The Daily Tar Heel t ! V "7 i lp m I &A A Jiuk Vrf V,j k v v Tuesday, Apr!! 9, 1374 OU EM WASHINGTON The American Psychiatric Association (APA) announced Monday its members had voted to remove the stigma of mental illness from the nation's estimated 1 1 million homosexuals.. - ' The APA, which has been locked in one of the most bitter disputes in its 129-year history on the question, said its members had voted 5,854 to 3,8 10 to approve a decision by its trustees removing homosexuality from the official list of mental disorders. Homosexuals, who contended that listing of their sexual orientation as a disease denied them jobs, housing and other rights, had lobbied for the action during the controversy among psychiatrists. There was strong and vocal opposition from some psychiatrists, led by Charles Socarides of New York. Dr. Judd Marmor, a Los Angeles psychoanalyst, said during the controversy that the label of mental disease was a moral, not a medical judgment. Governor asks J or disaster aid RALEIGH Gov. James E. Holshouser Jr. Monday asked President Nixon to declare six North Carolina counties major disaster areas due to the estimated $4.3 million damage inflicted by severe storms and tornadoes last week. "Without federal assistance it will be most difficult for private, property owners to recuperate from losses and financial expenditures resulting from this disaster," said Holshouser in a letter to the president. "Much of their economy depends on the restoration of the damaged property. Your favorable consideration and assistance is solicited and will be deeply appreciated." The governor asked that Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Gaston, Graham and Lincoln counties be declared disaster areas, entitling the residents to low-interest government loans to help rebuild their homes. T TV- V V i Si Hold on, gravity may be letting go ' WASHINGTON The first, indirect evidence was reported Monday supporting the theory that the strength of gravity on earth and throughout the universe is very slowly weakening. JDr,o iTh.omasri-:iYajt:nJ;landiCCca0 astronomer atthe' JU ,S.: NavalcObser,vatpryi measured the orbital speed of the moon with the precision of an atomic clock to determine that the force of gravity apparently is decreasing at the rate of one part in 1 0 billion per year. Van Flandern presented his findings at the opening of a week-long meeting of the American Geophysical Union. He said his work was based on a theory proposed two years ago by Cambridge University astronomer Fred Hoyle. The basis for the work is the assumption that if gravity is weakening, the orbits of planets abut the sun, or the moon about the earth, would slowly expand and the time for i XXXXX l ; x x x x x 'A TOBAV y. Last Two Performances ( I at 2 and 8 RM. V ' i 1 1 eugete loresoos . I . - U L- li H . S j TS KM H-EAJEE i ,. . .... ,1m mmY EPUCAYlON ( IS IMPORTANT, ) V FRANKLIN J SM, FOR INSTANCE, THAT I'M THE MANAGER OF A MAJCR LEASUc BALL CLla AMP I'M TAKING THE LINEUP OUT TO THE lMPl... oi : : : 1 1 1 5, t t j t r 1 1 r.: 5 i from the compiled fey Tom Ecarrifi and Valtsr Colfon Wire Editors Crisis erupts in Israeli cabinet TEL AVIV Prime F.'.inister Golda Meir Monday battled a cabinet crisis over Israel's unpreparedness for the October war that might bring the ouster of Moshe Dayan as defense minister or the downfall of her government, a Labor party source . said. Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir labeled the situation a crisis In a radio Interview. He said he wanted to prevent the entire government from resigning to accept blame for Israel's failure to meet the Arab attacks Oct. 6. Out he said the whole cabinet is responsible for it. "Inevitably, she will have to resign," the source said of Mrs. Meir. Ethiopian deputy chief of staff resigns ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia's deputy chief of staff resigned Sunday night after rebellious troops seized control of a provincial city to protest alleged corruption in the military and government, the official Ethiopian press agency said Monday. The agency said Lt. Gen. Haile Bailedagen tendered his resignation only hours after the soldiers seized the ancient walled city of Harrar, 250 miles southeast of here. Also, in Addis Ababa, public transportation came to a halt Monday when bus drivers went on strike. Mitterrand enters presidential race PARIS Ex-minister Francois Mitterrand, 57, entered the race for the presidency of France Monday as the lone candidate for the Communist-Socialist bloc against an array of conservative candidates vying with each other. Finance Minister Valery Giscard d'Estaing, 43, also declared his candidacy, becoming the fourth Gaullist in the battle. Political sources said his move could further fragment the moderate vote and aid the forces of the Left. Saigon council calls SAIGON A government advisory council in its last official act has recommended that President Nguyen Van Thieu abolish the national assembly and other elected institutions it described as "superficial," sources close to the group said Monday. The sources said the recommendation, an apparent slap at Thieu's successful efforts to purge the government of opposition, was included in a letter sent to him Monday by the 45-member economic and social council headed by Vice President Ivan Van Huong. each orbit would gradually increase. The orbital time of the moon was easiest to measure, but it is also known that the friction of tidal forces between the earth and moon is slowing the moon's orbit. Jioyl&.suggested that if the role played by Tidal-forces f3 were removed from the calculations the role of a decrease of gravity could be measured. Van Flandern, using the calculations of two other scientists, subtracted the tidal factor and found that what presumably is weakening of gravity is allowing the moon to move away from the earth about 4 centimeters a year about 1 lA inches to increase its orbital period one two-thousandths of a second a year. "This is the first numerical result which Vs. 