2,i Trs Ds'Sy Tar Hatl Monday, September 23, 1874 ministration. Sixteen serious injuries including two fatalities were sustained when the tires exploded while being inflated for emergency use. The "Space Saver is easily recognizable by its greatly reduced diameter and uninflated size. Users are supplied with a special pressurized cannister which inflates the tire. V7 1 Almost one million "Space Saver" tires are dangerous, and users run the risk of j personal injury, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The "Space Saver," manufactured by the B.F. Goodrich Tire Company of Akron, Ohio, was used as a standard or optional spare tire on many 1967 through 1973 model cars. The administration advises all owners of the tires manufactured prior to 1973 to avoid inflating or using them until they have been checked, tested or replaced by authorized personnel. The possible hazard is an "explosive separation of the tire from the rim during inflation or mounting," according to the LQJ Coedomimram heariin mmgBt 6S051- I M one C Pi-.-. IP! Limit 1 per customer 1 lib':-.-"- ; is I 1 If " - ": T1 ' o;. ; lay; - at 23 -'s3"8gj ;eo svrfl m n n P. w"f w"ri sweaawaaiweaBBsjw . JF -k SPECIAL COUPON OFFER Bring this coupon and receive 0 off sal p.iroc (good on Sidewalk Sale Books only) Good thru Friday, Sept. 27 cup Jr A public hearing on a proposed; condominium development south of Morgan Creek heads the agenda for the Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen tonight. The complex, to be built by a group of South Carolina businessmen, will spar 150 acres. Each of the 225 condominiums will .sell for $75,000. The aldermen will also consider a request from Granville Towers to permit construction of a driveway from Cameron Avenue to Granville parking lot. The Granville management said this driveway would relieve congestion on Franklin Street and separate the parking area from University Square. In 1968, the board permitted only the Franklin Street access in order not to detract from the residential character of the Cameron and Mallette street area. A resolution of intent to join with ECOS in a suit to block construction of Interstate 40 routes 1 and 1 A will be placed before the board. ECOS feels that present environmental impact statements concerning the proposed route do not consider alternatives to the road such as bus or train travel, highway planning and land use coordination, or the road's impact on Duke Forest. At their last meeting the aldermen asked this resolution be drafted. . Extension of the bicycle licensing deadline from Sept. 30 to Dec. I will also be considered by the board. Alderman Gerry Cohen will introduce this motion since the police have indicated they will observe the later date anyway. Residence court openings The Residence Court has 24 openings. Petitions for the Court positions must be turned in before 5 p.m. today in Suite C. A, J twenty-five signature petition is required before a student's name can be placed on the ballot. The Residence Court, as set up by the judicial reform bill, handles only residence Discounts for dorms A contract that would substantially decrease a dorm's expenses for party supplies was considered by the Dorm Trade Association Sept. 19. Under the contract, proposed by Friar's Cellar manager Joe O'Conor, dorms could purchase beer from the beverage store for 12 per cent above (wholesale) cost and wine for, 20 per cent above cost. Dorms now purchase beer for 25 to 30 per cent above cost, O'Conor said. Wine is usually sold for 35 to 60 per cent above cost. Similar reductions would be offered regarding other items such as cheeses and party meats which may be included in the contract. "We are trying to consolidate the dorms' buying power," association president Bill Bates said. "It is important, if we are going to sign the contract, that all the dorms participate. The reason Friar's Cellar can give us such a discount is due to the volume all the dorms would generate." O'Conor said, "We're trying to offer a full package so we can handle any type of party." Friar's Cellar also has a contract with UNC-G that is similar to the one under association consideration. If the dorms sign the contract, they are obligated to purchase the items included exclusively from Friar's Cellar. A final decision on the contract will be made at the next association meeting, to be held 7p.m. Oct. 3 in Avery basement. hall violations. Three positions are open in each district. North Campus districts are: District 1: Granville West and Granville South. District II: Cobb, Aycock, Everett, Graham, Lewis, Stacy and Joyner. District III: Alexander, Connor, Winston, Grimes, Manly, Mangum, Ruffin, Old East and Old West. District IV: Carr, Alderman, Kenans Mclver, Spencer, Whitehead and Granville East. South Campus districts are: District 1: Ehringhaus and. undergraduates at Craige. District II: James. District III: Morrison. District IV: Avery, Parker and Teague. Correction The DTH would like to correct misrepresentations of statements made by Yvonne Dew in last week's article on James dormitory. Certain statements taken out of context made her seem more critical of James than she really is. The DTH regrets the errors. Cr-- s "'4 "'4'', y 1 Hp- " V 'We 4? to 1v 1 4b 6& Air. 4 ft f - -.