ajT 0f 2 I The Oaily Tar Heel Tuesday. March 22. Repairs Supplies, equipment Fringe benefits- General expenses- Distribution of housing department funds 1 VJ Hi University housing complains that a limited hinders them from making repairs such as pictures. Dormitories to get repairs during 77 academic year Kenan dryers Mclver barbecue grill Alderman electric baseboard heat Triad paint interior, halls and baths Whitehead paint exterior Spencer new shower room with vents on second and third floors, roof, gutter, downspout, boxing, barbecue grill Stacy air conditioners (3), study-room carrels, TV room lights, lock on new door, basement kitchen floor tile, repair wall in lobby, interior solid-core doors Graham air conditioners (3), study room carrels, TV room lights, bulletion board Grimes new sewer line Ruffin new sewer line Mangum paint exterior Manly paint exterior Lewis paint basement TV room, interior metal frames and solid-core doors Everett paint halls, interior matal frames and solid-core doors Cobb hood up basement air conditioner, basement kitchen- panel, new exterior doors, roof repairs . . Classifieds Cost Only $1.50 The CAROLINA UNION Is Now Interviewing For Committee Chairpersons 1 . Forum - presents major speakers 2. Film - free flick series 3. Current Affairs - programs on immediate topics of interest 4. Recreation - organizessports and other recreational events 5. Social - dances, parties, coffeehouses, casino nights, etc. 6. South Campus - coordination of the two Unions programs, stimulation of interest in the South Campus Union 7. Special Projects - handles programs not falling under the jurisdiction of other committees 8. Gallery - plans art exhibitions in galleries of the Union 9. Performing Arts - programming of music and drama, including original productions, concerts and canned programs 10. Publicity - publicizing of the Union's programs 1 1 . Videotape - provides Union with interesting and informative videotape shows All interested, enrolled students are encouraged to apply for these positions. The term of office will run the 1977-1978 school year. Applications are available at the Union Desk, When returning the application, please sign up for an interview using the following schedule: March 21-25 - ForumPerforming Arts, Currents Affairs March 28-April 1 - South Campus, Publicity, Film, Special Projects April 4-9 - Recreation, Social, Videotape. Gallery Carolina 1977 -A- 7.3VoV !r-0 50.6 1 Salaries, wages I 24.9 ' Utilities 1 II PN 1 0 xx v f S Is I t I 5 I f f 1 I . 'I i - ' .1 r m I M SSN v 5- V - s JIS r 111 f 1 SasyjMSMMMii iii mill-mwwaiMMitMillt;sSwS Staff photos by BHI Russ maintenance staff is one obstacle that those apparently needed in these two Alexander roof repairs, replace shower stalls, new exterior doors, paint halls and baths -Connor same as Alexander Winston same as Alexander, plus new wall in basement, glass-enclosed bulletin board Joyner replace shower stalls Carr new exterior doors, new interior metal frames and solid-core doors Old East same as Carr ' Old West same as Carr James first floor lounge air conditioner, paint library and shelves Morrison electric baseboard heat and air conditioner, replace sewer drain line (eighth floor) Ehringhaus repair steamline in cafeteria North Campus security screens, new locks and cylinders South Campus-security screens, new locks and cylinders Victory Village Day Care Center new roof Odum Village TV antenna, C.S. Building kitchen, new locks and cylinders Public service announcements must be turned in to the box Union by 3:30 p.m. if they are to run the next day. Each item Activities Today Voter Registration: from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, at the Chapel Hill Municipal Bldg. and the Carrboro Town Hall, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Public Library. Address changes handled also. College Women in Broadcasting will hold elections for next year's officers at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in 1A Swain Hall. Members planning to go to Ocracoke this weekend should sign up for the trip in Swain Hall. , The Carolina Comic Fans Association will be having a meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, check at the Union Desk for the room number. AH members be there! The Board of Directors of Chapel Hill ECOS will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday. March 22, in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. All members and interested people are invited to come. The Curriculum In Folklore will sponsor a slide