Mi In I f i V Chapel Hill's Morning Newspaper Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Friday, January 10, 1975 Vol. 83, No. 77 Founded February 23, 1S33 by United Press International Amid reports that U.S. Marines in Tokyo are on alert. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield predicted Thursday Congress would fight any effort by the Ford administration to seek increased aid for South Vietnam. The Tokyo newspaper Manichi said Thursday two regiments of the U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Division on Okinawa have been on alert since Jan. 6 as a possible rescue force for American civilians in South Vietnam. A Marine spokesman on Okinawa said: There has been no change in the alert status of Okinawa's Marine units. He refused to comment further. There are approximately 18,000 Marines stationed on the Island. Marine Corps headquarters in Washington denied the Leathernecks were on alert, citing the Congressional ban on ready for by Jim Roberts Staff Writer A student bill of rights has been drafted by Student Government. Upon approval, it will inform students of rights they may not be aware of. The bill of rights, an amendment to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, clarifies students rights, and may prevent such events as the last summer's search of Mclver dorm and the recent confusion over students records. The proposed bill of rights states explicitly that students, their belongings and their on campus rooms shall be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. Reasonable searches are defined as those made in case of extreme emergency, such as a suspected suicide or a problem involving the immediate safety of the room occupants. If possible, an emergency search of a student's room will be made with, his permission and in his presence. Only authorization by the dean of student affairs can permit a search if permission cannot be obtained from the occupant. V In cases of a suspected violation of state or federal law, a search may be made, but only with the proper civil search warrant. The Mclver dorm search was conducted by the resident director, assistant resident director and two campus policemen, wjio knocked on doors and then entered with pass keys whether or not the occupafus' permission was given. j The Student Bill of Rights was jointly written by Marcus Williams, student bi dy president, his executive assistant Mur 'ay Fogler, and Bill Bates, a member of the Residence Hall Association. Williams said the document was patten ted after similar lists of rights which were ndta'r put into an official judicial constitution Before the bill of rights is submittecWor i I J i University could owk Iback taxes Chapel Hill and Orange County are seeking to collect taxes on UNC property for not only 1974 but for the five preceding years, tax officials said Thursday. If the tax collectors win their case to force the University to pay its first property taxes in this century, the bill, including the late penalty, could run into the millions of dollars, officials said. At current tax rates, the University would have to pay $45,000 in county taxes, plus $36,000 in local taxes for the past year. But the collectors also have the authority to bill property owners for the five preceding; years, adding penalties of 10 per cent for each year the taxes are late, said Joseph S. Ferrell, professor at the Institute of Government. ' The penalties would add 10 to the 1973 bill, 20 to the 1972 bill and so on, back to 1969. However, Ferrell said, "The county commissioners have the authority to ;waive the late penalty. But they must put it on the bill to start with." 4 Ferrell and other tax experts say they expect the University to contest the tax in the courts. University officials have not said what action will be taken. Student Jl ilil(Q &1 American military intervention in Indochina which President Ford has pledged to abide by. ' . And despite Pentagon denials that a U.S. 7th Fleet task force led by the nuclear carrier Enterprise has been dispatched toward the area, American civilian sources in Saigon and Communist pfficials report the warships are in the Gulf of Thailand off South Vietnam's southwestern coast. "Additional aid means more killing, more fighting, Mansfield said. "This has got to stop sometime. "It is up to those people to settle their difference in their own way. They are going to have to do it sometime, and without additional aid from the United States and that includes Cambodia. Asked if Congress would resist attempts by the Ford administration to obtain more funds, Mansfield said that would be a fair assumption. rights bill approval approval, it will be reviewed by the Committee on Student Conduct, Williams said. The Campus Governing Council, the Faculty Council and the Chancellor must ratify the bill of rights before it can become incorporated in the Instrument on Student. Judicial Governance. The Student Bill of Rights does not give students many new rights, but puts down on paper the rights Student Government feels the students should have. In addition to "protecting the students' right to - privacy. Vxfie'uJjill' of rights, also protects the right of a student to continue in. classes despite a prolonged illness, pregnancy, or tragic personal problems.' The bill also stipulates that separate files will be kept for the students' official transcripts, official disciplinary records and official medical records to prevent improper disclosure. When passed, the bill of rights will also insure that a student's grades will be sent to the address he wishes and sent to his parents only with his written permission. iCOS leader: Drew Diehl was introduced to the world, one day after Independence Day in 1952. He was born into an Ah-MER-ican era, after an Ah-MER-ican day, into an Ah-MER-ican conservative Eisenhower supporting family in Ah-MER-ican middle America. But one day he discovered the environment. Very spiritual. As