t Tuesday, January 13, 1975 Ths Dsiiy Tsr Hsc! 3 intelligence staffs decreased by half Cheese Pizza Sausage Pizza Mushroom Pizza from the wires of United Press International WASHINGTON The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have cut their manpower nearly in half during the last seven years, Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield disclosed Monday. Mansfield said he was informed recently that intelligence personnel has been reduced from 142,000 to 80,000 since 1969 a cut of about 43 per cent. "It's a trend in the right direction," Mansfield said in an interview. "It's not the number you need so much as the quality." "And intelligence activities can still be reduced more " he said. Mansfield, who received the information recently, said he had not asked the reason for the sharp cutback in manpower. He also said he did not know but assumed there had been a reduction in intelligence spending due to the manpower retrenchment. White House press secretary Ron Nessen meanwhile said President Ford had reached some decisions on reforming the CIA and other intelligence agencies during the weekend but gave no indication of what they were. Ford met with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, outgoing CIA director William Colby and other intelligence community leaders Saturday. "Some decisions were made following that meeting," Nessen said. . White House sources said some proposals will go to Congress later this month but others will never be made public. Former mayor arrested in pot raid BAYBORO, N.C. One of nine persons arrested Sunday in a raid that netted an estimated S25 million in high quality marijuana is a former mayor of a Miami suburb who once ran for Congress, authorities said Monday. John D. Steele Sr., 51, who was charged with conspiracy to smuggle marijuana, was Campus Today's Activities A seminar required of all R A candidates living in the Chapel Hill area will be held at 7 p.m. In Room 100, Hamilton Hall. Young Democrats will have a special reception and meeting at 7 p.m. in Room 204 oi the Union. Beer and soda will be served. All Interested persons are invited. The American Field Service Club will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 206 of the Union. We will begin planning the spring weekend for North and South Carolina exchange students. Women's Self Defense introductory meeting and film at 7 p.m. in Room 213 of the Union. Learn to clog at 7:30 p.m. in the Tin Can. CGC will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 151 Hamilton. All interested students are urged to attend. UNC Veterans Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 217 of the Union. All interested veterans are invited. The Carrboro Community Coalition will meet at 8 p.m. in the Board Room of the Carrboro Town Hall. Everyone is welcome. Upcoming Events The UNC Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday In Room 204 of the Union. All old members and anyone interested in racing andor day sailing are requested to attend. The Carolina Media Association is presenting Atlanta advertising agency executive Jimmy Roy Rogers to speak at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 1 A of Swain Hall. Everyone with an interest in media is invited to attend. The UNC Scuba Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in Room 303 Woollen Gym. Dr. Bill Hunter from the Duke University Diving Physiology Department will present a program on decompression sickness. All interested persons are welcome. The Carolina Comic Fan Association will meet at S p.m. Thursday in Room 206 of the Union. The distributor has been notified, so be prepared to order! All comic fans are invited; for more information, call 933-1937. WCAR is organizing its News staff for the coming semester. Interested students should attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 205 of the Union. Orientation and initiation meeting of Psi Chi, national honorary society in Psychology, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 112 Davie. The Carolina Indian Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the South Gallery Meeting Room of the Union. Full Gospel Student Fellowship meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursday on 5th Floor Greenlaw. Orientation Commission meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Union. The Carolyceum Needlepoint Class will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Room 225 Greenlaw. This is an important session, so everyone in the class should try to attend. Delicious! THE NEW Rich HOT CHOCOLATE, Mountains of WHIPPED CREAM, & a CHERRY on top! Now available at PIT STOP ft NU- elected mayor of Hallandale, Fla. in 1963. He was a republican candidate for Congress in 1964, according to authorities in Miami, but was defeated by incumbent Rep. Paul Rogers, D-FIa. Steele, 51, of Hollywood Fla., whose son was also arrested, was being held in jail in New Bern Monday on $75,000 bond. Pamlico County Sheriff Leyland Brinson said all but one of the defendants remained in jail Monday afternoon on bonds ranging from $15,000 to $75,000. He added that some of the other suspects were attempting to arrange bond. . All are charged in federal warrants with conspiracy to smuggle marijuana. Fifty-five state, local and federal agents carried out the raid shortly after midnight Sunday in a remote location on the Pamlico River. They seized a 112-foot fishing trawler registered as the Lillian B, a 28-foot power boat, four vehicles, a house trailer and impounded a fishing shack where the trawler was docked. Officials said the seizure of the 25 tons of marijuana was the largest ever in North Carolina and one of the largest in the South. OAU nearing Algerian compromise ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Vice President Daniel "Arab Moi of Kenya said Monday the Organization of African Unity emergency summit was "nearing a compromise" on how to end the fighting in Angola. "The main thing now is to save the OAU," one conference source said. The compromise resolution calls for the withdrawal of South African troops from Angola to be followed by a cease-fire. South African troops are fighting with the pre Western National Front for the Liberation of Angola and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. The proposed resolution also calls for an Calendar The Founder and President of the Way International, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, will be speaking on God's Word, the Bible, at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Broughton High School Auditorium in Raleigh. For further information on the Way International write the Way of North Carolina, Box 467, Greenville, N.C. or call 919-752-5029. Prof. Abraham Klein, University of Pennsylvania and M.I.T., will speak on "Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory in the Presence of Very Strong Electric Fields," at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Room 265 Phillips Hall. There will be an ECOS meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 202 of the Union, featuring guest speaker Adam Poe from the Office of State Planning. His talk will give a general survey on land use planning in North Carolina, and how citizens may participate in upcoming statewide hearings on land use policy. Items of Interest Hassled? Call Switchboard to talk about It anytime day or night. Free, confidential counseling. Call 929-7177 or come by 501 W. Rosemary St. The videotape "TV Madness" will be shown from 1-4 p.m. today through Friday in the Union Music Gallery. No charge. Registration for classes in the Bradley Method of natural childbirth is taking place for a class series starting the first week in February. Anyone at any stage of pregnancy is welcome. For further information contact Bonnie Cavanaugh at 732-4481. Does your bike need repairs? SCAU needs volunteers to have their bikes checked out by an expert before and after you get them fixed. Interested? Call 933-8313 or come by Suite B of the Union before Jan. 30. Plus! Thursday & Friday Luncheon Feast BEEF STEW Tender chunks of beef simmered with ail kinds of fresh vegetables Unbelievably good ALL ABC V aa-aaw rem only 1-95 pWjl XT. - -? t& Bull Bitnk II LICENSES Lunch. , ;302:3o Supper 6:00-9.30 Sun.-Thurs.. 