lecture on The A fro-American Tradition in the Decorative Arts" at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Greenlaw Hall 101. The speaker will be John Vlach, of the University of Maryland. The Carolina Forum will hold an important meeting at 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Room 206 of the Carolina Union to plan for the appearances of Alger H iss and William Colby. All members and interested students are urged to attend. The Faculty Group for Innovative Teaching will meet at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Room 213 of the Carolina Union. Mary Turner Lane, Director of Women's Studies, will speak on "The New Women's Studies Curriculum at UNC." The IRSS Short on "SPSS for Beginners, Session 1" will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in 212 Saunders Hall. orrrt repairs "Windows have been knocked out of the end doors in Everett, and some furniture has been messed up," Brueckner said. "Several years ago, the guys used to line up tables in front of the TB room window and slide people across them and out through the screen. We have an active dorm." Practical jokes can get to be pretty expensive. Materials and labor are expensive, and any repairs that are made are paid for from the housing budget. "One problem is that most students don't think housing shows much concern for dorm improvements," Personette said. "Maybe if the dorms were in nicer condition people would be more inclined to take good care of them." Kathy McSween, a Joyxier resident, concurs with the feeling that housing "is a department way out there that doesn't even care." Room sign-up strengthens this impression, McSween said. "Agitation and perseverance get things done" Kathy Tilley claims. "I kept badgering people until we finally got the improvements we wanted on our floor." Tilley also said many things are being done outside of the housing department by students who are willing to work to make things better. A limited maintenance staff is a hindrance in making daily repairs, Kossoff said. Carpenter Billy Taylor and plumber Jesse Ennis agreed with this assessment of the situation. "What it boils down to "Taylor said, "is that we are short-handed and way behind." "Students complain to us because we THE Daily Crossword ACROSS 1 Common viper 6 Pound down 10 Father or ladder 14 Ms. Doone 15 Genesis man 16 Bee locale 17 Minimal 18 Pro - 19 Kind of corner 20 Chair or band 21 Believer: suff. 22 Relish in gredients 24 Roz Russell part 23 Houston nine 30 Consumed 31 Crow or sand 34 Rash 35 Quoter u c 6 c (0 3 D 2 Z If O -6 2 lAIRjG0lNrTBEAjTnGlSAr1 ZZL-.ili.-5. S TAT EH 0 USEjAJ-lT NTTE JP A N E M A rT D 7i E N R A N 0 Mal E U A RH 0 "2 N jO S gowyeth"o o gTh a His G I V E0 H E NRYS s)no IT" 0 A L E S " A R 7T ALB'S E II AN N A gTCTa" noT? s"r" a r d a lTe N 0 S A N ' ELM? , , t , A1V I o"g R A I n! 0 OPERA dTeTa To l ath a i e r OUMfrLmUANUADlElR o D o (0 a n N 3 O. (0 (0 T3 D - v nr " is 77 ' T3 "J9 To ' IT TTW ' ' W 25 26 27 2029 30 Trprpr in irpr 37 w 39 Ta"T?rm ; - i,5 TJS W " " " I9" " 50 15.1 rcsrns 55 srsrpr 55 w in "" n n ' " TJ : "S3 "S5 " outside the 'DTH' offices in the Compiled by will run at least twice. Tenley Ayers Delta Sigma Phi will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in T-I Carroll Hall. The UNC Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in 204 Howell Hall.. Preparations for the banquet will be discussed. All members are required to attend. Are you ready for the new MCAT? Come to the MCAT review session on physics at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in 103 Berryhill Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta. The UNC Young Democrats will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in the South Gallery of the Carolina Union. Candidates for state-wide Y.D. offices will be present at the meeting. There will be a work session for the Second Annual Southeastern Gay Conference at 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, at the Friends Meeting House on Raleigh Rd., Volunteers are needed to help make another successful conference. The Chapel Hill Flying Club is holding its quarterly dinner and business meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Room 207 of the Carolina Union. This is a potluck dinner, and all persons interested in learning more about the club are invited to bring a dish and come. South Campus Movie Series presents James Dean in "Rebel without a Cause" and W. C. Fields in "Fatal Glass of Beer" at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Ehringhaus