the head of ECOS, Inc., Drew has made a salary of $800 since he took the job in July. He lives with several other, environmentalists at a community called Ox Bow near Chapel Hill. They pool their resources so they can live. Most of them use food stamps, which don't always take them far. A few times on their paper recycling route, Drew stopped behind a food store on the route and scrounged through the old boxes for food. "I got some pineapples and jelly and some other stuff. The electric bill has been in constant jeopardy, so they burn wood in a pot bellied stove. ' It's a weird life-style but he loves the farm work, even pulling the plow. ("I'm filled with the Protestant work ethic.') He doesn't own a car, so he hitchhikes or walks or catches a bus or a train wherever he goes. Drew is so environmentally sensitive that he uses only a minimum amount of water when he brushes his teeth. He won't even use Shell pest-strips because he read somewhere that they emit vapors that effect the human brain. Drew says he's not commited to an alternative life-style and he will be leaving ECOS and looking for another job soon so he can make money to go to law school. But he will remain an environmental man. It's settled in his psyche. "There were several things that turned me into a rabid environmentalist, 1 guess. Where I was born is one. Yellow Springs, Ohio, where Antioch College is. "It's a college town and the area is so nice like the woods where my 12th grade science teacher taught us about conservation and ecosystems. I loved nature. "My science teacher was a super teacher. During my senior year he was all along building an interest in me for environmental work." aiiinistt and O 9 U.S. military sources in Bangkok said extra stocks of bombs and ammunition now in Thailand were being shipped to Vietnam. The sources portrayed the movements as routine, calling them redistribution of war stocks. In any case, they said, the United States during the past two years has fallen way behind in replacing stocks and arms and ammunition used by South Vietnamese forces, and there appeared "there was no violation of the 1973 Paris peace accords by the Americans. Manichi, quoting American military sources on Okinawa, said the Division's 9th and 4th Regiments have been on a "four hour" alert since Monday. . The newspaper said the alert was ordered to "prepare for the rescue of Americans now stationed in South Vietnam if the war situation there got worse. Okinawa police and taxi drivers said there were almost no Marines in the night spots around the bases on Wednesday night, although off base activity picked up Thursday. Two Japanese language newspapers in Naha, Okinawa's capital, said the Marines were on "alert stage four." The Okinawa Times and Ruykyu Shimpo both said the Marines were on alert for possible redeployment to Vietnam. Meanwhile in South Vietnam, the loss of Phuoc Long province to the Communists sent refugees stampeding from another threatened capital . to seek sanctuary in Saigon Thursday and the United States poured in more ammunition from big stockpiles in Thailand. Field reports said that refugees were swarming from Tay Ninh City, 50 miles northwest of Saigon and capital of Tay Ninh province, as fears spread their city is the next target of the Communists. Communist troops earlier this week overran a platoon-size post perched on top of the Black Virgin mountin, five miles northeast of Tay Ninh. ; i:. ; - . ; Reporters said an estimated 300-man battalion of regular Communists Wednesday night crossed the Vam Co Dong river which runs on the west flank of Tay Ninh. Small engagements were reported Thursday morning and searches continued. A new Communist threat also was developing southwest of Saigon. Military sources said a government artillery platoon in Tra On district, Vinh Long province, 58 miles southwest of Saigon, was overrun at noon Thursday. Drew Diehl lives his own h : f': m d c e ,TIfMrIWI.-i.m(lw1,l, ECOS director Drew Diehl The same year that his teacher was. instilling ecological virtues in young Drew, two events happened that changed the course of his life: Earth Day was held in the spring of 1 970, and Paul Erlich, author of the Population Bomb, spoke at Antioch College. The reform spirit of Earth Day exhilirated Drew. lt was as if we were going to clean up the whole world." Erlich appealed to his intellectual sense. He made me realize that we were doing things harmful things without knowing that we were doing them. People were calling him a madman because he was saying that we'd soon be seeing people starve on our TV's. Well, it's happening now." Youthful idealism. How can you clean up the world with that? "I'm just a kid," he says. And not very imposing in size or personality. : 5 I y""""""'.'",'M -'"'nun. i,,.mn mm y -it. f m , 7&I fr Carolina 74-Clemson 72 Frosh Phil Ford drives for a lay-up with Walter Davis blocking out Clemson center .Tree Rollins during Thursday night's win over the Tigers. Davis connected on a 25 foot Jumper with 1:06 remaining in the contest to give UNC a 73-72 lead. Details In Monday's DTH. (Staff photo by Alice Boyle) CIA planned studies of NATO countries by Clay F. Richards . United Press International - WASHINGTON The CIA, according to a confidential letter disclosed Thursday, began soliciting U.S. companies last fall to conduct a secret study of transportation systems being developed by some of America's NATO allies as well as the Soviet Union. The disclosure exposed the agency to yet another possible area of controversy and investigation, and Sen. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., said he would push for a Watergate-style Senate investigation to way, both on the the eimviFoiminnieiiTi4sil M'aiHi I f !; : m talks about his lifestyle and the environment Drew doesn't smoke, take drugs, rarely has a single beer and isn't even very religious. His only over-indulgence seems tabe hot showers. "1 like hot showers," he says rather guiltily. What's a little guy like that going to do pick up litter? Plant dandelions on highway medians? No. He takes on the N.C. Dept. of Transportation and stops highway construction by filing law suits. During December he did an end-run around a congressional committee to save farm land, energy and the second oldest river in the world (the New River.) Environmental-man. wl joined ECOS at Duke my freshman year, and my sophomore year 1 got involved with transportation," Drew said. The Department of Transportation A. s 1 determine whether the CIA has "established an invisible government of its own." . in.J.artearlier.jiej Justice DepartmenrofriciahJames-Berfne- disclosed that the Justice Department had asked the intelligence agency in 1970 to keep tabs on some 9,000 American citizens abroad, including members of the Black Panthers and Vietnam war critics. The purpose of the overseas monitoring operation, which is legal under the CIA charter, was to determine whether there was any foreign involvement in the campus unrest and other disorders in the United States during that period, he said. farm and in Washington Staff photo by Gary Dency In his cluttered Union office continues to do illegal things. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) said environmental things must be considered in all national decision-making," he said. NEPA. Neepah, Drew calls it. A highway through Durham was planned to go through the Duke campus, right by two hospitals and two convalescent homes. ("It always goes through poor neighborhoods, ruining them.") . The transportation department also didn't file a finale statement on the highway's environmental soundness and didn't conduct the proper public hearings for the highway. He filed a NEPA suit ' and halted construction of the expressway temporarily. He's now dreaming up ideas for three new cases. Officials to stop No oners by Tim Pittman Staff Writer Dean of Student Affairs Donald Boulton announced Thursday the existence of a plan to halt the marijuana use of the High Noon group. Boulton's press release states that administration officials are working with local law enforcement officers to enforce the plan. High Noon, a group of students who gather to smoke pot and socialize on Fridays at noon, grew from about a dozen people early last semester to nearly 300 by late November. A timetable has been set and appropriate steps taken to halt the High Nooners pot smoking, Boulton and Cansler said. We don't want anyone to be hurt, James Cansler, associate dean of student affairs, said, "but we have a responsibility to enforce state laws on this campus. Student Body President Marcus Williams told his staff at a recent meeting that a crackdown was soon to come. He did not give details concerning when it would come or how it would be handled. "I don't approve of this open flouting of the law by UNC students for two reasons, Williams said. "First, it casts a negative light on student activity at UNC, and second, it pressures UNC administrators to. take definitive steps not only to eliminate this, but also to tighten restrictions on a lesser degree of this activity.1 Both UNC Chancellor N. Ferebee Taylor and Williams said they had received letters from individuals asking that disciplinary action be taken against the High Nooners. "These people are not going to stay in a corner," he added. Both Boulton and Taylor defended the students' right to congregate. "The students have a right to congregate and 1 intend to protect that right," Taylor said. -According Ito!, Boulton's, press release, however, "illegal activity which is made a part of any group's rationale or program can not be tolerated. "UNC is carrying out the continuing responsibility of a state institution to carry out the laws of this state, Taylor said. Although the UNC administration previously has taken a tolerant view of High Noon, its growth, press coverage and public criticism combined to force the administration to take disciplinary steps. So he writes letters to the Department of Transportation asking them what they're doing and reminding them of the NEPA guidelines they're required by law to follow. They're supposed to follow the law." Neepah. "They know what I've got on my mind." His most thrilling battle was last month when he and Jack Comart, a grad school dropout, scurried up to Washington just in time to initiate a razzle-dazzle play in the House of Representatives that saved a bill stopping construction of a hydroelectric plant on the New River. The bill was being held up by a House committee that didn't want it brought to the floor for a vote. The bill would have died at the year's end without a vote and dam construction would have started in early January. The New River up in northwestern North Carolina and Virginia is the second oldest river in the world. A hydro-electric dam would have destroyed it and flooded a lot of useful farmland." The only way the bill could be saved was if House Speaker Carl Albert called a "suspension of the rules" and brought the bill to the House floor himself. "It was an end sweep." So Drew and Jack went to Washington. They lobbied, made phone calls and with the help of a few friends were finally able to persuade enough North Carolina representatives to talk to Albert. On Dec. 19 Albert called a suspension of the rules. A House maj ority voted for the bill. 1 1 was enough to keep it alive and stop the power plant construction, save the river and the farm land. So far. How did a young man from middle Ah-MER-ica and a conservative family with a Goldwater-backing background turn into a . . . uh .... "People used to tell me that environmentalists were radicals. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me bringing law suits and things maybe an Oedipus complex or something." Drew looked up "radical" in the dictionary and was relieved when it wasn't him. "I'm just a very conservative fellow." He's no radical. Naww. He's Environmental Man.