Th Dt"y Ttr Heel Campus 'Calendar Today ActMSsi Applications for portion m area coonSnatars for out' WT orientation program are Am today give Stem to dona iwtttaM tweeters or ptoca fMn In Ma bos at fee Union desk. AudWons tor University Oanea Thaatra wOl ba held, S pjsv satiate, womwi 07m. A fcufty-fcsrt sestfnsr. sponsored ay Institute of tea Auric aa ttudtoa. wm btodb) Dr. Gustavo Moaaa. Pietetor of Pi&3c HsatSi, 9 pja. todty, 432 HamBton. Al undergraduale, graduates and faculty are arritad. - Dr. Chart Long. Kara Professor of Ra80on,wai(Sacu to rola of reflgJon in a Bmtted wod at the Y dinner ascueelon. tonight Pol hdtonaT.fc3Cpjw.attoahoiwaof Dr. Dougta McJsSa. Sign up In the Y office. RMes wOI leave tha V buOdtno. between 8 and SrlS. - LWC HiUel wH hold a loM dUmer and servict wtOi Duke MHat tonight. HUM Foundation, 210 W. Cameron Ave. Dinner bog at 930 pjn service foflcw at . Ptaaaa eat M2-40S7 eatort noon today for resenrsilco. Students Interested in working wis afadaral agency this aumntar should ,pta to take the February Summer Employment Exam. Applications must ba recervsd by today, for mora Information, coma by the Placement office, 211 Gardner. Last chance for Yack portraits. Picture ara taken 830-5 today. 217 Union. No charge. , YM-YWCA tutorial program needs volunteerstutors for etotBentery through high school students in aii subject. -if Interested, corns by 102 Y Building for information and apr Vcattons. Items of Interest Ecumenical worship services planned for 11. -00 s-m. Sunday in HUI HaH will be held instead at the Wesley Foundation ChapeL There wffl be a mseting for women bttarestad In working with the Rape Crisis Center at 730 p-m. Sunday, Newman Center, Plttsboro St AU students Interested in investigating complaints for the Student Consumer Action Union should come by Suite B, Union, today 12:00-2:00 or Monday 230-430, or call 83 8313. mv m NOW OPEN! a n n - n ( .(alias The Danwich) S YSS y-cy-y 1 1 1 a.m.-2a.m i oc;r m n Ar . A Ktccr S I t7 If. with this oupon O Good thru 1 31 75 Lmv To Avoid Long Linos Lator on and a La to Listing Penalty Of 10 CHECK THE LIST TAKER'S APPOINTMENT NEAREST YOU AND REMEMBER THE DATE To make listing easier tax listing forms will be mailed to every taxpayer who listed taxes in Orange County last year. The forms may be completed by the taxpayer and mailed to the Tax Supervisors Office', Room 23,County Court House, Hillsborough, N.C. 27278. The Tax Taker for various Townships of Orange County will hold appointments as follows for the purpose of taking tax lists for the Year 1974. CHAPEL HILL TOWNSHIP L R. Cheek, Lister Carrboro Town Hall 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. each Monday through Friday, beginning January 2, 1 975. Each Thursday, Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and each Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 1 2:00 Noon at the Municipal Building at the Chapel Hill Town Hall and Carrboro Town Hall throughout the month of January. NONIGHT LISTINGS AT CARRBORO TOWN HALL. ENO TOWNSHIP Mrs. Lillian Griffin; Lister Besinfiing January 2. 1975. Monday through F riday at Griffin's Exxon 9:30 AM. to 2:30 P.M. and nights 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. SaturtJaysat u.rmin s txxon 3:uu a.m. to BINGHAM TOWNSHIP Mrs. January 7 January 10 January 11 January 14 January 17 January 18 JarTuary 21 January 24 January 25 January 28 January 30 January 31 9:00 .A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 AM. to 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; 9:00 A.M.10 5:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 1 HAVE A M CAD rft06lM, CHUCK., SEE. AND I Kctr FALUNS until ASLEEP IN r-1 mm ' a SCHOOL... ZD m CO UJ z o o Q gw, -r y totiytni Friday, January 17, 1375 VB8285SS8S Th UNC DupOcst Bridge Oub wfS Md an open tournament 739 pa. Monday. Union. Anyone any enter, Carpoob ftatoigh to Chapel