1 2 The Daily Tar Heel Thursday, February U . ii ,- -4 1 it' Town Hall presents ij CO Welcome Back! Come on down 'n' boogie with us, V JUST IS5 TIIU1E FOR FINALS. H t 1 v v I """" ls 1 Year warranty; guaranteed and 30 day exchange period on sale at SYOflj(EOT T0 i i i i i ii i 1 1 1 1 in .eeeee.- 'iflMftlttStllSSSSSttSSSItllit SViarch 1 9&20ofLI U "i v!"""'"lJ vl- J v ..r ' "lir i Franklin Street CAT'S CRADLE $1 admission per show advance tickets on sale now at Cat's Cradle or at door nite of performance -- 9iaaa$taa9aattaatat9t. aeeej9ae0eiee ll ImmmmmLmmmimmimmmmmmmmmJ TiIlIii?i?I ITi'i Drive our CARS ALMOST FREE TO MOST U. S. cities Auto Driveaway 919-272-2153 520 W. Friendly Ave. The Daily Tar Heel Is published by the University of North Carolina Media Board; daily except Sunday, exam periods, vacations, and summer sesssions. The following dates are to be the only Saturday issues: Sept. 6, 20; Oct 1, 8; Nov. 11, 25. Offices are at the Student Union Building, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-0245, 933 0246; Business, Circulation, Advertising, Advertising 933-1163. Subscription rates: S25 per year, $12.50 per semester. Second class postage paid at U.S. Post Office In Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee ( of the Student Constitution). The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn away copy It considers objectionable. The Daily Tar Heel will not consider adjustments or payments for any typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given ta the Business Manager within (a) one day after the advertisement appears, within (1 ) day of receiving the tear sheets or subscription of the paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible for mere than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notice for such correction must be given before the next Insertion. 18, 1976 ifjk - .rf- V-- ; n : n ' rr. , - -v ; i V - - these Tsnsss EnsSfiiitnsHiS electronic calculators lowest prices in the area. sr ir $29995 Texas Programmable slide-rule calc. SR52 Fully programmable. Now you can solve time-consuming & repetitive problems in seconds with the . hand-held programming power of Texas Inst. NewSR52. Setupyour problems just once. Record them on MAGNETIC CARDS Then use them again & again. The SR52 saves you hours of calculation time and drastically reduces your chance of entry error. SR 51 A $10995 SR 50 A $7488 SR 16 II $3288 against defects for 1 year. for defects. 405 23 W. Rosemary St. Chapel Hill 967-9053 -LAST DAY- 3:00 - 5:05 7:10 - 9:15 PETER O'TOOLE RICHARD R0UNDTREE LATE SHOW FRI BOBBY AND ROSE' 0 'MAN FRIDAY' -PG- TOMORROW. 'THE VAMPIRES NIGHT .m. aavfe aaw m mm UKGY' -R -LAST DAY 3:15 - 5:20 7:25-9:30 PAUL MAZURSKY'S 'NEXT STOP. -R-GREENWICH VILLAGE' TOMORROW. WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY LINA WERTMULLER 1" -LAS I UAY- 4:00 - 6:30 &9:00 . S)lU,.N Sol 3:00-5:05' P Vfcf fe- .rf-v JAW W KJm!&rZH- 7:10-9:15. U ..Ail'T, flJj. . LJ I- sii--a--a -fl 8 LATE 1 SHOW 1 FRI. h f Ja T O SUN. 1 FJ. 'BOBBY- ; A f AND jWt i nt m i i-r B 1 LAWS' Raw Wuwn 11 WHi.-i Hi'." J LATE SHOW FRI. SAT. SUN. THE VIRGIN AND THE LOVER' -X- 0 BURT LANCASTER MOSES' -PG- TOMORROW. . . aJZM6TH "MVO SOPHIA LOHEfi ikiU L L.iia Campus Today's Activities Students for Jim Hunt will meet at 9 pjn. in the Union. The Campus Governing Council will meet briefly at 630 p.m. in Room 204 of the Union. The Onentation Commission will meet at 4 p.m. In the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Union. The UNC Women's Crew will have an important meeting at 9 p.m. in 303 Mangum. This meeting is mandatory. Dues will be collected. There will be a meeting of the UNC Undergraduate Geology Club at 7 p.m. in 305 Mitchell Hall. . Absentee ballots notarized: Today and Friday. Suite C, Student Union, 10 