Coffeehaus. Free to all students. Refreshments will be sold. Upcoming Events The Dept. of Statistics presents D.K. Ray Chadhuri of Ohio State University on "Recent Results on Combinatorial Designs" at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in 265 Phillips Hall. Continued from page 1 . haven't fixed something. They don't seem to realize that we have to handle emergencies first," Ennis said. "One girl has been writing me love notes telling me how stupid I am because I haven't fixed her sink yet," Taylor said. A fundamental problem in getting things done involves what Kossoff called "a lack of coordination and communication among different levels in the department. You ask for an improvement and then you don't hear whether anything is being done or not." "People in the (housing) office don't know what's going on in the buildings," according to Billy Taylor. "You learn to be patient and roll with the punches," Kossoff said, "pushing when you think it will help" (in dealing with the housing office). Perry said he works hard at keeping communication lines open, "both vertically and horizontally," among the 121 people in the department. "Supervisory meetings are held with people from all levels for the purpose of establishing priorities, and memos from the office keep people informed of what is going on." The difficulty office personnel face in keeping track of repairs on 1,593,279 square feet in 29 dorms is understandable. This large area must be covered by a relatively small maintenance staff. Given these conditions, coupled with the rising cost of repair materials (which in turn lead to rising room rents), students need to be aware of the procedure for both large and small repairs in order to help the system work for them. Dy Ann amides 66 Ventilator 67 Ivan, e.g. 68 Drinkers 69 Slovenly DOWN 1 In the man ner of: It. 2 Active one 3 Shakespeare and Marlowe 4 Typeset ter's spaces 5 "Brother -" 6 Ankles 7 Subside 8 Had a ses sion 9 Soothe 10 Mold 11 Father - 12 Green or glade 13 Writes 21 Possessive 23 Baseball league 25 Samovars ' 26 Consider. carefully: Latin 27 Morning song 28Litup 29 Candidates' list 31 Cameo actors 32 Consent 33 Perch 35 Xmas song 36 UN agcy. 41 Not one: dial. 44 Accumulates 48 Truck 49 Complete 50 Ukase 51 Flower holders 52 Beat it! 53 Electrified particles 54 Heroic tale 57 Summer drinks 58 - Tyler Moore 61 Army man, for short 62 Beret 63 Hasten 37 "- to pre pare a -place ..." 38 Tibetan "seat of the gods" 39 Boxing name 40 Preface, for short 42 Hall-of-famer 43 The Red - 45 Ann and Kennedy 46 Westrum 47 Col.subj. 48 Oldtime villain 49 Chekhov opus 52 "- Carrie" 55 Rowan or Ouryea 56 Sweet potato 59 Garment 60 Etats -62 Bara 64 Angel: Fr. 65 homo! Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in 316 ' Phillips Hall. - Allied Health Colloquium presents John Bradley, project coordinator of Interdisciplinary Health Team Project, to speak on the topic "Chapel Hill's Health Team Project: Teaching Interdisciplinary Humanistic Practice" at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in 107 Berryhill Hall. Refreshments will be served at 3:45 p.m. The UNC Veterans Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in Room 206 of the Carolina Union. Members who worked our concession are urged to bring suggestions for a club-financed fling. The Carolina Indian Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, on the second floor of the. YM-YWCA Bldg. Important discussions on the upcoming Pow-Wow and Cultural Week, There will be a meeting of the N.C. Governor's School Alumni to collect the lists. If you cannot come, call 967-6038 or send someone to drop off your list with the names of the people you have contacted checked off. The collection will be from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in Room 202 of the Carolina Union. The first track meet of the Athletic Attic Track Series will be Wednesday, March 23. Entry fee is 25 cents at the Fetzer Field. Male and female athletes of all standards are welcome. Tel. 942 2561 or 933-1013 for further details. Sponsored by the Carolina Godiva Track Club. Items of Interest The UNC Table Tennis Club is sponsoring a tournament at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 26, in the Women's Gym. There will be three divisions: Open, Men's and Women's. Entry fee is 50 cents per division and trophies will be awarded. Call 942-7345 for further information. Deadline for entries is March 22. The new Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) applications for the April 