Monday, September 15, 1S74 The C .'.' Tf Hsl Congress takes up bills on budget JJL- mm n by f.'yram Borders ' Unltsd Prt Inttmsticnsl by Gene Bernhardt United Press International WASHINGTON President Ford puts his budget-slashing goals to the test this week as Congress takes up such popular spending bills as veterans education benefits, government worker pay boosts and health, education and welfare appropriations. The Senate starts work Monday on a money bill of almost $33 billion for the Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare. A vote is tentatively set for Thursday on Ford's request that a 5.5 per cent pay raise for federal civilian and military personnel, scheduled for Oct. I. be deferred until Jan. I in order to save $700 million over the rest of the year. The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee is expected to resurrect a bill increasing Gl education benefits which was killed last month by the House on a technicality with the same $1.4 billion price tag Ford opposes as excessive. The big bill funding for the Labor Department and HEW in fiscal year 1975, which started July I, cuts back on estimated welfare costs but increases various health and education programs over the administration's requests. The result is a total nearly in line with the budget estimates but bearing new priorities which may invite a Ford veto. I n a lengthy message to Congress last week outlining his legislative priorities for the' remainder of the year. Ford said, "Labor H E W appropriations appear to be moving in the direction of exceeding the budget substantially." Before the Senate completes work on the House-passed money bill, it is expected to tack on an additional several hundred million dollars through amendments, further jeopardizing the measure's fate at the White House. ' Steam is also building for a so-called "resolution of disapproval" that would reject Ford's proposal to delay the government worker pay boost. Organized labor has been urging Senators to put the Oct. I pay raises into effect on schedule. They would cost $2.2 billion annually. Either the Senate or House can put the pay boosts into effect by a simple majority vote rejecting Ford's postponement proposal. Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., chairman of the veterans committee, is working with his colleagues on an expected plan to re-pass an education benefits bill raising GI school allowances by 23 per cent, providing low cost loans of up to $1,000 a year to supplement school benefits, and extending school training time from 36 months to 45 months. NELSON LANDING Gov. Mike CTCaliaghan flew to this flood-devastated Nevada' shore resort Sunday to offer state rescue assistance in the search for up to 15 persons believed missing in a flash flood that struck Saturday. The governor immediately met with National Park Service and state government agency leaders and then talked with workers and survivors. The exact death toll was still not known Sunday night. At least one body was recovered and estimates of the missing ranged from eight to 15 persons. Divers searching for bodies were hampered by tons of mud. A huge crane was rushed to the scene to scoop up debris and rescuers considered asking authorities to lower the water level in the lake. . The National Park Serv ice had warned of flash flood dangers last year and had sought to restrict Nelson Landing to daytime use only. However, local protest groups persuaded political leaders to overturn the Park Service proposal. Police and park rangers Sunday conducted tedious person-by-person interviews of survivors to determine who they were talking with or sitting near when the killer flood struck Saturday night. lt would be difficult and maybe impossible forme to declare this federal recreation region Tension im Boston may subside by David M. Rosen United Press International BOSTON The head of the