i Tuesday, January 13, 197$ Tha Oaiiy Tar Heel 5 Cagers face Blue Devils UNCs women's basketball team seeks its third straight win of the season tonight when it meets Duke in Carmichael Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The Tar Heels enter the game with victories over N.C. State, 74-61, and the College of Charleston, 79-73. Carolina has three players averaging double figures, led by senior forward Courtney Peck with 18 points per game, freshman Cathy Shoemaker with 15 points and Linda Matthews with 11. Joyce Patterson averages 9 points and Cathey Daniels 9.5 to round out the starting five. Shoemaker and Daniels lead the Tar Heels in rebounding, averaging 8.5 rebounds each. Carolina faces a Duke club which has yet to win its first game. The Blue Devils are 0-3, losing to Pfeiffer College, St. Augustine College and Peace College. "We've got a very young and green ballclub," said Duke Head Coach E.J. Howard. The Blue Devils are led by 5-1 1 Joy James, and also start Betsy Bergeron, Patty Walsh, Laurie Layman and Laurie Koffenberger. Sweet Carolines: they're by Dede Biles DTH Contributor At the University of Florida, they are known as "Gator Getters." Here, at the University of North Carolina, they are called the Sweet Carolines. "I feel that the general impression of the Sweet Carolines is "Carolina Call Girls." Most people think we are the girls the prospective football players date and then jump in bed with," says Karen Culler, a former Sweet Caroline. The Sweet Carolines are a part of the official football recruiting program at Carolina. Their function is to entertain recruits, their families and friends, and answer any questions about the university. The Sweet Carolines' duties begin Friday before a home football game. They meet in Head Football Coach Bill Dooley's office and are given a list of the recruits arriving the next day. The recruits are classified as 1-2-3- and 4 star recruits. The 3- and 4-star recruits are definite scholarships and the 1- and 2-star recruits are possible scholarships. "If the coaches really were interested in a certain guy, we were told to be especially nice to him," says Karen. "Also, if the recruit was from your hometown, you were told to make sure1 yati tp'Okdto; mkifnii '"f -'u'' The Sweet Carolines are then told which recruits they are responsible for meeting. After the instructions, they go look up the recruits in some files. The girls try to find out such facts as where the recruits are from, their high school's record this season, and their positions on the football team. "It really impresses a guy when you can come up to him and say, 1 hear your high school has a really great record this year or I I heard you played a great game the other week,' " Karen says. The Sweet Carolines meet at 10 the next morning, Saturday, at Chase Cafeteria., There, a big reception is held for the prospective football players, their families and friends. Karen's eyes widened as she adds, "There's a big table piled high with things like shrimp cocktail and cookies." The Sweet Carolines are required to wear a uniform consisting of a Carolina blue dress and white sandals to the reception. The guests begin arriving between 10:30 a.m. and II a.m. The girls act as hostesses. "We get the guests any food they want and we talk to them." Karen said she enjoyed meeting most of the recruits and their families. Often, she said she tended to focus attention on the families, because "the coaches were falling all over the Crossword Puzzler ACROSS 1 Severe 6 Evaluates 11 Basque game m its from 14 Cooled lava 15 Damp 16 Ocean 17 What? (col loq.) 18 Attempt 20 Self-controlled 23 Conjunction 25 Three-toed sloth 26 Hard wood tree 27 Ephermeral 32 Goddess of healing 34 Prefix: for merly 35 Exist 36 Moray 38 A continent (abbr.) 39 Likely 41 Beneficent gifts 44 Succor 46 Babylonian deity 47 River in Italy 48 Weakens 52 Hindu cym bals 55 A state (abbr.) 56 Dawn god dess 57 Secret agent 59 Exist 60 Ar$ue 62 Blockhead 64 Coins 65 Musical study DOWN 1 Listen to 2 Man's nickname 3 Quarrel 4 Let it stand 5 Detest 6 Breathes 7 Toward shelter 8 Crown 9 Man's nickname 10 Suffering in ternal ex citement 11 Mans , nickname 13 13 Pronoun 19 Sweet potato 2 1 Cry of goat 22 PeerGynts mother 24 Resort 27 Beverage 28 Amplified 29 Sphere 30 Lets go W restlers by Lee Pace Staff Writer "Sooner" or later, it was bound to happen. A wrestling team or any team, for that matter whose starting lineup is nearly two thirds freshmen just doesn't run around like some kind of national