4:30-Until Fri. & Sat. Across from the Glen Lennox Shopping Center 1010 Hamilton Road. Chapel Hill f iut-nNJ w m h r "i r 1 1 JUJIUnl Ul fclir-i ,..,-..,.,.wTii- ,in...a-.. ... ! i ' "' " ' tj v FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for 2 bedroom apt. Furnished. Kings Arms Apt. Would have private room and bath. Call 967-7484 any time. Bus stop near. - ," Roommate wanted: own room in large house lour miles from campus. Fireplace, carpeted, dishwasher, washer-dryer. $90.00 monthly Including utillies. Available Immediately. Call 967-9419. ' . . MUST SELL North Campus spring contract CONNOR OORM. Call Debbie, 868-9160 or 942-4609. V i. Part time help wanted. Evenings. Must have car. Call 867 7880. After 7 p.m. Wanted Reliable person to watch five-year-old boy, 12-3 Mon-Frl., Jan.-May. References. Salary negotiable. Call after 3 p.m. SS7-3671. OVERSEAS JOSS- temporary or permanent. Europe, Australia, S. America, Africa, etc All fields, S500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free Info. - Write: International Job Center, Dept. NL Box 4430, Berkeley, CA S47C4. ., :;. end to all foreign intervention in Angola. It does not specifically name the Soviet Union and Cuba which have helped the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola. Passage of the compromise resolution would be a diplomatic defeat for the M PI A, which wanted OAU recognition of the government it has set up in the Angolan capital of Luanda. Sanford didn't have heart attack SALEM, MASS. There is "no evidence" Democratic Presidential Candidate Terry Sanford suffered a heart attack Sunday night when he cut short a campaign appearance and was rushed to Salem Hospital, doctors said Monday. "Following extensive diagnostic tests and a complete physical examination of former Gov. Terry Sanford, (doctors) report no evidence ol either a heart attack or coronary artery disease," a hospital spokesman said. Sanford was told by Drs. Chester E. Clark and Richard J. Hannah to remain hospitalized another night "as a common sense precaution," forcing cancellation of a four-day campaign swing through New Hampshire. Sanford was admitted to the hospital after complaining of minor chest pains during a private reception in Marblehead. His press secretary, David Ethridge, said Sanford had . no history of heart trouble. All tests which have been run are normal and they've run all the tests. As a common sense precaution, Sanford will spend another night in the hospital for observation and will undergo routine tests Tuesday morning, Ethridge said. Agatha Christie dies at age 85 LONDON Dame Agatha Christie, perhaps the most popular and prolific detective mystery writer of all time, died Monday at the age of 85. A spokesman for her literary agent said If you are Interested In planning orientation activities for transfers and freshmen coming to Carolina in the fall, pick up an area coordinator application at the information desk in the Union or from the Residence Director In your area. The Federal Summer Employment Examination is given only in January and February. The final deadline for applying to take the test is January 16. Mailing forms and more information are available at Career Planning and Placement, 211 Hanes Hall. All students interested in working for the committee on Off Campus Student Affairs should sign up in Suite C of the Union. The first meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday in Suite C Tour the Soviet Union: Escorted by Prof. E.W. Brooks, UNC History Dept., to Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad, Tallinn, and Helsinki, Finland. May 13-27, 1976. $999.00 total. Tour may be taken for course credit if desired. For details, contact Brooks, 475 Hamilton Hall, UNC (Tel. 933-5043), or come to a meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 420 Hamilton Hall. Friday's voter registration announcement was incorrect. Registration is only held on Thursdays. Each Wednesday at "A Woman's Place . . ." women of all ages are invited to attend a Bag-Lunch Relaxer from noon to 2 p.m. Plans for the focus of winter and spring lunches will be made at the Wednesday meetings Jan. 14 and 21. Folks at "A Woman's Place . . " desire Input from women in . the -community and on campus who have topics or. Information they wish to share with other women. Those Interested in contributing to the Bryan Gainous Bail Fund please contact Elisabeth Corley at 929-7026. Sign-up for Informal sorority rush today through Friday, MWF noon-3 and TTH 9-11 in Suite A of the Union. New Carolinian, a quarterly magazine, Is now accepting articles tor