Boston branch of the N AACP, reversing a previous position, Sunday urged black parents to send their children to newly integrated schools in racially-tense South Boston. Thomas L. Atkins, at a news conference, said he was confident reinforced police could protect black children being bussed into South Boston when classes resumeMonday. At least 23 persons were arrested in a series of incidents lastweek, most of them near the South Boston High School, when whites stoned busses carrying black pupils. Several black youngsters, a policeman and a bus monitor received minor injuries. A number of other incidents of whites stoning busloads of blacks occurred in other parts of the city and there was one case of blacks throwing rocks at a bus carrying whites. City officials met during the weekend to map a strategy to safeguard students riding busses. Mayor Kevin H. White and Police 9. Six Full Ounces of ALL BEEF CHOPPED STEAK plus a Baked Potato and Hot Buttered Texas Toast for only (Salad not included) g OQ 11. FAMILY RIB EYE STEAK with Baked Potato, ' Salad & Texas Toast 01.79 01.OO Off any LARGE PIZZA, J.50 Off any 'MEDIUM PIZZA Good only Sunday-Thursday. W s V7 f v ft - . -jr.- -t "-ft J i mf i StrvxX ftlDnim i r - -i-r 1 1 n-ti - -i L a a 1AAI I AOEE" the UNIQUE Including Other Clark's Shoes for Men and Women These are the unique shoes which turned the industry upside down when introduced. Now available in a boot, low tie and slipon. Wallabees are hand lasted and hand sewn on a specially designed "nature form" last that assures perfect fit and unusual comfort. Their unique and distinctive look immediately set the standard for the trade coovist. In short, another exclusive Claries winner. We invite you also to see our beautiful collection of Bally j $ of Switzerland!, Adidas, and other fine lines of men's and women's shoes. Commissioner Robert diGrazia announced that large numbers of policemen will be assigned to South Boston for as long as needed to keep order. Atkins, who last Thursday urged black parents not to send their children to school in South Boston, said Sunday, "On the basis of statements which have been recently made by police and city officials, and on the basis of planning more adequate to the task of enforcing desegregation, 1 am now calling upon parents in all parts of the city, black and white, to send their children to school on Monday morning." White's office issued a statement for the mayor saying, "We are pleased Mr. Atkins has now changed his position." z Commercial Plastics & Supply Corp i PleJliglaS Rod-Sheet-Tubes All Colors We Cut To Size AM Accessories Bargain Barrel For Cut Offs Most Other Plastics In Stock 731 W. Hargett St. Raleigh, N.C. 27603 828-4100 10 Discount With This Ad. ftftqttfleoflafloooooooooooooeoooooflOOOOOPOOOOOOPOOOoofl(iBflfloqftftf SSH1 2M SPECIALS LUNCHEON SPECIALS 11:45-2:30 Mon.-Fri. EACH ONLY $1.17 without soup & safed or $1.60 with MON: ftOMt BMf Platttf. 2 vegttiblH, Delicious Hommd Soup. Frath Salad. Hoi Roll TUE: 14SBOChiohan 2 veflaiablat, delicious ho ma made soup, fresh salad, hot rolls ' . ' ; WED: Veal Parmesian wSpaghetti 2 veeetables. delicious homemade soup, fresh salad, hot rolls. THUR: Chicken and pastry , Uelicious homemade soup, freshalad, hot rolls. FRI: I.. ... " C - ' Hungarian Goulash 2 vegetables, homemade sou0, Freshsalad, hot roils " 1 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS 4:45-7:00 p.m. EACH ONLY $1.39 Mon: Frted Chicken, Rict with crsvy & peas, gsrlic bread Tut: Country Style Stsek, Zoom potatoes & string beans, garlic bread Wed: Chopped Sirloin w mushroom sauce ZOOM EVERYDAY INFLATION BREAKER 14 02. U.S. Choice T-Bone Steek $5.50 4:45 to 8:30 IVlonday Night Special fm $sxs (m At The Pine Room This includes: Garlic Bread Tossed Salad Relish Trays Jello Molds Wednesday Morning Special I At 1) fosXr go(M) Chase Cafeteria s i 1 I i Thie I nrl i irlor I