. 3, 5:05, 7:10 & 9:15. SSads Thursday, April 11. "The Exorcist." Plaza III. 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:30. $3. Free flicks: Today, "A Streetcar Named Desire." Saturday, "The Ruling Class." Sunday, "The Go Between." (Super Sunday, by subscription only.) 6:30 & 9 in the Great Hall. Alternative Cinema:"lf I Had a Gun." Saturday at 2, 7 & 9:30 in Carroll Hall. Admission, $1.50. Charlie Chaplin Film Series: "Monsieur Verdoux." Sunday at 2, 4:30, 7 and 9:30 in Carroll Hall. $1. Chapel Hill Rim Friends: "The Passenger." (Poland, 1935). Tonight at 9:30. Saturday at 11:30 in Carroll Hall. $1.50. "Bwana Toshi." A Japanese film dealing with cross-cultural communications. Presented by the International Student Center. Tonight at 7:30 in 111 Murphey Hall. 50 cents. Nightlife Town Hall. Tonight and Saturday, Heartwood. Entertainment at 9. The Cave. Tonight, Mike Cross. Saturday, folk blues by Bremson and Burton. Entertainment at 9:30. Endangered Species. Saturday, Mike Cross! I If -J-HHBiS' .1 I LEO'S RESTAURANT Friday Special 5-8 p.m. only Chuckwaaon Steak Tea 81 Descort I . HARKEY PEAK TRADING CO1--, i AN IMPORTANT SHOWING Of iiiljbmJiiH UNlUliUI Wed., Thurs., Fri.. Sat. TURQUOISE AND SILVER JEV7ELRY April 1 0:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Rings Broiele'i Neckloces SqoOSh Blossoms mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Navajo, Hopi, Zuni PRESENTS University Square - 'I j.'Vl I.I ' r JUG GREAT AMERICAN POSTER 12 E. Grand Ave. Room A A Chicago,IIl.6061l. Please send me posters, for which I have enclosed Send my poster to: J Name. I pirate print I I I Address. City . State . Hill J. U.L.I I III. IIIH.IWIII I II II I II 1111 T- H I I. " . . II ' ,.'J "T I IMWI Ml I Offer good until February 1st. 1975. Void if restricted or for bidden by law. Available only in U.S.A. Please allow 4 weeks for delivery. Poster Guarantee: If you receive a damaged poster, sim ply return it to the above address and you will r ;ceive a new one. Theatre "TaHulah. A f.Tarrsory." A ens wcasn t-o-a presented by Eu-enla Raw!, a 2r.3 tlrr.s friend and proftssional associate of Tt."-ish Bankhesd. 3 p.m. Saturday in tte Flaymakers Theatre. Free tickets avtiistla ct tve Playmakers Suslness Office, Crshsm fetnorial. "Experiencing Oeckett." 4 p.m. today b CS Graham femorial. Free tickets tvtilsb't at the Lab Theatre OSnce, Graham f.3morLtL Shakes pea re-in-t he-Pit. Laboratory Thiatre ani'tha Cs-rcIIrtJ Union prtst ntTRt Taming el the Shrew." 83 p.m. TcdiyVrsu Suiday in the Pit. Admission frt. "The Tempest" An abridged vtrtlcn presented for high school students by t?t Carolina Playmakers. 1:30 p.m. Today. Also Tuesday, April 9 and Vednesday, April 10 at the Playmakers Theatre. Tickets available In the Playmakers Box Office. S1.S0. Public is invited. Alan Schneider, award-winning director, will speak Saturday at 2 p.m. in tha Playmakers Theatre. Art Bus trip to Vash., D.C. art sallerits. Saturday. Depart, 6 a.m. Return, 3 p.m. $14, with possible rebate. Sign up fit Acklsnd Art Library. Concerts The Kuumba Singers. Presented by th th'rd annus! Clack Arts Cultural Festival. Saturday at 8 p.m. in 1,'amorial Htll. BSM Gospel Choir. Sunday at 8 p.m. In Memorial Hall. Di-Phi Student Concert Michael Foj'r plsys classical guitar. Sunday at 1:30 p.m. In ths Philanthropic Chambers on 4th floor Naw East. Sacred Harp Shape Not Singing. Saturday, 2-4 p.m. in Gerrard Hall. AU singers welcome. 423 West Frsnklin u OF !' Downtown Chapel Hill 771. 1 .Zip. .-I 1 1 1 1 V5 1