champion whipping opponents by scores of 56-0 and 42-0 for very long without reproach. Particularly if Oklahoma's nationally ranked Sooners have a say in the matter. It wasn't the Sooners that leveled the Tar Heels with their first defeat of the season after four wins; Wyoming did that. But since Wyoming's victory last Friday night was a relatively close one (the Cowboys won 25-1 6) ' and one that UNC Wrestling Coach Bill Lam said could have been avoided if not for a couple of careless mistakes, the Cowboys can hardly be credited with putting the brash, young Tar Heels in their place. That's where Oklahoma came in. The Sooners spotted Carolina a 3-0 advantage Saturday night following Scott Conkwright's opening victory at 1 18 before reeling off wins in five straight bouts en route to a 36-6 humbling of the Tar Heels. The triumph was the first convincing one over UNC after the Heels had downed Pembroke State (30-9), Clemson (56-0), Colorado Mines (42-0), and Northern Colorado (26-18), the latter two being the initial matches on the Heels week-long, four-match tour through the Midwest. guys and many times the families were left standing by themselves." Karen frowns as she recalls her only bad experience with a family. "I walked up to this one family and asked them if they had any questions. They looked at me like I was dirt, and the mother said, 'We already know everything about the school. We both went here.' "I was kind of stifled. But, 1 decided to try again. 1 knew that they were from out of state and had flown down that morning. "So, 1 asked them how their flight had been. The mother said, 'Well, the pilots were doing their kind of flying and I was doing my own kind. My vodka, you know. "1 controlled an urge to tell them off. I just smiled, told them 1 hoped they had a nice visit, and politely moved on." The recruits often bring along their girlfriends, Karen says. "They tend to stick pretty close to their boyfriends." "One of the best ways to recruit a guy is to talk to his girlfriend. 1 tried to make the girlfriend feel like she was part of what was going. I got her involved by asking her opinion on certain things." At noon, the Sweet Carolines can leave or go to lunch with the recruits at the training table. "The food is fantastic there," Karen recalls. If the Sweet Carolines go to lunch, they are given tickets for the football game. These tickets allow them to sit in the same area as the recruits. During this time they are expected to continue thier recruiting. After the game the Sweet Carolines' duties are over until the next home contest. When asked how a girl becomes a Sweet Caroline, Karen said there is an advertisement in the Daily Tar Heel during the spring. Applications are available at the Carolina Student Union desk. "Then, there is an interview day. The girls are divided into teams of two or three and interviewed for five minutes. We spend one half of the time talking to Coach Dooley and the present Sweet Carolines." Karen recalls being asked such questions as: "Why do you want to be a Sweet Caroline?" "What would you talk to the recruits about?" "How would you convince a recruit to come to Carolina?" and "How would you go about mingling since sometimes there are 250 people at the reception and only 12-15 Sweet Carolines?" The Sweet Carolines are chosen on the basis of these interviews. Karen smiles at the question, "Why did you become a Sweet Caroline?' She said she thinks that her reason was a unique one. "I wanted to do it because I was tired of seeing recruits coming in that were promised so much, they (the recruiters) will tell you anything... . Answer to Monday s Puzzle Hp 31 Affirmative 50 Slave 33 Ethiopian ti- 51 Blemish tie 37 Brim 40 Cravat 42 Dine 43 Negative 45 Vision 48 Goal 49 Ballet 53 Competent 54 Confederate general 58 Pronoun 61 Prefix: twice 63 Clericat degree (abbr.) 2 tjtkm for ,o arr 4tifop Mm .MS ', li-zl Ti i m J' . rT 23 29 30 31 32 33 ST"""5"""" V 39 42 ft 1?" 50 51 V::52 53 54 60 6J ;:62 63 -uLZ rr rmt 1 t ' t , r.'i ' ' .' : Ji"""1 1 ';.v..v.v.v.'