'Vm'm -'"'; ''"liijiiMiiiri SXzS. f.: VS April is Income Tax Time, which means one of two things: 1 ) You need to take advantage of Burgner Music's Big "Red, White & blue Ribbon" Sale because your taxes cost alot and now you need to get the Best Buys possible. 2) You got a Big Refund, and must us8 your windfall to get the electronic equipment, or musical instrument you've been wanting from Burgner's. Whichever fits you, you can't afford to miss comparing our Gibson Amplifiers to comparable Fender St Ampeg Amps. Don't delay in checking out our R. A.'s & Sound Effects, many priced at cost or below. ALL "Red, White & Blue Ribbon" items are super values to stretch your after taxes dollars. (many"1 040 specials"-for example-3 sets Gibson strings for $ 1 0.40 tax included or any 4 prs. of drumsticks only $10.40 tax included) f Wf NSM (master chargs 'flllliV, 0i u y U . m 320 W. Franklin St.-Across from the Bus Station THAT LtNElP HA5TD6E RNCTUATEP CORKECTLf, PSE5NT IT? W CAN'T TAKE A 5TACTIN5 LlNEljPOUTTO THE UMPIRE IF IT I5NT rUiaiiATED CORRECTLY CAN . . -r- sA SO fAZ IN THIS SfZ, IS TN5 PART OP A CONSCIOUS S7ZATZ6Y 727 BLUR. you have f&fezxeo W pmmm 'instead of i; c.rz 1HB PI5TNCTONS BSTmBN RICHARP NXOfy CITIZEN, W ANp THB CfflCS HE HOLDS? j JH Aj JU U LiUC? ifTi'O v z wires of United Press International for assembly's end appears to have as its most probable explanation that gravity is decreasing," he said. Up to about 40 years ago, scientists assumed that the force of gravity remained onsfaht. There Is still no direct way to measure changes in the force of gravity, but Van Flandern said his work was the first indirect evidence suggesting weakening of gravity. Weakening of gravity would have major implications for the earth and moon. It would mean, for example, that the earth is expanding at the rate of less than 1 centimeter per century. That, he said, could explain why the continents of earth seem to be slowly drifting apart. Amplify the Value Jr ' of Your mn : fvjA ujonoy. Co. 'Tax-Time ' Specials on P.A.s, Amps 8t Sound' Effects. O "2 v 942-8718 31 EPlCATOJ 15 IM(Uf?TANT, FRANKLIN I f MSfiwsfpmr MfUSES TO P0MFY THAT question mm AH ANSK'ZZ.. 1 1 i WhjMi-rriiiairinhn nir o r 1 1 1 WASHINGTON Chief course! John Doar of the House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that presidential attorney James St. Clair had assured him the White House would answer by Tuesday the committee's demand for 41 additional White House tapes and documents. The committee's Democrats meanwhile were prepared to seek a subpoena for the White House tapes should St. Clair not be willing to turn over all the committee insists it must have to complete its inquiry into possible grounds for impeaching President Nixon. Nixon signs wage bill WASHINGTON President Nixon signed legislation Monday raising the minimum wage in three steps from the current $ 1 .60 to $2.30 an hour and extending its coverage to domestic servants and governmental employes. Kennedy delays decision to run BONN Sen. Edward Kennedy said Monday he will make a final decision on whether to run for the U.S. presidency in late 1975. At the same time, he said he and his family would live in great fear of assassination if he were elected. But Kennedy said that if he worried too much about the problem he could not do his job well any longer. Asked if his family wanted him to become president, Kennedy replied: "My God, no. After what happened to my brothers, they are very frightened." Asked whether he himself was frightened, Kennedy said: "Yes, if I worried too much about it I could not function any more. I would be mad, however, if I completely ignored the danger." Libyan leader not victim of coup CAIRO The semi-official Egyptian press concluded Monday that whatever prompted Libyan leader Col. Moammar Khadafy's relinquishment of political and administrative functions, he was not the victim of a coup. But the newspaper Al Gomhounya, citing diplomatic sources, said the decision was forced on the 32-year-old Libyan leader at a stormy session of Libya's 12-man ruling Revolution Command Council (RCC). Under the terms of the Command Council resolution announced over the weekend, Khadafy handed over his "political, administrative and ceremonial functions" to Prime Minister Maj. Abdel Salam Jalloud, 30, the No. 2 man in the' Libyan regime. . Jalloud opened the Third Arab Economic TMBSTING- tag m tag TTSmr If you're pregnant and scared, we can help. There is an alternative to abortion. BIRTHCHOICE. Birthchoice can help you from the moment you think you're pregnant until well after the birth of your child. Were here to give you confidential help. Call us today, BIRTHCHOICE 942-3030 (from Durham WX 3030 toll free) 7 p.m.