its March Issue. Reviews, non-fiction and fiction will be considered. Editorial, advertising and business staff positions are also available. If interested call Harriet at 933 0245 (3-5 p.m.) or 967-3191 (evenings) or come by the DTH office from 3-5 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. Student Specials Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights featuring Colorado Beef, and all the bread and salad you can eat! MONDAY Sirloin Steak Burger Reg. 2.95 Special Does not include beverage TUESDAY Beef Brochette tenderloin tips served on a bed of steamed Rice Pilaf Reg. 4.75 O 75 Special Q 70 WEDNESDAY Steak and Bake thick Sirloin Steak with Baked Potato 5.95. 95 967-2994 George Prillaman Sr.. Proprietor I i t ; J D VW COT THE BLAHS? TUNE-UPS $10 PLUS PARTS. MUFFLERS, SHOCKS, BATTERIES, KING PINS CLUTCHES. VALVES AND RINGS. REBUILDS. ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED. 967-7414. EVES. FOUND: digital watch fumed In on Jan. 8. IdenlSfy and claim In Room 201 of Union, 8-5, M-F. Social-Child Care Worker tor Youth Residential Services Program. Uve In position for singles and married couples (husbands can hold another Job or attend school). Minimum age, 21. Phone for application Raleigh, 833-2325. LEARN TAEKWONDO. the art and discipline of Korean Karate. Taught by R. S. Campbell, ChangMoo-Kwan and American Taekwondo Association 3rd degree blackball. Hinton James Dorm lounge, Mondays, Wednetcays 7:30 9:00 p.m. Fridays optional). Other stylists welcome, ranks recognized. WOMEN'S SELF DEFEND A highly structured five month Wednesday evfr.i-1 e'rss kr 40 serious students. Begins Jan. 7 In Dur-. P students up to Jan. 14. Call 4S9-67S3 for i - J death came at her home in WaHingford, 25 miles outside London. She had been unwell since she broke her hip a year ago and had been bedridden for some months. Dama Agatha the queen honored her with that title -wrote 88 published books which sold approximately 400 million copies, and her most famous detective creations were the white-haired village spinster Miss Jane Marple and sauve. moustachioed Belgian Hercule Poirot. She killed off Poirot in the best seller "Curtain" published in 1975 but she outlived Miss Marple who will meet her end in an as yet unnamed book that is now awaiting publication in England. Miss Marple's observation of her feilow residents in the village of St. Mary Meade enabled her to help police solve crimes without dropping a stitch in her knitting Poirot, a dapper octogenarian Belgian with ; waxed moustache, may have been mon famous. Some literary critics rated him a: fiction's most celebrated sleuth aftei Sherlock Holmes. In addition to her mystery novels she w rote 17 plays and poetry. One of her plays, "The Mouse Trap," is in its 24th year on the London stage, the longest running play in British history. One of her more successful novels was "Orient Express" which became a smash movie. It was the success of that book that led her to take what was to have been her final work from a bank vault and publish it. That was "Curtain" in which Poirot dies. a1 i .."ML? - variey s ty U Men's Shop u yir Knit Gioves I 4 1 m. I oathor Palme 695 d fcCotton Chamois Shirts 1 500 ybtadium uoats . . . . . i , en onoo uetacnaDie nooa v - "Old Well" Ties 850 Assorted Pipes by G.B.D.. Corhoy & others 144 E. Franklin-Downtown ik I AUS SOUND H AUS S OU N D rtAljS S O U MD H AUS S O U N D HAUS I 1 : I i o CO X a o CO s x a z o CO CO X o z 131 Si to X IE 'MV o 9 4 X 4 31 O CO en Si.v..;..v.-v.-.v.v'.,v.v... z D O CO CO x o z o CO " CO X Q z D o CO CO D X O, CO to o co cn vh a n no s sn vh a m no s o CO o JC O ra x 111 CO M 1st i 1 ? Sicilian Pizza Onions ! '.'kl 20 Reg. 23.50 S, -S-S blue on'v - j Toholp you tolio your fiiot step in the shoe that Iuttonizcdi7a!Idnn.i7Q'rQ hmiim a oalaFiom lammry Oth n r" .3 i KZJ U KALSO EARTH SHOE 103Vj East Franklin Get your ass into Soundhaus. 113 N. Columbia St. shvh a n no s sn vh a unoz envn t O T3 o o 3 fsi Combination Pizzas r 00- to laraaiy 0!th. c Ghooso f f om a 02lno!ca ocnp ol Earth brand eh03 otyloo an eiiee for men and ivemnn. Sayo from SO to Oil Street above the Hub 929-9553 SJDMAUS S OU N D HAUS O c z o II CO o o X 5 o c X CO o c CO o c o X s CO o c z o X c CO ' CO o c -Z o X d CO CO o c 5 Li CO o a 1 1 n A & i ; 1 1