H5H, 9:00-5:00 Tuesday and Thursday. Ca4I2awMRai!Iifl,942-S45S or 7CT Qtaets for th loan and grant porttom of spring tsi1er financial aid are sfiB avaBable for studenta who have been warded funds. Checks can be picked up 8-s for me next few d&r t the Student Aid Office, second floor, Vance Haft. Al students snuet preasnf their rsgtstratton aehadutoa tor the spring metlar se proof of metrtcutltow betom any checks can be released. There wffl be a meettog o the Veterans Club at 730 pjn. Tuesday, 204 Union. Th. Inter-fraUKntty-sorortty Christian Fatiowship wfl meet 830 pjn. Monday, 4th floor Dey Hait- The Carolina Gay Association wM hold a general meettog. 730 pun. Monday, Craige Green Room. Everyone is Invited. A mini-reunion of the Governor's School of North Carolina dass of 1873 wi be held 8-10 pan. Monday, 217 Union. Th. John J. Parfcar Society of International Lew win meet at 3:00 pan. Monday, CR 1, taw Schoot - Youth for Easter Seals wlH meet, 7:00 pan. Monday, 102 Saunders. Everyone is invited. The UNC chapter of the New American Movement will meet Monday, 205 Union. Registration for garden plots will be held 10:00 ajn. to 12:00 noon Saturday in University MaK. Anyone from the Chapel HIB-Carrboro community who is interested In growing his own vegetables can sign up for a plot A $5.00 registration fee entitles individuals to use their plot until Dec. 31. 1975. There will be a Fun Gospel Student Fellowship meeting 730 p.m. Tuesday, 5th floor lounge, Greenlaw. Statistics Colloquium: Dr. V.E. Bene will spesk on "Composition and invariance methods for solving soma stochastic control problems." There are only two days left to get money andor books from APO's book co-op. Come by the basement of Smith Building today and Saturday. The last sing-through before try outs for the Durham Savoyards' production of "Princess Ida" wiU be held Sunday. 2:30 pan., Allied Arts, 810 Proctor Street Scores available. (so vmm ALUABfcE eOUPOfSlsaaaiq OFF Price . 0 c I any Sandwich i :uu k.m. Evelyn Teer, Lister Home White Cross White Cross Home A.C. Wade Harden- Johnson's S tore Home Orange Grove Store Orange Grove S tore Home Louis Allen's Store Louis Allen's Store '- .f MAS THIS M6HT J08 I A AFRAID TO 60 TO SLEEP U)H1L I'M ALONE IN THE HOUSE SO I'VE SEEN SITTING UP U)ATCHIN6 TV... HE DOESN'T 6ET HOME tuio in the moknin&... Ufa urtttiw&d timid nJCMt IPS, $ 74 . by Art Eisenitedt Staff Writer In the final week before an election that could determine its future, the Campus Governing Council (CGC) has been busy reforming itself. .IMAVMMA'.WXW.'.W. Book sale now over i I g Students who sold textbooks at the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Book Co-op should pick up their books or money between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. today and Saturday in the basement of Smith building. The co-op, which had raised $ 1 1 ,976.25 as of Wednesday, was begun several years ago by APO to help students save money by selling their textbooks on consignment. APO will also hold its informal spring rush next week on Jan. 20, 2 1 , and 23 from 7 9 p.m. at the APO complex in the basement of Smith Building. In addition to sponsoring the book co-op, APO handles the Campus Chest carnival, auction and sock-hop, the campus lost and found department, and conducts tours of the campus. APO also gives money to a student aid scholarship and handles approximately $20,000 each year for charity. i u CGC UJMMinpiTO 2:45 4:50 Z . Frank in Street . phone 941-3061 t w yssBglootorfcAlmnaat fi'rssej . " LRTG LIST P G H R LT Y 10 of total tax due will be added to all lists filed after February 1. All persons owning ten or more acres of land must file a F arm Census report. Persons 64 years of age or over who wish to apply for the $5,000 Homestead Exemption must complete application form found on tax abstract. This application must be re-executed each year to requalify. . Orange