Thursday, August 4. 1977 The Tar Heel 13 This year's Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award (in the form of a bowling pin with a broken arm) goes to our Editor, Joni Peters, who not only broke her arm while performing feats of daring at the Carolina Union Bowling Lanes, but also managed to get this last edition of the Summer Tar Heel out on time, well almost. Iilliillii IIBlll llllilPill Presented affectionately by the Fickle Finger of Fate Committee: Nancy C, Sara, Anna K Jeanne, Allen, LX., Skip, Will, Howard, Joseph , Nancy H., Amy, Meredith, Stephen, Laura, Verna, Blair, Claire, Dan, the faithful gang in composition: Kathy, Ada, Carlean, Eyvonne, Martha, Marsha, Robert S. Janet, Judy, Bob J., Roger and ;Hintons raiders. Serving Tarheels Hearty Salads, Robust Sandwiches and better Beers & Wines. Evenings at Harrison's . . . Join us for Lively Free Music with Beer & Wine Selected as a Gourmet's Choice by the Franklin Street Gourmet Across the Street and Down the Stairs. 149'2 Franklin St. APPROPRIATE DRESS REQUIRED AFTER 8 P.M. HIT IT ii hi ,if iPN &1PFfl r " III If II ' m :p jU II mom an American liar WW "s HOURS; Seruing Food Mon-Sat. 11:30 a.m. -9 p.m. Bur Open 1 J:30 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon-Sat Sunday 8 p.m.-2 a.m.