-..-.v.-.-.w.-, ,VA V V. A, South pole of Mercury UPI telephoto This photo, taken Saturday by Mariner 10's TV camera, shows the south pole of the Planet Mercury. The pole is located inside the large crater in the picture's bottom center. The photo was taken 53,200 miles from the planet's surface Campus Ca Today's Activities PtiUon for candidates lor CGC, Undergraduate Court and RHA chairman art available In Sultt C. Dtadlina la today. Stallatlca Colloquium: Professor William F. Stout, "Almost Surs Invarlanca Principles for Sums of Weakly Dependent Random Variables, I." 4 today, 265 Phillips. Refreshments at 3:30, 316 Phillips. The' Women's Caucus of the Carolina Gay Association will meet 7:30 tonight. Green Room, Craige Dorm. All woman are welcome. There will be an Important meeting of the student The Dally Tar Heel Is published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday, exam periods, vacation, and summer periods. No Sunday Issue. The following dates are to be the only Saturday Issues: September 14, October 5 19, and November 2, 16 ft 23. Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-1011, 933-1012; Business, Circulation, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: $20.00 per year, $10.00 per semester. Second class postage paid at U.S. Post Office in Chapel Hill, N.C The Campus Governing Councf shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 of the Student Constitution. The Dally Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of aN advertisements and to revise or turn away copy It considers obJectJonable. The Dally Tar Heel wW not consider adjustments or payments for any typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice la give to the Business Manager within (1) one day after the advertisement appears, or within one day of the receiving of tear' sheets or subscription of the paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notice for such correction must be given before the next insertion. representation committee of the Academic Affairs Committee, 7:30 tonight, Suite C. All interested students are invited. Tryouts will be held for a Readers' Theatre production of Jules Fetffer's "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girt" 7:30 tonight and at 4 and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, 103 Bingham. Student-Faculty Lecture Discussion Series, Carolina Population Center: Donald R. Deskms, Jr., "A Ghetto In Formation: Dynamics of the Inner City." 7:30-9 tonight, Wesley Foundation. i I Items of Interest The Undergraduate Political Science Association will meet 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, third floor lounge, Hamilton. AH interested persons are Invited to attend. Campus Governing CouncI will meet 750 p.m. Tuesday, Union. AN interested persons are urged to attend. "Election 74" presents Attorney General candidates James Carson and Rufus Edmlsten, 4 p.m. Tuesday, Memorial Hail. Bike registration: 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, Cobb and Joyner, 1-4 p.m. Thursday, James. Student Academic Affairs Info Committee will meet p.m. Tuesday, Suite C Union. The Inter-Church Council Is recruiting volunteers of aN ages to help In three community nursing homes. Training sessions win be held from 750-850 p.m. Sept 25, Sept 26 . and Oct 1, at Hill Haven-Orange Nuslng Home. Oak Hill . during the Mariner probe's second flyby and transmitted to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun. Manor, and Chapel Hill Convalescent Center consecutively. CaH 929-0380 to sign up. The Campus Young Democrats will meet 8 p.m. Wednesday, 202 Union. Election of officers will take place. All members are urged to attend. The Battle House Buffet is from 11:45 a m. to 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. The menu consists of soup, sandwiches, and dessert All students, faculty and townspeople are Invited and encouraged to attend. Student artiste interested in exhibiting in the Union or in displaying andor demonstrating arte and crafts contact the Gallery committee In Suite A or call 933-1157. All Arts A Sciences students planning to be graduated this tall semester should fill out an application for a degree in their Dean's office. 206 South Building, by Oct 1 1974. Toronto Exchange applications are now available at the Union desk. Interviews wlU run Monday through Wednesday. Sign up at the Union Desk. . Applications must be received for the Graduate Record Examination in Princeton. hU. by Oct 1 (additional late lee tor receipt of applications by Oct 80. Pick up the forms in the Guidance and Testing Center, 101 Nash (across from the Carolina Inn parking tot). Oct 26 Is the first testing date. "A Baker's Dozen" photographs by Mike McQuown will be on exhibit at Art-Craft Framing Company. University Square, through Oct 12. Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers and southern Poets Conference. Sept .27-29. Bill Dlckerson Farm. CHAPEL HILL 40S W. ntANKUN ST. 4a-4Si 1 CARDEtXTS Q$6air lti limited INCORPORATED Murray Pool . . Business Mgr. APPOINTMENTS ONLY . .