.v.v.v on western trip Staff photo by Charles Hardy UNC's Bob Reingten (background) As Lam said, They put it on us pretty good." Several factors accounted for Oklahoma's rout. To begin with, wrestling four matches in six days following five days of grueling two-a-day workouts took its toll on Carolina; an illness that sidelined David Breece the entire trip and a knee injury that rendered Dave Casale inactive following the Northern Colorado contest didn't help matters and not 'Carolina "1 had seen too many football players arrive with the idea they were going to be treated special, and due to the misfortune of injury or a bad year, were being treated horribly. "I talked to the recruits about this. 1 pointed out that the coaches are your friends as long as you are doing good, but when things go bad, everyone has a problem. I wanted them to know the truth; that unless you are someone like Mike Voight, there is not much glory involved. College football is a lot of hard work. "1 even talked to the parents about this. I could have gotten into a lot of trouble because we-were told to tell the recruits anything to make them want to come to Carolina." Karen says the reason most of the girls were on the squad her year as a Sweet Caroline was because they were Carolina fans. "I felt like they wanted to help the school get good football players by bringing the recruits the Carolina tradition and making them want to be Tar Heels." Karen does not believe meeting the often handsome prospective football players is the main reason for becoming a Sweet Caroline. "A lot of times the age difference will kill your desire. Sometimes, you'll be really freaking out over this good-looking guy and then .you'll remember, he's only a junior or senior in high school. He's still a kid." Karen did say that frequently she became good friends with the recruits since some visit the school more than once. She laughs as she recalls having a crush on one of her recruits. "It wasn't a romantic crush. 1 just enjoyed talking to him and 1 loved his little brother. Seth Jones Restaurant 6:30 p.m. to Midnight Tuesday Sunday Closed Monday 6512 Louisburg Road RALEIGH, N.C. 27609 Enjoy the music of the Seth Jones Quartet on Sundays For reservations and information call 876-4700 TlheWinnen EnjiTia Fdir The top prize winner of the International TMiaikovsky competition in Moscow noi RED SEAL Interrwtional Tchaikovsky Violin Competition Top Prize -Winner , Eugene Fodor plays TctiaikovskyVtolin Concerto Saint-Sens: Introduction & Rondo Oipriccioso New Philharmonia Orchestra ARL1-0781 1 !no2ML Carolina's youth and inexperience was a definite handicap. You just don't take seven freshmen in at the end of a long road trip against a team that finished second in the nation last year and expect to win," said Lam. The main reason, though, was that Oklahoma simply has more wrestlers and better wrestlers, Kenny Nelson, Mike Chin and Herb Kalbert in particular. "They just didn't have a weak spot on their, entire lineup, Lam admitted. Nelson eliminated Curtis Rudolph who had replaced Breece at 126; Chin edged Chris Conkwright at 134; and Kalbert, "one of the best in the country," according to Lam, pinned heavyweight Dee Hardison. Earlier at Wyoming, Carolina had jumped ahead behind decisions by the Conkwrights and Dave Juergens to lead 1 1-7 when Mike BenzeL wrestling 158, took a commanding 8 0 lead over Steve Suder only to get pinned with 1:20 remaining to play. "If we had won that one," said Lam, "we would have won the match. But Mike just made a mistake and it cost him a win." Later, after Wyoming had recorded decisions over Carl Hoffman and Joe Ryan, -Dean Brior moved up to 190 to replace Casale and was pinned with 2:35 to go while holding a 9-5 advantage. Despite the two losses, Lam labels the trip a success. Carolina's next match is Saturday when it ' hosts Cerogia. Callgirls He even brought his girlfriend the first time. "I sat with him at the game and ate lunch with him while he was here. He took me to meet his parents." Admittedly, Sweet Carolines and recruits do get together. But, Karen emphasizes, "I know of no instances where Sweet Carolines and recruits were set up for dates, and I've never heard of a Sweet Caroline propositioning a recruit. There were times, though, the red-shirts and freshman football players who help the Sweet Carolines host the recruits propositioned us. "The fact that the redshirts and freshmen football players work closely with the Sweet Carolines may motivate a girl to join the organization. Possibly, the girls might join just to meet these guys and their football player friends," Karen says. Karen pulls down an old football program and turns to a picture of last year's Sweet Carolines. "These girls, about five of them, had steady boyfriends when they were Sweet Carolines. So apparently, they didn't join the organization just to catch a man." : NOT OUT OF ORDER. NOT OUT OF PAPER. NOT OUT OF INK. espaUiek . 133V2 E. 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