IIIO IIIUI UUO. 2 Orders Bacon or Sausage 1 ? Cup Orange Juice All The Coffee You Can Drink Monday From 5 to 6:30 Wednesday From 7 to 9 p.m mum) irtKgK ELL m l.aKQXKlKQ s II T! a disaster area, but I personally consider it a disaster area." O'Cal'aghan said. "I'm mainly concerned with human life right now. not mechanical things," the governor said. He said one of the missing. John Dailey. as a long-time personal friend. O'Callaghan paced along the shoreline talking with work crews where just IS hours earlier a sudden storm sent the shoreline settlement into Lake Mohave Temperatures reached the 100-dcgrec mark under a clear desert sky and only one white cloud was visible over nearby mountains where the flood was spawned. The torrential waters washed buildings, trailers, boat docks, cars and people into the lake as it churned down funnel-shaped EI Dorado Canyoa. Divers searching for bodies found that mud and debris filling the lake near the shoreline made search impossible. A 100-foot crane with a "clamshell" scoop w as ordered to clean the debris from the surface. Xfc jut Jiqiinuywm annui , If CHAPEL HILL 409 W. FHiNKUN ST. 4 t-491 GARDEN'S CfCoir OZnlimited jf 5 M&5t -tit. . INCORPORATED APPOINTMENTS ONLY Sept. 18, 19, 20, 21 Individual Pieces from $5 to $1000 A fine collection of original, handmade, Navajo, Hopi & Zuni Indian jewelry direct from the reservations in Arizona & New Mexico. Items are of silver, turquoise, red coral, mother of pearl. e Uaqdeiicii "The Big Green House across from the Zoom" DTH Classifieds FOR SALE For Sale Panasonic eight track stereo with AM-FM Radio only two months old. Retail $150, sale lor $110. Like new. Call 967 2721. HELP! Must sell Univ. Housing contract t Everett dorm. Please call Tom Steinberg as soon as possible at 968-8025. Leave phone number if not available. Must sell: redrustoff-whlte sofa. Recently reupholstered soft fabric. $80 delivered. Call 933-6301. ext. 373, leave name and no. for Dalton, 2nd year. STEREOS: AS ALWAYS GET GREAT SOUND AT THE RIGHT PRICE FROM ANN SHACHTMAN. VISIT STEREO SOUND, 175 E. FRANKLIN ST. (UPSTAIRS ABOVE PJS) 942-8546. Tamron 300mm F5.6 tele photo lens. Focuses to 8ft and will adapt to fit most 35mm SLR's. Four months old. Call 933-2822 after 6 p.m. One Huffy 3-speed girl's bike, almost new, light, pouch. $50.00. Both for $90.00. Call 929-6571. One IBM Selectrlc typewriter, small carriage, perfect condition. $350.00. One IBM Standard typewriter. 11-inch carriage, perfect condition. $150.00. 929-6571. PRESTWICK MUSIC. Records, Tapes and Books. Sell, Buy and Trade at the Town Hall. 8-track player, BSR turntable. Monday through Saturday 12 to 5:30. Realistic turntable, Realistic stereo receiver 10 watts RMS, and two 6-inch speakers, $100 or best offer. Call 933-6211 or come by 302 Winston after 8 p.m. Crown IC-150 Pre-amp: new, $330, $225. Crown DC-300 power amp, 150 wattschannel: new, $695, $425. Soundcraftsmen 20-12 equalizer new, $300, $225. Please call 967-5814. Pioneer 7100 Amp. PL120 Turntable. B&O S.P. 12 Cartridge. Braun L700A Speakers Superb sound for $700. Also quality rug. Call 942-2125 to hear the rug! For sale undergraduate housing in Cralge Dorm. Must sell quickly. Contact Steve Zandy at 933-7058. FOR RENT For Rent 2 & 3 bdrm. Mobile Homes. Quiet, shaded lots. $110.00-$125.00month. Call 929-9666 or 929-2854 between 2 ft 9 p.m. Roommate Wanted to share 2-bedroom apt. Start 91 9. AC Near bus, 4 mi. from UNC in Carrboro. Call 942-3798 after 3:00. MISCELLANEOUS ABORTION. BIRTH CONTROL INFO & REFERRAL NO FEE. Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. Vasectomy, tubal ligation also available. Free Pregnancy test. Call PCS, Non profit. 202-298-7995. Return to Forever featuring Chick Cores. Sat., Oct. 5. 