-IO -.m. Monday-Friday NOW 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 -"iMlMllilii. t- Y ' ii. f fak i r :m t r.rr United Producers in Col' fli 2nd week 3:00 5:05 7:10 9:15 id One beautiful man. His story is true. PANAVISION COLOR BYELUXE? . G th woek mm PETER HATTY'S Diiedfc,WllUAM FRJEDWN L J O FromV'a.T.srSroj. j 1:50 4:10 6:30 8:50 2:00 , 4:30. , J 7:C0 1 9:20 n ! mm f : 1. i Doar also announced that the committee staff has asked for Nixon's income tax returns for !969-72.the years the 1 RS said he owed about $470,000 in back taxes and interest, as part of its inquiry into grounds for impeachment. Dear said the staff was already studying the report of a joint House-Senate committee that found Nixon owed 5476,000 in back taxes, and that ths committee had agreed to hand over its information. In the Senate. Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield. promised that if the House did impeach Nixon and he was tried in the It will be raised to $2 an hour May 1, to $2.10 an hour Jan. 1, 1975, and to $2.30 an hour Jan. 1, 1976. Approving a bill almost identical to one he vetoed only seven months ago, Nixon included in minimum wage coverage for the first time domestic service employes, with the exception of baby sitters and paid companions, all state and local government workers and to retail service workers employed by chain stores. All told, between 7 and 8 million workers never before covered now will be, bringing 54 million Americans under the minimum wage law. The law also will extend provisions requiring payment of overtime in excess of 40 hours a week to 8 -million workers not covered mostly in hotels, restaurants, nursing homes, bowling alleys and similar businesses. It will also extend overtime provisions to policemen and firemen, but under a different formula. The measure had passed the House and Senate by large majorities and although the administration was not entirely satisfied with it, there appeared little chance of congressional opponents sustaining a presidential veto. Development Conference in Tripoli, the Libyan News Agency said. The conference, which is attended by Arab ministers of economy, will discuss Arab development projects and inter-Arab economic assistance, the agency said. LEO'S RESTAURANT TUESDAY SPECIAL 5 p.m. -8 p.m. only Hamburger Steak Choice of 2 Vegetables tea & Dessert : "I love you for what you but I love you yet more for what you are going to be Cnrl Chosen but once and cherished forever, your engagement and wedding rings will reflect your love in their brilliance and beauty. Happily you can choose Keepsake with complete confidence because the guarantee assures perfect clarity, precise cut and fine, white color. There is no finer diamond ring. HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING Send new 20 pg. booklet, "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" plus full color folder and 44 pg. Bride's Book gift offer all for only 25. s-74 (Pleas Aodrau . Clly . KEEPSAKE DIAMOND PINGS, Find your Ktepsak JwaSr in th Yellow pse Senate, there would be no circus. ..nothing in the way of hanky panky" among Senate members. lf and when the issue comes to the Senate," Mansfield said in a floor speech; "there will be as little partisanship as possible and as far as I am concerned, there will be none. The Senate itself will be on trial." The committee requested the 41 tapes on Feb. 25 and last week set April 9 as the deadline for an answer, committee Chairman Peter W. Rodino. D-N.J.. threatened to subpoena the documents unless the While House replied. Rodino said Monday a subpoena may be required and called a meeting of the committee for later this week before Congress adjourns for Easter to possibly ask y for authority to issue a subpoena "in light of Mr.S; Chit's reply." I here' is' a contradiction when efforts to determine whether the office of the President is being faithfully executed are met with the claim that the faithful execution of the office precludes disclosure of the relevant facts," said Rodino. - "If such be the claim, then we will have to subpoena the material necessary to meet our constitutional responsibilities." Wilson denies land deal role LONDON Prime Minister Harold Wilson denied Monday he was involved, in any way in a $2.4 million land deal involving members of his personal staff, which has whipped up a public furor around his month-old minority Labor government. "1 was not myself involved in any of the transactions in question," Wilson said in a statement to a jammed House of Commons, "At no time have 1 had any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any of them." . According to newspaper reports, Wilson's long time political and personal secretary, Mrs. Marcia Williams; her brother Anthony Field, himself a former Wilson aide and golfing partner; and her sister Peggy Field, a former secretary of Wilson's wife Mary, made large, although legal profits out of the land deal. Some newspapers described the affair as a "British Watergate," although they have not charged anything illegal. 423. W. Franklin are, Sandburg T-M R9. A.M. Ptxia Co. Pfmtj .Zip. BOX 90. SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13201 or dial 1ree BOO-243-6000. In Conn. 800-882-6500. II' V. I j t 4