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Register to vote for the Carrboro bus referendum today. This is the last day: Carrboro residents register at the Chapel Hill Municipal Building. North Columbia Street 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday. There will be a "Career Night" for all students interested ir psychology or psychology-related fields at 7 p.m. in Room 110 Oavie Hall. Come and tind out what your options are. Y.O.G.A. offers Laura Hainan's class from 7 p.m., to 9 p.m. in Room 205 of the Union. Alt are welcome. Skip Stam, a recent graduate of the UNC Law School will speak on "Biblical Principles of Punishment" at 12:30 p.m. in Classroom Two of the Law School. The Carolina Indian Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Y Building, second floor. The Sports Club Council will meet at 8:30 p.m. in the Frank That was good IMG aKiag' ike GRAND OPENING Friday, March 19, Saturday, March 20. Columbia St. entrance below the Zoom-Zoom a "Qtanlmi li iKr I i-Lr rv-i -- mmv psychedelic light show in Kubrick's movie, '2001 ', looking pale and puny!" WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL HELD OVER THRU APRIL 18 Don't miss this seemingly-third dimensional musical journey into surround sound and live laser illusions! UNDER THE STARS INSIDE MOREHEAD PLANETARIUM UNC campus Chapel Hill 933-1233 I.,:. THURSDAY: 9:15 PM FRIDAY: 9:15 10:30 Midnight SATURDAY: 4:15 9:15 10:30 Midnight SUNDAY: 4:15 9:15 STUDENTS $2 WITH I.D. H iafiskSA i : A ' f t n. nmmrnmml, ii.Mnlin.Mwa. .MfMnnn nM,..,li,T.nil r.i.in M , Franklin Street r 1 ML- A V 6:40 I s' SWS1 X 9:00 It w THE MAN VKO IVOULD BE KITCG CUniisjilsi Fhraser HsimWliaEiEslflii " M-,,, Uj,.,ty ;i l,;fViM;.v ..st sj'ti-is t 1:20 3:20 5:20 7:20 9:20 am 7i h miii mi r-i-'-Hi i m ' iWHIi iinr- ---' ii i Wr'fflfiliT: m CO I O Ci Fri.-Sat 11:30 itiSiliiilliiT' J LATESHOW rVf FIRST 100 TICKETS TO EITHER LATESHOW $1.00 Box Office opens 10:30 Fri.-Sat. STARTS NEXT WEEK - TAXI DRIVER Calendar a er Porter Graham Lounge of the Union. The Carolyceum Radio Broadcasting Class wit! meet af 750 p.m. In the VYCAR studios. AH Interested persons are welcome. There will be a meeting of the Graduate and Professional Student Federation Senate at 730 p.m. in Room 209 of the Union. It is requested that all members and representatives b present at this meeting m order thai some crucial matters be resolved. The Chapel Hill Peace Center will hold an important action meeting at 730 p.m. In the Peace Center Office, 108 Purefoy Road (inside the Community church). The topic of Ihe meeting is "Criminal Justice in North Carolina; What Can We Do?" AH are urged to attend. AH members of AWS are urged to attend the meeting at 730 in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Union. Elections for next year's offices will be held. Dr. David L. Parnas, of the Technical University of Darmstadt, West Germany, wilt speak on The Design and Development of Program Families" at 2 p.m. in 324 Phillips Hall. Sponsored by the Depts. of Computer Science at UNC and Duke. Upcoming Events Intervarsity Christian Fellowship will sponsor an Ail Campus Square Dance from 730 p.m. to 1030 p.m. on Friday in the Tin Can. Shabbat dinner will be held at 6:30 this Friday at the Hiliel House. 