9 p.m. Memorial Hall. $3. Lost: Caravelle Skin Diver's watch automatic day and date. If found please cat! 933-2460 between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. ask for Mike. Liberal reward offered. Lost: Two keys on an MO key ring. Lost between tower quad and Psychology building. Help! 933-3852. Any band members needing a place to practice contact Tommy Thompson at Mad Dogs Saloon 544-2106. Free beer for ail band members as long as you play Sunday. Jam sessions beginning in October. On Highway 54 four miles out of Durham. PERSIAN COURSE. Learn the spoken Farsl in 8 weeks for many job opportunities in IRAN. Call 967-2654. H no answer, try again. Talk It over evenings also educational, occupational, career planning. Monday evenings 7-10:00 Guidance and Testing Center, Nash Hall (across from the Inn parking lot). Call 933 2175 for appointments wtth counselors. Information library ' open tor browsing. Regular week-day hours 8-5:00." -' Raffle to benefit National Federation of the Blind of N.C. Drawing 921. Prize: Zenith Console Stereo A Samsonlte luggage. $1 per ticket On sale In the Pit, 12-1 MAT. SEE CIRCLE TOURS For All Travel Needs: Business, Pleasure, And Specializing in Student Travel. 123 West Franklin Street, University Square, 942-4196. HELP WANTED INTERNATIONAL CHEF GOURMET SHOP needs one floor sales type person (male or female) to work Thursday, Friday, Sunday 1-5 regularly at least through May, 1975. $2.00 per hour. Must be available to work extra hours December. Please do not apply If you cannot meet these schedule requirements. Call Mrs. Lester, 942-8526, for appointment. Hugh's Food and Party Store is now hiring for the fall semester. Apply In person at 1400, E. Franklin SL or call 967 6957 for Information. WANTED: Accounting student to work part time on bookkeeping for local business. Approximately 20 hoursmonth. Intermediate accounting knowledge required with B average grades. Phone 942-8670, Mr. Foiger. Part Time Opportunity in Sates. Thorough training program. Income potential substantial based on performance. No traveling. No door-to-door soliciting. Apply between 9.-00-2:00. 601 NML West University Square. Chapel Hill, N.C. Interviews are now being held in Suite C of the Union to hire typists for the Student Government typing service. Students are needed to work as many hours as they wish. 12.00hr. Qualified students may sign up for an interview in Suite C. CrOSSWOrd PUZZler Answer to Saturdays Puzzle ACROSS 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 16 18 20 22 23 25 27 Priest's vestment Adhesive substance 9 Uncouth person 12 Female ruff 13 Mountain nymph 14 Mohammedan name 15 Cloak 17 Center 19 Melancholy 21 Cravat 22 Toward shelter 24 Sink in middle 26 Ornamental knob 29 Gives up 31 Hole 33 Thefirmament28 34 Symbol for tantalum 35 Period . of time 37 Idle talk 39 Cooled lava 40 Worm 42 Confederate general 44 Energetic 46 With dew 48 Music: as written 50 Roman date 51 Lamprey 53 Trumpeter bird 55 Wooden cartons 53 Classify 61 Pronoun 62 Denude 64 Definite article 65 Possessive pronoun 66 Gull-like birds 67 Offspring DOWN . Limb Meadow Crooked European Regions Compass point Scottish cap Prepare for print Military students Everyone Expire Cornered Underworld god Knock Performed Rent Two-wheeled carriage Official decree Aborigines of Borneo WlElSlTt ISIESRI ISlAfGls ANN Aj 11 (ALOE SIT A S tljA R M JS EAT 0ep PE5sTs ems bTITr n a p t Tfr t on 2lOl2!RjL 1211 Sir? iLf L E iP 0JL.IS ;tp o sffi'TEiRTrT , pTaIr s hi TO s CTT plefg Atg n r apTJatei RjAN P fi" QlOf fgjN0S a rItIs Mom lcrgNTTi 30 Girl's . . nickname . 32 Flap 38 Affirmative 33 Edges 41 Vows solemnly 43 Greek letter 45 Simpletons 47 Still 49 Once more 52 For fear that 54 Snakes 55 Greek letter 58 Soak 57 Sainte(abbc) 59 Greek letter 60 Number 63 Railroad (abbr.) 12 15 2 3 19 22 29 34 140 46 55 65 23 156 41 51 35 47 30 42 152 62 66 24 36 48 57 20 31 43 63 17 25 37 32 II 26 3d 44 51 14 10 11 3T 45 27 39 28 U9 64 67 DiKtr. by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. 60 6