County Tax Supervisor S.M.GATTIS WUNEElA H0U) 50MEOHE TO ABOUT A 5TAf WTH ItWlCH-geAai? uru&& &tud Preparation for upcoming student referendum O A A (LoinmiMnMee siETincQina The special CGC Committee on Reforms held public hearings for three hours Wednesday. While the "public" in attendance totalled ten, including three Student Government (SG) members, the five-member committee heard a variety of proposals to improve the structure and operation of the council. Students will decide next Tuesday whether to retain the two-year-old CGC or return to the old SG constitution and the 50 member Student Legislature (SG). A vote against CGC would also nullify all amendments passed in the last two years. A two-thirds vote against the current system will be required to defeat it. Assuming that there will be a CGC next year, the reform committee discussed several continued from page 1 "The last few years it got harder. The legs, the feet would start to hurt, I wasn't as fast. It wasn't the officiating. It was the travel, having to hitchhike, the cold, the rain, out there all the time." He quit but was deluged with requests to go on the lecture circuit. "It was through the fame, the color, the Lou Bello Mystique, I'll leave it up to you, whatever." From there he ended up on TV, as a sportscaster for Channel 5 in Raleigh. "I've been all over the country. Know the players, coaches, refs, I'm a fan. A fan. We're all good friends. I'm not trying to brag but we don't have to sell Lou Bello." ' He calls himself Lou Bello. He came to WRDU in 1972 as sports director. The station looks like a disorganized shoe box, outside and in, but; Carolina Students Prefer CAROLINA COPY CENTER Copies Printed While You Wait LVe Guarantee Quality. Speed and Low Price One stop for all your printing and office supply needs. AND OFFICE CUFFIY INC., Eastgate Shopping Center Chapel Hill 967-2585 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 "1 N O W N O W .,,2:00-3:45-5:30-7:15-9:00 7Auch GOOD FRIENDS AN 0H0 PREMNGER FILM Color by A - MOVIEL4B B4 REMOUNT 'R Release Fri.-Sat. LATESHOW 11:16 P.M. THE HEARTBREAK KID' PG a mmm FICTLRE tOK 10YERS tod Bate WON on LOST... AND LOVERS WHO TOE YET, TO OK Bello L St I ' : CiyM) UJHDERyV feEAF Also Starring DONALD I1 IX)N JOSEPH CAMPANELLA A C:iNF.MA NATIONAL CORPORATION RELEASt JQ J)SllB3S u VP n U U T! O plans to improve the organization in the future. j There was strong support for thp idea of expanding CGC to include up! to ten additional members, restructuring the election of off-campus representatives, making the council more responsive to the needs of various groups on campus and. providing better information about council activities. Janie Clark, Student Consumer Action Union (SCAU) chairman, was the first to urge that the council be expanded b;yond its current 20 members, but remaining smaller than the old SL. j "We put a lot of time into our organization (SCAU) for example, and I don't Ithink 20 legislators can evaluate us and other Lou is there, so the place shakes, j Tm Lou Bello the character, the referee, the sports director. And TV, it's fun and I love it. Lucky, how lucky I am. Ohhh, sports." Lou leaves the bathroom and wings his way to the studio 20 seconds before he goes on the air. The cameraman, yawning, is standing around with his hands in his pockets. Travis has just finished doing the weather. Sports is next. Right after the commercial. ! Lou sits down, straightens his red tie, and picks up his new scepter, the microphone. He's smiling into the camera long before the commercial's over. "Time!" he shouts. The cameraman startles. "Ten seconds," he answers. Lou leans forward in his chair and grins wider into the camera. He looks like he wants to eat it. "Stand-by " the cameraman says. The light goes on. "Hi-ya, sports fans. We've got some FRI-SAT - LATE Sr LATE SHOW :30 Franklin Stfeet phone 941-3061 THE HEHDRIX EXPERIENCE -IS HERE! Hi I-iTki, PLUS! The Beatles are back ! JU torn tmm -w Mm m NOW SHOWING 2:30 4:45 7:05 9:20 I X' A Jf mm - mi mm ft::! El tor m.