30 test are $35. They must be postmarked by April 4. There is a new handout with information on admission for the fall of '78, an update of Chapter 5 m Predent, Premed, Preview Review View, available also. PredentPremed Advising Office, 311 South Bldg. and 101 Nash Hall When you bring Budweiser.... you've brought home ill the best! mmm ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. ST. LOUIS mm For Sate: 1 966 Chevy step van. Carolina blue. Fair con dition. Call Rex at 933-9608 after 6 p.m. Truck in'? '67 Dodge window van, very good condition, 318 engine, new transmission, only 6950. Call 929 9124. The best looking shirts on campus, forever a collectors item. Campus Chest T-Shirts, 93.00. Available from APO, basement of Smith Building, 10-4 daily. Basketballs and Shirts autographed by the 1 977 NCAA champion Tarheels, original artworks by John Branch and others, jewelry, more, Thursday, March 24, 7:00 p.m. Great Hall. 1974 Honda XL250. Good condition, low mileage. Must sell by May 1st to best offer over $450. Call 933 8791. Puppies, clocks, stereo cassette deck, leather goods, auto work, dinners, movie tickets, trips, anything and everything the Campus Chest Auction, 7:00 p.m. March 24, Great Hall. ABS-ROYALEX CANOE SALE! PERCEPTION, MOHAWK. INDIAN, 16' x 17' wood, aluminum, vinyl gun rials. 375. Order now for April Delivery. Get your Whitewater canoe now! Carl Howard at RIVER RUNNER'S EMPORIUM, 383-2106, 3160 Hillsboro. Durham. '3 MSU Male roommate needed to share expenses of furnished apt. Call after 5:00 967-7317. Female roommate wanted to share two bedroom apartment this summer. Call 967-9084. SUMMER JOBS IN CHARLOTTE Excellent oppor tunities for employment. Openings ter lifeguards, pool managers, swimming coaches and instructors. To app ly write W. B. Crittendon, Community Pool Service. P.O. Box 11102, Charlotte, N.C. 28209. Include qualifications, related experience, recent photo. TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS - for seasonal, outdoor clubs; require good playing and teaching background. Call (301) 654-3770, or send complete resume to: Col. R. Reade, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1011. Chevy Chase. MD 200 1 5 . Summer Jobs: Our fifty state-2000 plus summer employers catalogue (America's largest) with Master application form only 2. Sumchoice, Box 645, State College, PA 16801. OVERSEAS JOBS summeryear-roupd. Europe. S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields. 500-1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. Write: International Job Center, Dept. NL, Box 4490. Berkeley, CA 94704. TEACHING POSITION AVAILABLE for 1 977-1 978. Reform Jewish religious school. Sunday mornings.. Openings at all levels, art, and music. Please call Mrs. Krigman (Chapel Hill) 929-6544 after 4 p.m. or (Durham) Rabbi Voff ie 489-7062 or 489-3280. Summer Work 4.25hr. prescribed activity. Statewide opening with "ALCOA" all major interview MARCH 23 onfy. 3:55 Room 210 Haynas Hall. Be prompt. Accountant-Night Auditor Position. Accountant Night Auditor to audit records for workshops and ' conferences at Granville Towers. Compensation includes salary, furnished apartment, and meals. Mid May through mid-August. Hours 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. Telephone Charles Douville, Granville Towers South, University Square, 929-7143 and request an appointment for an interview. EOE-M.F. Wanted: Students to use U-Haul to carry furniture from Chapel, Hill to Wilmington & Wilmington to Chapel Hill some weekend before exams. Phone 929 1795. 966-5454. Update handout for dental admissions for fall of 1978 are now available in the PredentPremed Advising Office, 311 South Bidg. and 101 Nash Hall. If you haven't picked up the application for the April 30 DAT pick that up too and send it in. DAT applications must be RECEIVED in Chicago by AprU 4. College Women In Broadcasting is changing its official organization title to College Students in Broadcasting (national policy from CWB chairman) effective fall 1977. "Give to the American Cancer Society": Alpha Epsilon Delta will be collecting for the American Cancer Society this week from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Carolina Union. AWS members who are Women's Forum delegates or who want to be, leave name in the AWS office of the Carolina Union. Call 933-2165 for more information or sign up. All interested students are encouraged to apply for chairpersons of the Carolina Union Committees. Applications and- information concerning the committees can be obtained