210 W. Cameron SL Please call 942-4057 for reservations by noon on Friday. An inmate will speak on life in North Carolina prisons at 9:30 p. m. on Friday at the Hitlel House. The usual Coffee ... but this is better- n I AOCE3II Ua BE PREPARED FOR LASERIUM! !P. A SPACE ODESSEY SPECIAL H 8 2001 House writ follow. AM are invited. Dr. David L Pamas wlB speak on "Some Hypotheses About the Uses Hierarchy for Operating Systems" at 3 p.m. on Friday m 265 Phillips Halt A short reception wilt be held for Daniel Beit at 10 pjn. foitowing his speech on Friday night at the Newman Center (218 Ptttsboro Rd ). Everyone is Invited to come and meet Mr. Belt The Carolina Gay Association will present "Memories of Manhattan" Dance at 9 p.m. on Friday In the Cratge Coffee House. AB are welcome. The UNC Department of Germanic Languages will sponsor a Symposium on Expressionism this Friday and Saturday. Featured speakers will be Wolfgang Paulsen of the University of Massachusetts, who win open the symposium with a lecture at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, and Paul Rabe, Director of the WoHenbuttet Library, whose cioatng public lecture wiO be given at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. On Saturday there wiM also be shorter lectures and discussions and the showing of expressionistic films. Registration for the Symposium will begin at 2 p.m. on Friday at the Planetarium. A prize winning film "Antonia: Portrait of the Woman" and a series of panels on such subjects as Women's History by Way of Family, Sex Differences In Language Use, ERA and Property Tax Law in North Carolina and How Women Talk in Court will be parts of a research conference on "Women and Men: Changing Roles", to be held on Friday and Saturday at Duke University. The conference will open with the film at 7 p.m. on Friday in the Gross Chemistry Auditorium. Paneis and workshops will go on all day on Saturday in the Gross Chemistry Building. Y.O.G.A. offers a yoga seminar this Saturday and Sunday featuring Stephen Ticknor of Ohio. Seminar will be held In The Yoga Place" (above the Wildflower Kitchen). Call Laura Hainan 933-3283 for details. The Student Council for Exceptional Children will meet at 7 p.m. on Sunday In the Parker Dorm basement Program topic is "How to Get a Job". Refreshments will be served. DTH needs writers There will be a meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the Daily Tar Heel office for all people interested in being entertainment writers . for the DTH. Experience is advantageous but not essential. People interested in visual art, books, dance and theater are especially encouraged to come, but writers are needed in every field of the arts. from the wires of United Press International Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace said Wednesday he was satisfied with a second place finish to former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter but thinks he might have spent his time better in North Carolina. Wallace, meeting Carter for the second time in a Southern primary and trailing Carter in a statewide newspaper poll by the Raleigh News and Observer, said he thinks he has a "good chance" to finish first in North Carolina "before it's over with." In Washington, the White House announced that President Ford would return Saturday to campaign in four N.C. cities against former California Gov. Ronald Reagan. -Reagan, who contends much of his strength is in the South and East, opens his North Carolina effort Thursday morning and will campaign across the state through next Monday afternoon. Hurricane Carter to get new trial TRENTON, NJ. -Former middleweight boxing contender Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, convicted nine years ago on three counts of murder in a barroom shooting, was granted a new trial Wednesday by New Jersey's highest court. STARTS TOMORROW 3:05 5:05 7:05 9:05 JA1V.ESCGBUHN SUSANNAH YORK i v MC CABE Soldier-of-Fortune BeSt ACtOr-JACK Best Actress LOUISE FLETCHER Best Director MILOS FORMAN n O f7 i vt'"'CM.i i ' ELLEN Terrified Mother I 1111,1 .HI HI !,.,- II. I ..II I I. II.H.IIMHMMMM,. . I 1UII-II III H '"-"ii --ii ii ... mii - , -,-i, i, , -i in -mm mi-n ji . . I RiBErnCTItK ' i .