-.-A mmm mmm 1 iU v. - is 4' V AX V f Jf i Vis : - DYAN CANNON III 4th BIG WEEK 3:00 5:10 7:20 9:30 1 iT ffOFIM organizations," Clark said. Lisa Bradley, chairman of the Academic . Affairs Committee, recommended that CGC establish a coordinating committee in which the committee members would keep a closer watch on student organizations. One observer suggested the council add ten additional members, five to be elected at large. The at-large members could then be assigned to work with various SG and social organizations. Kay House, a former co-chairman of Chapel Hill People for PIRG. explained the system used at UNC-Greensboro in which the runners-up in the Student Senate elections serve as legislative aides to the winners. biggies here tonight." He pauses and grins wider into the camera. "BIGGIES." he shouts, echoing all over the studio. So he's off and winging his way into the scores and analyses and personal anecdotes. His style is absurd and exciting at the same time. People have been calling the station ever since he started and asking, "Who is that idiot doing sports? Can't you find anyone better?" The calls start as soon as he comes on the air. But the winged Mercury won't be stopped. There are more people who love him than hate him. It's the price one pays for fame, for being the legend-myth of sports. Lou finishes the sports saying "See-ya" and grinning. His image fades out and Beethoven's 7th Symphony comes on. He thanks the cameraman and dances around the studio for a while. He goes back to the wire room and cuts off the AP wire. He will begin again tomorrow. Paperback Science Fiction at 35PEach THE OLD BOOK CORNER 137 A East Rosemary Street Opposite Town Parking Lots Chapel Hill, N.C, 27514 JAMUS 7 "DIPT Fifnrun OF JAE .1 CABOUMAf UI6ACUUNT N.Y. Film Critics ' XEASILY THE-BEST NEW FILM SHOWN IN GREENSBORO IN 197.4:' Htnry Ingram, Greensooro Dailf Ntwt II A FILM 'OF EXHILARATING BEAUTY... EXTRAVAGANTLY FUNNY, jfhere were no American films in 1974 to compare with "Amarcord" Vincent Cnby. N..Y. Times 3rd month ( mm ClKtXENSEtn M0N-FRI-1:15, 7:00, 9:20 SAT 2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20, 11:40 SL'N-2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20 . SCREENING ROOM I 4 Now in the Janus Gallery original Theatrical Poster Art by DAVID BYRD CCodpteir. -Fillmort". -Tommy", etc.) r rmnpu9uwwaoyifMUnivaanrv. .North Carolina Studmt Publications Board, dally icpt Sunday, axam pkxla, vacation, and unww periods. No Sunday few. Tha knowing dalw any to ba tha only Saturday IsauaK sptambar 14, October S 19, and Novambar 2, 1$ 23. Offlcaa ara at tha Studant Union buBding. Unhf. of North Carolina, Chapd HW, N.C. 2TS14. Talaphona numbaft: Naws, Sports 933-1011, 933-1012; Business, Circulation, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: $20.00 per year; $10.00 per 8ss4a Ssond dasspostage paid at U.S. Post Office In Chapei HUI, N.C. The Campus Governing Councl shaH have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee of the Student Constitution). The DaBy Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of aJUjdertisements and to revise or turn away copy eosarlasactlonabie. paytsfofanytypogxtprmerrortw Ineertion unless notice five o'i9 lsiness. Manager within (1) one day aftw dftseimnt appears, or within one day of the receiving of War sheets or subscription o4 the paper. The DeJIy Tar Heel win not be responsible tor more than one' Incorrect insertion of an advertisement scheduled to, run several Ones. Notice tor such correction must be given before the next Insertion. i f 0 tT 1 i Business UgrT 'art Reynolds a Bailey. R kilTMCTtO Unv tt Elizabeth F. Bafley ccoiiit Pmm -f Mil GMnMn ..Adv. Manager mm

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