at the information desk at the Union. Applications are due March 28. Please sign up for an interview when you pick up your application. The UNC Club Football is holding spring workouts each day this week at 5:15 p.m. on Eagles Field behind the General Administration Bldg. on Raleigh Rd. near Glen Lennox. Applications for 1977-78 Undergraduate Court Panel are available in Suite C of the Carolina Union. Be sure to sign up for an interview when you pick up your application. Any rising senior interested in serving as a marshal at graduation exercises Sunday, May 15, should contact Jeff Price at 933-2506, Doug Markham at 933-2431, Mary Jo Southern at 933 0417 or Jan Sasser at 933-4222 by Thursday, March 24. The YM-YWCA Committee on Undergraduate Education would like to thank those people who responded to the 1500 surveys sent out before Spring Break. Although the deadline for turning the survey out before Thursday, March 3 we would liek to encourage anymore surveys to be turned in by Friday, March 25. ill!! iualftxo i Li Summer job Creative babysitterwanted for 2 and 6 yr old. faculty family, from 30 May or 13 June to S August; 100 for 40-hr wk. Experience necessary; early childhood education student perhaps. Creativs activities, transportation, supervision at swimming pool, and some housekeeping expected. Near Estes and Franklin intersection. Call 929-6607 after 5 Pm. BIRTHCHOICE Prolrfe Pregnancy Counseling 942 3030. Monday through Friday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Beckers Electronix Co. CB and stereo repair. Opening March 22 108 Henderson St. We buy and sell used equipment. Why not letCorkie and Kay serve you biscuits with breakfast? Also try the surprise DOLLAR LUNCHES from the regular menu, at least 2 days a week, at The College Cafe. Cheap Group Flight to Europe after graduation. Ticket valid for one year. Book early. Space is limitsd! Call 929-7283 for further information and reservations. Wanted Research subjects (malefemale, any egs) who have had what they consider either a serious psy chological disturbance, a physical disturbance (acci dent, disease) or no serious disturbance in their lives. Subjects needed about one hour to complete en anonymous questionnaire on philosophical attitudes. Can 933-6841. Cash for your unwanted rock, jazz albums and 45's. Also, sell, trade. PRESTWICK MUSIC. 1 05 N. Columbia St. (above Big Walh's). Monday-Friday 10-5. 929 7205. SINGLES ONLY! HESHE . . . Chapel Hill's own dating service . . . would like to turn you on to a good deal. For a very nominal service fee, we'll process your application and crossmatch you with five other compatible applicants of the opposite sax. If we can't match you satisfactorily, you pay nothing. Our guarantee is that simple. We can't please everyone, but ' we're trying. If you're a single, social male or female, over 1 8, and interested in an exerting, fun alternative to meeting other compatible singles in this area, why not send for our brochure? If yours free for this ad and your stamped, self -addressed envelope. HESHE, BOX 1109. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Wanted: Students from Hoke Co. to complete 20 minute form for Prof. Brandee. Room 212 Bingham or phone 933-5050 or 929-1795. No names on forms. MIKE'S Stupendous Star Trek Sales 1977 Catalog will be ready in April order one now before supply runs out. 75C. Contact Mike Hugo. 740 James, or call 933 4752 nights to learn how you can benefit from Mike's two years of operation in ST f andom. Dear friend who wasn't at the Post Office and didn't meet me Thursday at 4:30: I'm furious! Are you playing games? Please call. Volunteers wanted for psychology experiment in volving treatment for single men who feel uncomfor table in social situations with women. Call UNC Psy chology Dept.. 933-6593. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. IN ST A -COPY, offset printing St quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our ' fast service and low price on theses work. INSTA : COPY, corner of Franklin Si Columbia (over the Zoom), ,929-2147. (EUROPE' via PenAm 707. Less than 1 2 Economy Fare. CaU toB free (6-9 pm) (800) 325-4867 or see your travel agent. 60-day advance payment required. Unitravel .Charters. ... Lost: My Sasha! Will the male who took the grayish kitten from the Record Bar March 17. please return her! 942-2427. Lost: Reward. Small black Labrador Retriever, female. Wearing a white collar, small split in tip of tongue, 96ft 6171 or 933-7465.

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