-CCsJii,"''- ' The UNC Departrnent of Statistics presents Professor W L. slmiSSon-Tsien. -JJ Postscnpt to the Taik by D. Sgmuod" . I J lp m. 265 Phillips HaS. Refreshments w 6 ?red ' 3 30 p m 316 PhiiHp Hail. Israeli Foik Dancing at 4 p.m. on Sunday at the HUiel House. Items of Interest Students in the School of Education at UNC-CH who plan to student teach during the tan or spring semester 1376-1377 should attend an Important meeting at noon on March 25 in the Great Halt of the Union. SCAU comparison shoppers please pick up forms for Saturday. Anyone interested in helping should call Laura at 833-5316. Carolina Godiva Track Club has openings tor men and women of aM standards Interested in competition at Duke this weekend. If Interested please call 967-6817. ( rllu, lk.r and the Union Forum Committee will sponsor a writing workshop with John Berth on Saturday. March 27. Applications for the workshop are available at the Union Desk and are due on Monday. Manuscripts will also be considered for discussion. The Statewide Pre-Kindergarten Screening Program will be conducted at Odum Village Health Service during the week of March 22. The program offers tree testing ot developmental readiness, vision and hearing to any four year old (birthdate between Oct 16. 1370 and Oct 15. 1371). Parents are urged to call 933-2040 today and tomorrow morning for additional information. GRE (Graduate Record Exam) AprH 24. Applications need to be postmarked by March 24: fee is $10.50. Late fee until March 31 for an additional $4. Applications and information in the Guidance and Testing Center, Nash Hall (across from the Inn parking lot). DAT (Dental Admission Test) April 24. Applications need to be received in Iowa City. Iowa by March 29. $15.00 Pick up application and Dental School Admission Process in the PredentPremed Advising Office. 311 South Building or the Guidance and Testing Center. Nash Hall (across from the Inn parking lot). AADSAS cards arriving around April 1. MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) April 24 Applications need to be postmarked by March 29 (photograph required). $25. lair '" uimni uiir'irJ Pick up application and Mnluat Silul Admission frm-rw in the Premed Predent Advising Office. 311 South Building or the Guidance and Testing Center. Nash Hall (across from the Inn parking lot.) AMCAS packets will be available in early April in the same offices. Wallace says second okay Burrell Ives Humphreys, the Passaic County Prosecutor, said he was ready to retry Carter and co-defendent. John Artis. for the slayings June 17. 1966. while racial tensions were running high in Paterson. N.J. The two have maintained their innocence and their cause was taken up by such celebrities as heavyweight boxing champion M uhammad Ali, heavyweight contender Joe Frazier, singer Bob Dylan and writer Jimmy Breslin. Dylan wrote a song, entitled "Hurricane." proclaiming Carter's innocence. Bill will set new fishing limits WASHINGTON - House and Senate negotiators reached agreement Wednesday on legislation requiring foreign fishermen to get U.S. permits to fish within 200 miles ol American shores beginning March I. 1977. ,The compromise measure is expected to win quick final approval by. Congress ne! wee"k and President Ford has already saidk will sign it even though it was opposed by the State Department and the Pentagon. The legislation would not change the existing U.S. three-mile territorial boundan and its sponsors say it is intended only to protect offshore fisheries until action is taken on the international treatv. HELD OVER 3rd Big Week 2:00 3:45 If I 5:30 7:15 J5) love that shtrmedFranc LmJ 1m!mwmZmmm ' "" A n Allied A rtists Release i jV) NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED HELD OVER 2nd BIG WEEK NO PASSES 2:15 4:40 7:05 9:30 NICHOLSON si i . Verna Taylor..... Elizabeth F. Bailey... ... Business Mgr. Advertising Mgr.

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